Stone Romance (Stone Passion #2) (8 page)

BOOK: Stone Romance (Stone Passion #2)
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“It doesn’t matter.” He waited a half a beat before he added, “Since you will be taking it all off in a few seconds.”

“Fine,” she
pouted, her eyes sparkling with humor. “But only because you asked so nicely.”

He chuckled
softly and she squeezed her legs together as sensation shot up her spine.
“I think I am going to enjoy having you completely naked beneath a prim wrap around dress. I’ll take you out to dinner
at some posh restaurant
and we’ll both know how close you are to being completely nude in public. One little tug and you’
d be naked.

“You’d stand up and lead me to a private area where I’ll fuck you into a screaming orgasm, taking your cries into my body with a kiss,” he rasped, his words making her wet. “I’ll make you come so hard that when we return to the table everyone will know that we had just fucked. I’ll be the envy of all of the men because I just made love to the most beautiful woman in the world.”

“Oh, my,”
she said
, titillated by the scandalous visions he painted with his words.
Already aroused to the point of discomfort, it wasn’t going to take a lot to bring her to orgasm. She had never been so turned on in her life and she knew that it had everything to do with Rhys; he was a sundae of sex.
“Melanie didn’t tell me you were so sexually adventurous

“It would worry me if she knew.”
She could hear the laughter in his voice and she smiled
. “It’s not something I broadcast to those who are not my lovers.”

“And how many lovers do you have?”

“There’s only you,”

“I find that hard to believe.”

only you,” he repeated. “All of the others that have come before are forgotten.”

She didn’t know what to say to that since it sounded like he meant
, that maybe she meant more to him than just a moment.
Torn, she wanted so much more as well but it frightened her. Rhys was so enthralling and she worried that she was only one of many, easily seduced and quickly forgotten.

“I’ve never done this before,” she admitted, ignoring the clamoring of her heart and Rhys’s curious confession;
what if he
was serious? “I mean, if what we’re about to do is what I think it is; is it?”

“What do you think we’re about to do?” he asked, laughing softly.

“Are you really going
to make me say it?” Despite having
had a child and a naughty
, she was still embarrassed. That was a part of Rhys’s appeal, the sexual knowledge he wore like a second skin. She was no longer Sleeping Beauty; he had awakened her with a touch and he would guide her and help her explore her sexuality.

“I want to hear
you say it

How could she resist?
“Phone sex.”

He let out a low groan, making her wish that they weren’t miles apart connected by a small piece of wires and plastic. “You make me want to be reckless, Jenna.”

“I’m pretty sure you’re reckless with or without me.” Ignoring his feeble protest and getting into the spirit she asked, “What are

He chuckled, “Nothing. I had
out of the shower
decided it would be better to call the source of my frustration instead of trying to freeze it away.”

Now it was her turn to groan as she picture
Rhys with his
auburn hair
hanging to the curve of his
hard ass,
his skin glistening with water, the hills and vales of his muscled stomach
beading with moisture
…. “Are you hard?”

She couldn’t believe the
had so easily slipped out of her mouth but she had no intention of taking
back. “I’ve been hard since the moment I held you in my arms tonight, Jenna. Now tell me what

Running her hand over the front of the
old t-shirt she wore to bed, she pursed her lips and spoke in a low, breathless voice, “I’m wearing a scarlet leather corset that pushes my meager breasts up and a black, lacy thong that exposes far more than it conceals….”

His rich chuckled filled her ear, making her smile even as it seduced her. “Tell the truth, sweetheart; I want to know if I can rip it off your body.”

“I’d have to hurt you if you tried,” she countered, unable to prevent the smile from growing. All of her
worries faded to wisps of smoke
as she continued to play with Rhys
she liked the feeling
of daring and desire
. “It’s my favorite sleep shirt.”

“Then I will just have to buy you a dresser full of flimsy silk lingerie just so I can have the pleasure of tearing them off
your gorgeous body
. And then I can use the torn scraps to bind you to my bed while I have my wicked way with you.”

“I’m not into bondage,” she
, her pulse fluttering madly at the idea. He had mentioned
something about bondage
before and it shocked her how
aroused she got
with the image of
him tying her up.

“Oh, sweetheart,” he laughed sexily. “You will be. Once I get my hands on you you’re going to be begging me to tie you up and fuck you until your eyes cross and you’re screaming in ecstasy. Turn off the lights and light a candle, Jenna; I want to seduce you by candlelight.”

“Give me a moment.” With her cheeks rosy with embarrassment and
and her body burning for satisfaction, she slid off the bed and lit a few candles. When she
turned off the lights her room
was bathed in a warm glow and she was ready.
Almost ready.
Catching a glance at her reflection, she made a face; she was a fool for going along with Rhys’s insanity. She should
tell him she couldn’t go through with it.

Climbing back onto the bed, she picked up the phone, “Okay; now what?”

“Take off your night shirt and your panties.”

Smoothing her hand over the front, she caught her lip between her teeth, not quite ready to remove the last barrier between her and the sound of his seductive voice.
After a long moment, she lied, “I’m naked.”

He heaved a dramatic sigh, “Seriously, Jenna; take
your clothes
off – take all of your clothes off.”

