Stolen (11 page)

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Authors: Bec Botefuhr

BOOK: Stolen
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“If you want me to stop, at any time, you say no.”


“Tell me you want this, tell me.” He says in a guttural voice.

“I want it. I want you.”

He pulls me into a deep, deep kiss as he slowly edges my thighs apart with his legs. I feel tense, scared. He soothes me with soft words and murmured comforts. When he presses in, I freeze.
, no. He stops immediately and looks down at me, my eyes are clenched shut and I am panting. I can’t. No.

, look at me.”

I don’t open my eyes.

“Darlin, look at me.”

I open my eyes, and he strokes away the salty tears on my cheeks.

“I will NEVER hurt you. If you want to stop, say stop.”

“I…don’t want you to stop.”

Blade doesn’t push further; instead he kisses and strokes me until I am pleading with him for more. Only then, does he push himself in deeper. I wince at the tight feeling surrounding me, but it isn’t unpleasant. No, with Blade it is bliss. He slowly inches further and further in, letting off feral little moans as he delves deeper. When he is sheathed, we are both panting.

, you are beautiful.”

“Make love to me Blade, take it away.”

He slips out, then slides back in and we both gasp at the pleasure. He whispers a curse, then begins a slow, deep pace. I didn’t ever think I could feel good about this; I never thought I could get past the memories but Blade; he is taking it away, he is fixing me. Putting me back together. Our bodies combine in a sexual dance; one so filled with emotion, it radiates off us both.

, Blade.” I moan.

He groans and quickens his pace until our bodies are glistened with sweat. I feel my release building higher and higher, until I can’t hold it back; it hits me like a brick and I see white. I scream into his shoulder and feel his own release pump into me. He growls into the pillow, and we both shudder. Blade rolls off and we lay side by side, panting.



“Thank you.”

He rolls towards me and presses me into a kiss. “Thank you.”

“What for?” I smile.

“For trusting me.”

“I do trust you Blade, whole heartedly. You make…you make the pain go away.”

He smiles and strokes my hair. “You little
, are amazing.”

?” I grin. “That’s new.”

“You are an
. You came into my life and have done nothing but bless it.”

I blush and kiss him again.

“That was amazing.”

“Not too bad at all darlin.”

“I don’t know what to say, I never felt anything like that before.”

“Told you I was pretty good.” He grins.

“How would you know?”

“I have been told.”

I feel my chest clench with jealousy. “Oh that’s wonderful.”

“Don’t be jealous.” He laughs, shoving me.

“I’m not.”

“Are too.”

“Don’t flatter yourself, I am sure none were as hot as me.” I challenge.

“I don’t know. I had a few wild ones.”

My mouth drops open. “Well how kind of you.”

“I didn’t mean it like that. You are only new at it; you felt amazing. It will take a while for you to get better.”

“Better? Screw you.” I snap, standing and yanking on my dress.

“Don’t be like that, come here Em.”

“Get lost.”

I storm outside and slump onto the swing. Nessie and Bill watch me storm out of the lounge but don’t say anything. When Blade follows in only his jeans, I figure they have
gotten the picture. He stands in front of me and my heart stammers; he is so damned beautiful.

“Don’t be offended.”

“Get away from me.”

“Oh Em.”

“You didn’t need to be so harsh.”

“I wasn’t trying to be!”


“Don’t be offended Em.”

“I’m not but maybe your right, I am no good. Maybe I need to be with a few other people to get some experience too.” I hiss.

“Don’t think so.” He mumbles.

“Try stop me.” I snap standing.

I slip into my room and lock the door. So there Blade, you jackass. I slip into my bed, and my body is tingling all over. He made me feel amazing, then crushed me. Were all men so insensitive?
, maybe they were. In saying that though, he was so sweet and made the pain so much less for me. He made me see that sex could be beautiful.

I fall asleep quite quickly and don’t move until the morning sun washes over my face. I stretch and slip out of bed. The house is quiet. I make myself a cup of tea and sit out the front deep in thought. I am pondering away when Blade walks outside. He is wearing only his boxer shorts; he plonks down beside me.

“Hey,” He says. “About last night, I didn’t mean to upset you.”

“It’s fine.” I mutter.

“I was only trying to be honest.”

“I know, and I get it okay.”


“Don’t call me
, you tosser.”

He laughs, and I glare at him.

“I get it; I was no bloody good, will you just drop it. Like I don’t feel ashamed enough.”

“You think you weren’t good?”

“You said it could get better.”

“You stupid girl. When I said you can get better, I only meant as in experience wise. If you think it didn’t feel good then you are very wrong.”

“So it felt good, doesn’t mean that it’s worth anything.”

“I enjoyed myself, a lot.” He whispers and my cheeks flare to life.


“So, that means it was well worth it and believe me I am not disappointed. I was useless when I first started, it all takes time.”

“Well what makes you think your any good now?”

“Because you said so.” He grins.

“Yeah well, it won’t be happening again.”


“Because, I don’t want it.” I snap.

, you are killing me.” He whispers, then stands and walks inside leaving me feeling like an idiot once more.


