Storm' Fury: The Shenkar War

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Storm’s Fury

The Shenkar War


















By Seth P. Libby




              As always I would like to thank my friend, family and fans for the support I have received. I never had thought of writing a novel and was pleasantly surprised by the positive feedback I received from Sacrifice.

              I would also like to give special thanks to Charlotte and Greg for taking the time to read Storm’s Fury and provided me with feedback.

              I hope readers enjoy Storm’s Fury and provide positive feedback. The more positive the response will motivate me to finish the final book in the trilogy as quickly as possible.

              Finally I just wish to say to my wife and daughter, I love you both!
















                                                        Shenkar Home World, Shryka


              Zzasha peered carefully around the corner, checking to make sure the hall was clear. Two Shenkar warriors marched down the hall away from Zzasha and his three companions. After a few moments the two warriors rounded the corner, disappearing from sight, the sound of their footsteps fading. Zzasha turned back to his small group and motioned them forward.

              “Okay, we only have a few moments before the guards return so we need to move quickly and silently.”

              All three nodded an affirmative to Zzasha's instructions but otherwise remained silent. Without another word Zzasha peered around the corner again then quickly moved forward. Silently, the four moved down the hall until they came to a door. Gripping the handle to the door Zzasha then turned his wrist and the handle didn't move.

              “It’s secured.” whispered a voice from behind him.

              “I know, Delik, I am the one who just tried to open the door. We need to break the code.” said Zzasha, pointing to a keypad to the left of the door.

              “We don't have the time, the guards will be back any moment, and I don't feel like having to take on the 3
Phalanx when we are caught.” Delik said, in an irritated voice.

              “Are you afraid? The four of us would destroy the 3
Phalanx,” the Shenkar next to Delik stated.

              “Of course I am not afraid, Fvirik, but even those odds are a bit much,” Delik answered angrily.

              The growing sounds of footsteps cut off any future arguments as all three looked to Zzasha. Zzasha, ignoring his companions, moved quickly to the small keypad. Pulling a small device from a pouch at his hip he then affixed it to the keypad. The device was small and had a keypad below a black screen. Zzasha quickly tapped a few keys on the device then sat back and watched the small screen light up as numbers began to flash upon the screen. The sounds of the footsteps growing louder had Zzasha soon considering abandoning the keypad and running. Just as he was about to give up, the keypad glowed brightly and there was an audible click of the door unlocking.

              Hurriedly, he removed the device, pulled the door open and all four swiftly entered. The door barely pulled closed as the two Shenkar warriors entered the hallway. The room they had entered was small, and except for the one door opposite and a similar keypad, was empty.

              Zzasha listened at the door for a few moments, to make sure they hadn't been discovered, before turning back to his companions.

              “Okay they are gone, let's get going.”

              Zzasha turned from the door and crossed the room in two long strides to the only other door. Listening at the door first he then attached the hacking device to the keypad then proceeded to repeat the process he had done in the hallway.

              The room they entered was even smaller than the last. This room however wasn't empty. Shelves covered the walls though out the small room except for a small desk that held a computer terminal. Upon the shelves were several thousand data modules. The modules were small and rectangular in size, completely grey except for a number code on the end of each one.

              “So where is this module you wished us to see?” asked Cryta.

              Zzasha scanned the modules for the one he had marked. Spotting a module with a mark scratched into it, he reached up and retrieved it.

              “Before I show you this, I want to remind you of something. We are the Shenkar Federation, we have never known defeat, am I correct?”

              His three companions all nodded an affirmative.

              “What have you all heard of the Third fleet and Supreme Overlord Krailsha?”

              Cryta was the warrior to respond.

              “They were reported as lost, spacial anomaly which resulted in the destruction of the entire fleet. Why do you ask?”

              “Do you not find that report odd? A fleet of that size would only come together in the event of a pending battle so how is it possible the entire fleet was destroyed?”

              Zzasha nodded towards the module he held in his hand.

              “On this module is the truth to the Third fleet and Supreme Overlord Krailsha. I can tell you now that it wasn't any spacial anomaly that resulted in their destruction.”

              Zzasha held the module aloft as he studied his companion’s looks upon their faces at what he had just said. All three seemed completely focused on his every word.

              “What would you say if I told you they encountered a race of beings that destroyed them?” Zzasha asked.

              “That's impossible, we are unmatched in warfare!” Delik exclaimed defiantly.

              “Yes Delik is correct, the Shenkar Federation is unmatched. Since we won our freedom over the tyrannical Meshtrell we have never known defeat. We will never again be subjugated,” exclaimed Cryta.

              Zzasha didn't say anything; instead he just stood there in silence, holding the module up. The silence drifted on for several seconds before Fvirik spoke.

              “So if Krailsha and the Third fleet were defeated then who did it?”

