StrategicLust (13 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Lapthorne

BOOK: StrategicLust
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“Are you sure you want to be here for this?” she asked.
“I’ve done it a few times in the line of duty—it’s longwinded, annoying,
frustrating and never brief. I will happily swear you left when I told you to.
You can go back to my place, cook some food and have first soak in my tub. I should
be back with you in three or four hours at most.”

“What happened to not leaving my side?” Josh teased her with
a cheeky grin. Kate stroked her finger down the line of his jaw.

“Any wizard with half a brain would jump at the chance,” she
insisted chidingly, more grateful than she could express at his seeming willingness
to stay with her through this.

“You’re stuck with me, gorgeous,” Josh insisted. “Make the
call. I’m sure it will be a bonding experience for us to be under suspicion
together, to make statements together. Think of the stories we can tell over
beer to Kiera, Hayden, Sally, Kyle, Melissa and Daniel when this is all over.”

Kate snorted with laughter, amused but able to clearly picture
it nevertheless. A quick shake of her head helped to dispel the fun and almost
intimate mental image. After a deep breath, she reached out and picked up the
phone on the table. Barely even glancing at the numbers, she dialed by heart.

“Hello, dispatch? This is Kate Williams, Guardian code Delta
Sigma Omega 354662 to call in an altercation resulting in the death of a rogue
witch. Please confirm.”


Chapter Ten


Steam billowed around Kate’s large bathroom. Water poured
out of the shower head and pounded down onto her aching body. Despite the steam,
the steady stream remained hot and copious. Kate’s forehead rested against the
cool tiles, the fringe of her red hair hanging forward and protecting the
butterfly clip on her cheek from getting wet and falling off.

The steady stream of borderline boiling hot water massaged
Kate’s aching body and, despite her weariness, she felt almost as if she could
stand there forever and not move. She breathed in the hot, moist air and
cleaned out the stench of death from her lungs and the endless questions from
her mind.

As she had guessed, it had taken a little over three hours
for the Enforcers to be satisfied with her and Josh’s involvement in Sharni
Cutler’s death. Even now they still had to turn up the following morning for
further questioning, statement clarification and even more endless red tape.
But they were free and—for the most part at least—above suspicion.

Josh had grown impatient more than two hours into the
circular interviewing. The same questions had been asked a hundred different
ways from multiple angles. Both Josh and Kate knew this was to see if either of
them would trip up and break down, but there were only so many ways to tell the
same story when there was so much physical evidence to prove what they said.

Kate’s manacles still clung around Sharni’s wrists. The
chair still lay splintered on the floor, the chair leg near Sharni’s arm.
Kate’s wounds and rapidly bruising body also told their own story in Technicolor
detail. Josh had insisted they check Kate’s background and license. They knew
she was a Guardian. Josh had called Morgan from Sharni’s phone and his mentor
had backed up every inch of their story, even going so far as to insist that they
had discussed the matter of Sharni and he was a witness to their plans and had
agreed with what they had attempted to do.

The Enforcers had known this was an open-and-shut case on
the surface, but had been reluctant to let the larger issue lie. Neither Kate
nor Josh had gone into detail about the manuscript, the dark ritual or the
traitorous Tribunal member. Whenever they’d hovered close to the matter, either
Kate or Josh or both of them had closed off and refused to discuss the matter,
stating it had nothing to do with Sharni’s death.

Kate had not enjoyed keeping her fellow officers in the
dark, but she’d had little choice. Such an outrageous claim even in passing
would have serious repercussions, not the least of which would be spoiling any
chance of surprise Kyle and Sally would have in their investigation.

Neither Kate nor Josh blamed the Enforcers for pushing them
over and over—it was their job, after all. Yet both refused to budge, and with
such a complete story proved with Forensics as well as the word of Josh’s
mentor and a Tribunal member, the Enforcers’ hands were pretty much tied.

Kate had never been so pleased and relieved to arrive at her
own home. Josh had dumped the duffel they had picked up from the motel in
Kate’s bedroom. After almost a week in the motel, checking out had been a true
pleasure, and the comfort of being in her own home was nearly overwhelming.

While Josh had set off for the kitchen to see what he could
gather, Kate had staggered into the bathroom, turned on the shower, stripped
and begun to soak. She had not moved since.

The sound of the door opening had her whirling around, adrenaline
pumping until she saw Josh’s smiling face. Kate released the breath that had
almost choked her and slumped in relief.

“Holy shit, Josh, you scared me silly. I guess I’m not used
to sharing my personal space with someone just yet.” Kate sighed with relief as
she leaned her back into the hot stream of water to unwind the kinks.

