Stolen: Hell's Overlords MC (11 page)

BOOK: Stolen: Hell's Overlords MC
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Chapter 18




In the darkness, I could still hear muffled voices all around me. There was almost constant talking. There was some shouting, but there was also laughter. I forced my eyes open, or thought I did, and sat up.


I was back in Cole’s bed, alone again. I ran my hand over his side of the bed, where he should have been lying with me, but he wasn’t there. I looked around the bedroom, but he wasn’t there.


I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and looked into the living room, where I could hear the TV. I couldn’t tell if he had the news on or some TV show, but I didn’t see him on the couch either. The TV was just on. Was I alone again? Had he left me alone in the apartment and just let the TV on so I wouldn’t hear him leave?


I pushed his soft, heavy covers back from my naked body and decided to get out of bed to see what was going on, when he appeared in the doorway with a couple of cups of coffee and a warm, loving smile on his face.


This time, he wasn’t wearing anything else. He stood in the doorway with a cup of coffee in each hand. His hair was disheveled and hanging down in front of his face instead of being brushed back like it usually was. His green eyes looked at me with love and care in them. He was concerned about me for some reason, but I had no idea why he would have been. I was fine. I had just been asleep for a while.


I slid over to the edge of the bed and spread my legs, patting the mattress between them to call him over. He approached me slowly, and I ran my hands along his perfect chest and stomach, following the contours of his muscles. I grabbed the coffee cups and set them down on the table beside the bed, freeing his hands so they could explore me as I did him.


I returned my attention to him after setting the cups aside. I took his already hardening manhood in my hand and stroked it, coaxing it to get even harder for me. I wrapped my thin fingers around it and pulled it towards me, stroking him right over my tender breasts. I pulled him closer to that the tip of his head touched my skin.


He watched me with his gentle green eyes while his erection grew in my hand. He put his strong hands on my shoulders and pushed me back as he climbed on top of me. I let go of his cock as I lay back on his soft, welcoming bed.


He put my hands above my head and held them there. My thin, slender fingers intertwined with the thick fingers on his strong, controlling hands. He squeezed my hands as he leaned in to kiss me.


His lips met mine. The kiss was tender, passionate. Our mouths opened, and our tongues met, stroking each other between our mouths. He didn’t kiss me like he wanted to devour me. He kissed me like he wanted to become part of me.


His body pressed against mine. I could feel his weight pushing me down into the bed as he lay on top of me. His firm muscles pressed against my soft curves. My nipples hardened from his touch.


My body ached to feel him inside again. I felt my desire for him growing wetter by the moment. My muscles tightened as if begging for him to enter me. I rocked my hips toward him, pressing my wet sex against him.


He reached down and ran a finger along my lower lips, parting them to receive him. He slid his finger inside me and stroked my g-spot. I arched my back and sucked my breath in through my teeth in a spasm of pleasure.


“Oh God, Cole,” I called out.


“Is that good, baby?” he asked me. “Is that what you like?”


“Oh God, yes.” My body tensed as he did it again.


He slid a second finger in, opening me wider. He drove them deeper into my core and pulled them back across my front wall again, sending shivers up my spine as he stroked my spot over and over.


Then, he slid his fingers out and ran them along the delicate folds of flesh between my legs. He spread me open and pressed himself against me, sliding his head just inside my wet opening. I felt him pushing at my entrance, passing just barely inside of me. It was such an incredible tease!


I picked my legs up and wrapped them around his waist, encouraging him to enter me again. I grabbed his hand and pulled it up to my breast. He cupped my tender skin with his masculine fingers and squeezed me. Pleasure rippled through my body.


I arched my back and moaned as he slid inside me. His shaft passed through the entrance to my sex effortlessly. He spread me open and stretched me around his hardened flesh. He filled me completely with his cock. I could feel every inch of him inside of me. I pushed my hips against him, forcing him deeper inside of me, taking all of him greedily into my center.


His fingers worked my nipples as his other hand grabbed the other breast. He squeezed my breasts like ripe pieces of fruit, gripping me for leverage as he thrust into me, deep into me.


“Yes, Cole,” I called out. “Give it to me, baby. Let me have all of you.”


He shoved himself into me forcefully, and I felt my pleasure picking up a hint of pain around the edges. It just made the sensation that much more intense.


My legs quivered as he impaled me with his manhood again and again. Each time he stabbed me, I could feel myself drawing closer to the edge of ecstasy. My climax was already growing deep within.


“I’m yours,” I whispered in his ear. “Do whatever you want with me.”


He kissed my neck, then my shoulder. Then he kissed the front of my neck and my chin. The whole time, he pounded into my hips and held my breasts in his commanding grip.


