Steel 6: Blackthorne MC #6 (6 page)

Read Steel 6: Blackthorne MC #6 Online

Authors: Carrie Cox

Tags: #billionaire, #Romance, #billionaire brothers, #alpha male, #serials

BOOK: Steel 6: Blackthorne MC #6
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“I’m sorry I was such a fool before. I was a coward. But I’ll go with you,” Nick said. “I’ll leave the club. Let Victor do his worst.”

My mouth dropped open. “You’ll come to New York with me?”

I could hardly believe my ears.

He nodded and then smiled at me. “If you still want me to.”

My eyes filled with tears. I wanted that more than anything.

“Yes,” I managed to say as I held him so tight I could hardly breathe.

When I finally released him, he looked deep into my eyes and stroked my hair. “I never want you to feel you can’t trust me again. Knowing that you’d run off like that tore me apart,” Nick said. “I know I deserved it. You had no reason to trust me.”

“Well, strictly speaking I didn’t actually run off. Jackson covered my head with something and bundled me away in the back of a truck.”

The change in Nick was instantaneous. He sat up, his eyes flashing with anger.

“He did what?” He flung back the sheets and climbed naked out of bed.

“It’s okay,” I said, sitting up. “He was trying to help me. He thought by dropping me off at the sheriff’s office I’d be able to get home.”

I bit my lip as I realized I might have put Jackson in a difficult position now. Nick would be wondering why he helped me.

I didn’t want to give the game away and endanger Jackson’s undercover work.

“I should have known. God damn interfering cop,” Nick growled before sitting back down on the bed.

I blinked in surprise. “You know about Jackson?”

Nick looked at me suspiciously. “I found out a few hours ago. When did you find out?”

I shrugged. “After he’d taken me.”

Nick obviously thought better of confronting Jackson at this time of night and climbed back into bed beside me.

“I’m so sorry for putting you through all of this,” Nick said, stroking my cheek.

“It’s okay,” I muttered sleepily against his shoulder. “Everything is going to be okay now.”

“Damn right,” Nick said. “I’m going to make sure of that.”

I smiled up at him as he looked down at me with such an intensity it made me swallow hard.

He took my hands and pinned me to the bed. He shifted his position, using his leg to part my thighs. He was already hard again, and I felt my body respond instantly as he pressed his hardness against my core.

I couldn’t tear my eyes away from his as he showed me every emotion that was swirling inside of him.

I felt my eyes start to prickle with tears. He lived the kind of life where he could never trust anyone enough to tell them what he was really thinking.

He’d never allowed himself to love, or to let someone care about him.

“I love you, Ella. Do you want to be with me? Don’t say yes just because you think you’ll hurt my feelings if you say no.”

My throat ached, and I swallowed hard again as my gaze drifted to the wound on his shoulder. It had practically healed now, but it was a sign of everything he’d been through, everything he needed to get away from.

When I shifted my gaze back to his eyes, I saw a vulnerability there that I’d never seen before. He’d lowered the shield he normally used to hide his true feelings from the world.

I realized for the first time that he was actually scared that I might reject him. He needed to hear those words from me.

“I love you,” I said, and I saw the relief in his eyes as he exhaled and lowered his head so it was pressed against my forehead.

“I’ve never felt like this about anyone, Ella. I love you and the thought of losing you kills me. I can’t live without you.”

He kissed me softly as he slid inside me, making me inhale sharply and push my hips up to meet him.

My arms tightened around him, pulling him closer.

“You make me feel like my future is worth living,” Nick murmured as he moved slowly inside me. “If you take a chance on me, I’ll do my best to be the man you want me to be.”

“You already are,” I said, trying to smile at him, although the tears I was desperately trying to hold back were threatening to spill down my cheeks.

I felt a pulse of pleasure between my legs as he took me slowly and tenderly.

“I love you, Ella,” he said. “Always.”


Three months later

“I’ve got a surprise for you,” Nick said, grinning at me as I stepped in the front door and shrugged off my coat. He seemed on edge, but excited at the same time.

I grinned back at him. The past three months had been the happiest of my life. We’d moved into my tiny apartment in New York. I’d started the new semester, and Nick had managed to get a job working in a local bike shop.

