Stranger in my Arms (19 page)

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Authors: Rochelle Alers

BOOK: Stranger in my Arms
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“You're silly, Merrick Grayslake.”

“No, I'm not. I'm going to become a daddy.”

“After I check out tomorrow I'm going down to the Cape to see my brother Gabriel. I'll spend the night with him, then fly out of Logan Saturday morning. I'll call you as soon as I touch down.”

“Please don't make me worry about you, Ali.”

“I won't. I love you, Merrick.”

There was a pause. “I love you, too.”

Alex ended the call. Picking up the receiver for the hotel phone, she ordered room service. Afterward she thought about calling Gabriel to let him know she was coming, but decided to surprise him. And no doubt he would be very surprised when she told him he was going to be an uncle.

Chapter 20

lex maneuvered her midsize rental car into the driveway leading to her brother's house, coming to a stop in front of the two-car garage. It was nine forty-five at night, and she prayed Gabriel was home, and if he was, that he hadn't gone to bed. She got out of the car. She was in luck. Gabriel bounded off the porch, arms outstretched.

“Hey! What are you doing here?”

Alex kissed her brother's cheek. “I had to see you and give you my good news.”

Cradling her face between his palms, Gabriel smiled at the same time he shook his head. “You could've used the telephone, Alex.”

“I was already in Boston for a meeting.”

His hands came down, and he held her at arm's length. “Look at you, Miss Corporate. You look wonderful.”

An attractive blush suffused her face under a deep summer tan. She'd traded her jeans and T-shirts for a black wool crepe suit, ivory silk blouse, black leather pumps and a strand of perfectly matched pearls with matching studs in her pierced lobes.

“Thank you.”

Gabriel reached for her hand. “Come inside and we'll talk.”

Alex followed him up to a wraparound porch and into a spacious entryway. A formal living room held two facing gleaming black Steinway concert pianos.

“So much for your little place,” she murmured. “This house is enormous.” Bleached pine floors, French doors and pale walls projected an atmosphere of openness.

“It'll do,” Gabriel said with a hint of pride. He led the way to the family room. He indicated a love seat. Alex sat, Gabriel taking the cushion next to her. “Do you want anything to eat or drink?”

“No, thank you. I ate dinner at the hotel before I left.” She glanced around the meticulously furnished room. “I really like what Aunt Parris has done here.” Martin Cole's wife, Parris, was a highly trained interior decorator. “Your house looks like a home. All you need is a wife and a few kids to make it look completely lived in.”

Deliberately ignoring her reference to a wife and children, Gabriel peered closely at his sister. “Tell me your good news.”

A mysterious smile curved Alex's lush mouth. “I'm getting married.”

A muscle tensed in Gabriel's jaw. “Who is he?” The three words were squeezed out between clenched teeth.

Alex stood up and walked over to the French doors overlooking the rear of the house. Strategically placed floodlights illuminated the backyard. She so wanted her brother to be happy for her.

“Please, Gabe.”

He stood up and walked over to her. “Please what?”

Her hands closed into tight fists, her nails biting into the tender flesh of her palms. “Don't say it like that.”

“How else can I say it, Alex? You come to me in the middle of the night with the news that you're engaged. I'm shocked, stunned and surprised.”

Turning around, she stared up at Gabriel. Her heart sank when she saw his expression. “I thought you would be happy for me.”

“I am, Alex. But…but it's so unexpected. You never said you were seeing anyone.” He hesitated when she smiled. “Do I know him?”

She nodded. “Yes.”

His eyes narrowed. “A name, Alexandra.”

“Merrick Grayslake.”

Gabriel went completely still. “Michael's friend?”

Alex lifted her chin and placed her hands on her hips. “Do you know another Merrick Grayslake?” she spat out.

Gabriel threw up his hands at the same time mumbling a savage expletive. “How the hell did you hook up with him?” he shouted in Spanish.

“Don't you dare yell at me!” she warned in the same language.

