Stars in the Sand (9 page)

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Authors: Richard Tongue

Tags: #military, #SF

BOOK: Stars in the Sand
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 She hung from a ceiling bar, looking around the bridge, “You realize there is a chance we could be captured. They’d send you right back to one of the resource worlds.”

I thought about that. Alamo’s going back, so even if we don’t make it home, my folks will know what happened to me, and the Fleet will do something to get us home.”

If they can.”

Isn’t the Fleet doing just that now? You’re telling me that Captain Marshall is the only one who would send off a mission like this?”

 Shaking her head, she said, “No, there are a few others who would have a try.”

 He started to flick switches on the console, then said, “I’m going to need to visit the station tailor, though. I don’t think I can wear this on the bridge, and I’d like something comfortable. Something else – I know we’re not supposed to take anything Triplanetary on board, but do you think anyone would mind if I updated the software in the food processors?”

The food processors?” Orlova asked. “Why?”

You haven’t gone down to the mess yet, then. I thought Alamo’s systems were bad until
attempted to eat lunch.”

The freighter crews managed.”


 Frowning, she said, “If I was inspecting the ship, looking for signs that the crew wasn’t who they were meant to be, the food systems is one of the places I would look.”

We’re installing a new countermeasures package, Lieutenant,” Spinelli said from the rear.

That’s different, Spaceman,” she replied. “Electronic warfare programs hide themselves by their very nature. If we’re flying around with a Triplanetary food system, it could raise too many questions.”

Go down and have a sandwich, then talk.”

We can take on food, though. As long as it isn’t labeled, and we use it up fairly quickly,” she said. “In fact, we should trade for it as we go; I bet the freighter’s crew did that all the time. It’ll make it look more realistic.”

I’ll head over to Alamo and order three month’s worth of packed lunches.”

Good. We can use some more trade goods.”

That’s a point,” Weitzman said, “We’re carrying spices and herbs, aren’t we.”

No breaking into the cargo,” Orlova said. “There are hungry miners out there ready to pay well for that stuff.”

 Orlova heard a cough from behind her; she turned to see that Marshall had drifted in, and immediately snapped to attention, along with everyone else on the bridge. He raised a hand, looking around.

I appreciate this, but while we’re in flight, you’d better make sure not to do that, even when we’re alone. The last thing we need is someone slipping. First-name terms while we’re in flight.”

Aye, s...Skipper,” Orlova said. “I think that’s probably about the best you’re going to get.”

I can live with that. Can I have a word, Maggie?”

Sure,” she replied, drifting out into the corridor behind him. He waited for a moment for the door to close, then looked around to make sure that no-one was listening.

I’ve had a word with Deadeye about this, and I’ve come to a decision. I want you to be my second-in-command for this mission.”


Didn’t I tell you not to call me that?” he said with a smile. “Caine doesn’t want the job anyway, not really, and you’ve got more command experience than she has…”

And ten years’ less seniority.”

That doesn’t make any difference to me, not with this mission. What is important is that that if I don’t make it, the crew has the best chance possible to get home, and I think you will give them that chance.”

I don’t know what to say.”

You can curse me, if you like. This isn’t a pleasant job I’m giving you. Caine will handle Tactical on the way out, Nelyubov Operations, or whatever will pass for it.”

I’m honored, Skipper. I mean that.”

As I said, it isn’t an honor, it’s a duty, and a damned unpleasant one at that. I’ll do my best not to make this any worse than necessary. I promise not to do something stupid and get you killed.”

 Smiling, she said, “So Frank’s going, then?”

Yes, I’ve got the officers picked. Most of the crewmen, as well, though I’m still working on the last three or four. Ten left to choose from.”

Plenty of applicants, then.”

Much to my surprise, yes. Looks like quite a few of the crew are willing to follow us into another lion’s den.” He gestured back towards the bridge, “I’m heading back to Alamo now, see if I can clear my desk
my father. I’ll see you at the surprise party.”

What surprise party?”

The one you, Caine and Quinn haven’t organized on the station as a send-off.”

Oh,” she replied. “That surprise party.”

Don’t worry, I think it’s an excellent idea.” He glanced down at his watch, then said, “See you later.”

Aye, skipper,” she said, turning back to the bridge, drifting through the door as he headed back down the corridor. She looked around at the stations, lost in thought for a moment, a hundred things running through her head. Nelyubov turned from his work towards her, frowning.

Everything all right, Maggie?”

Yes,” she replied, nodding. “Everything’s fine. You’re definitely going, by the way.”

Good,” he said. “I don’t think this is a party I want to miss.”

Let’s get everything cleared up here, then. We’ve still got a lot of work to do in the next couple of days if we’re going to meet the Captain’s deadline. Weitzman, Spinelli, hurry up and get that console configured before I have to come over there and issue a judgment of Solomon. Frank, chase up Race and see how long it’s going to take him to update the astrographic database.”

You’re beginning to sound like a Captain again,” Nelyubov said with a smile.

Let’s hope for all our sakes that it doesn’t come to that,” she replied, swinging over to the command couch. She settled in, and started configuring it to her settings, saving them as she went, hoping that this was just going to be unused data in the system.