“You’re a very demanding man, Rhys,” she grumbled cheerfully as she awkwardly maneuvered her body to
take the shirt off her body. Despite the warm air from the central heater, she shivered, unused to being naked anywhere other than her bathroom.
And the one time on the roof with Melanie but they had been alone.
She smoothed her free hand over her breast, cupping the meager weight of her B-cup in her palm, once again wishing she had Melanie’s more generous curves. “My boobs are too small.”

“They’re perfect,” he purred and she
believed him. “I bet they are also exquisitely sensitive. Brush your thumb over the tip and tell me I’m not wrong.”

Closing her eyes, she gently brushed her nipple with her thumb, inhaling sharply as pleasure jolted throughout her body. It wasn’t as if she had never touched herself before but this time it was somehow more. The sensation was so unexpected, so
she did it again and again, imagining it was Rhys’s hot hand that toyed with her hard nipple. Grasping it between her thumb and forefinger, she gave it a light pinch and felt it in her belly. Her voice trembled as she admitted breathlessly, “You’re not wrong, Rhys.”

“Imagine it’s my hand touching you, Jenna….”

“I already am,” she breathed
as her body relaxed and her sex swelled. Her hips rose and fell in a familiar dance and she wanted Rhys between her thighs, filling the emptiness that had been consuming her for so long. “Are you stroking your cock, Rhys, and imagining it’s my hand that is stroking you?”

,” he said slowly, the word lashing over her skin. “My skin is still slick from the shower and your grip is firm and your hand provides the perfect friction.”

She could see him in your mind’s eye, his hard body sprawled across cream-colored satin sheets, his long hair clinging to his damp body. The chiseled muscles of his stomach flex as his body moves to the rhythm of his hand moving up and down his erection, as a drop of pre-come oozes from the slit on
tip of his thick cock. The image was so clear she almost believed that she had seen him in the
buff, that
she had intimately studied every inch of his divine body.

“Slide your hands between your thighs, Jenna,” his voice reverberated through her, heating everywhere it touched. “Are you wet?”

Her fingers slid easily through the swollen folds of her sex, gathering the wetness of her arousal as they moved, “Very.”

“Taste yourself, Jenna.” She squeezed her eyes shut at his velvety command and her body trembled. “I want to know what you taste like. I want to spread your slender thighs and bury my tongue deep within your pussy, Jenna; I want to suckle your clit until
full to bursting and then I want to drink of you as you flood my mouth with your orgasm.”

Her hips were undulating to the sound of his words whispering in her ear, her soul and un-self-consciously she brought her wet fingers to her mouths and slid them between her lips, moaning as she tasted her musky essence. “That’s my girl; I’m going to run my tongue from your sweet pussy and up your smooth stomach; I’m going to devour your luscious breasts and then I’m going to fill your mouth with my tongue as I fill your body with my cock. Can you feel me stretching you, almost to the point of pain? Slowly working my way into that tight body of yours, filling you and loving the mind-numbing pleasure of being engulfed in your wet heat?”

Her hand moved back down her body and she pushed a finger, two fingers, into her swollen sex, almost feeling the pleasure of being filled by Rhys. Of being consumed by Rhys. “I feel it.”

His breathing was becoming ragged, heavy and his voice
guttural as he kept whispering words of seduction. Her palm grew damp from holding the phone and her grip tightened, unwilling to lose the connection to the most exhilarating man she had ever known. “As I pump deeper and deeper into your body, my tongue tangle
with yours I thrust one final time and fill you completely. And I hold myself there, neither moving nor thrusting, simply staring down into your beautiful blue eyes as I lose myself for eternity. I drown, Jenna; in your eyes I drown.”

Tears leaked from her closed eyes as she imagined holding him for an eternity. “Rhys.”

“Come for me, Jenna,” he rasped, his breath coming in great heaves. “Come for me.”

, she
cried out as she came
his echoing response as he
his release. Her hand fell limply to the bed and she was too drained to move, to think. Little aftershocks fluttered through her body and she thought it had been the most satisfying sex she had ever
. And she felt a wave of guilt swell up at the betraying thought.

“That was….” Rhys slowly inhaled and then let the breath out, “Wow, that was incredible.”

“Yes,” she managed to choke out as she desperately tried to get her emotions back under control She hadn’t expected to have such a profound experience with a man on the other end of the phone but there was just something about Rhys…. He was lightness and she sorely needed that. Swallowing, she opened her eyes and stared up at the unadorned ceiling and wondered if she could afford to have a mad, passionate affair with a man who made her feel so deeply so soon after meeting him.

“Talk to me, Jenna,” he urged gently. “Tell me what dark thought
are trying to work their way into that gorgeous head of yours.”

She flung her arm across her eyes, unable to face the barren reminder of what her life had become. Plastered against her damp ear was a lifeline to the world of the living, the vibrant world of Rhys. Did she dare take the plunge and risk it all? Did she even have a choice? Slowly, as her thoughts slowed down and she could form words, she whispered, “I’m a mother, Rhys; my life for
seven years has been
brutal. I’ve filled it so completely
so I didn’t have to think, to feel, and now, with you, everything is hitting me and I don’t even know if we have a future.

BOOK: Stone Romance (Stone Passion #2)
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