Stepbrother: Forbidden Cravings: Stepbrother Romance Boxed Set

BOOK: Stepbrother: Forbidden Cravings: Stepbrother Romance Boxed Set
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                            Forbidden Cravings


Heated Desires Publishing


 Copyright 2015 by Heated Desires Publishing


All rights reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced

in any way whatsoever, without written permission

from the author, except in case of brief

quotations embodied in critical reviews

and articles.


This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any

person, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

First edition, 2015


All the stories in this collection belong to their respective authors.

Touched By My Billionaire Stepbrother

Stephanie Books

 Copyright 2015 by Stephanie Books


All rights reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced

in any way whatsoever, without written permission

from the author, except in case of brief

quotations embodied in critical reviews

and articles.


This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any

person, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

First edition, 2015



Chapter 1


Sam could see his father’s countryside mansion from the backseat of his car. He had asked his driver to pick him up from the airport and was not really excited about the trip.

He was not very close to his father but he needed full access of his trust fund and chose to play the boot licking role that would grant him his wish.

His father was newly married and this would be the third wedding that he had had to offer a plastic smile and drink expensive bottles of wine and champagne while wishing the couple a happy ever after.

Tit tok dad
”, he remembered saying to himself once the priest had declared them man and wife. His father’s futile pursuit of happiness was sometimes nauseating. His marriages would always end up the same way. The wife would be unhappy and would always ask for a divorce.

The car pulled up the driveway and he could see the butler stand on the door way, expectant. He sat for a while longer and watched his driver leave his seat to get the door for him. Sam was used to everyone waiting on him; he sometimes found this overbearing but knew that was what made his father happy.

“Hello Sir, how was your trip?” David their old butler saluted as Sam slowly walked up the short flight of stairs that led to the gigantic entrance of the mansion.

“Hello David, the trip was fine thank you,” Sam replied as he walked into the house after David ushered him in. He knew David would take care of his luggage and did not bother to give him any instructions on it.

He stood in the grand living room and took in the view, the layout was the same as he had left it but the décor was different. It was not his father’s taste but he liked it all the same, the place looked welcoming and warm and he guessed that his father’s new wife was behind this.

“Hello Samuel,” a sweet feminine voice from the flight of stairs behind him made Sam to shift his focus. His gaze was met by a beautiful woman in her mid thirties, dressed casually in comfortable lounge wear. Her hair fell loosely on her shoulders and she seemed to have a constant smile plastered on her perfect chiseled face.

“Hello,” Sam replied not really knowing how to address her new step mother.

“You can just call me Gina, by my first name. I am after all young enough to be your big sister,” Gina replied as she offered Sam her hand to shake.

Sam could not help but let out a warm smile, he liked how comfortable she was around the house and her chatty personality made her likeable.

“I believe you had a safe trip,” Gina went on to say.

“Yes, I did,” Sam replied and shyly looked away from his step mom. He was not really comfortable with her forwardness and he preferred to keep to himself most of the time.

“I am glad that you did,” Gina went on as she got comfortable on one of the living room leather sofas. She laid her head back and crossed her legs in front of her before looking over at Sam who was still smiling sheepishly wondering what to do next.

“Have you met your step sister, Holly?” Gina inquired.

“Was she at the wedding?” Sam asked back as he tried to recall the number of girls that he had seen at his father’s third wedding. He had chatted with a few and slept with others but he could not recall any of them saying they were Gina’s daughter. He silently hoped she was not among the few that he had slept with after the wedding.

“No, no. She couldn’t make it. She had her finals in school. I don’t blame her though; this is after all my second since her father’s wedding. It gets old”. Gina replied.

Sam felt a rush of relief sweep over him when he heard that but wished Gina would stop talking. She had a lot to say and Sam could not care the least.

“She is by the pool, you should go say hi,” Gina suggested as she got to her feet to pour herself a glass of whisky.

Sam nodded and left the room, he could not refuse meeting Holly although he wanted to have a rest more than anything first. He walked alongside the clear blue of the swimming pool as he looked around for anyone in the vicinity but could not see anyone. Sam was just about to turn back but was stunned with the beautiful creature that fell in his field of view.

Holly had been underwater for a few seconds and emerged from it all of a sudden like a sea goddess. Her hair was damp and clung to her skull and she had been swimming topless.

Sam took in the view and felt his throat become dry as he watched Holly swim over to the side of the pool. Her smile weakened him as she placed her hands firmly on the tiled pool wall and used her arms to prop her weight out of the swimming pool.

She swiftly got to her feet and headed to where Sam was standing awed and dumbfounded. She combed her left hand through her wet hair and Sam watched her firm breasts jump up and down as a result of the action.

“Hi, you must be Sam,” Holly said and watched as Sam stood there gazing at her with no reply.

“Hello Holly,” was what Sam had intended to say but instead a mumble of different words escaped his throat and he stood there embarrassed. He tried to gain his composure but was failing miserably under Holly’s stare.

“I have that effect on most men,” Holly said as she walked away and left Sam to enjoy the view. Sam watched as Holly walked away. Her back was perfectly curved and she had flawless skin, the water from the pool was now evenly scattered on her skin and her bikini bottoms clung to her behind. He liked her cat walk and marveled at how perfectly placed her goodies seemed to be.

She must have had some work done on her,
” Sam thought to himself as he watched Holly disappear behind the glass door that led to the entrance of the mansion to the pool. He had felt the effect in his groin and had to take a few minutes before deciding on the next course of action. He smiled to himself as he knew that this was the beginning of a very adventurous vacation.

