Stepbrother With Benefits 17 (Third Season) (4 page)

BOOK: Stepbrother With Benefits 17 (Third Season)
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I was wrong, obviously. I would have gotten hurt if we stopped after just one week. It hurt when we stopped for barely more than half a day when our parents came home early, and that hadn't even been a full week yet.

I knew, and yet... I know now, and still...

Am I being stupid? Am I being one of those girls who thinks she's special? Does Ethan actually think I'm special?

I think he does. I think he truly loves me, and I think he thinks of me differently than any other girl he's been with. I almost definitely know it, but...

I know he's still a bad boy, too. He's mine, my bad boy, except...

Out of sight, out of mind? He's never out of my mind, but what if it's not as simple as that? It's easy to believe everything will be fine now, but what about a month from now, or two months? Half a year?

I don't know. I'm shaking now, worried. I want to call him. I can't. My phone is dead. I'm worrying over nothing. This is stupid. Why am I even thinking about this? I'm sorry that the coffee shop girl's boyfriend was a jerk and cheated on her, but that doesn't mean that Ethan will cheat on me.


"Sorry," she says, stepping out from behind the counter and coming up to me. "I didn't mean to say it like that. It's... it's just me, you know? My problem, my ex-boyfriend. I don't think you have anything to worry about. You'd know, you know? You'd see warning signs or something. I saw them, but I kind of ignored them. I think long distance relationships can work out."

"I know. It's not your fault," I say. "I'm just... I'm kind of emotional right now. We were talking on the phone all last night and we fell asleep like that, but now my phone is dead and I can't call him and I really just want to say good morning."

I laugh a little because it's so stupid and silly to say these things out loud.

"Awwww," she says. "See? That's adorable! You two are probably the cutest together. I've never had a boyfriend who fell asleep on the phone with me. That's awesome."

I smile, happy. Happier, I guess. I'm still working on it. It
awesome, though, isn't it? Ethan and I really are cute together.

"I don't know if I've ever really introduced myself to you before," she says. "You came in here all the time last year, but we didn't talk much. I'm Candace. In case the name tag wasn't obvious enough."

She taps the name tag on her apron and smiles.

"I'm Ashley," I say. "It's nice to finally meet you. Officially, that is. I like studying here a lot, but it's a nice place, too. I... I kind of want to bring my boyfriend. As a date, you know? Do people do that?"

"Hm, coffee shop date? Well, yes and no. Usually a first date. It's kind of like grabbing a drink at a bar, but safer. Like that, right? I think it'd be nice for a date between an established couple, though. Especially here. I'm not just saying that because I'm biased, either. Promise!"

"Oh?" I ask, grinning. "What makes it good then?"

"It's a secret," she says, giving me a wicked grin. "Tell me when you're coming, though, and I'll set everything up. The owner will love it. He's been wanting to try some things out to test it, and... don't give me that look!" she adds when I lift one eyebrow, skeptical. "No, really, it's just some secret menu things. He bakes all of what we have, but he's always trying new stuff, and he's kind of wanted to open up an actual cafe with meals instead of just quick snacks and coffee. I can't say more than that, but if you want to give it a shot, let me know. I'll set you up."

"Alright," I say, laughing. "I'll let you know. It sounds interesting."

"Good," she says. "I can't wait to meet him, too. Don't worry, alright? I bet he's a great guy. He's dating you, so he must be, right?"

She winks and I laugh again.

It's true. Ethan is wonderful. I trust him. The past is the past, and he's shown me he's so much more than that over the last couple of months. Really, he's shown me he's so much more than that every single day. Not today, not yet, but we're kind of off to a rocky start, what with our phones dying after talking all night. I think I'll give him a pass for that one.

The day has just begun, too. Who knows what the rest of it will hold?

Ethan might be kind of a bad boy, but he's also a really good boyfriend.


up in the morning kind of sucks. If I'm being completely honest right now, it sucks a lot. It's not the waking up part that sucks, but it's the realization that I'm waking up alone in my bed and Ashley is hundreds of miles away from me. It's the sudden realization after a nice night and some sweet dreams that I can't see her today.

