Stepbrother Studs: Warren: A Stepbrother Romance (2 page)

BOOK: Stepbrother Studs: Warren: A Stepbrother Romance
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“This is hard for me to say.”  He pushed up from the table and went to the bay window overlooking the garden.  “I don’t won’t to hurt you.” 


“Too late for that.  The truth, Warren.  Please.” 


“Before they died in that... accident… our parents were talking about divorce.” 


I blinked, feeling as though a wave of cold water washed over me.  “What are you talking about?”


“Liza was having an affair.  My father found out.”


I opened my mouth to say it was impossible, but caught myself.  Of course it was possible.  My mother was a slut who’d slept her way higher and higher up the food chain. 


“Is there a reason I needed to know that now?”  I asked, doing my best to sound calm. 


“Your mother was with her lover that night.”  He turned his head to meet my gaze.  “She wasn’t supposed to be in father’s car.  But she called him from the hotel, and begged his forgiveness.  He went to retrieve her.  The brakes failed.  They crashed.”


I remained silent, sensing there was more he dreaded telling me. 


“After the accident, I got curious.”  He blew out a breath that billowed his cheeks.  “I asked the hotel, discreetly, whether they would share who she was meeting with.  Her lover was Hamilton.”


I forget to breathe, and my head swam.  A moment later, Warren was kneeling beside my chair.  “I’m sorry I was so blunt.” 


“My mother was sleeping with Ham?”  I felt sick.  He’d fucked my mother, and then wanted me? 


“They had a fight that night.  One of the maids overheard her say it was over.  Ham shouted, saying she was going to need him.  That together they’d build a better life, have everything they’d ever wanted.” 


“You think...”  I shook my head.  The idea was monstrous.  “There was a puncture in the brake lines?”


“The police suspected sabotage, but there just wasn’t enough evidence.” 


“But you let me go out with him.” 


“Darling, you’re incredibly stubborn.”  He sighed.  “If I’d forbidden you to see him, what would you have done?” 


I wrinkled my nose.  He had a point.  “I might have climbed out a window.” 


“I put a security detail on you.”  He scowled.  “Much good as it did last night.” 


“We left out a back door of the restaurant,” I confessed.  “I wondered why…” 


“He has to know I don’t trust him.” 


“You must have been beside yourself when the detail lost us.”  I placed my palm along his cheek. 


“I was furious.  Sick.”  He turned his head and placed a kiss in the center of my palm, eyes closing briefly, voice hoarse.  “If anything had happened to you...” 


“Well, it didn’t.  And I’ll have you know, he didn’t come away unscathed.”  I gave a waggle of my eyebrows, trying to make him smile. 


“What did you do?” 


“I grabbed his balls and twisted them.  I made him scream. 
the one who drove us here, because he was slumped over, holding himself, crying.”  I grinned. 


Warren gave a bark of laughter, then grew sober again.  “I can’t let this go.  I’m going to do something.” 


“Don’t do anything that would land you in any trouble.  Not for me.” 


“Harmony, I’m sorry you thought I hated you, but I needed some distance.”  He cupped my cheek.  “It’s my problem.  I shouldn’t have hurt you.” 


“What’s your problem? You can tell me.” 


Warren cupped my elbows and drew me close.  He pressed his forehead against mine. 


“I’ve wanted you for a very long time,” he said softly.  “And you were simply too young.  Still are.” 


He wanted me? A thrill shot through me. 


“I’m not jail bait.  And you’re only a few years older than I am!” 


“You’re my sister.” 


sister.  We’re not breaking any laws here.” 


“What are you saying?”  he asked, his voice raw. 


“That I’ve wanted you since I discovered why boys had penises.” 


His mouth twitched.  “That long?” 


“You were fucking Marla Thompson in the gazebo.”  I grinned.  “I wanted what made her say she wanted to die.” 


He smiled ruefully.  “She was very loud.” 


“You are very big.” 


His gaze narrowed.  “Have you ever been anyone?” 


Not a question I could shy away from.  “I’ve been waiting for you.” 



Just as he’d asked, I showered and then dressed in a silky nightgown he’d had delivered to my room.  It was a silvery blue and clung to my curves.  My nipples were visible through the lacy bodice.  I’d foregone underwear, and the silky fabric felt delicious as it smoothed over my newly shaved pussy as I walked from my room to his. 


He met me at the door.  “Are you sure?”


“Do I look like I have cold feet?” 


His gaze swept over me like a caress.  “You look beautiful.” 


