Straight To You: A Novella (Taking Chances Series Book 1) (16 page)

BOOK: Straight To You: A Novella (Taking Chances Series Book 1)
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Melanie cut her off with a wave of her hand. “Please don’t start quoting song lyrics at me.”

“You used to love that song by Savage Garden. You knew all the words, even better than I did. What happened to that cheesy sister I once knew? The one who would have
agreed to marry a guy she was crazy in love with?”

“That was a lifetime ago.” Her thoughts traveled back for a moment to another time and place. Life and love had been so much simpler on the other side of the world. “Things were different in Hong Kong.”

Sam frowned. “I know you lost a lot when we moved to America, but it’s not like your life ended. And it certainly doesn’t mean you’ll never find love again. But the way you’re going about this is all wrong. You can’t make marriage into a business transaction. You have to go with your heart.”

Melanie crossed her arms against her black blouse. “Okay, so what if I don’t feel butterflies in my stomach for Melvin? I could a year from now. Sometimes it takes time for love to develop. I think that’s much better than falling for someone you hardly even know.” She threw the proverbial ball back into Sam’s court. Two could play at this game.

“Hey, Cliff and I were together for almost three months. We chatted every day, including weekends.”

“But you never even met him. How do you know he was really an artist living in New York?”

Sam scowled. “Fine. What about Adam, my last boyfriend? We dated in person for four months.”

“But you never told Ma and Ba about him. A secret boyfriend hardly counts as a real relationship.”

“You know they would never have approved of me dating a white guy, even if he was rich and pre-med! Anyway, I didn’t like him enough to want to bring him home. Regardless, at least I’ve put myself out there and met some guys, virtually and in real life. You don’t even go out on dates. How can you give up like this?”

Sure, it was easy for a twenty year old college kid to give advice about love. At that age, there was plenty of time for fun and flings. But at twenty-six, Melanie wanted more. She wanted the American dream her parents had told her about when she was small. She had the academic and professional success, but she was missing the one thing she desired the most: a family. Unfortunately, good grades only got her so far. She sighed. “You may have a point. I know I put in much more time and effort into studying than I put into my social life. But socializing has never been one of my strengths. I’m not like you, able to make friends with everyone I meet. You’re the life of the party. Me? I’m the wallpaper.”

Sam’s expression softened to see her sister looking so surprisingly vulnerable. “I think you mean wall

Melanie rolled her eyes. Even after ten years in the States, she still had trouble grasping the language. “I can never get these English idioms right. But you know what I mean.” She paused with a sigh. “When Ma brought up this idea of marrying Melvin, I thought it was the answer to my prayers. I know he’s always liked me. It shouldn’t be too hard to like him back, right?”

The kitchen door swung open, interrupting their conversation. Their youngest sister rushed in, each of her steps punctuated by a swishing sound from her high school track pants. “I’m here with orders from Ma,” Billie announced in exasperation. “She said to hurry up and to make sure you open up a new can of evaporated milk for Mr. and Mrs. Lai.”

Sam gritted her teeth. “Always giving our guests the new stuff while we get stuck eating week old food.”

“Sam, those guests are likely my future in-laws. I’d rather they not leave our house with food poisoning.” Melanie opened a cabinet door and rummaged through a shelf of canned goods. “Come on, where is it? Oh, don’t tell me we used up the last one.” She emerged with a frown, empty-handed.

“Should I tell Ma?” Billie asked. “Maybe they can drink the tea black? Or use regular milk?”

Melanie shook her head. “No, no, we can’t serve milk tea without evaporated milk. I’ll just go to the store and get a can. It shouldn’t take me more than ten minutes. Meanwhile, take this out and stall them.” She took a plate of sliced fruit from the counter and handed it to Billie. She grabbed her purse from the table and waved to her sisters. “I’ll be right back.”

“You better hurry before they decide to marry me off to Melvin’s little brother,” Sam called out. “I can already see the wheels turning in Ma’s head.”

Melanie chuckled as she headed out the back door.