Running a hand over his face, Gabriel counted slowly to ten. He'd run interference more times than he could remember to scare away men who'd considered his sisters fair game; he'd heard a few refer to Alex and Ana as
“fresh meat.”

He knew Merrick Grayslake was his first cousin Michael Kirkland's friend. He'd met him at Michael's wedding, and had found the man mysterious and somewhat sinister looking.

Why was it, he thought, that his sister was drawn to men who were the complete opposite of her? If they weren't walking on the wild side, then they were on the edge. He didn't know much about Merrick except that he lived somewhere in West Virginia and had at one time worked for the CIA.

Grasping her hand, Gabriel led Alex back to the love seat, sitting and pulling her down next to him. “Talk to me, Alex.”

“Where do you want me to start?”

“From the beginning.”

“I met Merrick at Michael's wedding. We shared a few dances, and he asked me for my number. I gave him my cell phone because I was between the States and Mexico. I must confess that I felt uncomfortable around him for a while, and then one day it disappeared and I saw him in a whole new light.” She didn't reveal the whole new light was when they went from being friends to lovers. “At first I was impressed with his intelligence, but once I got past that I saw him as a lonely man.”

Gabriel shot her an incredulous look. “You're marrying him because you feel sorry for him?”

“Of course not. I'm marrying Merrick because I love him. I also want to tell you that I'm…”

“You're what?” he asked when she did not complete her statement.

“I'm pregnant.”

Gabriel's expression of shock and annoyance gave way to a brilliant smile. “Hot damn! I'm going to be an uncle.”

Alex put her arms around his neck. “Thank you for being happy for me.”

He kissed her forehead. “How can I not be happy for you? When's the wedding?”

Pulling back, her eyes sparkling like multifaceted citrines, Alex blinked back tears of joy. “Soon.”

“Does Grayslake know he's going to be a father?”

Alex nodded. “Yes. I told him last night.”

“How far along are you?”

“Probably about six weeks.”

“Have you seen a doctor?”

“Not yet. I have an appointment for Tuesday morning. You're the first one to know—other than Merrick of course.”

“Why didn't you tell anyone you were dating him?”

“I didn't want to say anything until I was certain he was the
Our relationship changed after he called, asking me to join him in Italy after I'd graduated. Of course I'd been there before as an art student, but I saw it differently because I realized then that I had fallen in love with Merrick.”

Gabriel's smile was tender. His sister was in love. “You're really happy, aren't you?”

She nodded. “So much so that I'm frightened.”

“Have you guys set a date?”

“No. But I don't want to wait too long. Looking like someone who swallowed a melon isn't too cool for a bride. I know you're teaching, but when are you off?”

“We're off Columbus Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving and of course winter recess.”

Alex shook her head. It was the second week in September. “That's too far off. It looks as if you're going to have to fly down to Florida for a weekend. I want you to sing at my wedding.”

“Let me know and I'll be there.” He angled his head. “What about your position with the Trust?”

“If there's an opening in the southern region, then I'll request a transfer.”

“And if there isn't?”

“Then I'll sit home knitting booties and piecing quilts until the baby comes.”

“What do you want?” he asked. “Boy? Girl?”

“I don't care as long as it's healthy.”

Gabriel ruffled her coiffed hair. “Will I be able to find you in the hills of West

“We're going to use the house in West Virginia for weekends and vacations. We plan to live at my place until we find something bigger in a D.C. suburb.”

“Do you have to live near D.C.?”

“Merrick is going back to the CIA as an intelligence training specialist, so living in or around D.C. would be a lot more practical.”

“That sounds like a good plan. You, Michael and Jolene can raise your kids together.”

“What's nice is that our children will get to see one another more than we saw Michael and Emily.”

“You're right,” Gabriel agreed. Michael and Emily Kirkland had grown up in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and they usually saw them at family gatherings once or twice a year. Emily still lived in New Mexico with her husband and three children, but her brother had moved to the D.C. area after having been assigned to the Pentagon as a captain in the U.S. Army. Michael met his future wife, Jolene, in Georgetown.

