Storm Front (13 page)

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Authors: Monette Michaels

BOOK: Storm Front
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“Yeah, that’s covered … um, on the pill.” She wiggled, and he thrust his cock in farther. “I haven’t had intercourse for over a year. I’m clean.”

“I haven’t had sex without protection ever. So—” Earl groaned when she tightened her vagina around him; he nipped her shoulder.

A frisson of pleasure zeroed in on her clit. Who knew she liked biting?

Earl trailed nipping and licking kisses over her shoulder and up her throat. He then tilted her head back and took her mouth in a deep, biting kiss that had her grinding her bottom against him. His reaction was to seat his cock fully inside her so the tip touched her cervix and his balls nestled against the curve of her bottom.

Tessa broke away from the luscious kiss and groaned. She then licked his lower lip and sucked it into her mouth, letting it go with a slick
“So…” finishing the talk of safe sex so they could get on to the good parts of the program, “…you don’t need to use a condom.”

“God, bareback. Never, ever done it this way.” He began thrusting again. In. Out. In. Out.

His slow hip action had her moaning low in her throat as each move rippled his cock along the ultra-sensitive nerve endings in her sheath. He was conquering and claiming the intimate territory as his own.

And she was so okay with that.

With her arm up and behind, she reached for his head and stroked his hair and whatever else she could reach. The hair on his chest rasped across the overly sensitized skin of her back as he undulated against her in the slow dance of love-making.

And always, always, he kissed her face, her neck, her shoulders, and his fingers fondled her clit and the labia spread wide by the girth of his cock.

The pressure within her built until she couldn’t hold back the whimpers and mewls of the pleasure-pain of the slow and excruciating buildup. She recognized what he was doing, and God knew, she loved him for taking special care with her this first time.

But enough was enough.

“Earl. Let go, darling. I need you to move.” She pinched his hip to make her point.

“God, baby…” Earl groaned and rested his sweaty forehead against her shoulder. His rasping breaths were warm and damp against her skin. “…if I let go, it’ll be rough. I don’t want to hurt you.”

Scare her or remind her of her past, he meant, but he was too loving and kind to say it out loud.

She smoothed a hand over the arm holding her to him as he thrust slowly, maintaining a snail’s pace that was frickin’ driving her nuts. “I trust you. Now, let go and make love to me. I want it hard and fast and … frickin’ now.”

“God, I love you.” He lightly bit the juncture of her neck and shoulder.

She hissed at the sharp sensation. He chuckled against the smarting spot and increased the speed of his cock until he thrust rapidly in and out of her aching depths.

Tessa threw her head back and moaned. “God, that feels … so … effin’ amazing. I can feel your cock throbbing.”

Earl grunted. “Fucking perfect. You’re … fucking … perfect.”

And then her lover took it up another notch. As he moved faster and faster, she held on to the arm around her waist, the arm whose hand flicked and teased her clit, driving her crazier and crazier with pleasure. The sounds coming from him became more and more animalistic the faster and harder he thrust.

His excitement became hers.

“God … baby … don’t let me hurt you.” The pleading in his tone couldn’t be mistaken. He was still worried.

“You aren’t.” She nipped the underside of his chin. She let go of his arm and reached back to cup his buttock. “Take me. Harder.” She shoved him into her as she thrust back to meet his pistoning hips. “Harder.”

“Goddamn. Fuckin’ wonderful.” His groan of pleasure made her pussy contract.

Earl surged inside her harder and faster. Pressure increased. The ripples along her sheath built until they became waves. His cock throbbed more rapidly and seemed to thicken. The sensation was more than wonderful. But she needed more.

“Earl … I need to come.”

“Hell, yeah. Come for me.”

Earl’s words rumbled like thunder around her, a sexual storm front.

The sounds were so low, so rumbling, she felt the vibrations from his chest against her back. His body was coated with sweat and moved slickly against her own heated skin.

A quick glimpse of his face showed his masculine features contorted into a rictus of pleasure-pain as he took her steadily, denying himself as he worked to give her pleasure.

All Tessa could do was hold on and pray the pressure Earl built inside her wouldn’t kill her before it released.