              “They call themselves
, they live on a planet they call
. By all accounts the Third fleet was performing the standard search pattern when a destroyer, the
, came upon a transmission. Once they were able to locate the origin of the transmission, they then followed protocol and sent out the designated signal indicating sentient life found. Shortly thereafter the signal from the
was lost; it is believed that this was the first encounter with the human warships.

              As the rest of the fleet began to rendezvous at designated coordinates they were intercepted and destroyed. The strikes were surgical and thorough. They had no idea who was doing it and only one transmission was found from a human pilot known as

              Zzasha stopped at this point and inserted the module into the nearby terminals port. Pausing long enough to key in a few commands on the keyboard he then turned back to his three companions as a voice began to emit from the computers speakers.

“To the Shenkar Federation inbound fighters, we are Necro squadron, we are from the race of humans. You do not know us, but you will soon learn what we are made of and what we stand for. We, however, know what you are made of, and what you stand for. We know of your races destruction and subjugation of other sentient races. It all ends now for we will stop you. You have known the calm, now witness the storm, for we are the storm and we bring death!”

              Zzasha pressed the pause key on the computer before continuing.

              “Only one pilot survived the attack and was able to report back. The fact that he had survived had been a lucky break at best. The warrior reported these mysterious pilots were able to destroy numbers three times their own. The impact these losses had upon our fleet was severely demoralizing. But if you think that is bad this wasn't the worst of it to happen. The
, flagship of the federation, was ambushed and destroyed by these humans.”

              All three of his companion’s mouths fell open at hearing this. The looks upon their faces showed mixed emotions from worry to outright disbelief.

“How many battlecruisers did the
take with her before she was destroyed?” asked Cryta.

              Zzasha didn't answer right away; instead he studied his friends, looking for any sign of disbelief. Fvirik, his closest friend, always there to stand with him.  Having grown up together, running and playing as young children until they reached the age of ascension. At the proper age they had joined the academy to train to become one of the warrior elites. Unlike the cloned warriors, the warrior elites drilled night and day to hone their skills. Warrior elites had the honor of serving and protecting the Shelecore in addition to the ruling council. While they rarely served on the front lines, they were sometimes called in to carry out missions too delicate for the simple minded clones. All of the ruling council was, at one time, elite warriors. The Shelecore is said to be a warrior who is unmatched with the plasma sword although there has been some speculation he is not from the elite class at all.

              Fvirik and Zzasha were the best of the best in personal combat as well as in space. Neither could be beaten, except against each other in which the matches usually were even. Delik was a hothead, always prone to argue no matter how absurd the argument. Even so, Zzasha still counted him a friend regardless of their disagreements. Then there was Cryta, who was unlike any of the elites Zzasha knew. Cryta was quiet and rarely spoke, usually only speaking when spoken to. His knowledge of science however was unmatched and Zzasha could see him rising to the rank among the Akron science officers of the upper echelon.

              “Well? Are you going to tell us how many battlecruisers?” asked Fvirik, the sound of irritation clear in his voice.

              “Would you believe none?” Zzasha asked.

              All three looked shocked at this, before Delik spoke angrily.

              “That is impossible! You are lying to us. I don't care how great these humans are in battle. One battlecruiser cannot stand alone against a dreadnought.”

              “I have to agree with Delik on this one, no one battlecruiser could stand alone against the
,” said Fvirik, almost regretfully as he looked sidelong at Delik.

              “Do you believe one of these humans could kill an entire crew of a battlecruiser?” Zzasha asked.

              Again all three looked at Zzasha as if he had lost his mind.

              “The same warrior that is reported to have been a key factor in the destruction of the
also killed the entire crew of the battlecruiser,
. “

              Seeing another outburst coming from Delik, he paused long enough to hold up a hand to stop Delik. Once he was sure he had stifled Delik, he then continued.

              “After the loss of the
, Supreme Overlord Krailsha was furious. Several times the humans ambushed and destroyed ships of his fleet. While at the same time he had been unsuccessful with finding and eliminating the human battlecruiser. From reports Krailsha devised a plan to demoralize the humans by killing one of their leaders. Do you remember the transmission I played for you earlier of the human named
? Well this human also was the same human involved in the destruction of the
and the deaths of the entire crew of the
. Krailsha successfully launched an ambush that lead to the capture of the human known as
While being detained on the
something went horribly wrong and this human broke free.

              Now I know this is hard for you all to believe without seeing so please watch the screen again.”

              Zzasha turned back to the computer and uploaded the file he desired. After a few moments security footage appeared upon the screen. The footage showed one lone human decimating any attacks thrown against him. The humans red glowing sword was a crimson blur as it cut cleanly through anything within reach. Whether it was a Shenkar’s arm, leg or head they were severed cleanly off as the human cut a swath through rank upon rank of Shenkar warriors. But the swirling sword wasn't the most disturbing part. The human every so often would pause; raise his empty hand and blue bolts of electricity shot forth, burning down any warriors in the corridor.

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