My body shook underneath him as the pleasure inside me built to a crescendo, but he didn’t stop. He penetrated every inch of me. I felt my walls expand to contain him every time he pushed into me. He fit me perfectly, as if our bodies had been crafted for each other. His head stroked my g-spot each time he shifted himself forward or back.


“I’m coming,” I breathed. “I’m coming.” My voice came out as little more than a whisper.


I grabbed his back and tried to pull him down to me. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and held him as he continued to thrust his hips into me. My whole body quaked with the force of his thrusts and the ecstasy roaring in my veins and my nerve endings. I felt myself overcome with passion as I rocked my hips against him.


He still wasn’t finished with me yet. He put an arm under my waist and lifted me from the bed, holding me up while he continued to stroke my delicate insides with his rock hard shaft. I ached as the pleasure grew too strong to be contained. I arched my back and tilted my head back, closing my eyes against the rush of ecstasy.


I cried out as my pleasure peaked again and again, as he took me there over and over. My body was filled with a steady flow of climactic ecstasy. Pleasure ran through every fiber of my being, filling me with white light that pulsed with each thrust of his sex deep inside me. As he pushed into me, pleasure flowed out from my deep core to the rest of my body. As he pulled back, it drew back in, flowing down to the muscles around my entrance as they closed, attempting to seize him and hold him inside me.


My body eventually gave out underneath him as the pleasure I felt became too much and ecstasy stole all the tension from my body. My arms and legs felt like jelly as they fell uselessly to my side as I gave myself over to the pleasure he created inside of me. I wanted to call out his name, but the words just wouldn’t come. I moved my mouth, but only moans and whimpers would come out. My body had become one giant nerve ending, and every sensation was pleasure. Every touch was ecstasy.


He let me fall onto the bed and slid out of me. My body immediately ached in the vacuum left behind by his sex. I felt myself clenching, reaching for him as my body begged for his return. I felt so hollow all of a sudden.


His breath came heavily above me, and I felt the bed shake as he finished himself off above me. He spilled his seed onto my stomach. I felt each warm drop as it hit my skin, as he emptied himself on me. I opened my eyes and watched his hand gripping his shaft. His fingers wrapped around himself perfectly, gripping it like a weapon. He worked himself masterfully over me. He looked like he was forcing himself to come onto me.


I reached for his rippling muscles. I wanted to beg him to let me have it all, every drop, on my tongue and down my throat instead of on my stomach, but all I could do was moan appreciatively as he let me wear every single drop of himself.


I closed my eyes and licked my lips, remembering how he tasted. I imagined that he was filling my mouth with his warm, salty flavor, letting me drink from him as he had done so often by this point.


His weight lifted off the bed, and a moment later, I felt a towel wiping my stomach where he’d just finished himself on me. Once the towel was gone, his weight returned, and he pulled me against him. He wrapped his arms around me and held me tight against his chest.


Again, I felt safe and comforted. My body relaxed against his. Our pulses ran in sync with each other. Our breath aligned. I closed my eyes and buried my face in the muscles of his chest.


Darkness rushed over me as the murmuring voices from Cole’s TV returned. I heard the voices that sounded like they were talking to each other again. There was more laughter.


I smiled and snuggled against the strong, muscular man protecting me, but there was something soft in his place, like a pillow instead of his firm chest. I furrowed my brow in confusion.


The laughter grew louder, and the voices seemed more present, as if I had been moved into the room with the TV. Though they were louder, I couldn’t hear what they were saying. Their words were still muffled.


I could feel myself falling again, and I realized that what had just happened to me had simply been a dream. I wasn’t in Cole’s bed. I wasn’t even on his couch in the living room.


I tried to remember where I was. I couldn’t force myself to open my eyes to look, so I simply relaxed, letting my training take over. If I didn’t fight it, I could start to make sense of it.


“I think she’s starting to wake up,” I heard one voice say.


“She’s a tough one, boss. She would have had us if you hadn’t stepped in,” another voice said.


I was beginning to remember where I was. I had been at Cole’s, but there had been some sort of fight. Apparently, I’d been too much for the voices I could hear. I squirmed on the couch or whatever it was I was lying on.


“Rise and shine,” Fang’s voice called from the front seat.


My eyes shot open, and I knew exactly where I was. It had all been a dream.


Chapter 19




I reached for my door without pulling out my keys first, and I wasn’t surprised to find that it was already unlocked, even though I had locked it behind myself when I left. I pushed the door open and drew my gun.


“Sasha,” I called into the empty apartment.


