Stop (Cold Mark Book 3) (4 page)

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Authors: Scarlett Dawn

BOOK: Stop (Cold Mark Book 3)
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I thought it prudent not to answer the question. For many reasons. Instead, I stated, “I am your Soul, so yes, we are bound no matter what.” I flicked a finger between the two of them. “I’ve missed you both so very much, but I’ll be honest. I hate how I feel I have no freedom. I thought I’d be able to handle it, to help Joyal and its citizens, but I’ve found, without my freedom, I push even harder for it. Possibly even more recklessly for it.” I tilted my chin up in stubbornness. “If I do this, if we start over, you’ll have to give me space to be myself. To be free.
still getting to know each other again.”
As long as I was here and not escaping with Jax for true freedom from the Mian.
Damn, my life was complicated.

Neither made a peep, eyeing me.


Leo’s golden brows rose. “You’re being evasive.”

Am not. Probably am.
“Can you blame me?”

“More evasion.” Malik rested back, at ease. He raised his arms to the top of the couch, ticking his fingers where they rested on the red leather as he evaluated me. Eventually, in the quiet, his silver gaze never having left mine, he asked, “Has something intimate happened between you and the other Plumas?”

Well, fuck. “No.”

Leo took his turn to lean back, spreading his legs wide and placing his hands behind his head. Relaxed and aloof while his golden gaze honed directly on me. “No?”

Instant. Easy. “No.” Maybe one day I would tell them. Maybe. If I was still here.

Leo hummed.

Malik grunted softly.

I didn’t fidget, but I wanted to. After all, this was a lie. For the exact reason I had admonished them. Though, to be perfectly fair, it had been clear my Vaq and I were not ‘together’ when I had left Belvar. When they had lied, it hadn’t been so obvious. Truly, I wasn’t sure if they even needed to know about the private kiss shared by the Plumas of the east and myself…and them wanting me to figure out my feelings for my Vaq. I barely choked out, “What?”

And the fact I didn’t mind being around Killeg and Phila too much. Enjoyed it, really.

I actually
flirting with them.

And kissing them.

They had seemed to like it, too.

Wait. As an afterthought, perhaps my Vaq should know one day, so they weren’t surprised with a sword in the back—if I chose them.

Bless Mother Joyal, I had no clue how I had gotten myself into this much trouble.

“Nothing,” Malik murmured.

“Okay…” I glanced between them, silent on the couch. “So we’re good? We’ll start fresh?”

“Of course,” Leo answered.

If I weren’t careful, I would start to sweat as Leo had done earlier. “Okay.”

Malik nodded. “Okay.”

My giggle might have been a smidge hysterical as I threw my hands in the air in mini-celebration. “Okays all around then!” I peered to the door in a hurry as they stared. “Where’s my room at again?” I could use a break.

I was a mess. An absolute damned mess. After Malik and Leo had silently shown me to my room, I hadn’t been able to sleep but an hour or two during the day. My stomach was growling at me since I hadn’t been able to finish my dinner last night, but I wasn’t sure if I could keep anything down. At least Malik and Leo had brought my clothing with them so I was able to wear an ensemble that actually fit me.

The teachers of Joyal should have taught interrogation techniques, too.

Though, they might, and I merely hadn’t been far enough along in my training for it.

I had failed miserably. And if I knew it, Malik and Leo’s shrewd as hell brains knew it, too. Today was going to be hell with Killeg and Phila nearby watching as my Vaq and I start fresh in our relationship.

I jumped when a hand touched my shoulder. My head whipped back, and I stared up with wide eyes…at Jax. Bless Mother Joyal. “Let’s get some breakfast.”

Jax nodded, his tender gaze running over my features. We walked down the hallway of the hotel, guards silently following in our wake. He tossed his right arm over my shoulders, asking quietly, “How did it go?”

Like shit.
“All right.”


“Shut up.” I rested my head against his muscular shoulder, letting him guide me to the common rooms restaurant of the hotel. Mian from the east and the west watched us walk by with barely repressed surprise—actual Humans in the midst…with royal guides following us. It wasn’t a sight they saw every night. “I didn’t sleep very well. I need a drink to keep me awake.”


“Sure.” I sat on the chair he pulled out for me. The table was large enough to fit ten people. I gazed at it, and then up at him with my black brows raised. “Big enough table?”

“The Plumas will be down shortly,” he stated offhandedly, not noticing the way my shoulders tensed as he waved down a waitress. “Stiller is talking with them right now in their room next to ours. It sounded heated, so I left them to it.”

I could imagine what they were arguing about. It wouldn’t be a long shot it to think it was about me.

Coffee was quickly served by a curious Mian woman who took our breakfast orders, our waitress fully evaluating the Humans at her table. She was swift. That was all I cared about, not the way she examined me from head to toe. Although I almost burned my tongue taking a sip of my newly acquired coffee when Killeg and Phila sat down across the table from me. Wiping a dribble of brown liquid from my chin, I smiled politely at them. Or tried to, anyway. “Good morning. Or evening.” I sighed in defeat. “Whatever.”

Phila chuckled quietly, drumming his fingers on the table. “Good evening to you, Braita.” His black eyes roamed my features. “Tough night?”

My gaze slammed to Jax, and I griped, “Do I look that damn bad?”

Jax was sensible enough to shake his head, his lips firmly shut.

I glared but took great joy in stating, “Liar.”

Killeg chuckled softly, leaning forward over the table. He stuck his hand in his pants pocket and retrieved a pill. He crushed it directly over my cup, rubbing the pads of his fingers together until a silver powder sprinkled down from his pinched digits to my coffee. It floated on top until it sank down to the depths of the hot liquid. He rested back on his chair, gifting me a small smile, stating gently, “Stir it. The combination of the coffee and the pill will give you an extra…boost…for the day.”

