Stealing Coal (10 page)

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Authors: Laurann Dohner

Tags: #Romance, #Science Fiction

BOOK: Stealing Coal
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, she thought, still unable to speak.

“I know the answer since no male has done this to you before.” His thumb slid

lower and slowly breached her pussy, entering her gently.

Jill threw her head back, moaning, surprised at how incredibly wonderful it felt to

have his thick digit penetrating her. There was no pain, just sheer euphoria as some of

the aching need inside her eased. Her hips tilted in disobedience of her will, helping

him slide in deeper.

“Coal!” She wasn’t sure what she wanted, what she meant to say, but only his name

passed her lips.


Laurann Dohner

“That sounds to be a yes to me.” He rasped the words before his thumb withdrew

and he entered her again, this time with one of his fingers. He adjusted his hold on her

until one hand kept her vaginal lips spread while he used his thumb to press against

her clit. He started to pump his finger in and out of her pussy.

Jill clawed at the headboard, her fingers frantic to find anything to grip. Sensations

swamped her, too much for her to take in or even attempt to control. She’d never

experienced anything that strong, that extremely delightful, and then she screamed

when the climax gripped her. Her body shook with each explosive shock of release that

flashed until she nearly lost consciousness.

The first thing she became aware of had to be her rapid breathing. She wondered

how many seconds had passed, praying it had only been that short of a time before she

came around, and then moaned again when Coal slowly withdrew his finger from her

still-quivering pussy. She forced her eyes open and met a pair of totally black, angry-

looking eyes.

It baffled her—the evident rage coming from Coal. She just stared at him when he

rose up to his hands and knees, managing to avoid her now limp, spread legs on the

mattress. He growled words she didn’t understand, spoken too softly for her to hear.

She couldn’t look away from him as he backed off her bed, stood at the end of it, and

continued to glare down at her.

She glanced down Coal’s body and saw his cock was still semi hard, actually

twitching to a heartbeat tune of its own, and then he spun around, presenting her with a

beefy, bare ass.

“I was incorrect. You’re very tight and I fear I’ll hurt you. I’m sorry. I was too

sexually stimulated. I need to cool off before I can trust myself not to harm you.”

Jill watched in mute shock as the naked cyborg stormed out of her quarters, leaving

her still tied to her bed, minus her pants and still reeling from what he’d done to her. A

full minute later, she shifted her leg, straightening it, just lying there trying to catch her

breath. Her foot touched a wet spot on the edge of her bed and she lifted her head to see

what it was.

“Oh shit,” she sighed, understanding why he’d fled.

* * * * *

Coal punched the exterior bulkhead in the hallway after the door to Jill’s quarters

slid shut. Humiliation and embarrassment gripped him. He welcomed the pain that

shot up his arm from where his fist had impacted the unforgiving metal. Anger also

burned through him. The female cyborgs had damaged him in more ways than just

taking his ability to remote link to computers. They’d damaged his mind until he had a

hard time controlling his physical responses.

He turned his head, staring at the door to the captain’s quarters, and wondered

what Jill thought of him now. Her beautiful blue eyes staring at him with such passion

would be a memory he’d never forget. Maybe she wouldn’t know that he’d come just


Stealing Coal

from hearing her and tasting her. When her muscles had clamped down around his

finger and he’d felt her release, he’d lost all control with the scent of her drowning his

senses. Just brushing his cock against her comforter had done him in. He’d come as if he

were an untried human male who’d just had sex for the first time.

His shoulders slumped. He flexed his throbbing hand and glanced at it, noting

blood smeared across two knuckles.
I can’t even control my own temper
, he admitted

silently. His eyes closed and he took deep, calming breaths. He opened them and

walked down the corridor after he regained control of his raging emotions.

How can I face her?
He had no answer to the questions that plagued him.
I’ve offered

to fix her yet I can’t even repair myself.

He entered the cargo hold and frowned at Arm. The droid’s sensor eyes opened

and his humanlike features shifted into a simulation of a smile.

“Hello, Sir.”

“Shut down. I’m going to use one of those cleansing canisters and I don’t want you

watching me. I don’t even want to see me right now.”

Arm hesitated and then followed orders. The light turned off in his sensors and he

went completely still. Coal envied the droid his total control as he jerked open the

cabinet where Jill had stored the canister when she’d cleaned him. He knew he’d have

to face her soon. She’d need to eat dinner. He’d be damned if she suffered just because

he’d had a really embarrassing and frustrating moment in front of her.


Laurann Dohner

Chapter Five

The smell of food woke Jill. When she opened her eyes, she noticed a much calmer

Coal standing inside her quarters. He’d donned another pair of ill-fitting pants, stood

shirtless just inside the door, and held a tray. He didn’t say a word when he placed it on

the only table in the room.

“Could I use the facilities? I’d also like not to be naked from the waist down.”

The cyborg turned to face her. “I planned to untie you.”

Embarrassment heated her cheeks when she noticed the way Coal’s gaze ran over

her body, hesitating on her bare thighs with an intensity that she couldn’t miss. He

cleared his throat when he closed the distance between them.

“I apologize for my abrupt departure before.”

Jill wasn’t sure what to say as he carefully untied her wrists. It wasn’t all right. He’d

left her half naked and confused by his anger. That had been the most mind-blowing

experience of her life and he’d just stalked out afterward. She sat up when he freed her,

tugged her shirt down to cover her lap, and started to rub her wrists.

“Do they hurt?” He slowly sat on the edge of the bed, their gazes finally meeting.

He held out his hands. “Let me see them.”

“They are fine.” She wasn’t sure letting him touch her would be a good idea even if

she doubted he’d hurt her.

“You’re angry.”