The next month passes by in a blur. Nessie has started her treatment, and she is doing exceptionally well so far. We are still staying at their place because Jock and Blade’s house is being redone. Blade hardly speaks to me anymore; we have a few conversations, but he is distant. He has been out a lot; it seems like he is never home. I have tried to talk to everyone about it, but none of them have any idea what is going on. I can only assume it is me.

Tonight Nessie is having a recovery party. She is feeling so much better and looking amazing. I spent the day giggling and laughing with her as we set up the house and dance to music. She has
as far into my heart as Blade; she is the mother I never
had. I dress and walk out with a twirl; I know how nice I look. My dress is gorgeous; we picked it together.
short, with a V neck and is a pretty pale pink.

“Oh wow Em. You look stunning.” Nessie grins.

“Why thank you.” I grin, twirling again.

“Come on
starting laying this food out.”

We are
through laying the food out, when Blade arrives. He is not alone; by his side, is a tall, dark haired woman. Her hair is raven black, and her skin as pale as paper, but the combination is quite stunning. She has crystal blue eyes and fleshy red lips. She is beautiful. I feel as though a knife has been ripped into my chest. When Blade stops in front of me, I hope he
the acid in my glare.

“Em, this is Cassie. My girlfriend.”

“Wow.” I snap.

I turn and walk off without another word. My heart is throbbing. His girlfriend? Really? Since when? I thought…
he used me. The man used me, and I trusted him. I trusted him with the deepest parts of me. I rush out the front d
oor and down to the garden, where
I drop onto an old wooden chair. I feel a presence beside me and see Jock sitting down.

“Are you okay?”

“Why did he do that?”

“I don’t know Em, he shocked us all.”

“I never asked him for anything, I never treated him badly. I sacrificed so much, if he didn’t want to be with me then why doesn’t he just say so? Instead of treating me like I am nothing.”

“I wish I had an answer for you, but I don’t.” He pats my hand gently.

“No of course you don’t, he is the one doing it. I am sorry.”

“This is your party Em, don’t let him ruin it for you. I will try to talk to him.”

“You would?”

“Sure. He needs to stop this rubbish.”

“Thanks so much Jock.”

“Come on back with me, I will watch out for you okay?” He smiles, standing and offering me his hand.

I take it and stand up “Thanks again.”

He leads me back into the party and I don’t look at Blade and Cassie, though I can hear him laughing. He doesn’t even care
he has hurt me, fair enough if he doesn’t want to be with me, but I hoped he would at least be my friend and care enough to know when he has hurt my feelings. I take a drink and sit down beside Jock; we are talking when Nessie st
ands up and announces she wants
to say a few words. Everyone falls silent.

“Em, will you come up here?” She says holding her hand out to me; I smile and stand next to her.

“This girl, she is my
. She has provided me and my family with some hope. She has been our little miracle, and she has sacrificed so much for my family. She loves us, and she has done nothing but help us though this hard time. Without her it is highly possible I would only have months to live but thanks to the treatment, my life has been extended, giving me more time to be with my beautiful family, she is truly a gift sent from heaven, and she is more than an
to me, she is like my daughter. I would be happy to see her in this house every day, her face
is a
pure blessing to see each morning.”

I let her take me into her arms, and our tears blend. She pulls back and pulls herself together.

“I am so grateful to be a part of your family, you have all been so kind to me at a time when I had nothing. Helping you and seeing your face grow brighter and brighter every day has been nothing but a gift to me. Being able to help somebody is one thing but knowing how much they love me for it, makes every day seem much more worthwhile. You were like a mum to me when I didn’t have the support and that is how I see you now. I love you Nessie, truly I do!”

“Bless you, my angel.”

The night continues on, and everyone seems to be having a great time, but it is getting harder and harder to sit inside with Blade only meters away. I need to get out, so I walk out onto the patio. Nessie and a group of her friends are all in deep conversation on the swing chair. I slip past them and slide onto the end of the balcony; I need a moment
alone, but clearly I was not going to get one, Blade comes outside and heads straight towards me.

“That was really rude before. You didn’t even say hello to me when I was kind enough to say hello to you.”

“What game are you playing at?” I say in a weak voice.

“What are you talking about? You don’t own me Em; I am having a date
last time I checked that was not illegal.”

“You have avoided me and hardly spoken to me, I have done nothing to you. You’re being nothing but a jerk.”

“How about you take a look in the mirror. You had the shits because I didn’t go crazy over having sex with you.” He hisses loudly, Nessie and her friends stop talking.

“Stop it. This is not the time, stop thinking about yourself for once and start realizing that there are other people in the world.”

“How about you stop thinking of yourself. You are nothing but a spoilt little rich girl who throws the shits every time something doesn’t go her own way. Just because I slept with you, doesn’t mean I have to be with you. Stop trying to change that and get over it.” He roars and my mouth drops open. By now nearly everyone has heard our yelling and is outside watching, Jock grips Blade by the arm.

“That is unnecessary.” He growls.

“No. Don’t worry about it,” I choke “If that is how you feel Blade, then so be it. I never asked to be with you, nor did I tell you that you had to be with me. I did hope that you would at least care for me enough to treat me kindly as a friend. I am far from being a spoilt brat, I have done nothing but help your family and save your ass. You know what hurts the most? Is that I trusted you with the darkest parts of my soul, and I thought…for a second that you could make it better. You did make it better…and now…” I jump off the balcony, and I am trembling.

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