Stealing Candy (30 page)

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Authors: Allison Hobbs

BOOK: Stealing Candy
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“He wanted to pay ten stacks. I wanted to laugh in his Spanish-looking face. But I did tell him that I had a baby for sale—”

Flashy gasped at the mention of Skittles’ baby. He jerked around to make sure she was sound asleep. Relieved that Skittles was snoring, Flashy asked, “Does he have enough to buy the baby?”

“He wasn’t interested. He’s feenin’ for Lollipop, so you know I’m gonna milk him for every dollar he’s got. But in the meantime, he’s gon’ put me on with some dudes who are into that type of thing. You know…mufuckas with serious dough. Dudes who get their kicks off of having sex with babies.”

Sex with babies!
Gianna covered her mouth to stifle a scream.

“He said he’s gon’ put the word out. I told him that baby is worth at least fifty grand. If he can find me a buyer, he won’t have to bid on Lollipop no more. I’ll sell him her services at a fixed rate.”

Bullet turned the key in the ignition. Pushing the pedal to the floor, he skidded out of the parking spot and then roared down Bethel Road.

“Why don’t you wake up the whole neighborhood?” Flashy said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

“What’s your problem, man? Why you always gotta be acting like a lil’ bitch? What? You mad cuz you wasn’t included in the transaction?”

“Newsflash! There wasn’t any transaction. And let me tell you
something else… We are not in the city of Chester or the city of Philadelphia. This little borough is called Chester Township, and the cops in this neck of the woods don’t have shit to do except hand out speeding tickets to fools like you.”

“Fuck these hillbilly cops. I’ma drive the way I want to.”

“You sound so stupid.” Flashy shook his head.

“Fuck you.”

“You need to slow the fuck down, Bullet!” Flashy yelled as Bullet increased his speed.

“Don’t tell me how to drive my whip.”

“If you don’t drive like you have some sense, the next dollar you earn is gonna come from selling loose cigarettes in the state pen. These township cops have all the time in the world to listen to you try to come up with an explanation for why you have three minor girls in the back seat of your car.”

Quickly coming to his senses, Bullet slammed on the brakes, causing Gianna to lurch forward, jostling her about. Her bandaged finger hit the back of Bullet’s seat and began to pulse.

Tires screeched loudly as Bullet slowed down the car.

Bubbles and Skittles woke with a start. Groggily, they rubbed their sleepy eyes, but didn’t utter a sound.

Exhausted and demoralized, they sat helplessly mute, knowing better than to question anything that Bullet said or did.

It had been a grueling night of unending sexual abuse. No longer chemically restrained, Bubbles and Skittles were kept docile and compliant by the threatening appearance of Bullet’s serrated knife.

Additionally, each girl had experienced the terror of being shot at while her body was roped to a tree.

And Gianna’s partially amputated finger was a powerful deterrent to any acts of rebelliousness that might have entered their heads.


“Pain.” Gianna whispered the complaint.

Skittles patted Gianna’s thigh comfortingly.

Bubbles looked at the bandaged finger and grimaced as if she were experiencing Gianna’s pain.

Neither Bullet nor Flashy heard Gianna’s soft cry.

“You’re feeling yourself, nigga,” Flashy continued to rant. “All that money we pulled in tonight done went to your head.”

Bullet made a snorting sound. “These coupla stacks ain’t about nothing.”

“Couple of stacks, my ass. That auction pulled in exactly three thousand and seven hundred dollars.” Flashy rolled his eyes again. “Do not try to play with my money because I counts every dollar. Yes, indeed.” Feeling self-satisfied, Flashy clapped his manly hands. Next, he began to bounce his shoulders like he was in church getting hit by the Holy Ghost, over and over.

“Whatever, man. I gotchu. Ain’t nobody tryin’ to steal nothing from you.”

“Uh-huh,” Flashy said doubtfully.

