Still Sheisty: Part 2 (Triple Crown Publications Presents) (15 page)

BOOK: Still Sheisty: Part 2 (Triple Crown Publications Presents)
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Shana's heart dropped when she heard the familiar voice, she looked up and recognized Chasity dressed in one of those two-piece blue hospital uniform as if she worked there.

she thought. Out of all people and all the places in the world, why did she have to run into her in here.

"Girl, what are you doing in here?" Chasity said as if everything was cool between them. Shana rolled her eyes and refused to speak at first. Even if they were cool, she thought
'that's the
last question I want to be asked right now.'

"Listen Shana, I know you're probably still mad at me and I don't blame you if you are, but I just want to say I'm sorry for the way I acted. I was just a little hurt you know. Besides, I put dancing and all that other bullshit behind me every since Scar was killed."

"Scar is dead? What happened?" Shana asked.

"I don't really know what happened; I wasn't at the club that night. Supposedly, she left with some guy. who for whatever reason nobody was able to identify and was later found butt-ass naked in a dumpster not far from the club with a slit throat," said Chasity, getting teary eyed.

"This happened at Honey's?"

"Yeah, about a month ago."

"Wow, I'm surprised I didn't hear about that" Shana said.

"I'm not, don't nobody care, to them she's just another trick, but to me she was a good friend, you know. I actually have custody of her daughter, Starlavee, now. She's six."

"Oh okay, I'm sure you'll take good care of her." Shana said.

"Yeah, me and my boyfriend are raising her together."

Shana was surprised, she couldn't believe her ears.

"Yes, I have a man now. He's much easier to handle than, you know?" She laughed. Before Shana could respond her number was called again.

"Oh hey, that's me. I gotta go, but you take care. And Chasity, thanks for apologizing." Shana walked into the nurse's office feeling like fifty pounds had just been lifted off her chest.

The nurse took her blood first, then handed her a cup and asked her to go to the bathroom and bring back some urine.

Once she brought the urine sample back the nurse gave her a pregnancy test and in minutes a negative result came back.

Unfortunately, her discharge sample came back positive for Chlamydia. The nurse told her that it
a sexually transmitted disease, but the good new was it was curable. She gave Shana an antibiotic injection and informed her that it would take up to five days for her blood work to come back from the lab confirming whether or not she had any other STDs.

It took a lot to break through Shana's thick skin, but she had just reached her limit with the bullshit. With tears streaming down her face, she wasn't gonna take it no more. She lost herself a long time ago, fucking with K.C., but loving him was no longer worth her dignity. She put up with his ass whippings, his verbal abuse and even his cheating. K.C. owed her more than this, because she was always there for him. Being that down ass bitch wasn't cute no more.


Epiphany was enjoying her time with Wild so much that she
didn't want it to end.
In twenty-four hours they had already managed to do some much; he bought her a Burberry bikini to swim in amongst other things they picked up during their shopping trip. They also played video games and spent half the night up talking. Her stay felt more like a mini-vacation away from the hood and it made her realize just how much she was ready for some changes in her life. Being with Wild was a different experience for her. He wasn't the cutest nigga, but he had the means to exposed her to a whole new world. Not to mention the other qualities she required,
money, monies
more money

Wild grew up on the rough streets of Newark, NJ, doing the norm--stealing cars, robbing niggas and hustling--and even thought he was fortunate to make it out the hood, Epiphany admired the fact that he was still street, unlike some niggas, who were quick to switch to that
shit. He also had other characteristics that she admired, like his confidence, sense of humor, and of course his big feet and hands (assuming the myth is true). Wild was feeling Epiphany's personality, which she worked to the fullest. He felt comfortable around her, she didn't appear to be fake like most of the bitches he came across during his success. Plus, she could relate to his struggles and to top it off he found her absolutely gorgeous. Sitting out on the patio smoking weed, Wild entertained Epiphany with crazy stories about the music industry. Quite often, he found himself staring at Epiphany, to him her beauty was such a natural one that made a nigga weak at the knees.

"Epiphany, can you sing?" He asked, thinking if so she'd defiantly give Beyonce a run for her money.

Epiphany couldn't help but blush, "Sing? No!"