“No.” She debated her words carefully. “I’m confused and not sure what we’re

supposed to say to each other now. I’ve never…”

“Never what?” He studied her expression carefully. “Been tied down?”

“Oh, I’ve been tied up lots of times. My ex-husband did that regularly when he

feared I’d try to run away. My father would have killed him if I’d run from him and

something bad had happened to me while I was in his care. I just don’t know how to act

around you.”

“He abused you by restraining you to force sex acts upon your body. Something

bad did happen to you.” Anger deepened Coal’s voice.

“He never considered the things he did to me as mistreatment as long as he didn’t

beat me up. His idea of abuse would have been if I’d managed to escape our quarters

and some of his men raped me. He knew my father would have gutted him if another

man ever touched me.”

“I could track him down and kill him.”

Jill grinned. “You look serious.”


Stealing Coal

He blinked. “I am.”

“Darren isn’t worth it.”

“That is his name?”

“I tend to go with asshole, but yeah. That’s what his mother put on his birth

certification.” She shrugged. “Besides, I have a feeling my father made him pay. I told

you he earned that bloody title but he did allow the asshole to live.”

“If you were mine, I’d protect you better than your father did.”

Her smile died as she realized his utter sincerity. “Thank you.” It touched her that

he meant it. “If I were yours, I’d appreciate it.”

Coal glanced away and then looked back. “We should discuss what happened. I’m

damaged. It is not your fault that I failed in the lesson I wanted to teach you. It has been

a long time since I touched a female—not since I gained my freedom, and the situation

greatly stimulated me sexually. You’re very attractive to me. I’ve also never had a

female under my total control and I enjoyed it too much.”

Jill’s mind froze. Most guys in her limited experience with them wouldn’t ever talk

about it if they had an embarrassing moment. They’d just pretend it never happened.

She wasn’t sure what to say so she shrugged.

“It’s all right.”

“It isn’t. I wish to fix you yet I’m severely physically damaged myself. I plan to

attempt it again only this time I will make sure that incident isn’t repeated.” He

hesitated before reaching into his pocket and withdrawing a round, green band of

rubber. “I downloaded some information on the computer. This will help.”

“A rubber vent seal? I know what that is. I had to fix a ruptured one when it

annoyed me by whistling from a gap between the vent and the opening for it.”

“The specifics are close enough to simulate a cock ring.”

Jill knew her mouth dropped open while she gaped at him.

“It will help me keep an erection longer and is just tight enough to prevent early


Jill had no words.

“I’ve shocked you.” He shoved the rubber ring back inside his pocket. “I let you

down before but I won’t again.”

“It’s not a big deal.” She nodded. “Really. Let’s just drop this.”

“For the time being, we can. Use the facilities while I search your room for hidden

weapons and then we’ll eat.” He hesitated. “Afterward we’ll work on your fear of males


She forced herself to move. She fled to the small room in the corner, closing the

door behind her. She leaned against it, staring at the foam-cleanser unit before she

forced her body to move.


Laurann Dohner

She washed her hands and face and brushed her teeth last. She stared at the closed

door. He stood on the other side. She was uncertain of what to do and didn’t want to

leave the small room.

“Jill?” He tapped on the door. “Do not attempt to attack me.”

“I won’t.”

“You closed the door.”

“I had to use the facilities.”

“Come out.”

She hesitated and then reached for the handle. The big cyborg stood there blocking

her exit. She attempted to swallow down her anxiety.

“I didn’t want you watching me while I attended to my needs.”

“Understood. I do not enjoy being watched either while I perform private acts.” He

stepped back. “Come eat. I prepared food.”

Her stomach rumbled at the mere mention of eating. The smell of food penetrated

her senses. She slowly eased around him to perch on the edge of the bed, the only place

to sit in her quarters. She moved slowly, hoping Coal would realize she wasn’t stupid

enough to physically assault him.

Coal hesitated and then retrieved the tray. He carried it to the bed, sat near her, and

placed the food between them. He waved a hand at her plate.


She only hesitated a second before reaching for the sandwich. The filling was

synthetic protein, but he served it warm instead of cold. The silence in the room grew a

little uncomfortable while she chewed the food. She ventured a look at him when she


“Good?” He held his own sandwich inches from his lips, studying her closely.

“Yes. Thank you.”

“I promise to take very good care of you while you remain in my custody. I’m

certain you are worried about your future but there is no need. I plan to locate my

people, restore control of your shuttle and droids to you, and leave peacefully when

they dock with us.”

Staring into his eyes, she hoped the honesty and openness she saw wasn’t just

wishful thinking on her part. “Okay. Thank you.”

“You saved me. I know humans can be devious and cruel but I’m a cyborg. I know

right from wrong and I’m indebted to you.”

“I’m glad to hear you say it.”

“I’m still going to fix you, Jill.”

Her heart missed a beat. “There’s no need. You showed me that not all touches



Stealing Coal

Anger tightened his mouth before he took a bite, chewed. He watched her with a

hooded gaze until she looked away, concentrating on her food instead. They ate in

silence. Coal finished before she did and he stood, staring down at her.

Jill sipped her drink, purposefully ignoring him, and avoided lifting her chin,

though she could feel him watching her, waiting. Nervousness made her hands tremble.

He planned to touch her again, had admitted that, and she didn’t know how to react.

He hadn’t hurt her before, the exact opposite in fact, and she admitted to being a little

curious now that her fear wasn’t present.

“You’re stalling.” His voice was soft and sounded amused.

“Yes.” There was no reason to lie. “I don’t know what you want from me, Coal.”

“Look at me.”

She looked up at him as she returned the drink to the tray. Coal’s dark, intense eyes

were locked on her face. He reached for the waistband of his pants and she lowered her

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