Josh was as naked as a babe and he made a shooing motion
with his hands. Kate snickered and moved to the side, though she didn’t
relinquish the entirety of the steaming-hot shower spray. Stepping gingerly
into the stall, Josh climbed into the shower after her. He winced slightly at
the heat of the water but didn’t say anything about it.

If Kate hadn’t already fallen deeply in love with the
wizard, that would certainly have pushed her over the edge into irrevocable

Josh stared at her hungrily, his eyes roaming over her face.
Kate felt her body react like a slow-blossoming flower. Her nipples beaded, her
pussy grew slick and the lust she saw so clearly reflected in Josh’s gorgeous
amber eyes had her hand reaching out for him.

Kate touched her lover with smooth, slick strokes. Her
flingers glided over his wet body, Josh’s muscles warm and solid beneath the
softness of his skin. Kate couldn’t help but admire the hard planes of his
chest and shoulders. She bent her head to string kisses along the ridge of his
collarbone and licked her tongue out to taste the clean, hot water as it beaded
on his skin.

Josh’s head fell back and a moan escaped his lips. When he
bent down toward her, Kate dodged that hungry mouth, in a playful, teasing
mood. Instead of kissing his lips as Josh so clearly wanted, Kate continued to
busy herself licking, nibbling and exploring every inch of his body with her

“Kate,” Josh panted in part complaint. Kate snickered,
grazed her teeth teasingly over one of his small, dark-brown nipples and lifted
her eyes to catch her lover’s gaze. She lifted her lips just high enough that
she could continue to brush his sensitive peak as she spoke to him.

“Yes, Josh?” she replied breathily. His nipple hardened
further at the small, hot puffs of her breath, and Kate licked her tongue out
to tease the nubbin further. Josh groaned again, words seeming beyond him. Kate
discovered she liked to see Josh in this position.

She jumped slightly as Josh’s fingers stroked over the
sensitive outer folds of her labia. Her large, wide, surprised eyes caught
Josh’s amused gaze. He toyed around the lips of her pussy with knowledgeable,
teasing strokes.

Two fingers slid inside her with ease, pumping into her
tight, clenching body, and after a moment a third finger followed its brothers
to join in Josh’s thrusts. Kate moved her mouth and wickedly flicked out her
tongue, exploring from one of Josh’s nipples to the other. She cried out—the
sound muffled by Josh’s skin—when her lover hooked his fingers to caress her G-spot.

Deciding to exact her own decadent, lust-filled revenge,
Kate allowed her hands to trace down the long, slender expanse of Josh’s back. Her
fingers tapped an unsteady rhythm as she explored her way farther down and
stroked over hard muscle covered by smooth lengths of skin.

When she reached the base of Josh’s back, Kate stroked the
small dip and grinned in approval as her lover twitched slightly. His breath
sucked in hastily and Kate felt a flash of power shiver through her. The
ticklish sensation had Josh’s heart thumping a much faster rhythm, which Kate
could feel with her lips still pressed to her lover’s chest.

Hot water and steam swirled upon and around them, encasing
Kate and Josh and giving Kate the feeling they were in their own little world,
separate from everyone and everything else. Her fingers toyed erotically for a
moment with the super-sensitive base of Josh’s back, enjoying the newfound
knowledge of this hidden, secret erotic zone for her lover.

Only with the greatest of reluctance did she eventually move
on and allow her curious fingers to lower farther. As her hands cupped and
released her lover’s ass, they groaned together. Josh’s body lifted and pressed
against her own wet, slick, slender length.

Thick and hard, Josh’s cock pressed against the shaved mound
of her pussy. His tip bobbed enticingly against the smooth expanse of her
stomach and rubbed against the slight dip of her belly button. Kate gyrated her
hips from side to side, undulating against her lover in a little on-the-spot
shimmy as her hands continued to cup and massage Josh’s ass.

Their breath began to come harder and faster, the sounds of
their panting and groaning filling the air along with the steam and the sound
of hard, pounding water falling on and around them. Feeling faintly as if her
exploring digits were coming upon the final frontier after a long and arduous
quest, she spread open her lover’s cheeks and stroked gently over the soft,
ultra-sensitive flesh of his asshole and scrotum.

Josh shivered delicately and moaned again, his head falling
back and exposing his neck and throat to the hot, needling spray of water. He
looked wild, wanton and caught up in the ecstasy of the moment. To Kate he
looked like some pagan god who was being ravished and loving every moment of
his erotic pleasure.