"Come with me." Wild took her by the hand and leading her to his studio.

"I can't sing." Epiphany repeated.

"So, half of the singers out now can't sing. Just go in the booth and sing something into the mic when I tell you to, a'ight?" Epiphany never had a problem with shyness, but she didn't want to embarrass herself.

"Come on girl. Fuck around, you could be the next
," he said cracking a smile.

"Okay here goes nothing." She entered the booth with her all-time favorite song in mind--
'Be happy'
by Mary J.

Wild fumbled with a few buttons on the mixing board before he gave her the okay to sing. Epiphany closed her eyes , tried to catch the tune in her mind and opened her mouth.
'How can I
love somebody else, if I can't love myself enough to know when
it's time-time to let gooooooooo, sing, all I really want is to be
happy to find a love that's mine it would be so sweet.'
Okay that's all I'm giving you of my Mary rendition," she laughed.

"Alright then, that's cool let me see what I could do with that" said Wild. He tried, but was unsuccessful in improving Epiphany's vocals using every voice enhancement key on his computer. "Ahhh, don't go quitting your day job. A'ight?" They both laughed.

Epiphany was having a lot of fun with him, but all this fun was making her horny. She wanted him bad and felt as though she would die from lack of dick if he didn't make a move soon.

She wasn't use to being around a guy for more than ten minutes that didn't try to fuck her. Wild was in the entertainment business, Epiphany had already assumed that he wouldn't be press for pussy since all types of chicks probably came at him. One thing was certain, from his hard-on in the bed last night he was defiantly attracted to her. Still and all, Epiphany wanted to main-tain a respectable
'take home to momma'
type of imagine so she fell back on initiating sex of any kind.

Wild sat in his plush leather chair staring at Epiphany, then out of no where he pulled her closer to him and started to fondle her body as though he had read her mind. Epiphany strad-dled her legs across his lap and stuck her tongue in his mouth, for their first real kiss.
'Damn he can kiss'
she thought as his tongue motion flowed with hers perfectly. Wild started to undress her right there in the studio. He went to unbutton her shirt, but noticed some resistance every time he made an attempt to remove it. She didn't wanted him to go there, but didn't say anything, instead she just redirected his focus by getting down on her knees and releasing his manhood.
'Thank god the
myth does apply.'
She opened her mouth and took in as much of his thickness as she possibly could. He was so big that she could only fit half of his dick in her mouth. Just like any pro, Epiphany was up for the challenge. She was determined to taste every inch of him, licking down the sides of his stiffness as he moaned and she lubricated his dick with her saliva, stroking her small hands up and down the base. Wild couldn't take it any longer he wanted to feel inside her walls.

"Ahhh man wait! I want some pussy 'cause I know it's good." Lifting himself up just enough to pull a condom from his back pocket, he passed it to her and smiled. Epiphany stood up and unfastened her Seven jeans. Stepping out of them she slowly rolled the magnum down on his horse sized dick and was ready to ride. "Wait let me see you play with yourself." Wild prolonged insertion as his way of teasing her. Epiphany smiled, she knew the game and played it well as she leaned back on the mixing board and started to lick on her fingers until they shined from her saliva. Then cocking her legs up she slid two of her fingers inside of her and began to moved them in and out of her pussy.

"Ummmmmm" she moaned as her pussy became drenched with juice. Withdrawing her fingers from inside of her, she inserted them in his mouth. Wild sucked on them like they were popsicles and then dove in head first between her legs for more.

"Ooooh, I wanna cum." Epiphany breathed heavily.

"Don't cum yet, I want you to sit on my dick and cum okay." Without holding back, Epiphany mounted his manhood and slowly stroked him, not quite ready to endure the pain it would've cause if she slammed down on it right away. Not until her pussy's walls adjusted to his fullness, it was on and popping.

She worked it, popping her pussy, bouncing up and down on his dick like a wild woman until they both exploded.


