Stay With Me Tonight: A Drake Brothers Series (PART 1) (6 page)

BOOK: Stay With Me Tonight: A Drake Brothers Series (PART 1)
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              “Yes, Bellamy, I would love to join you for dinner and then afterwards we'll see... ”

              “Great, then I will pick you up at your place at 7:00.  May I have your address?”

              “6724 West Oak Street.”  I gave in.  He would've gotten my address from Human Resources anyway.

              “Okay, sweetheart.  I have to get back before someone wonders where I've been this whole time.”

              He cupped my cheek with his hand and ran his thumb along my jaw as I licked my plump lips.

              “Don't do that or I will never make it back to my office today,” he said through gritted teeth.

              “Okay, see you tonight then.”

              He turned the door handle to exit the room, but then he quickly turned back to me and said, “I look forward to your company this evening, Miss Conrad.”

              My breath hitched, but before I could respond, he was gone.



Chapter Seven


What are you doing Kate?  Completely unprofessional.  Completely irresponsible.  Completely, maybe just a little bit out of your mind.  But Bellamy is so hot.  So fucking gorgeous and now he's my boss.  You are fucking your boss.  What is the matter with you!  This cannot end well.  End.  Will it end?  Of course it will.  Nothing lasts forever... then I will be out of a job and probably the topic of the office slut who screwed Mr. Drake.  Then when it cooled down, he fired her.  Threw her right out on her ass.  First shot at a decent career completely ruined by fucking the boss. Whatever, the damage has already been done.  There was no turning back now.  What else have I got to lose?

              I rolled my eyes at my thoughts.
I turned and leaned my back against the door.  I stared at the ceiling for a moment.  My heart raced.  I waited a few minutes then slipped out of the empty office.  I walked straight out the front doors and bolted to my car.

              I spent most of the afternoon in a panic over what had happened and how this guy I had a one night stand with had so quickly become my boss.  I called Rachel to tell her that I wouldn't be having to move home after all.

              “Hey Rach, It's Kate.”

              “Hey lady!  How was the interview?”

              “It was good.  It was great actually.  I got the job!”

              “See Katie, I told you they'd be stupid not to hire you.”

              “Well there's more.  So you know that guy, Bellamy, from the other night at Incognito?  Well the day you left, I went out with our sister's to The Bull and I bumped into him again.”

              “Ohhhh girl.  Seriously?  It must be fate!  Wait... did you do the nasty with Mr. dirty talk?!”

              “Well, yes... I broke every rule in my book and went home with him that night.  He was amazing in bed.  He has the biggest cock I have ever seen.  The sex was insane.  So I let him have his way with me and then I left after he fell asleep.  You know my rule about not sleeping over.”

              I paused before basically blurting the rest out because there really was no pretty way to put it.

              “So I went to my interview today and after I was offered the job, the VP introduced me to the CEO.  So
would have it that Bellamy's last name is Drake as in Drake Dynamics as in I have already committed the worst work sin ever.  I have already slept with my boss, who is Bellamy Drake, the CEO of the biggest marketing and advertising firm on the east coast.  And to top it all off, I went and had to look sleazy by leaving in the middle of the night to avoid the walk of shame the next morning.”


              I could tell she was shocked and didn't really know how to respond.

              “Okay well before you say any thing... I may have also let him fuck me in an empty office after I got the job today.  I'm a dirty whore, aren't I?”

              “KATE!  Holy shit... you bad girl.  No.  You're not a whore.  I mean you slept together again so now it's no longer
a one night stand.  Don't be so hard on yourself.”

              I let out a huge sigh.

              “And he's taking me out to dinner tonight.”

              “See, you've got nothing to worry about, Katie.  Mr. dirty talk likes you and if he's taking you out on a date then there's clearly more on his agenda for the two of you than just screwing around.”

              “I guess.  Thanks, Rach.  Listen, we'll talk again soon.  I need to go start getting ready now.  Love you.”

              “Love you too, bitch.”

