Still Waters (Motorcycle Club Romance, New Adult Romance): Devil's Riders (Hot Blooded Heroes) (2 page)

BOOK: Still Waters (Motorcycle Club Romance, New Adult Romance): Devil's Riders (Hot Blooded Heroes)
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Janet moaned, rolling over in bed. Her head hurt. Those sea breezes had punched more of a wallop than she'd imagined. She stared at the clock by her bedside table.

The minute hand clicked over to 7 AM.

What the hell was she doing up at 7 AM???


Somebody was knocking on her door. No, knocking was too polite a word. They were
. Like her head.

"Oh God… Come in…"

"Janet, open the door this instance!"

She shut her eyes tightly. She must have thrown the latch last night in her inebriated state. She'd been in another world last night when she got home. Thinking about

She'd tossed and turned half the night. Feeling his eyes on her, even hours later. Did he like her? Want her? Or was he judging her and finding her lacking… She must seem like a silly girl to a man like him. Then again, he was loyal to Kaylie and they were the same age. But she was a very different person than her quiet friend.

Argh! Who knew men could be so confusing? In college it had been straightforward and obvious if a boy liked you or not. Now she was all hot and bothered by a man who may or may not despise her…


"I'm coming! Jesus!"

She rolled to her feet and tentatively walked toward the door. She felt a bit off kilter but found her sea legs quickly. She almost giggled. Being hungover
a lot like being on a swaying boat.

She unlocked the door and opened it to see her mother standing in the hallway with a sour expression on her face. As usual.

"Janet, if you are going to live in this house, then I expect you to be up at 7 o'clock."

"Uh… okay mom."

"And I expect you to be a productive member of this household, if not society!"

Janet didn't say anything. She was standing there in her panties and a camisole looking at her mother's face. There was no love there. Just… regret. Her mother had never wanted children. She'd never said so but Janet had overheard her yelling at her father late one night. Everything that had gone wrong in her life was all his fault.

And Janet's. Just for existing.

"If you aren't going to work, you will be doing chores! I made a list. It's in the kitchen."

Her mother turned and abruptly walked away. Janet eyed her bed longingly then sighed and pulled on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. She just knew her mother was going to make her life a living hell until she got a job.

But who was going to hire her? An ex dancer slash college drop out with zero experience under her belt? She considered asking Kaylie if Mae needed anyone at the diner but was almost afraid to. What if she was a terrible waitress? What she really needed was to get out of this house. She felt like she was suffocating here. Her parents didn't really care about her. They just cared what the neighbors thought.

By ten o'clock Janet had swept, mopped, vacuumed, raked and weeded under the rose bushes. Her mother had hovered over her almost constantly, riding her without mercy. Janet's resentment had grown to a boiling point around 3 pm, but since her mother had conveniently disappeared around that time, a patch of weeds had gotten the brunt of it.

Now she was just exhausted. She crawled into bed, still in her work clothes.

Her phone buzzed. It was Kaylie.

'Mall tomorrow?'

Janet grinned sleepily and quickly tapped back 'Yes! What time?'

'2 ish? We'll pick you up.'


Janet rolled onto her back. Tomorrow couldn't come soon enough.






              Jack waited outside the south entrance of the mall, leaning on his bike. He didn't usually go to places like this. The smell of plastic and perfume made him uncomfortable, as did all the normal people. The Spawns weren't normal, they were the one percent. Above and apart from the throngs of average people. Jack did his best never to mix with the regular folks. He hardly mixed with anyone. But Dev had asked him to, and Jack always did what Dev said.

Plus he'd get to see

He'd nodded unenthusiastically when Dev asked him if he was free to go the mall. The freaking mall. But then Dev had mentioned that Kaylie's hot little friend Janet was going.

Hot was the wrong word. The girl was

He'd been thinking about her for two days now. That body, the red hair, those remarkable aqua eyes…  those pouty cherry red lips that  begged for his mouth and tongue. Jesus, he hadn't had this many boners since he was 15. He didn't like it. It was disconcerting for someone like him who liked to be in control. He scowled and adjusted his package in his jeans.

Down boy.

It wouldn't do to walk around the mall with a stiffy. He almost smiled. Actually, that wasn't a bad idea. What would the normals say about

Devlin's SUV turned into the parking lot and Jack stood up. Then he sat down on his bike again. What the hell was wrong with him???

Devlin parked and Jack watched as the girls climbed out. First Kaylie, her golden brown hair shining in the sun. A long pale leg stepped out of the backseat, and then another. Janet was wearing shorts today. Tight little denim shorts that hugged her hips and ass. And Jesus, what an ass.