Thankfully, Melanie knew which aisle to head to as soon as she entered their neighborhood supermarket. She picked up two cans of evaporated milk and glanced at her watch. If she used the self-checkout line, she could be out of the store and back home with time to spare. A smile appeared on her lips, but quickly faded when she saw the red puffy skin near her wrist. Her eyes traveled up the rest of her left arm and then along the length of her right one.
Oh, Sam’s going to have a good laugh when she sees this.
She did have a case of hives and a bad one at that. Good thing she was at the store. She just needed to pick up one more item and she would be good to go.

Melanie headed over to the aisle stocked with over-the-counter medications. She scanned the shelves of colored boxes, bypassing the decongestants and pain relievers, until she found the antihistamines. She grabbed one and proceeded to head out, pausing only when her eyes glimpsed a customer down the aisle.

The man had been standing in the same place for a while, with the same frazzled look on his face. His eyes peered at the shelves before him, then to a piece of paper in his hands and back again. With his free hand he rubbed his forehead as if trying to will a genie to appear and grant him three wishes.

It looks like he’d be happy with just one wish right now.
Melanie’s heart softened as she realized what he was looking at-feminine products.
The poor guy’s trying to buy something for his wife, but he has no clue what he’s doing. Well, he’ll learn soon enough.

She turned to walk away when a loud sigh reached her ears. Before she could think twice, she found herself standing next to the man. Melanie blinked as she realized where her feet had taken her. She believed in practicing good bedside manners as a doctor, but that didn’t include striking up conversations with strangers in stores. But, since she had already walked over, she couldn’t back out now. “I, uh, I don’t mean to intrude, but it looks like you could use some help?”

The man looked up from his list and stared at Melanie wordlessly for a moment. His hazel eyes twinkled as he shook his head in amazement. “Ask and you shall receive,” he mumbled under his breath. His face broke into a wide smile. “Uh, yes, I’m a bit out of my element here as you can see. I sure would appreciate your guidance, seeing as you’re a girl-I mean, a woman.”
She is definitely a woman, and such a beautiful one, too.
He couldn’t help but gaze into her big brown eyes, which reminded him of hot cocoa, rich and inviting.

Despite the awkwardness of the situation, Melanie felt strangely at ease. This man had an openness about him as was evident by the kind, yet playful smile on his face. And what a handsome face it was. Chiseled cheekbones, a strong jaw, and…
… dimples. She had a weakness for dimples. She redirected her attention to the list he held when she realized she had been staring a little too long. “Let’s have a look at that and see if we can make sense of it.”

“Yes, of course.” The man handed the sheet of paper to her and leaned over to allow his six foot frame to meet with her petite one. He pointed to the curvy handwriting that had been inked with a bright pink pen. “I’m supposed to get
ultra thin pads. I found the right section, but I have no idea which one to buy. There’s slender, regular, long super, overnight and maximum. Not to mention There’s the choice between wings or no wings, and scented or non. Now tell me, what’s a guy to do with all these options?”

Melanie shook her head and smirked. She had to admit even she was feeling overwhelmed by his dilemma now that she saw the complexity of it. “I never realized there were so many different kinds. You know, this is starting to sound like one of those math problems where you have to figure out how many-”

“Combinations are possible with the factors you’re given,” he interjected with a grin. “Now you’re speaking my language.”

“Hm?” Melanie murmured with a questioning glance. Was this another idiom she didn’t quite understand? “What language are you talking about?”

“Oh, the language of numbers. Combinations, permutations-those are the kind of things I have a good handle on. This,” he added, gesturing to the shelves before them, “not so much.” He ran a hand through his sandy brown hair and chuckled. “How they expect anyone-girl or guy-to figure this out is a mystery.”

“I personally think this is a marketing ploy to get us confused enough so we start believing we need all these products.” Melanie paused. “Did you try calling your wife and asking her which kind she prefers?”

“Oh, There’s no wife to call. Or girlfriend, for that matter.” He somehow felt the need to clarify this in case she had been wondering. “I’m shopping for my sister. She’s in the middle of writing a paper, and it’s almost next to impossible to interrupt her when she’s studying. I tried calling her earlier, but she didn’t answer.”

Melanie ears perked up. “Your sister? Wow, you’re a really good brother to do this for her. I get dragged into helping my younger sisters out, too, but it’s never for anything as adventurous as this.”