Part of her wished she could capture this moment on film or
canvass—the way Josh’s body was strung tightly like a bow, back and neck
arched, eyes fluttering shut with the overwhelming arousal of sensual
decadence. Kate flicked out her tongue, laved a slow, molten trail down Josh’s
chest and toward his belly. When she bent her knees to dip lower, her chin
bumped against the wet heat of his cock head and she opened her jaw wider to
encompass the large, mushroomed tip.

Josh cried out at the sensation, his body shuddering with
the building pressure of his impending orgasm. Kate’s belly tingled as heat
blasted through her. Something about the wet heat of the shower enhanced all
her feelings. She truly felt as if the outside world had paused for this small
interlude between herself and Josh. Nothing else mattered except her fingers as
they stroked over his sensitive asshole and his fingers as they pumped slickly
inside her pussy, bringing them both higher and closer to their climax.

They strained against each other, Josh thrusting himself
deeply into her mouth until his head bumped against the back of her throat,
filling her as fully as possible. Kate’s slender index finger, slick from the
water of the shower, penetrated just a scant quarter of an inch inside Josh’s
tightly furled, tiny asshole.

Their bodies shook at the erotic assaults they were
undergoing. Kate’s lungs worked like a bellows as she drew hasty breath after
breath. Hands, mouth and tongue completely busy, her full attention focused
utterly on her lover and the pleasure she gave him. His ministrations inside
her pussy and the almost overwhelming arousal he raised within her captured and
held her full mental awareness.

Kate lifted herself onto tiptoes as she gently screwed the
tip of her finger deeper inside Josh’s ass. A slight turn of her digit as she
stroked along his thin membrane had sensual, erotic sounds falling from his
lips. Kate continued caressing his inner walls and igniting the millions of
nerves present inside his ass as she hungrily bobbed her head faster.

Josh’s cock thrust smoothly in and out of her mouth as her
tongue laved him. Kate could feel his body vibrate and hum as Josh’s hold on
his control began to slip. His hands cupped her shoulders and he lifted her to
stand upright once more. He came up with his arms on either side of her to
press against the tiled wall. She licked her lips, relishing the salty, musky
taste of Josh’s pleasure and pre-cum. Her lover’s face was flushed with the
pleasure she had given him and his eyes had already glazed over slightly.

“Need to be inside you,” he panted only semi-coherently.
With his hips, Josh nudged Kate back half a step until she was pressed against
the wall. The tip of her finger still thrust shallowly inside his ass, firing
his pleasure and seeking every nerve possible.

So desperate the action was slightly rough, obviously
struggling to hold on to his lust and need, Josh lifted one of Kate’s thighs
and tilted her hips up toward him in the process. Kate lowered her free hand
and helped to guide Josh’s thick, slick cock into her pussy.

The both groaned with relief as he slowly, slowly penetrated
her. Inch by inch, Josh sank into her body and Kate could feel the bone-melting
pleasure his possession created all through her. Her muscles relaxed as her
pussy sucked at him, milked his shaft for every inch she could possibly have
inside her. Josh’s penetration took a moment, his long shaft continuing to
press farther and deeper inside her until his balls slapped lightly against the
skin of her ass.

Kate froze when Josh rested completely inside her. Sucking
in deep breaths, she tried to capture this perfect moment and hold on to it so
she would never forget how it felt to have him so wonderfully filling her to

“Can’t hold it anymore,” Josh panted. “Your finger…holy fuck
it’s driving me out of my mind.” Kate couldn’t help but smile and turn it
around slightly again, the soft pad of her fingertip stroking over the small
bunches of nerves she had already discovered.

“That’s the point, love,” she returned huskily, her voice
rough and sounding strange to her ears, so thick was it from her passion.

Kate’s gaze clashed with Josh’s and they stared deeply at
each other. Kate almost felt as if she could see directly through to Josh’s
soul. She saw his hunger, his need, his lust-filled, carefree, happy-go-lucky
heart and soul. It didn’t take any thought for Kate to know how deeply she
loved this wizard and how she would do anything to have him in her life, loving
her and laughing with her for always.

Josh bent his head and they kissed passionately as he pulled
his hips back so he could slam his cock deeply into her once again. Over and
over he repeated this motion as he fucked her hard, releasing a wildness from
them both. Kate arched her back, pressed her body into the overriding pleasure
as they gave and took from each other.

Josh’s body rammed into her, losing his control as they fought
to push themselves harder and drive the pleasure to the highest possible
pinnacle. Kate struggled to hold on to her breath as their exertions and the
devastatingly intoxicating pleasure resulting from them had her body seizing
up. She couldn’t think, couldn’t breathe, was utterly incapable of doing
anything except
and open herself completely and fully to her lover.

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