Chapter 9


 The sound of laughter and music echoed down the corridor as Marshall walked towards the recreation room that Caine had hijacked for the party. Alamo had been all but deserted when he finally managed to clear his desk, staffed only by a somewhat resentful skeleton crew. He clutched his holdall in his hand, swinging it as he walked; he’d be going right from the party to Ouroboros, departure time scheduled in just eighteen hours – almost a day ahead of schedule, but that day could make the difference between success and failure.

Captain Marshall?” a quiet voice said to him, making him jump. He turned to see Ixia, one of the Neander who had shipped out on Hercules for her
battle, nursing a toolkit in her hands.

What can I do for you?”

I’ve been asking around, and I understand that one of the volunteers for your mission has to stay behind.

 He nodded, replying, “Yes, Hollister broke his leg this morning. Nothing serious, but he’ll need to knit it in gravity if he ever wants to walk properly again.”

I would like to take his place.”

 Marshall frowned, regarding her more closely. She seemed eager, yet nervous, as though she was desperate for him to agree, but equally hoping that he would reject her application.

There are grave enough risks for us. Wouldn’t you be returned to slavery if we were caught?”

 She shook her head, replying, “Do not concern yourself with that, Captain. I will be executed immediately as an example to others of my people.”

 His eyes widened, and he said, “Then why do you want to take such a risk?”

Because someone must,” she replied. “This world, Driftwind, is special. One of the few places where my people walk free, their heads held high. There are hundreds of thousands, maybe millions, held in subjection throughout the Cabal. I believe that you and your fleet may hold the key towards their freedom, and if I can help you in any small way, it will be but scant repayment for that.”

Ixia, I can’t promise anything. I’ll try, and I’m certain that the Senate will be sympathetic, but I’m less sure that they will authorize a full-scale war against the Cabal, especially if we can prevent it by other means.”

 Her eyes fixed on him, seemingly full of wisdom, “I know your people better than you, perhaps, Captain. If your government decides that it dare not risk war, there are those among you who would venture such a task.”

Are you certain you want to do this?”

More than I have ever been.”

Request approved. I’ll have a word with Maggie.” He smiled, then said, “How do you feel?”


Don’t worry. So am I. Shall we go in and enjoy the party?”

 She looked at the crowds, and shook her head, “I’d rather start moving my things onto Ouroboros, if you don’t mind.”

Your life is your own; go where you wish.”

 Shaking her head, she replied, “That has not been true for
a long time
. Perhaps it is again.”

 He watched her walk down the corridor, a spring in her step that had not been there before, and for a moment paused at the threshold of the party, looking at the celebrating crew. This was more than just a send-off, it was a catharsis, an affirmation that they had survived one crisis. And now he was taking a portion of his crew into another one, this one a gamble as large as that which had taken Alamo out here in the first place.

 Caine, over by the sound system, saw him hanging around by the door and bounded over, delegating the music duties to a wandering life support technician nursing a glass of something non-regulation, then snatched his arm.

Come on, Danny, you’re going to enjoy yourself this evening.”

 Sighing, he nodded, and stepped into the room, allowing himself to be ushered around the crowd. The music was deafening, probably loud enough to be heard all the way through the station, but he caught snatches of population, brief glimpses into the personal lives of his crew. He found it oddly fascinating to listen to the gossip, to the conversations and arguments of lovers.

Captain,” Grogan said, spotting his interested, “We were just discussing shore leave. Tell this ass that Aeolis Mons beats anything on Callisto for free climbing.”

You’ve never been to the Gomul Crater, obviously,” a medical technician, Avilov, replied. “Sheer terror all the way.”

I did a little when I was training,” Marshall replied, “but never at that level. I did some climbing at the Xanthe Montes, but that was just for gliding. That’s where you get the real terror. Nothing but a few pounds of wing-surface between you and your last crash landing.”

I tried that once,” Avilov said, “last time I was on furlough. Just a run down the Canyon, though.”

Everyone does that. You want to get out into the high plains, into some of the mountain ranges. They might not be much to climb, but when you’re soaring over them, you get one hell of a view.”

 A figure moved up behind him; he turned to see Mulenga standing over his shoulder, a pair of drinks in his hands.

Could I trade a glass of punch for a moment of your time, Captain?”

Excusing himself from the friendly argument, he took a sip of the drink, surprised that it had not yet been spiked, and said, “How can I help you?”

The crew list…”

I’m sorry, I can’t make any exceptions. Anyway, Alamo will need you to work out the best route through the Shrouded Stars.”

I understand that, Captain. That isn’t my problem.”

Then what is it?”

You’re taking Cantrell with you.”

 He frowned briefly, then said, “She’s only a Spaceman Third; she can’t be that critical to your department.”

That is precisely the problem, sir. She isn’t at all critical to my department. Frankly, I was going to recommend she be transferred to shore-side duties when we get back.”

What’s wrong with her?”

 Mulenga glanced around before quietly replying, “She’s just not good at her job. Worst analyst I’ve got,
y a long way, and sloppy at maintenance as well. I don’t know who passed her through Basic, but I suspect it wasn’t her skill that got her through.”

That’s quite a serious charge, Lieutenant.”

I mean it, sir.”

Have you spoken with her about it?”

Repeatedly. The last time with Lieutenant Zebrova present. I was planning to invite you to
sit in on the next meeting.”

I see.” To call Mulenga’s command style relaxed was the understatement to beat them all; he’d never heard the Astrogator this concerned about someone before. “And I haven’t been brought into the loop on this because…”

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