              I started to get ready around 6:00.  I wore a colorful mini dress with a high cut neck line and nude heels. I left my hair down in loose tousled curls.  The door buzzed at seven on the dot.  I peeked out the curtains to the ground floor door.  It wasn't Bellamy.  It was an older gentleman in a black suit.  A black town car was parked at the curb.  I answered the buzz.


              “Good evening Miss Conrad. My name is Jefferson Andrews.  Mr. Drake has sent me to fetch you for dinner,” he spoke in a European accent that I couldn't quite put my finger on.

Lovely he can't even pick me up himself?
I thought.

              “Thank you Mr. Andrews.  I will be right down.”

              “Very well Miss Conrad.”

              I grabbed my green clutch, floofed my hair a bit, and took one quick glance in the mirror that hung on the wall near the door.  I took the elevator down from my third story apartment and stepped out into the musky evening air.  Mr. Andrews waited at the door to the town car.  He took my hand and helped me into the back seat.  As we pulled away from the curb I kind of wondered where we were going.

              “Mr. Andrews?”

              “Please, call me Jefferson, Miss Conrad.”

              “Right... Jefferson.  Where is Bellamy?  Where are we going?”

              “I apologize Miss Conrad, I have been given strict instructions not to tell you anything except that Mr. Drake has planned a very special evening for the two of you.”

              I pursed my lips and folded my hands in my lap.  The sun was just beginning to set as we neared Bay Street and the sky was a beautiful shade of pink and orange.  I still had no idea what we were doing for the evening other than he said '
'.  At that moment, Mr. Andrews pulled into the prestigious Charleston Yacht Club.  The town car stopped and Mr. Andrews got out and opened the door for me.

              “Have a good evening Miss Conrad,” he said to me as I walked towards the front doors.

              The Charleston Yacht Club was an invitation-only six-figure salary club of the most elite individuals in Charleston.  It didn't really surprise me that Bellamy was a member.  There was a formal function that appeared as if it had just started in the club house.  I scanned the main room for Bellamy, but I didn't see him.  I finally noticed the maître d' near the far end of the long bar.

              “Excuse me, sir, do you know where I can find Bellamy Drake?”

              The maître d' didn't say a word, he simply pointed in the direction behind me.  I turned my head slowly to look behind me.  I didn't see him.  I turned back to the maître d' and he pointed once more.  I turned my head to look again and it was then that I saw him.  He was outside on the dock, leaning up casually against a large white yacht.  Just then he looked up and our eyes locked onto one another.  I smiled and he smiled back and gave a curt nod.  He motioned his hand as if in a manner to say '
come join me
'.  I smoothed my dress with my clammy hands and then grasped my clutch tightly as I made my way to the door.  The sun had finally set and as I opened the door to walk towards the dock, the warm evening air greeted me.  I strolled slowly towards Bellamy.  When I reached the end of the dock, I glanced at the back of the yacht. 
was printed in a strong masculine font.  '
' I thought.  When I reached Bellamy, neither of us spoke a word.  He offered his hand to help me onto the massive yacht.  When our fingers first grazed each other, it was if lightening went straight to my core. 
Why did this man effect me like this

              “Hello, Kate,” he finally spoke.

              “Hi Bellamy.” I smiled.

              He guided me inside of the first level.  The sitting area was adorned with long white leather sofas covered in burgundy pillows.  There was a large dark wood coffee table that sat in the middle.  Bellamy watched contently as I checked the place out.  He stood near the entry way propped up against the door frame.  His hands were in his pockets when I turned to look at him.

              “This is the nicest boat I have ever seen.”

              “Thank you.  I work hard.  You know what they say... so I can play hard.”

              He winked at me.  I smiled and silence filled the room again.  A few awkward moments passed where nothing was said.

              “So....” I trailed on.

              Bellamy pushed off the door frame with his shoulder.

              “We're going to cruise the coastline.  Dinner will be on the deck shortly.  Would you like a glass of wine?”

              “Yes, please.”

              “I have cab and chardonnay”

              “I'll have the cabernet.”