“When do you plan to tell Mom and Dad?”

“I'm going to try and see them before next weekend.”

Gabriel glanced at the watch strapped to his wrist. “I hope you know you're spending the night here.”

She nodded. “I don't think I could make it back to Boston without falling asleep behind the wheel.”

“Did you bring luggage?”

“I have a bag in the trunk of the car.”

“Go upstairs and get ready for bed. I'll bring your bag in. You can take the bedroom at the top of the stairs on the left.”

Alex stared lovingly at her older brother. “Thank you, Gabe.”

“For what?”

“For being you.”

He cradled her to his chest, kissing her cheek. “Love you, sis.”

“Love you back, bro.”

She handed Gabriel the keys to the rental, then made her way up the staircase. A wave of fatigue swept over her. If it wasn't the nausea, it was fatigue.

Alex stayed on her feet long enough to wash her face, brush her teeth and take a quick shower. When she returned to the bedroom she found her bag by the closet door. She took out a nightgown, slipped it over her body, and as soon as her head touched the pillow she fell asleep.

Chapter 21

bright rising sun and the tangy smell of salt water greeted Alex when she woke up in the strange bed. Then, she remembered. She was at her brother's house on Cotuit. Gabriel had begun vacationing off-season on the Cape, but she'd never expected him to settle down in New England.

Pushing back the sheet, she moved off the bed and made her way to an adjoining bathroom. The gnawing feeling in her belly had intensified. She had two options: eat or faint.

Gabriel was in the kitchen when she walked in. His long damp hair hung down his T-shirt-covered back like satin ribbons. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafted into her nostrils. “Now that smells wonderful.”

Gabriel turned and smiled at Alex. “Good morning. How are you feeling?”


He pointed to the table in the breakfast nook. “Sit down and I'll make you some
café con leche
.” They'd grown up drinking warm milk with a small amount of brewed coffee.

Alex sat down. “Please don't make it too sweet.”

Gabriel flashed a lopsided grin in an unshaven face. “Is it because you're sweet enough? Does Merrick think you're
” he drawled, unable to resist teasing her.

“Why don't you ask him?” she retorted.

A sobering expression came over Gabriel's face. “I will when I see him again.”

“He doesn't frighten that easily, Gabe, so forget about trying to intimidate him the way you've done with a few of the other men I've gone out with.”

Gabriel's eyebrows lifted. “Oh, so you know about that?”

“Know, Gabe. Some of them told me what you said to them.”

He shrugged a shoulder. “I was just trying to protect my sister. Some of those clowns you called dates defied description.” He poured milk into a saucepan and heated it. “I was usually pretty good in sending them packing—all except for Duane Jackson. It took a face-to-face to get Mr. Hip-Hop Master to stop seeing you.” Alex's jaw dropped as she stared at him as if she'd never seen him before. “Close your mouth, Alex. Yeah, I met with Duane.”

“But you had no right to interfere in my affairs,” she spat out once she recovered her voice.

Gabriel winked at her, smiling. “If I hadn't interfered, then you wouldn't be sitting here telling me that you're planning to marry Merrick Grayslake.”

A wave of heat stung her cheeks. “You're right about that.”

He cupped an ear with his hand. “Can I get a thank-you, Alexandra Cole?”

“Like, thank you, Gabriel,” she drawled in her best Valley-Girl imitation.

Alex thanked her brother again when he set a large mug with the steaming milk and coffee in front of her. She took a sip, moaning softly. It was perfect. The warm liquid slid down the back of her throat, heating her chest and belly. Gabriel filled his mug with coffee, joining her at the table.

Her hand halted in midair as she attempted to take another sip of coffee. A young, very pretty woman stood under the arched entrance to the kitchen dressed in a gray sweatshirt, matching pants and running shoes. Her hair, secured in a single braid, fell over one shoulder.