I gave his nude chest and the silky pajama bottoms a quick glance.  “You take away my breath.”  And it was true.  The dark hair on his broad chest made my fingers itch, because I wanted to sift through it, tug it.  His flat nipples made my mouth water, because I knew it would be pleasurable for me to touch him there.  My own fingers tweaking my breasts could nearly make me come. 


I walked past him, not waiting for an invitation.  I made a beeline for his large king-size bed.  The gray duvet looked so soft I couldn’t wait to sink against it. 


“We could take our time,” he said sounding amused. 


“I’ve waited years.  Will you make me beg?” 


He shook his head, his features tightening.  “Not necessary.  Not this time.” 


He strode to where I stood beside his bed.  He put his hands on my hips.  “Raise your arms.”

When I did, he pulled up the nightgown and sent it sailing behind him.  He touched the bruise on the side of my breast.  “I don’t want to hurt you.  I’ll try to be careful.” 


“Please don’t,” I whispered, then I reached for the waistband of his pajamas and pushed it down. 


Clothed, he’d always been devastatingly handsome.  Naked, he made me shake.  My blood thundered in my ears.  My nipples tingled.  Before I thought about it, I cupped my breasts. 


“Warren?”  I said, my voice sounding thin and high. 


He pushed my hair behind my ears.  “Yes, baby?”


“Kiss me?” 


His smile was gentle as he tipped my chin and lowered his head.  When our mouths met, I groaned.  We’d never before kissed, and here we were, beside his bed, about to make love. 


“This is crazy,” I whispered. 


“Do you want to stop? I could hold you and kiss you some more.” 


I grabbed his hand and pushed it between my legs. 


“I ache,” I confessed raggedly.  “You have to fix it.  Now.” 


“I’d do anything for you.” His grin wrinkled the corners of his eyes.  He cupped my pussy and rubbed it. 


If only that were true.  But I returned his smile. 


He waited as I slid onto the bed, scooting toward the center, then crawled toward me, not stopping until his thighs trapped my legs and his cock pressed against my mound.  Then, resting on his elbows, he bent and kissed me again. 


This time, he prodded my closed mouth with his tongue.  I opened, breathing deeply when his tongue slipped inside.  Somehow, this invasion felt like a more intimate act than his cock resting on my lower belly. 


I returned his kiss, stroking his tongue like he was stroking mine, returning the gentle suction that kept our mouths latched together. 


Then I broke away. 


“Let me open my legs,” I said breathlessly. 


“No.”  Instead, he slid downward until his head was level with my breasts, then he plumped them up with his hands, careful not to touch my bruise, and proceeded to lick and chew on my nipples until I was writhing beneath him.


“You’re very sensitive.”  He lifted his head.


“That’s bad?”  I asked, looking at him because I’d never seen him like this—his face flushed, his mouth wet and blurred. 


“Fuck no.  Just interesting.” 


“Quit teasing.” 


“You aren’t going to rush this.  I’ve been thinking about this a long, long time.” 


Momentarily satisfied, I waited as he scooted lower.  At last, he wanted my legs spread, my knees raised.  He brought his mouth to my pussy and I cried out. 


“I haven’t done anything yet,” he said, again sounding amused. 


“The anticipation.  It’s killing me.” 


He spread my folds and licked at my tender, pink flesh, darting his pointed tongue inside me to swirl and flutter, driving me crazy.  It was torture—the sweetest torture—until he flicked his tongue at my clit, and I screamed. 


Pleasure exploded, so instant, so complete, I held there, suspended, as I pushed my pussy against his mouth, begging him silently not to stop. 


Warren never let up, licking and fluttering at it, then sucking it until I keened and fell back, my entire body quivering. 


He climbed up my body and slipped his arms beneath me, cradling me against his chest.


“You okay?”  he whispered beside my ear. 


I nodded, unable to speak as I continued to shiver.  At last, I wrapped my arms around him and held him tight. 


“Do it again.” 


“That exact act?” 


“No, make me come.  I’ve rubbed my clit before... I’ve come... but never like that.”  I hid my face in the corner of his neck, his skin slick with sweat.  I stuck out my tongue and gave him a lick.  “Mmmm.  Salty.” 


“Don’t do that.”  He choked on a laugh. 


“Why? You don’t like it?” 


“I do, but it makes me think about what else you might lick.” 


“Your penis?”  My whole body brightened at the thought. 


“Yes.” .His body shook with silent laughter.  “And if I let you do that now, we’ll never get to the one thing you want most.” 


“You know what that is?” 

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