Tucker was having a hard time getting use to being without
Keisha but he knew moving on was the right thing for him to
Besides, Leanne was a nice girl with a good head on her shoulders and that somewhat remind him of Keisha. He met her two years ago when she came down to North Carolina with her cousin Josae, one of Mali's jumpoffs. The two hit it off and main-tained a platonic relationship for a while until one day Leanne invited him over her to house because she needed to talk, but when he got there she tried to seduce him. Tucker found the whole situation flattering, but at that time his heart belonged to Keisha, and only Keisha, which he explained from the beginning. Embarrassed and rejected, Leanne felt it was best if they ended the friendship and he agreed. News of Malikai's death brought her back into his life. Everything was falling a part for Tucker. Leanne saw an opportunity and went for it, she became the shoulder he needed to lean on, gave him moral support and made him a priority in her life.

Her support kept Tucker sane and for that he was grateful.

So, when she arrived at his front door with her bags, he wel-comed her with open arms, although he still felt he needed time to get over Keisha. Leanne moved in and wasted no time de-Keishanizing the place and getting rid of everything that had Keisha's name or face on it. The bedroom was repainted, the bathroom and kitchen redecorated and every picture of Keisha was boxed up. Tucker wasn't really happy with the sudden changes she made or her taste but he understood her reasons.

She wanted to help him take his mind off the past by all means.

Only there was one thing she couldn't erase-his son. Tucker missed his little man so much and without him around everyday was very hard for him. His biggest fear was not being able to be a part of his son's life and to keep that from happening Tucker knew he had to make peace with Keisha. Little man's first birthday was a week away and Tucker wanted him home for the celebration. He picked up the phone and dialed Keisha's cell phone.

"Hello." she answered on the second ring.

"Hey Keish, how's everything?" he asked.

"How do you think?" she answer snidely.

"Look Keish, I ain't call to fight with you okay, I just wanted to know how you was doing and when was our son coming home?"

"I don't know when I'm bringing my son home, I'm home-less remember?"

"Yeah, well you know his birthdays next week?"

"I know, I'm the one that had him."

"Keisha, cut out all the sarcasm, a'ight, are you gonna bring him home or not?"

"That's all you care about, huh?"

"Keisha, he's my son."

"Well, you know what Tucker, when you gave up on me, you gave up him. So, if your not calling me to come back home, he's not coming home either."

"Yo, Keish, what's wrong with you? It's been over a month since he's been gone, he probably don't even remember us. You think you're getting back at me with your bullshit, but you're punishing him too. I never thought you could be such a fucked up person Keisha, but I swear to you, if you think your gonna use my son against me or even try to keep him from me, I will fucking kill you. Do you hear me?"

"Is that a threat Tucker, you're gonna fucking kill me, huh?

Well come on muthafucka kill me, 'cause you ain't never gon' see your son again. We're a package deal sweetie, so if I ain't got you, then you ain't got a son. You got that! Besides, I heard you got a new girl. Tell her to give you a fucking son and leave mines alone!" Keisha screamed right before she slammed down the phone. Tucker was hot with Keisha, he tried calling her back but she wouldn't answer her phone. He buried his head in his hands thinking how Keisha must have really lost her mind if she thinks he's gonna go for her bullshit.

"Baby are you okay?" asked Leanne after overhearing his conversation with Keisha. Tucker let out a hard sigh as he lifted up his head.

"Nah, she's trying to keep me from my son now."

"What! Baby you can't let her do that to you, you're his father and you have just as much rights as she does. What you need to do is just go get him." Leanne suggested.

"I just don't know why she had to go and fuck up everything," said Tucker.

"Well baby, everything happens for a reason and at least you found out her true colors before you two got married. Now are you gonna sit here and regret what you can't change or are we gonna go get your son." She ran her fingers through Tuckers hair and secretly hated the fact that he still had feelings for Keisha.

"What would I do with out you?" Tucker stood up and gave her a tight hug. "Come on, let's go get my little man."


Epiphany woke up and instantly went into a funk after over hearing Wild booking a flight for leaving for LA that night. Her little vacation with him was over before she was ready for it to be. She wondered if he would ever call her again and hoped that her time spent with him wasn't a complete waste because yes she had a great time, but she wasn't doing it for nothing. Epiphany wanted to be rescued from the hood by a wealthy knight in platinum armor and live glamorously and happily ever after. That was the ghetto fairytale she was hoping for.

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