Yeah, yeah, so I can see her online through her webcam, or maybe she'll send me some pictures or something by text message, but it's not the same. It's really fucking different, actually. I mean, it's nice, don't get me wrong, and I appreciate the fact that we've still got some way to keep in touch, but it's like...

Keep in touch? Really? I don't want to
in touch, I want to
touch her. I'm pretty sure that's what I was dreaming about before the bright fucking sunlight so rudely woke me up, too.

I pull the blankets over my head and try to ignore the fact that I'm awake in favor of escaping back to my naughty dreamland over here. I have no clue what time it is, but who the fuck cares? I'm busy. Just calm the fuck down and let me get back to what I was doing.

It's tough, because almost as soon as I wake up my dreams start to slip away from me. I remember some of them, but usually they just sort of...
. I don't even know how that works. I wake up thinking about them, and knowing them, but the more awake I get, the more they fade away, until in a few minutes I just can't remember anything except for the fact that, yeah, I had a dream.

A dream about...
. Who the fuck knows?

This dream is definitely about Ashley. I'm with her, back at home. We're in the kitchen for some reason. She's trying to make some food or something, but I won't let her. I'm pretty sure she's not actually trying to make food anymore, either. She keeps laughing and slapping at me over her shoulder, but I grab her hips and come up close to her from behind.

I grind against her perfect as fuck ass. Her fuckably short shorts ride up her thighs even more, giving me a peek at the sexy curves of her butt. I move one hand from her hips to her rear and squeeze hard. Letting out a stifled squeak, she tries to scoot away from me, but I keep her close. My other hand shifts in front of her, forearm wrapped around her stomach so she can't get away from me.

"Ethan," she says, gasping my name. Oh, fuck yeah, Princess. Say my fucking name, babygirl...

"Ethan!" she says again, this time more urgent, but somehow even more sultry, too. It's like she's trying to stop me, but trying to turn me on at the same time. One of those is working real fucking well right now. "You need to stop this! Our parents are right outside by the pool! If they come in, they'll see us, and..."

"I don't care," I say, rough, pulling her closer to me and grinding against her ass again. "What'd you come in here for, Princess? I saw you outside at the pool, shaking your ass at me when no one else was looking."

Yeah, uh... it's getting hazy... we were at the pool? Yes, I think so. I suddenly realize she's wearing shorts, but a bikini top. Nothing else. I snake my hand up her stomach and reach for one of her breasts. She leans into me, her back arching, and lets out a moan.

"I'm sorry for teasing you!" she says, fast, her breathing getting quicker by the second. "I..."

I reach between her breasts, grabbing the thin string connecting both bikini cups, then I yank it up. She yelps and moves to cover herself, but I stop her with my hand. I'm holding one of her breasts, while she wriggles against me, one hand trying to pull mine off while the other tries to cover her other breast.

"Yeah, that's not going to work," I tell her.

"I... maybe... but..."

She stumbles with her words, trying to make up her mind. Holy fuck, do you know how cute that is? Sexy and cute all in one. I love it when she struggles between being a good girl and giving in to her wild side. Before I can do anything to help her decide, she figures it all out for me. She lets go of her uncovered breast and reaches down her stomach to her shorts.

I hear the faint pop of a button and then a swift zip sound, and...

Her shorts fall to the ground. She's got nothing else on. No bikini bottom, no panties, nothing at all. I grind against her and I realize somehow I'm naked now. I don't even fucking question this, because I'm too fucking lost in the moment.

I pull back and my throbbing erection finds a new home inside her. I push all the way in and she gasps and arches her back against me. I pull out a little, then thrust back in, slamming so hard into her that she tiptoes forward slightly.

And again. More. I fuck her hard, needing to feel myself inside her, needing to hear the sexy as fuck sounds she makes whenever I thrust into her, needing to see the strained, whimpering look on her face of pure, unadulterated...

It's lust and love, romance and sex, all of it, everything combined into one. Holy fuck, do you know how much I love this girl?

She presses her hands against the counter while I make hard fucking love to her. Whenever I slam in, she pushes back against me, goading me on. Oh, you want more, Princess? I'll give you more.

I smack the side of her ass hard and she lets out a yelp, but she doesn't stop me. Smack, smack, smack. Our parents are outside? I don't even fucking care. It's just us right now, Ashley and I, locked together, body to body, tight and close and...