She kissed, licked, and bit his chin and jaw as her head lolled against his shoulder. She whispered words of love amongst the moans and whimpers and animalistic sounds coming from her throat.

“Let go, baby. Come.” Earl growled and ground the heel of his hand over her clit. “Fucking now.”

And that was what she’d needed. Her climax blew through her like the leading winds of a thunderstorm, sweeping her into the sky and tossing her around as she screamed her pleasure and Earl’s name amidst the tempest of his taking.

The pleasure of her release was painful. Euphoric. The best sensation she’d ever felt in her entire life. She made noises she’d never made before as she gasped for breath. Grunts. Mewls. Moans. Raspy harsh groans. And finally, a stream of “oh Gods.”

Earl’s hips never stopped moving, pummeling her butt, thrusting so deeply inside her his cock head hit her cervix as he fed the storm inside her body.

Then he roared, “God, yes, Tessa.”

The world seemed to stop moving along with his hips for one infinite second—after which, Earl shouted her name once more and exploded into a rougher, faster, more erratic motion, pounding her hips as his cum filled her depths and sent her soaring even farther into the storm-filled plane of existence created by their coming together.

For what seemed like forever, she floated on zephyrs of pure pleasure as Earl’s hips slowed the intensity of the in-and-out movement. His still-hard cock nursed her through mini-climax after mini-climax.

But she wasn’t afraid of this new plane of existence, because Earl held her safely in his arms.

She was so safe. So happy. So very loved.

As she finally settled down to earth, felt the mattress beneath her, Earl whispered against her cheek. “Sleep, sweetheart. I’ve got you.”

She managed to utter one “love you” and a yawn before sinking into the deep sleep of satiation. All worries of what would come later shoved to the far recesses of her mind by the pleasure she’d shared with Earl and the security of his arms.

Chapter 9

Tuesday, December 6th, 9:30 a.m.

This time when Tessa woke up, she was alone. She turned over and felt the depression in the sheets where Earl had lain next to her and found they were cold.

Dammit, she had plans for the man, and he’d sneaked out and left her sleeping. The next time they were intimate, she intended to explore a bit, beginning with his cock.

Tossing aside the covers, she sat up and swung her legs over the side of the bed. She winced when areas that had taken a beating in her fall over the edge of the ravine made themselves known, along with the more sexual tenderness of having taken Earl’s big cock.

God, she wanted him again.

But before that could happen, she needed a shower, some ibuprofen, and food. Tessa noted her things had been moved from her guest suite to this one. Earl’s doing she was sure. The man had claimed her and was making his possession clear. She giggled. She liked being possessed by Earl; it showed how much he loved her. Then she sobered as she wondered how many women in his past he had moved into his space. A sharp pang of jealousy made her wince.

Get over yourself. The man hasn’t been a monk waiting for you to come along. Enjoy the moment.

Overthinking things was one of her issues; always had been.

Tessa entered the bathroom. Her personal items were mingled with Earl’s on the vanity. The sight looked and felt right. She could live in this kind of moment for a very long time.

With a happy sigh, she took her shower and washed her hair.

Once her hair was reasonably dry and in her favored high ponytail, she took the backstairs to the kitchen hallway.

She inhaled deeply as she descended the steps. The aroma of bacon and eggs had her stomach grumbling again. Quickly, she walked the hallway toward the kitchen, ready to eat, and more than ready to see Earl again, to touch him and see his reaction. To reaffirm he loved and wanted her.

Then she hesitated, ugly thoughts pushed their way to the front of her mind. What if last night had all been about booty call?

Geez Louise, Tessa. The man loves you. What happened to live in the moment?

She couldn’t help her insecurity. She was still in a state of shock at the thought this wonderful man wanted her, could overlook her sordid past. In the light of day, had he looked at her and seen a slut, an easy lay?

God. I’d wash my hands of you, but we’re sort of inseparable. Go in there. You’ll see. Earl loves you.

She took a deep breath and entered the kitchen. When she was less than two feet into the room, she stopped.

The gazes of the seven men, none of them Earl, sitting around the breakfast nook table turned her way. Each of them looked grim—and shamefaced.

The reason for their guilt was her opened laptop in the center of the table. Her stomach clenched. She backed up, ready to turn and run.