My lips twitched at his self-assurance. “Is this a pill you created?”

His grin only increased, showing me his white, straight teeth. “Of course.”

I lifted a spoon and stirred the concoction together, firmly ignoring when Stiller sat down at our table next to Jax. He wore a scowl just for me. He was so sweet. “This better work. I’m exhausted.”

Stiller perked at this. He peered straight at me, his brows rising in surprise…and hope. “Did your Plumas keep you up all night?” He smirked and even winked.

I could only stare. “Does it look like I’m satisfied?” The Mian seemed to find satisfaction from sexual release. I had seen it enough in the back alleys of Vlymun. The same would hold true for a Human too since the Human reproductive anatomy was the same. My voice may have dripped acrid scorn when I growled, “I mean, really. Stiller, does it
like I’m satisfied?” I was on the verge of a meltdown with all the shit I had running amok inside my head.

Instantly, he fell back against his chair. “Dammit.”

“Yes, well, you’re not the only grumpy one, Stiller.”

No shit
,” Jax whispered, peering for the waitress. For a distraction.

“I heard that!”

Jax pointed at my coffee. “Drink up. I don’t like you when you’re testy.”

“Right back at you.” I took a large drink, obeying him. “I don’t like you when I’m testy either.”

It was about right for my day for my Vaq to show up right then.

They sat down on either side of me, scooting their chairs in close.

Malik leaned over and very softly kissed my cheek. “Good evening.”

I took an extra-large gulp of my coffee. “Good evening.”

Leo reached with his left hand, taking my coffee mug from my hand. He raised it to his nose holding my gaze and inhaled heavily. His lush lips quirked up on one side and handed it back. His tone was sugared in sweetness as he stated, “I see our dear friend Killeg is helping you out this morning.”

I raised the mug to my nose and took a big whiff. Coffee was all I could smell with my Human nose. I smiled though, showing all of my teeth. “Yes, he did.” Another large gulp went down. I needed it, the effects of the pill already jolting my brain to attention. “What’s the plan for today?”

Phila interrupted, murmuring casually, “There’s an event at the Coliseum—”

“No.” I snorted softly. “While you may enjoy the games of the Coliseum and Crank Pit, they are not my type of enjoyment.” It should have been obvious, my esteem of him lowering somewhat with his suggestion. I even felt my brows crinkle at the realization, my chest hurting with it.

He shook his head. “You misunderstand me. The games are for the children and the rides are for the adults. It’s a small indoor fair.” A gentle shrug of his shoulders. “I’m not completely entertained by the thought, but I thought you might enjoy some of the special treats they have there to indulge in.”

My eyes widened, and I sat up straight. “Candy?”

Killeg’s lips twitched as his eyes remained on mine. “Yes, the treats there are delicious.”

Swiftly, my head swung back and forth between my Vaq, pleading them with my eyes. “Please, can we go there? On Joyal, candy is a rarity, and I
it.” My ass bounced on my seat. “Please?”

I had gained the attention of all Mian sitting around us. Even with all eyes on me, I didn’t care.

I wanted candy. “Pretty, please?”

Leo’s blink was ever so gradual. He stared directly into my eyes, flicked a swift glare at the Plumas across from him, but when he touched my cheek, I knew he was caving. Even to an enemy’s idea. He tilted forward, resting his forehead against mine, his glowing gaze gently. “Of course, we’ll go.”

I squealed in excitement and swiftly kissed his lips. “Thank you!”

Leo’s eyes were wide on his face as I turned and grabbed Malik’s black hair, pulling him down to my level to place a peck of a kiss on his lips. I gushed, “Thank you, thank you!”

Malik blinked, shock radiating off him, still trapped in my hold. “You’re welcome.”

Phila snorted softly across the table from us, lifting an invisible glass in cheers. He muttered, “And you’re welcome, my fellow Plumas.”

With my mouth full of a substance they called ‘Pink Kisses,’ I pulled Malik up beside me. I mumbled around the deliciousness in my mouth, “Hold open the bag, please?” The bag Leo was carrying I had already filled.

Dutifully, Malik opened the half-full bag in his hands. He chuckled softly as I grabbed candy item after candy item and shoved it into the bag, making sure there would be room for more. “I’ve never seen a woman able to eat quite that much—”

I placed a sticky pointed finger against his lips. “Don’t even say it.” Especially, since it was saying a lot with him only being near Mian women his entire life.

“Okay,” he mumbled around my finger and then in a blur, he opened his lips and sucked my finger inside. I couldn’t blink, staring as his lips encased my finger into the wet warmth of his mouth. I jerked when his tongue ran up and down my digit, licking all the sugar off. Slowly, I pulled my finger from his mouth, watching as he kissed the tip of it. His grin was unassuming as he lowered, placing his face directly in front of mine. “Are you sure you don’t want to go back to the hotel yet?”

I squeaked, “Nope! Not yet.” I quickly pivoted and fanned my face with my hand, my cheeks completely flushed. My feet faltered a second later when I saw Killeg smack Phila upside his head though they were both glaring at Malik. I instantly turned back around, keeping Malik’s attention on me. “Actually, I think I have enough candy to last me a while. Why don’t we walk along the shops outside for a bit?”

He nodded, grateful to be leaving the fair. Screaming children ran all around in their fun so I could understand. Specifically, when people of the west continually came up to Leo and him, generally kissing their asses. Lifting a hand, he waved to Leo where he had been pulled aside by a mom and her three adoring children. Malik didn’t bother to keep his voice down. “Let’s go!”

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