My friend, Claire, had hooked up with Jackson. I worried about her because Jackson’s work was so dangerous, but she seemed happy. Jackson was a good guy, and I was happy for them both.

I was so in love. As sappy as it sounded, I wanted everyone to be as happy as me.

I stepped out of the hallway, to see that Nick had laid the small table with a pretty white tablecloth and scattered it with rose petals.

My cheeks flushed with pleasure when I realized he’d done all that for me.

“You know, if Chad and Tom ever saw you doing stuff like this, your reputation would be ruined,” I teased.

He took a stepped towards me and rested his hands on my hips.

“You’re probably right, so you’d better keep it secret.”

“And if I don’t?”

His eyes glinted as he leaned down to kiss me, leaving me breathless. “Then, Ella, I may have to punish you.”

I felt a tingle between my legs as I remembered the last time Nick had “
” me. He’d held me over his lap and spanked me until I was begging him to take me.

Just remembering that night made me clench my legs together.

“I might enjoy that.”

Nick growled as he pulled me against him, so I could feel exactly how his body was responding to me.

I lowered my hand to his waistband, but his fingers encircled my wrist. “Not yet…”

He put his hands on my shoulders and directed me to the table, sitting me down.

“Dinner first.”

I pouted. I wasn’t interested in food. I wanted

Still, I couldn’t help being touched by all the trouble he’d gone to for me. Who would have thought my tattooed, bad boy, would be cooking me dinner?

He’d even put those old fashioned metal domes over the plates, the sort you used to get in fancy old restaurants.

“Where did you get these?” I asked, smiling and reaching for the one in front of me.

Nick’s expression tightened a little, and I realized he was nervous. I vowed to myself that however bad his cooking was, I would still eat it and tell him it was great.

When I lifted the lid, though, I didn’t see food. In the middle of the white porcelain plate was a glittering, diamond solitaire ring.

In my shock, I dropped the metal dome on the floor, and turned to Nick, who had now dropped to one knee.

I was too stunned to do anything, so Nick reached over to pick up the ring and took my hand.

“Ella, would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

I nodded and managed to say, “Yes.”

My eyes were shining with tears as I gazed at my beautiful biker. We had left Blackthorne, but he was still the same Nick Steel. Hot, sexy and stubborn. He would never be a suit kind of guy, but I didn’t care. I loved him exactly the way he was.

He slid the ring on my finger, and I gazed down at it. I could hardly believe it. I was going to be Mrs. Nick Steel.
Holy crap

He stayed on his knees as he reached up to put a hand behind my neck, pulling my mouth to his. The way his soft lips moved against mine, and the way his tongue explored my mouth made my whole body heat up.

“What about dinner?” I asked.

Nick frowned. “It’s just a stew. We can heat it up later.”

I grinned. “That sounds like a good idea.”

“Besides, I need to work up an appetite,” Nick said as he pushed the lace of my bra aside and lowered his mouth to my breast.

I let my head roll back as his tongue flickered over my tight nipple.

Building up an appetite sounded like a very good idea to me.

I threw my arms around his neck as his hands unzipped my jeans. “I can’t wait to be Mrs. Steel,” I whispered. “I want you to …” I lowered my voice and whispered in his ear, telling him exactly what I wanted him to do to me.

Nick grinned. “Your wish is my command, Ella,” he said.

And he did just as I asked.


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A Note from Carrie

Dear Reader,

If you think a book about Jackson would be something you’d like, then leave a review telling me what you’d like. Or tell me if you’d like to read more about Nick and Ella. Reviews help the book’s visibility and help me see what my readers would like to read next. So if you have the time to leave a review that would be awesome!

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The Desire Series

(Kate and Benjamin’s story)

Part one is FREE here:
Desire part one

Desire part two

Desire part three

Desire part four

Desire part five

Desire Boxset

The Broken Series

(Kristina and Jack’s story)

Broken (Broken: book 1)

Fragments (Broken: book 2)

Whole Again (Broken: book 3) Coming Soon

The Billionaire’s seduction

(Alexander and Lauren’s story)

The Billionaire’s seduction 1

The Billionaire’s seduction 2

The Billionaire’s seduction 3

The Billionaire’s seduction Boxset


(Nick and Ella’s story)

Steel part one

Steel part two

Steel part three

Steel part four

Steel part five

Steel part six

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