“Tessa, come here, sweetheart.” Earl stood by the stove and held his hand out. The concerned look on his face told her he could read her fear. His eyes held love and affection … and understanding.

God, when would she stop being such an idiot?

See? I told you so. Go to him.

Tessa must not have reacted quickly enough, because Earl started for her, muttering things she couldn’t hear, but probably didn’t need to. Obviously, she’d interrupted a planning session about her problem. She needed to gain some control over this knee-jerk reaction to the others knowing about her. Best to start now.

“Earl?” She met him halfway. She walked into his open arms and twined hers around his lean waist. “What’s going on, tough guy? Did you forget to invite me to the powwow on my cyberstalker problem?”

Earl’s warm—and what she read as proud—gaze swept over her face, twice. A fine trembling traveled through her. She hadn’t dreamed any of the previous night or this morning—Earl Blackhawk loved her. Tessa was glad for the support of his arms, since her knees went weak at the desire in the depths of his eyes.

God, the man could make her want, no, need him with just a look.

“You’re okay then?” His voice was husky and loving.

“I love you,” she whispered. “I’m fine.”

“Love you, too, sweetheart.” He brushed a kiss over her flushed cheeks.

Several male snorts and grunts from the interested onlookers had her face heating up even more. She couldn’t believe she just blurted her love for Earl in front of an audience.

Earl shot a nasty look in the direction of the noise, and the men shut up. He pulled her with him toward the stove where he took some scrambled eggs off the burner.

Then he leaned down and kissed her on the mouth—several warm, firm brushes of his lips. He placed his mouth near her ear and spoke in a low monotone which would carry no farther than them. “Did I hurt you this morning?”

Tessa’s cheeks had to be fire-engine red by now. But his words, his husky, caring tone of voice, had her pussy clenching in need. She wanted him now.

“I’m fine.” She stood on her tiptoes and kissed him, adding a sharp little nip to his lower lip. His pupils dilated and his nostrils flared at the provocation. “I understand why you let me sleep, but this is my life, tough guy. I think I should be involved in figuring out how to handle the bastard.”

Earl’s face darkened. He obviously wanted her out of it, but then he nodded. And if she hadn’t already fallen in love with the man, that acceptance, reluctant though it was, and especially because it was grudging, would’ve done it.

“Fair enough. We haven’t started yet, so you haven’t missed anything.” Earl moved her to his side and placed an arm around her waist. He ushered her to the table and pulled out a chair for her. “Sit, sweetheart. What do you want to eat?”

“Bacon, definitely, with some eggs.” She looked up. “What else did you cook? And where in the heck is Scotty? He can’t still be hung over.”

“Scotty’s taking care of Riley this morning, so Keely can sleep in,” Ren offered with a warm smile. “My wife didn’t sleep well last night.”

The choking coughs of his men and Ren’s naughty grin said it all.

Keely was sleeping the sleep of a sexually satisfied woman. Just as Tessa had after both intimate interludes with Earl. She’d never slept so well in her life.

“I made biscuits.” Earl leaned over and kissed the top of her head as he stroked her back. “Want one?”

She smiled. “I want two.”

“Whatever you want, Tessa, I’ll always get it for you.”

She was fairly sure he was talking about more than just food. More than sex. His next words confirmed her supposition.

Earl looked her in the eye. “No one here is judging you, baby. Understand that. We want to get this asshole out of your life so you and I can make a new one together. Got it?”

Tessa smiled through the tears forming in her eyes. This man not only loved her, but also had her back. If she had to go through all the hell in her life again to reach this moment and find this man, she would do it in an instant. He was worth it.

“Got it, tough guy. Now feed me.”

Earl chuckled and flicked the end of her nose lightly. “Yes, ma’am.”

Tessa turned to face the men at the table. Besides Ren, there was Tweeter, Paul, Loren, Price, Evan, and Chad. “Hey guys. Sorry about yesterday. I sort of freaked. Thank you for saving me.”

Evan, sitting on her immediate right, shoulder-bumped her. “Tessa, sweetie, you know Chad and I have always had your back. You should’ve told us about this stalker. About what he had on you.” He turned her face to meet his gaze. “Please tell me you at least reported this to the Chicago police.”

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