“Stop frontin’,” Bullet said with insincere laughter. “You gon’ get your fair share when we get back to the crib.”

“I know mufuckin’ well, I’m gon’ get mine.” Flashy twisted his neck, his Adam’s apple bobbing excessively as he continued his verbal tirade.

“Don’t get it twisted, nigga. I’m the one who set up that damn
auction. You were hustling all stupid before I stepped up the game. I’m gonna let you slide and consider that statement about a couple of stacks as a slip of the tongue. But lemme find out you trying to beat me outta my cut—” Flashy did a theatrical shivering motion and another finger pop to announce his final statement. “I will shut shit down in a heartbeat. Believe that!”

“Chill out, man.” The scowl on Bullet’s face indicated he was losing his patience.

“Then stop playing with me. Even though I already put plans in motion, I swear to God, I will cancel the next auction if you try to get all Big Willy on me and shit. Think I won’t?”

Bullet shot Flashy a big grin. “You set up another auction?”

“Yeah, nigga. But this time, it’s at a different location. I’m about my business and staying several steps in front of the law. I keeps it moving.”

“When? And where’s it gon’ be at?”

“You got slimy ways, Bullet. If you was on the up and up, you wouldn’t have had any discussions about money while I’m cooped up in the car with these stank hoes.”

“Man, get over that. I told you…dude wasn’t feeling you like that. He’s a homophobic.”

“If that’s the case, then he shouldn’t have been feeling you either.”

“Yo, watch your mouth. Don’t be calling me a faggot.”

“Yeah, whatever.”

“What’s up with the next auction?”

“I’ll let you know on a need-to-know basis.”

“Oh, it’s like that? I thought you was my shawty.”

“Don’t be trying to butter me up, now.”

“Man, fuck you. These hoes is all mine. You can’t hold no auction nowhere if I don’t provide the candy. Feel me?” Angry, Bullet made a sudden sharp turn.

Gianna’s body whipped from side to side, crashing into Bubbles and then into Skittles’ hard, bony elbow.

“Ow,” she hollered.

“Give her another pill,” Bullet said, glaring at Flashy.

“Ain’t no more. We ran out.”

Bullet’s jaw clenched visibly. “How you let that happen?”

“It was way past Lollipop’s bedtime, but you kept giving that weirdo more time.”

“Ahhh,” Gianna moaned from the back of the car.

“Check your pocketbook.”

Flashy jerked his neck toward Bullet. His mouth was stretched open as he enunciated each word. “The pill supply has been exhausted. We ain’t got no more!”

“What about at the crib?”

“I don’t keep that shit at my house.”

“Oh, God!” Gianna hollered. “It hurts!” Squirming, she clasped the bandaged finger at the knuckle, her face twisted in a pained grimace.

Moaning, Gianna rocked back and forth. Her head bumping against the leather upholstery, her bridal tiara knocked askew.

Bullet turned around and glared at Skittles and Bubbles. “Damn, can one of y’all shut her up?”

“Be quiet, Lollipop,” Skittles said with a sternness in her voice that she hoped Gianna would take seriously.

“My finger,” Gianna wept, tears now streaming.

“We gon’ get you some medicine in a minute,” Bubbles said in a harsh whisper. “Now shut up!”

“I need it, now!” Gianna screamed, ripping the tiara from her hair. With pain escalating out of control, her brain censors were disabled, and she no longer was concerned about facing Bullet’s wrath.

“Oh, Lord. I don’t need this shit,” Flashy said, fanning his face.

“We gotta get her some drugs!” Bullet shouted.

“We’re close to the Fairground Projects. We’re gonna have to swing through there. I know somebody who might have something.”

“This time of the morning?”

“Your greedy ass should have been thinking about the time when you were allowing El Creepo to keep padding your pockets.”

“That was good money, yo. I wasn’t gon’ turn it down.”

Squinting out the window, Flashy said, “What street is this? I get confused up in these Fairgrounds.”