She was leaning back into the SUV to grab something- her bag. He swallowed as her sweet little bottom was thrust even more prominently into view. Fuck, now he was really getting hard. He looked away and forced himself to think about something distasteful. His childhood. Basically any moment from the age of 3-14 would do. Before he'd been big enough to fight.

It worked. His body calmed down and he exhaled in relief. He raised his eyes again just as they came toward him.






              Janet felt her heart leap in her chest at the sight of him. He was here. The Viking. He was looking at her with a slight scowl, as if he'd just tasted something bitter, like biting into a lemon.

Well, there goes her theory that he liked her. He certainly didn't look like he'd been thinking about her the way she'd been thinking about him for the past two days. She wished she'd known he was going to be there. She would have taken more time with her hair, her makeup, her outfit…

As they got closer she could see that he was staring at her legs again. No, higher. He was staring at her, right between her legs. He looked hungry. She almost fell over in shock.

"Hey man."

Jack nodded in greeting but he didn't move his eyes from her body. They slid up slowly, inspecting her. She felt her legs getting rubbery as his gaze flicked over her breasts and finally lifted to her face. She licked her lips nervously and his scowl increased.

What was going on with this guy?

Heat pooled in her belly. Just by looking at her he'd turned her to putty. Not that he appeared to care one way or the other. She literally could not figure out if he liked her or hated her. Or maybe it was a little bit of both. She decided that it would be better to ignore him. Completely. She tossed her hair and walked into the mall.

"Come on Kaylie. Don't forget to keep an eye out for any help wanted signs."

She could have sworn the scowl on his face got even deeper when she walked past him. She didn't even glance back to see Kaylie and the guys follow her into the mall.






              Jack stood outside the store as Kaylie and Janet tried on clothes. He'd been inside, standing with Dev until Janet had tried on a slinky red dress that molded to her curves. He'd felt like he'd been kicked in the stomach.

She looked ridiculous- like a dancer on one of those stupid TV shows. It was way too provocative. He wanted to rip it off of her. He could picture the torn dress in his hands as she stood naked in front of him.

He'd never wanted anything so badly in his life.

Arousal had come crashing through him. He couldn't figure out why. Not only was she obviously a spoiled little headstrong brat, but the girl was going out of her way to ignore him. Unless… did that mean she liked him? Girls did stuff like that all the time from what he'd heard. He moaned. The last thing he needed was some little stuck up girl messing with his peace of mind. Best to ignore her. She'd go away eventually. They always did.

Unless one of the other guys claimed her for themselves. He frowned, not liking that idea. He did not like it at all. In fact, he hated it. But that's what would happen if she kept hanging around the club. He was sure of it. He'd already heard some of the other Spawns talking about "that hot little redhead piece." Being a friend of Dev's old lady made her off limits for the rough stuff, but plenty of guys would be happy to call her their woman.

Not Jack of course. He didn't want anything permanent. Especially not with her. But the thought of her with another man irked him for some reason. Maybe he could discourage her from coming around. That would solve the problem. If he didn't have to see it, he didn't have to deal with it.

They came out of the store, Kaylie swinging a bag in her hand. Janet's hands were empty. That meant she hadn't bought that skimpy piece of fabric they were calling a dress. Good. He didn't think he could handle seeing her walk around in it. She'd liked it though. Why hadn't the girl bought herself a dress?

That's what girls did, wasn't it?






              Janet had been scanning the mall for help wanted signs since she walked in. It was a shame her parents had cut her off. That dress had been really cute on her.

She grinned to herself. Jack had certainly thought so.

The big man thought he was being subtle but she'd caught him staring at her almost constantly. Maybe he did like her, but he had a stomach ache? That's probably what it was. She smiled deviously as she imagined handing him a bottle of pepto bismol and a tablespoon.

"Look Jan- there's a help wanted sign!"              Kaylie was pointing to one of the restaurants in the food court. Janet almost rolled her eyes. Great. It was a Hooters, one of those restaurants where the girls had to wear skimpy outfits while they waited tables. She was definitely not into doing

That's until she caught the look on Jack's face. He disapproved clearly. He probably thought a girl like her wasn't good enough to be friends with Kaylie. She squared her shoulders and smiled at her friend.


Jacks scowl seemed to get even deeper if that was possible. She smiled and strode across the food court.






              Jack stared as Janet filled out the application. She was going to get hired, that much was obvious. She looked over joyed to be put on display like a piece of meat. The girls that worked there were half-naked. He didn't think a girl like her should be working at a place like that.

She was too good for it.

BOOK: Still Waters (Motorcycle Club Romance, New Adult Romance): Devil's Riders (Hot Blooded Heroes)
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