Everything was just as I’d left it that morning, but it still felt empty without her there. I carefully walked through the living room to the kitchen. I peered into the bedroom. I checked behind the door and opened my closet. With the barrel of my gun, I pushed aside the clothes hanging there. No one was waiting for me. I checked behind the curtains in my bedroom windows. I walked into the bathroom, checked the linen closet, and checked the tub even though my shower door was mostly clear.


“Sasha,” I called again, just in case she’d found a hiding place I hadn’t thought about.


I walked back into the kitchen, heading for the balcony, and noticed that one of the drawers was still open. The gun that I usually kept in it was gone.


“Son of a bitch,” I cursed.


I looked at the counter. There was a glass sitting with a couple of melting ice cubes in it. A bottle of whiskey sat beside it. I considered pouring some for myself and using the same glass, so it would be like kissing her as I placed my lips where hers had been. I needed to keep my wits about me, though. There would be time for drinking once everything had been handled.


I was starting to get the picture of what had happened after I left. She’d obviously called Fang to let him know we were on our way to his hideout, giving him the opportunity to wipe the place clean. There was no way the office we’d gone to would have been that clean if it hadn’t just been cleaned out in preparation for our arrival.


He’d offered to come pick her up. Or had she requested it? Either way, on her way out the door, she stopped and grabbed a gun for protection. Then, to gather up her nerve, she grabbed a drink. It hadn’t been that long ago. The ice was still in the glass.


She had obviously begun to suspect the same thing I did about Fang and his goons. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have grabbed a gun. She wouldn’t have needed a drink to convince herself to go through with it all.


Sasha was in trouble.


I slid my gun back under my belt and grabbed my phone. I called Dante at HQ.


“Shoot,” he answered on the first ring.


“Have you guys heard anything out of Sasha? Has she been by?” I asked, sounding a little more panicked that I would have liked to.


“No, we haven’t heard anything out of her.” He paused. “We haven’t seen her either,” he said. “Is everything alright?”


“Well, she’s not at the apartment,” I told him.


“I’m telling you, brother. After she gave Fang the heads up, she went back to him. We should have seen it coming,” he said.


“Yeah, but I’m pretty sure Fang was behind the attack at the park, which means if he came to get her, she’s in danger right now,” I told him.


I closed and locked my door. I didn’t need my home spread out and open for anyone who wanted to go in and look around. I knew how lucky I was that no one had already gone through my place.


“Look, stay by the phone, but make sure you and a couple of other guys are ready to ride if we need to,” I told him.


“You’re still going to protect her, even after everything she’s done?” Dante asked.


“Even after everything she’s done,” I answered. I couldn’t explain it, but she was in trouble, and despite all the trouble she’d caused, I’d promised to take care of her and to protect her. Plus, there was the possibility that she’d stolen something important from me when she left the apartment, whether I wanted to admit it or not.


It definitely would have been the first time a woman held my heart in her hands, but I wasn’t about to let anyone know that.


“You’re the boss,” Dante said. “Let us know what the plan is. We’ll be ready.”


“Thanks, Dante,” I told him.


“No problem.”


We hung up, and I was on my way down in the elevator. At the ground floor I looked around, wondering which way I would have gone if I had someone like Fang coming to pick me up. I would have gone out the back and met them in the alley between the building and the parking deck for the next apartment complex over.


I ran through the doorway into the alleyway, and I suddenly felt like I was standing on any of the streets in the industrial side of town. Everything back here was gray and dingy. The road was covered in a layer of filth that just seemed to settle every time it rained or with every passing car or truck. Everything was concrete. Sunlight didn’t quite make it all the way down between the buildings here.


I looked around to see if I could catch a glimpse of anything, but there was no sign of anyone behind the building. If she’d met Fang back here, they were long gone by the time I had even arrived at the apartment building.


“Hey, brother,” an old, scratchy voice called.


I looked around but didn’t see anyone.


“Hey, man,” he said again, and a tall, lanky homeless man stepped out of the shadows. “She said you might come looking for her,” he told me as he approached.


“Who did?” I asked.


“That fine little blonde,” he answered. “She told me to let you know what happened when you showed up,” he said.


“Alright, then, what happened?” I asked, a little irritated that he hadn’t just come out and said it yet.


“She got in the car with three other guys. There was a fourth, but he got shot. They stuffed him in the trunk and hauled ass out of here,” he told me.


“Do you know where they went?”


“I didn’t get a good look at which way they went from here, but they turned north up at the next street.” He nodded at where the alley opened up to the road about a block away.


“How long has it been since they left?”


“I don’t know. I’m not too good with time out here, but it couldn’t have been more than maybe ten or fifteen minutes, man. They just left.” He scratched his filthy, matted hair.


“Thanks for the info, man.” I fished out a twenty and handed it to him.


