Stockings and Suspenders (33 page)

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Authors: 10 Author Anthology

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They dressed, reeking of musk and sex,
he in the clothes he arrived wearing while she pulled on jeans and a
sweatshirt. They bundled into their coats and out into the cold, clear night
where the moonlight poured over them both like silver fire. He drove a new
Camaro, as red as poinsettias and as if she’d known him for weeks, Elise
climbed into the passenger seat. As they drove into the city, onto the main
thoroughfare she realized Nicholas had been correct – almost no business
remained open but after they drove for blocks, they found an all night diner

One other customer sat at the counter
when they entered, an older man who didn’t even bother to look as they passed
or notice the blast of winter air that followed them through the door. Nicholas
led her to a cozy booth and they settled in, drank coffee and enjoyed an
old-fashioned hand breaded chicken fried steak with real mashed potatoes
covered in cream gravy. Elise wouldn’t have touched it any other time but that
night, the comfort food tasted perfect and after their lovemaking, her hunger
roared so she fed it.

They made small talk but neither
talked about their real life, holding the magic that spun between them for as
long as they could. Elise didn’t want to hear what he did for a living because
that would turn him from a Christmas surprise, a gift from fate if not Santa
Claus, into an ordinary man. He didn’t ask, either, so she guessed maybe he
felt the same. So they talked about the food, about muscle cars and music. He
liked retro tunes and she preferred modern, current stuff. They covered movies
and television and books too.

After the meal, a brief awkward moment
reared between them as she wondered if he would just take her home or if he’d
stay. As they walked out to his Camaro, he reached out for her hand and like a
couple in love, they strolled to the car. She knew then she didn’t have to ask,
knowing they would go back to her place together.

Once there, he settled into the old
rump sprung chair in her tiny living room while she poured wine and put cookies
on a plate. She joined him and they nibbled at cookies. He praised her baking
and she blushed. In the background, her stereo played with volume low, holiday
carols that she could hear but not quite name. After that first glass of wine,
that pull of desire reawakened and she stood up.

“I think I’m going to change into
something comfortable if you don’t mind.”

A wide grin divided his face, “But I
do mind.”

Elise paused. “You do?”

“I do. I don’t mind if you take off
those clothes but I’d object to you wearing anything at all.”

Fire crackled through her veins, hot
and sweet. Her body softened at the very idea and her knees almost folded. She
wanted another round of sex as much as he did but she’d hated to be the one to
suggest it in case he thought she might be some kind of nymphomaniac.

“Okay,” she said, bold and blatant. “I
won’t wear anything if you strip down while I’m taking my clothes off.”

 His blue eyes lit with desire,
brighter than two sapphires in the night. If stars could be blue, that’s what
his eyes would resemble. “That’s fair enough, Elise.”

In the bedroom where the rumpled
covers reminded her of what they have done and would do again, she removed her
clothing and folded them. She took a few extra moments to brush her hair, to
put just a little more perfume on and to replenish her lipstick. Elise checked
her reflection in the bureau mirror and when she saw the love bites he’d left,
small bruised marks purple against her skin, she shivered with a frisson of
utter delight.

  In her dim living room her eyes
adjusted to see that Nicholas stood there, proud, tall and nude. She admired
his lithe body, now able to enjoy the full view for the first time. His
garments were in a pile behind the couch and she realized he’d lit the rose scented
candles on her entertainment center. That sweet fragrance spread through the
room as she approached and the soft flame lit the room because he’d turned off
both lamps.

“Nice,” she said, commenting on both
his nudity and the candles.

“Beautiful,” Nicholas said, eyes
devouring her body. “Let’s have another glass of wine.”

He’d poured it and the rich red sweet
vintage could have been liquid rubies so she accepted the goblet from his hand.
He raised his for a toast and she clinked her glass against his.

“To beginnings,” Nicholas said.

“Cheers,” she replied, her mouth as
dry as a desert.

They drank and the rich wine filled
her mouth with an agreeable taste. It flowed down her throat, warm and
pleasant. Elise thought she could feel it affect her body, run through her
veins with the erotic fever that took hold. She gazed into Nicholas’ eyes as
they drank, facing him naked, uninhibited.

  When she finished her glass, she put
it down and so did he. Nicholas reached for her and his hand burned as hot as
if he ran a fever.  That delightful passion spread over her, sensations
touching her limbs and torso with such speed that she thought she might die
before sex.

Each inch of her skin tingled with
need, prickled with anticipation. That first time when he arrived at her door,
she hadn’t known what would happen until passion sparked and everything
happened fast. This time would be different, she sensed it in the way he
touched her, without rushing. His hands moved, unhurried, with such gentle
caresses that cherished even as they roused her desire. When he put his mouth
against hers, he dawdled with the kiss, lips melting into hers with a slow
burn, total contrast to the sizzling impact their first kiss yielded. His
deliberate kissing didn’t hurry but lingered, savoring each nuance, enjoying
the way that their mouths connected together.

Her arms found their way around his
neck and she let them rest there. Elise let her fingers wander into his
abundant hair, twining strands of his blonde curls around her fingers. His arms
tightened around her as she did and then he let his mouth stray lower, to her
neck and breasts. With the same careful deliberation, he kissed there, tender
around the marks that stood out on her pale flesh. This time, Nicholas did not
nibble or bite but he let his teeth rake against her skin with gentle

Elise stroked his back with her hands,
almost massaging as she moved over that expanse. She reached down to cup his
buttocks, firm and solid, with her hands, an act that brought him closer to her
than before. In response, he used his tongue to lave around her nipples and
then over her breasts, slow and tantalizing. He licked down her abdomen, his
hands stroking her body as he did. Then Nicholas put one hand between her legs
and massaged, rubbed her mound until she quivered with the rising sensation of
pleasure there. Her body tucked tighter into his hand, seeking even more
pressure and he increased his speed enough to raise the level of delight

He knelt down before her and she
rested her hands on his shoulders for support. Nicholas put his mouth over her
pussy, covered the opening and she writhed as the heat of his breath warmed
her. Then he inserted his tongue and she cried out with the sheer pleasure.  As
he worked his tongue in and out of her cunt, Elise writhed with pleasure as
physical delight spiraled out from that epicenter over her body.  The intensity
built until she cried out with pleasure so great she couldn’t contain it
without some release. He pulled out and stood up.