              Bellamy walked towards the other side of the room and picked up a bottle off of the bar.  He grabbed the corkscrew and began to twist it into the cork.  The muscles in his forearms flexed and I couldn't take my eyes off of him.  He looked up out of the corner of his eye and caught my stare.  I looked away quickly.

              “Please, don't stop if you like what you see...” he mused.

              My cheeks flushed and I turned my head to try to hide it.

              He brought me the glass of wine.  As I took it from him, our fingers grazed each others once again.  I wondered if he felt it too.  I looked at the glass and our fingers as they touched.

              “You're so intriguing, Kate.  I can't get you out of my head.”

              I looked up and he gazed into my eyes.  I took a small sip of the wine and licked my lips as I pulled the glass away from my mouth.  He took the glass from my hand and laid it on the table next to the sofa.

              “Can I kiss you?”

              My lips had been ready for him since the moment I stepped onto the boat, but I was in such a fog that all I could do was nod.  His lips crashed onto mine.  He was an amazing kisser.  His lips were soft, but the kiss was primal.  It showed me everything he hadn't said.  His hands went to either side of my face as he intensified the kiss.  Our tongues danced together and I started to wonder where this kiss was going when the sound of a throat clearing shook us from the moment.

              “Excuse me, Mr. Drake... I am sorry to interrupt, but dinner is served,” a beautiful brunette stood in the entry way.

              Bellamy ran a hand quickly through his hair.  He took my hand in his.

              “Thank you, Beth,” Bellamy said as we made our way to the deck.

              “Mr. Drake, I am going below now.  The bar is fully stocked and dessert is in the chiller.  Peter is at the helm and has set the course for tonight.  He should be pulling out shortly.  Have a lovely evening.  If you need anything at all, please buzz me,” Beth smiled at Bellamy as she made her way to the stairs that led down to the lower cabin of the boat.

              The way she smiled at him made me want to claw her eyes out.  Was I jealous?  I couldn't be.  She was the hired help and I was the one he was wining and dining and... other things.  Beth was beautiful and it made me wonder if that was why he had hired her.  I was attracted to her beauty, so I am sure Bellamy was as well.  Bellamy led me to the deck and pulled the chair out for me to sit.  Bellamy took his seat next to me.  Plate covers blanketed the dishes.

              “So, whats for dinner?” I questioned.

              Bellamy lifted the plate covers in unison and just like in a movie, warm air with the scent of... pizza filled the air.

              “Pizza?!” I laughed.

              “What?” Bellamy joked with a smile.

              “Not just any pizza, but my favorite pizza.  I wanted to share my favorite pizza with you,” he beamed.

              “Well it smells amazing.  What kind is it?” I asked.

              “Prosciutto, goat cheese, olive oil, roma tomatoes, garlic, pesto.”  He licked his lips as a sign he was ready to dig in.

              We noshed on the pizza and it was delicious.  Probably one of the best pizzas I had ever eaten.  It was not a romantic meal by any means, in fact it was pretty laid back which I enjoyed.  I had been a ball of nerves before the date.  Worrying that I was much too normal and much too laid back to keep up with Bellamy's high priced lifestyle.  But somehow he made me feel at ease.  He made me feel like none of that mattered.  We talked a lot during dinner and enjoyed getting to know one another.  I told him about how I was in a sorority in college and how I had almost given up on finding a job in Charleston.  He told me about his childhood and how he became so established at such a young age.  The more we spoke, the more I began to notice how he was pretty much a normal guy.  Although, his power and money still intimidated me.  In my mind, I constantly went back and forth trying to figure out why he was so interested in me.  He could probably have any girl he wanted, but why me?  Once we finished the pizza, we enjoyed cruising the Carolina coast at a slow pace.  It was beautiful to watch the sea of lights from the city in the distance.  We could be anyone we wanted to be out here on this yacht.  We were completely alone.  I had almost forgotten that Peter was even on the yacht with us.  If he hadn't chimed in on the yacht's intercom, I would've completely forgotten he was even there.

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