“No. Thank
, man,” he said, smiling and laughing at the money I’d handed him. He was probably going to go get something to take the edge off the heat of the day, maybe take away the ache in his bones from being on the concrete all day.


I hurried to the parking garage and called Dante back.


“That was fast,” he said when he answered.


“Yeah, a guy living by the dumpster out back saw the whole thing. Apparently she was jumped again,” I told him.


“Did he say if she was okay?”


“He made it sound like she was. She took one of my guns and apparently shot one of the guys trying to abduct her. They had to put him in the trunk according to my friend here.” I laughed.


“Right on. Did he happen to see where they went?”


“Yeah, he said he thought they turned north on the next street,” I told him. “Mean anything to you?”


“Yeah. You’re right there by the interstate, right?” Dante asked.


“Yeah.” If they’d gone onto the interstate, I knew there was still a chance of catching up with them. It was a fairly straight highway, and chances were, they weren’t jumping off immediately. It was better than trying to figure out where they were going within the city.


“Alright. Rumor has it Fang has a hideout upstate. He’s probably taking her there. He knows we’re on to him. If that’s where he’s going, and he doesn’t have a huge head start, we can still catch up with him,” Dante explained.


“That’s the best news I’ve heard all day,” I told him.


“Good. Now get back here so we can get everyone together. I’ll grab a few guys and meet you outside when you get here. We’ll ride out together and try to catch up with them. Don’t worry. If she’s alright now, she’ll be alright when we get there. Then, you can do whatever the hell you want,” he said with a laugh.


“Yeah, but I think karma may be handling all of that for me right now,” I told him.


“Good.” He killed the call.


I stuffed my phone back in my pocket and hopped on the Roadster. It was time to head back to HQ to get the guys together. We had to hurry. Fang already had at least a fifteen-minute head start, and that gap was widening every minute that we weren’t on the road behind him. If we could catch up to him, I knew that it would get ugly, but at least we would get Sasha back.


would get Sasha back.


I gunned the engine and pulled out of the parking deck. I didn’t know what I intended to do to her once I got her away from Fang. All I could think of clearly was what I was going to do to Fang once we caught up to him. He’d earned every bit of our scorn over the past couple of years, and he was about to face the full wrath of Hell’s Overlords, especially after taking so many guys from us.


I wondered what Sasha was thinking that very moment. I wondered if it had occurred to her yet how badly she’d screwed up by trying to play both sides of the field on this one. She’d tried to be a double agent, and it didn’t seem to be working out for her.


Now, in an attempt to go back to her old boss, she’d been kidnapped by him, and we were about to be on our way to rescue her. The irony was ridiculous.


The good news was that with her in Fang’s custody, it was less likely that anyone would be contacting him to let him know what our next move was. The bad news, of course, was that he probably already knew his boys hadn’t taken out everybody, which meant that someone was going to be riding up on his ass at any minute.


Hopefully, we could get to him before word did, and we’d still have some element of surprise. Plus, being one guy down on his ride, we had an advantage over his fire power, or so I was telling myself. I needed all the morale I could get.


We were about to go toe to toe with our biggest rival and the man competing for our reputation of being the toughest, meanest organization on the street. He may have had better weapons, but, like I always said, he didn’t have the balls it took to do what was really needed when the shit hit the fan.


And the shit was about to hit his fan in a big way. He’d taken business from me. He’d taken men from me. He’d even gone so far as to take my old lady from me. I wasn’t having it. I wasn’t going to put up with his shit anymore.


The orders were going to be to shoot to kill. We were going to take out Fang and whoever else was in that car besides Sasha. Sasha was going to be the only survivor. If anyone else showed up, we were going to take them down, too.


This was war, and we weren’t about to back down.


The engine roared as I sped away from the apartment building back towards HQ.


“Hey, man, we’ll get her back safe and sound.” Dante offered his encouraging words with a hand on my shoulder once I arrived. He could see how troubled my eyes were when I pulled up. He stood outside with four other members armed and ready on their motorcycles.


Afternoon had begun to turn to night, hurting our chances of catching up to Fang and his men. I looked at my guys, who were waiting to hear some encouraging words from their president, especially after having lost so many men earlier in the day, but I didn’t have anything left in me. This whole mess was really starting to take its toll. Part of me wanted to just throw my hands up and walk away, but I knew I couldn’t do that. I owed it to Sasha to go after her.


I couldn’t explain why I owed it to her after everything she’d done, all the trouble she caused, but I felt it deep inside. I owed her another chance. Trust was hard to come by in our line of work, and she’d worked pretty hard to earn mine, despite turning around and stabbing me in the back with it. But I would have done the same for any of my guys. I understood the relationship she had with Fang.

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