“Do me,” he said, in a ragged voice,
short-breathed with excitement.

Elise needed no more encouragement;
she knew what he wanted and she ached to give that pleasure to him. She went to
her knees and took his rigid cock into her hand. She squeezed it and felt it
respond, tightening in her grip. Her strokes increased and so did his breath
until she released it. Elise opened her mouth and took him into it, one inch at
a time. When she held him there, she began to suck with gentle pull. His sounds
of pleasure, moans she enjoyed hearing, encouraged her to let her teeth graze
his cock, not rough but firm. When she thought he might ejaculate, she slacked
from it and suckled again, using her tongue this time to lick the length with
slow strokes that he liked, judging from the sounds he made. His groans of
pleasure made her hornier and needier.

Nicholas’ fingers caught her hair and
held her there until she thought he would come but he didn’t, not yet. His
hands shifted from her head to catch her hands and raise her so that they
stood, facing each other and touching, their sensual need so strong that Elise
swore it was tangible between them.

“Now, please,” she begged but he shook
his head.

“No, not yet,” Nicholas said. “Savor
the anticipation.”

“It’s killing me,” Elise wailed and he

“How much do you want it?” he asked.


“How bad?”


Their faces rested less than an inch
apart and she thought she’d faint with need or collapse from the erotic shivers
that coursed through her body. Elise reached out to tweak one of his nipples,
just hard enough to hurt a little and she grinned when a spasm of delight
contorted his face. His moan echoed through her and she didn’t think he could
contain himself much longer either.

Nicholas picked her up, lifted her
against the back of the loveseat and balanced her there. With ferocious force,
he rammed his cock into her willing, warm hole and filled it. The impact send
such pleasure spiraling through Elise’s body that everything turned black and
she thought she would swoon. If she did, she didn’t care as she rode that rush
of physical bliss higher. He wove back and forth, each stroke spiraling her to
a new level of nirvana. Everything intensified the experience, the slap their
bodies made when they impacted, his fast breath in her face and ear, even the
scent of the candles.

“Come!” Nicholas commanded. “Come,
Elise, come with me now.”

She bucked toward him, drawing him
deeper inside and watched as his face convulsed as his own spiral hit the peak
in climax. He cried out, a hoarse, wordless shout of satisfaction, the ultimate
natural high and she shrieked, unable and unwilling to stop the noise. They
soared and then crashed.

He couldn’t hold her and they somehow
vaulted over the top of the loveseat to land on the cushions, tangled together,
limbs entwined. They both sweated and other moisture slicked their skins but
Elise sighed, a deep sound of contentment. Together they rested, catching their
breath and recovering from the shattering climax. As their breathing slowed
back to normal and pulse rate slacked, she met his eyes with a smile that he
returned, the brilliance between them brighter than the lit candles.

Elise caught a whiff of their combined
odors, a strong reek that mingled sex, musk, and sweat with the more pleasant
fragrance of her perfume and the candles. “I think we stink.”

Nicholas laughed. “Yeah, we do. Do you
have a tub or shower?”

“It’s a tub, a huge old-fashioned claw
foot tub,” Elise admitted. When she moved in, she’d been charmed but in
everyday usage, it wasn’t practical so she’d added a cheap hand held shower.
Now, however, it would be perfect.

“Then let’s take a bath,” Nicholas



Chapter Three


She drew the water, warm but not hot,
just comfortable and added lavender bath salts, to the water. They climbed in
so that he sat at the rear, his back against the tub and she could sit in front
of him. To keep her hair dry, she twisted it up on top of her head with a clip.
They soaped and rinsed, then she lay back against him, resting in his arms,

If she’d had an ounce of energy she
would have fooled with him again but two rounds of the best sex she’d ever
known had exhausted her. The comfortable warm water drained the rest of her
strength so that she was content to bask there, relaxed and happy. Nicholas nuzzled
the back of her neck with small kisses but he appeared as at ease as she was.

When the water grew tepid, then cool,
they abandoned the tub. Although the house wasn’t cold, the air against their
damp, bare skin made them both shiver. They climbed into bed, huddled beneath
the covers and cuddled. Nicholas held her in his arms and she rested her head
against his shoulder.

 In the other room, the clock on the
wall chimed the midnight hour and with lazy lethargy, Elise stroked his lips
with one finger. “Merry Christmas, Nicholas.”

“Happy Christmas to you,” he
whispered, “I’ve never welcomed the holiday quite like this before but I like
it. I think this should become a tradition.”

Her heart thrilled at the sound of
that. He might think she was crazy if she said it aloud but Elise thought this
could grow into something more than just great sex. “I agree.”

“You know, when I started to come
over, this was the farthest thing from my mind,” he said, with a chuckle. “I
forgot all about everything else when you opened that door, so beautiful in
that red satin thing. I figured you were entertaining a lover or waiting for
one but I’m glad it turned out to be me.”

Elise giggled with a joyful sound that
burst out from her throat like silver bells. “I did the silliest thing. I wrote
a letter to Santa and asked if he’d bring me a lover. When you showed up, I
thought you must be my present.”

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