A mysterious smile softened Alex's mouth. “Shame on you, brother,” she said softly in Spanish. “You didn't tell me you had a girlfriend.”

Gabriel jumped up, his chair crashing to the floor in a loud clatter.

“I'm not his girlfriend. We are colleagues.” Walking into the kitchen, the woman extended her hand. “I'm Summer Montgomery.”

Rising to her feet, Alex leaned over the table and shook Summer's hand. “Alexandra Cole. Your

Gabriel, righting his chair, pulled it out for Summer. “Would you like a cup of coffee?”

“No, thank you. I usually don't eat or drink anything before jogging.”

“What would you like for breakfast?”

“Fruit, a slice of toast and decaf coffee.”

Alex smiled at Gabriel. “If you're taking orders, then I'll have grits, eggs, bacon or sausage and biscuits.”

He leveled a frown at her. “If you keep eating like that, I'm going to start to call you porky.”

“Bite me, Gabriel Morris Cole!”

“Sorry, sis, but I'll leave that task to Merrick.”

Alex stuck out her tongue at her brother. “You're gross.”

Summer pushed back her chair and stood up. “I'd like to complete my jog before the sun gets too hot. I'll be back later.”

Alex watched Gabriel watching Summer's retreating figure, a knowing smile curving her lips. “She's beautiful.” With her long hair, dark eyes and nut-brown coloring, Summer Montgomery looked exotic.

“That she is,” he said matter-of-factly.

“You like her, don't you?”

Gabriel didn't meet his sister's gaze. “Yes.”

“Does working with her pose a problem for you?”

“For me, no.”

“What about her, Gabe?”

“She's reluctant.”

“Does that matter to you?” Alex asked, continuing her questioning.

Shifting slightly, Gabriel stared at Alex. “No. I can't change how I feel about someone just like that.” He snapped his fingers. “We've agreed to take it slow and see what becomes of it.”

“That's the same thing Merrick said to me. And now I have to plan a wedding.”

Gabriel held up a hand. “Back it up, Alex. No one said anything about getting married.”

“Don't you want to get married? Start your own family?”

“I don't consciously think about it.”

“You didn't answer my question,

“And I don't intend to answer it,

“You don't have to,” she said smugly. “And because you're being evasive tells me that you do.”

“Just because your fairy godmother sprinkled you with fairy dust, it doesn't mean it will happen to me.”

“It's going to happen, Gabe,” Alex predicted. The expression on Gabriel's face when Summer walked into the kitchen was one she'd never seen before, and Alex had seen her brother with enough women to know this one was different.

A frown appeared between Gabriel's eyes. “Next you're going to tell me that you can read palms.”

Alex clapped a hand over her mouth at the same time she pushed back her chair. She made it to the half bath near the pantry just in time to purge the contents of her stomach. Morning sickness had attacked with a vengeance.


Alex waited for the sleek jet to touch down on the private airstrip before turning on her cell phone. She pressed a button. “I'm on the ground,” she said when hearing Merrick's greeting.

“I'm waiting by baggage claims.”

She'd called him earlier that morning from Logan Airport to let him know she'd chartered a private jet to return to D.C. She'd been one of ten passengers on the flight that made for an interesting and entertaining experience.

She deplaned and made her way down the gangway, through a long corridor that led to a waiting area for commercial departures. Navigating her way through the crowds, she found herself in baggage claims.

“Looking for someone?” whispered a familiar voice close to her ear.

Turning around, she tilted her head and smiled at Merrick. She handed him her carry-on. “Yes, I am. And I believe I just found him.”

Wrapping his free arm around her waist, Merrick dipped his head and kissed her. “Welcome home.”

Alex wound her arm around his waist inside his jacket. “Please get me out of here before I pass out.”

Merrick led her toward the automatic doors. “Are you feeling all right?”

“It's the crowds.”

“Do you want to wait here, or come with me to the lot to pick up my truck?”