Chapter 2


Holly woke up to a knock on her door at 5:00 am in the morning, at first she thought it was a dream but silently cursed as the knock grew persistent. “
Who on earth is it
?” she wondered as she walked to the door slowly.

“Morning, were you asleep?” Sam saluted from the other side of the door. He had won his riding outfit and wore a boyish smile.

“No, I was hitch hiking,” Holly answered back rudely as he took in what Sam had won.

“What do you want?” she went on to ask in an irritated voice.

“I need to formally welcome you to the family,” Sam started.

“At five in the morning?”

“Duly noted, not a morning person,” Sam replied but was not at all shaken by Holly’s smart remarks. “We are going riding, you will need to change”.

“Why would I want to go horse riding with you at five in the morning?” Holly asked perplexed.

“Its family tradition,” Sam replied with a wink “Unless you are not adventurous and you simply are the boring type”.

Holly shut the door in Sam’s face almost immediately, she slipped into her riding gear in well under five minutes and opened the door to a confused Sam who had not really decided what to do next.

“I am a lot of things Sam frost, boring is not one of them,” she walked past Sam who was now more than amused and let out a warm smile as she led the way to the stables.

“Have you done this with all your other ex step sisters and brothers?” Holly asked as she mounted her steed. Both had vast knowledge in dealing with the four legged animals having had good educational backgrounds in their lives.

“Yes all of them,” Sam replied smartly.

“Too bad it did not have a lasting effect,” Holly replied.

“You have a very smart mouth you know?” Sam commented as he watched Holly fasten her helmet as they were now ready to take off.

“That, I know,” Holly replied. They could now hear a few birds chirping away as they ushered in the new day.

Sam led the way, he obviously knew the countryside better and he also wanted to show off. Holly followed closely behind, she loved the way the chilly morning air pierced at her skin and also enjoyed how there was slight warmth being generated from riding the horse. Sam slowed down and got off his horse; he took off his helmet and watched Holly do the same.

“Where we going?” she asked curiously as she straightened the arms of her leather jacket.

“I will show you in a minute,” Sam replied as he tied both horses to a nearby tree and walked on to a dirty path that was visible through the limited morning light. Holly followed suit silently and watched Sam’s back as he walked in front of her. She had imagined his body pressed down on hers a few times but had quickly dismissed the thought; she felt guilty at thinking of him in a sexual way and had tried hard to avoid him since the swimming pool incident.

“Here we are,” Sam announced as they approached a clearing “Looks like we are right on time”.

Holly looked at Sam and then at the clear horizon and back at Sam again. She was clearly confused but decided not to ask any questions.

She sat down next to Sam and felt his warm body rubbing on hers. She wanted him to put his arms around her so that she could feel his warmth but knew that it could not happen.

“Are you cold?” Sam asked as she looked into Holly’s blue lovely eyes.

“No, I’m fine, “Holly lied. She hugged herself and squeezed a bit to try and feel warmer. “So? What are we doing here?”

“My dad always tells me to make sure that my step siblings feel welcomed once they come to live with us, this is one of the ways I do it”. Sam replied.

“How exactly?” Holly inquired.

“Look,” Sam answered as he pointed out to the horizon, the sun was rising from a distance and Holly could see its beautiful rays spread out evenly. She got to her feet and looked straight ahead. It was the most beautiful thing she ever saw. Her heart warmed up and she let out a hearty smile.

“That is beautiful,” she said.

“I know right?” Sam answered as he nodded his head in approval.

“This is where we would hold each other in a tight embrace and share a longing kiss if we were lovers,” Holly added with a chuckle.

“I know exactly what you mean, “Sam replied. He however couldn’t help but notice how Holly had sounded sarcastic at the mention of love.

“Love is not really something that you believe in, is it?” Sam inquired curiously while looking at Holly. She seemed to be taken off guard by this question.

“When you live through a few broken marriages, it rubs on you,” she replied smartly.

“Does that mean you don’t see yourself ever getting married?” Sam probed on.

“Not in a million years,” Holly replied.

Holly suddenly felt closer to her step brother after talking about love and her mother’s broken marriages. She looked over at him as he went on to gaze at the sun rise and took in his physique.

He was tall and had an athlete built, she hadn’t had the chance to see him shirtless but she hoped that he had a few packs in there. She wanted to run her hands through his messy blonde tangled hair and place her hands over her chest and back to feel his masculinity. She wondered if he could also feel the sexual tension between them and knew there was only one way to find out.

Holly skillfully moved closer to where Sam was standing and cupped his face in her palms, she then brought him closer to her lips and engaged him in a long wanting kiss.

Sam was shocked by this gesture but did not resist. He circled his hands around Holly’s waist and began running his hands up and down her spine seductively. He pulled her closer so that she could feel his growing arousal and appreciated how soft and feminine Holly felt.

All of a sudden, Holly pulled away from him. She stole a quick glance before running off to where her horse was. Sensing that she would not want to be followed, Sam stood his ground for a few more minutes before walking slowly to where the horses were and mounted his.

Holly was long gone by then, he hoped that she would not get lost. He had chosen a clear path that was not far from the mansion.

Sam rode back to the house slowly; he did not know what to say and how to react when he saw Holly next. That kiss had been breathe taking and had left him wanting for more, he could feel the excitement in his groin whenever he thought about it and could not help but smile.

However he had felt something go beyond the kiss, he could not really put a finger on it but he knew that he felt something deeper for his step sister. He wondered if it was because of the forbidden boundary that they were not allowed to cross.

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