“Man, I don’t know nothing about no fucking Chester Township.”

“Oh, this is Engle Street,” Flashy said, after locating a street sign. “Keep going. Make a left at the corner.” Staring out the window, Flashy said, “Okay, now we’re on Peterson Street. I know where I am. Keep going all the way down until you get to Stewart Street, and then make another left.”

At cruising speed, Bullet followed Flashy’s directions.

“Right here. That’s his car,” Flashy said, pointing to an old-model Ford Explorer in the driveway of a white brick house that was at the end of a set of four identical, connected houses.

“Gimme some money.” Flashy stuck out his hand. Despite the glittery feminine jewelry, the bright polish and intricate designs on every fingernail, Flashy’s heavily veined hand exposed the masculinity he tried hard to conceal.

Bullet peeled off fifty dollars and handed it to Flashy.

“You got me showing up at the dopeman’s house all unannounced and desperate. You gon’ have to buy in bulk. Gimme at least two-fifty.”

“The drug game done changed something serious anytime a dope boy can charge a nigga up for some pain pills and shit.” Bullet gave Flashy the money.

Flashy rapped on the door and then disappeared inside. A few minutes later, he came out carrying a six-ounce bottle of water.

“Damn, these niggas provide water and shit to go with the pills!” Bullet was astonished.

Flashy gave Gianna two pills. He twisted the cap off the water. “Here, Lollipop.”

Gianna gulped down the pills. A few minutes later, she was enveloped in a drugged state of ecstasy.

“Hey, Skittles,” Gianna said in a whispery voice.

“Hmm,” Skittles responded.

“Some men wanna have sex with your baby. Don’t you think that might kill her?”

“What! Where’s my baby?” Hysterical, Skittles swung on Bullet, her small fists swinging at the back of his head. “You’re a fucking liar! You said my baby would be safe as long as I cooperated. Where’s my fucking daughter? If anything has happened to my child, I’m going to kill you!”

“What the fuck set that bitch off?” Bullet shouted, dodging her blows. His hands gripped the grain steering wheel as he tried to keep control of the car.

“I don’t know what’s wrong with her,” Flashy said, looking back at Skittles with disbelief in his eyes.

“Ain’t nobody hurt your baby,” Flashy said in a reassuring tone. “She’s safe and sound.”

“Liar!” Skittles slapped the ponytail off Flashy’s head. “You fuckin’ freaks better give me my daughter. I want my baby!”

“Yo, that bitch is skittzin’. Fuck her up for me, man!” Bullet ordered, angrily gnawing on the corner of his lip.

Flashy dove into the back seat and wedged himself between Bubbles and Skittles.

Instead of attacking Skittles with vicious slaps and scratches, or wind-milling like a girl, Flashy went into masculine mode. With
his fists balled, he held them up, positioned like a trained fighter.

Cautiously, Bubbles weaved out of the way.

Screaming, Skittles tried to fight back, but her efforts were futile. Flashy delivered a flurry of rapid-fire punches to her head and face, cutting off her shrieks, and slumping the frail girl in a matter of seconds.

Flashy turned to Bubbles. “You can get some, too, Bubblicious.”

Threateningly, he drew back a fist. Dulled by Skittles’ blood, the jewelry on his fingers no longer shimmered.

Bubbles shook her head. Holding up her palms in surrender, she said, “No, I don’t want none of that. I’m good.”


Enticed by the promise of a raffle prize, the attendance at the recreation center had drastically improved at the second meeting. The seniors, who would ordinarily be socializing together in one of the smaller rooms, were the first to arrive and take seats.

Through word of mouth and out of curiosity, other members of the community had also shown up.

Not wanting to keep the audience waiting, Khalil went to the podium and got straight to the point.

“Thank you all for coming out. We’ve invited you to this meeting to make you aware that Portia Hathaway, a fifteen-year-old girl, was lured into a car by an adult man driving a white Cadillac.”

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