“I'll come with you.” She'd never felt bothered by crowds, so Alex assumed it was an idiosyncrasy attributed to her being pregnant.


Alex lost track of time. She knew she was back in her Arlington condo, but other than that she caught glimpses of the world going on around her whenever she stayed awake long enough to eat and go to the bathroom. She woke several times during the night to find Merrick in bed with her. They talked, but she couldn't remember what they'd talked about.

“What day is it?” she mumbled, her face pressed to the pillow.


“What time is it?”

“Eight twenty-two.”

“At night?”

“No, baby. It's morning.”

Rolling over on her back, she smiled at Merrick leaning over her. She combed her fingers through the crisp hair on his chest. “What happened?”

“Nothing earth-shattering or catastrophic since you went into Sleeping Beauty mode.”

She gave him a shy smile. “I'm sorry I wasn't very good company.”

Straddling her body, Merrick supported his weight on his forearms. “We're not together to become each other's entertainment. You were exhausted, so you slept.”

“I think it's the baby that has me so sleepy.”

Merrick moved off her, and sitting back on his heels, he splayed a hand under her hips and relieved her of her nightgown. “Let's see what we have here.”

Embarrassment washed over Alex, bringing a burning heat that began in her face and spread lower. She attempted to cover herself with her hands. “No, Merrick.”

He brushed her hands away with the ease of swatting a gnat. “It's too late to act innocent,
. I've seen, touched and tasted everything you have.”

Alex closed her eyes, shutting out his intense stare. “Please leave me some pride, Merrick.”

His hands moved up between her thighs. “You're hardly going to be thinking about pride when you go into labor and your knees are spread east to west.”

She opened her eyes and slapped at his hand. “Stop!”

He cradled her mound. “It's too late for that, beautiful.”

Alex closed her eyes again, enjoying a touch that was as soft and gentle as a butterfly's gossamer wings. His fingers trailed over her belly, breasts, throat and around the outline of her ears. He'd become a sculptor, committing every dip and curve to memory.

“What are you doing to me, Merrick?”

“Making love to the mother of my child.”

“Are you happy about the baby?”

He smiled. “Very, very happy.”

“I'm not marrying you because I don't want to be a baby mama.”

Merrick's smile faded. “Then why are you marrying me?”

Alex rested her hand alongside his stubbly jaw. “I love you.”

Merrick wanted to tell Alex that he would marry her even if she didn't love him; there was no way he was going to father a child and not become a part of his child's life.

“Do you want a son or a daughter?” Alex asked after a comfortable silence.

Nuzzling her neck, Merrick pressed a kiss under Alex's ear. “It doesn't matter.”

It didn't matter to Merrick whereas she secretly wanted a girl. A little girl she would dress in frilly clothes, share tea parties, shopping sprees and intimate secrets with. She wanted for her daughter what she'd shared with her mother.

“Do you feel like going out for breakfast?”

Excitement fired the gold in her eyes. Merrick had mentioned food, which had become her number-one priority. “You don't have to ask me twice.”

Merrick slipped off the bed and swung her up in his arms. “We'll save time if we share a shower.”

Alex looped her arms around his neck. “Do you think we can take time to do something else?”

“What are you talking about?” he asked, not breaking stride.

“You know.”

Merrick stopped several feet from the bathroom. “I know what?” Pressing her mouth to his ear, Alex whispered what she wanted him to do to her. Easing back, gray eyes flattening with an unreadable emotion, Merrick shook his head. “None of that until you see the doctor. I don't want anything to happen to you or our baby.”

“Couples make love right up until the time a woman is ready to give birth.”

“What if you're not one of those women, Ali?”

“And if I am, are you going to wait around for nine months and take care of yourself?”

His eyes widened until she saw glints of blue in his silver gaze. “And why not?” he asked glibly. “It won't be the first time.”

Alex affected a saucy smile. “If it comes to that, then I'll do it for you.”

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