“I try to do what I can. The truth of the matter is that I didn’t know what I was getting myself into this time around.” He paused with a smile that crinkled the corners of his eyes. “I’m glad I’m not the only one here feeling lost.”

Speaking of lost, she was starting to wonder if she had lost her mind. Not only was she talking to a stranger, she was actually enjoying it. The interested and attentive way he looked at her likely had something to do with it. And the fact that he kept flashing those dimples in her direction didn’t hurt either. “Well, you know what they say, two heads are better than none. I’m sure we’ll figure this out.”

He nodded in amusement. “I think you mean two heads are better than one.”

“Yes, of course,” Melanie answered as she cringed inwardly.
He must think I’m fresh off the boat!
This was one of the reasons she had a hard time socializing. She never knew what embarrassing phrases might come out of her mouth. “Sorry, English isn’t my first language.”

“Don’t apologize. I think English is rather confusing myself; it’s certainly not as straightforward as numbers. Either way, you are right. Two heads are better than none. Which means I’m very happy I ran into you… or rather, that you came to my rescue.”

“I-uh, me, too.” Melanie couldn’t believe her ears. She was both flattered and surprised. Was this guy flirting? And what was that warm, tingly feeling going on inside of her?
I shouldn’t be feeling like this. I’m practically engaged-oh no!
Her sisters would be wondering why she was taking so long. “I have to go.”

His face fell in disappointment. “You do? I was hoping-”

“Here,” Melanie interrupted him mid-sentence to hand him several packages from the shelf. “I think these should work for your sister. At least with three choices-”

“The odds of one working out is higher,” he finished for her.

“Yes,” she replied with a surprised grin.
Was he a mind reader?
“How do you do that?”

Before he could answer Melanie, the
of several incoming text messages sounded from her purse. “I think you’re being summoned. I won’t keep you then. I’m grateful you stopped by, uh…?”

“It’s Melanie.” She handed the shopping list back to him. “No problem. I’m glad I could help.”

He accepted the piece of paper with one hand, then grasped her extended hand with the other. “My name’s Ben. Thanks again.”

Melanie drew in a sharp breath. The spark from his touch spread through her fingers like rays of sunshine, bringing relief to her itchy skin. Her body’s response couldn’t be more wrong, but why did it feel so right?
I better go before I really lose my mind.

She hurried along to the register, paid for her items, and sped home.


An anxious looking Sam met Melanie at the back door. “Where have you been? You were gone for almost half an hour! Ma is about to have a panic attack.”

“I know, I’m sorry,” Melanie replied with a sheepish smile. “I got held up at the store.” She handed her sister a can of evaporated milk. “Can you open this? I need to take care of my hives.”

Sam raised an eyebrow when she saw the box of antihistamines in Melanie’s hand. “Huh? You didn’t take it already? Your hives are gone.”

“What?” She ran her hands up and down her arms. Sam was right. The red bumps had disappeared, leaving her skin its normal light tan color. “How did that happen?”

Billie walked into the kitchen with a look of annoyance on her face. “Guys, I’ve played every piano piece from every recital I’ve had in the last five years. My fingers are about to fall off! Is the tea ready yet?”

Sam grabbed a stainless steel kettle off the stove and began pouring tea into a blue and white porcelain cup decorated with lotus leaves. “Argh, I forgot to heat the cups up first.” She stopped pouring and set the pot down on the counter. “
Ga Je
… hello? We need some help here!”

Melanie glanced up. “What? Did you say something?”

“Are you okay?” Billie cocked her head to one side. “Why do you keep staring at your arms?”

“I-uh, yeah, I’m good.” A smile appeared on Melanie’s face. “I think I may have found a cure for hives.”

“That’s great, Dr. Koo,” Sam snapped, “but if we don’t get our butts moving, Ma’s going to kill us, and I’m pretty sure There’s no cure for that!”

“You’re right.” Medical discoveries would have to wait. There were more pressing matters at hand, like keeping their mother’s temper at bay. “I’ll prepare the tea. Can you heat up the pastries, Sam?”

“It’s already been done.” Sam opened the oven door and took out a baking tray filled with goodies. “The other pot on the stove has hot water.”

BOOK: Straight To You: A Novella (Taking Chances Series Book 1)
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