I feel her squeeze against me. It's tight, tighter than anything. It's always like this. I can't fucking believe how much her body needs my cock. It's hard to push my way inside her now, and I'm hard inside her, and I just want to...
... inch by inch I press in while she cums, her orgasm squeezing tight against my shaft.

A little more, Princess. A little fucking more... I want to be all the way in you when I cum. I want to fill you completely. I want you satisfied as fuck and filled with my cum, I want to claim you as mine, I want to love you and adore you, fuck you and cherish you, I want to...

I do. I'm in. All the way. I feel my balls slap against the curves of her ass. I can't hold back anymore. I can't stop myself. I don't even fucking want to stop. Why the fuck would I ever want to do that?

We cum together, her greedy as fuck pussy clenching hard against my needy as fuck cock. We can't get enough of each other. We just fucking can't. I don't know how this is possible, but it's always been this way.

She's perfect. I feel perfect when I'm with her. It's not even sexual, it's...

Everything comes crashing down and fading away. Fuck. I was dreaming. I knew I was dreaming, but it felt so fucking real, and I thought maybe I could...

Uh... nah... dreams don't work that way, Ethan. It's easy to remind myself of that now that I'm fully awake and the dream is over and done with, but it doesn't make me happy or anything. It kind of just pisses me off, actually.

I lay in my bed, staring up at the blankets covering my head, while my morning erection throbs between my legs. Well, fuck. Thanks for nothing, dreams. I definitely had sex during my dream, and I came inside Ashley during it, too, but... yeah...

This is real fucking disappointing, you have no idea.

My body seems to realize it at about the same time that my mind does, and my erection decides to go away on its own. I could probably do something about that, but what's the point? I've reached some nihilistic depths of existentialism now or something, where everything seems pointless and dull.

Alright, it's not
. It's just that actual sex is better than jerking off. Also, I don't even really know exactly what nihilistic depths of existentialism means, but it sounds good and I read about it for one of my classes. I think they were talking about the meaning of life and our purpose as human beings. Not exactly the most exciting topic ever. Kind of depressing as fuck, actually.

Which makes it perfect for right now, because holy fuck am I depressed.

I roll out of bed and decide to call Ashley. Aw yeah, that'll cheer me up. Maybe I'll tell her about my dream? That could be fun. Hey, Princess, I just dreamed about fucking you hard in the kitchen back home. Maybe we should give that a try sometime. What do you think? Yeah, your mom and my dad were right outside, but it's probably a good idea if we don't re-enact this dream perfectly. We can wait until they're gone first.

Except... where's my phone? It's not on my desk. Fuck, man, this is bullshit. I look everywhere for it, but it's nowhere. Yeah, uh... wow.

Finally I remember that I fell asleep with it while talking to Ashley. I dig through my bed and pull off my covers. My phone is there, hiding by my pillow, partly tucked under it. Other than that, it's fine. Thankfully I didn't roll on it and break it in my sleep or anything.

Yeah, uh... nevermind. It's not fine. I mean, the phone is fine, but it's dead. No battery. No charge at all. Seriously?

Today fucking sucks. Morning sucks. Waking up without Ashley sucks. Having a dream about fucking Ashley and then not actually being able to fuck Ashley sucks. We don't even have to fuck! Make love? Sure, why not? I'd settle for a blowjob, I guess. I like to reciprocate, because I'm a gentleman like that, so I'd happily eat her out, too. That's not happening, though.

The universe is seriously conspiring against me here.

I put my phone on my desk and head to my door. I'm going to the bathroom. I just can't deal with anymore of this. I need a break. I get to my door and start to open it, but then I stop.

. Or not. I'm shirtless. This would never have bothered me before, but I think I promised Ashley I wouldn't walk around shirtless without her. Yeah, so it's a guys only floor, and I don't think any of the guys care, but you never know, alright? There could be a girl here, maybe she stayed over with one of the guys on my floor last night, and she'll stumble out in the morning, then see me, and start to stare, and it's like...

Holy fuck, girl, my eyes are up here. Stop staring at my abs. I have a girlfriend.

Something like that. I don't even know. I find a spare shirt quick and toss it on, then head out to go to the bathroom.

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