Stray (7 page)

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Authors: Erin Lark

BOOK: Stray
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I moaned, arching my back away from the bed, inviting him inside me—an invitation he didn’t accept. The more I moved, the slower he went. Biting at my bottom lip, I swallowed my frustration.
He’s a Dom, remember?
He had control over me. Absolute and complete control. His expression hadn’t changed, and no matter how much I wanted him, no matter how much I needed him, he was the one calling the shots.

He leaned over to kiss me on the neck, sending cool ripples throughout my body. I turned my head, pressing my lips to his chest, sucking in a breath when he slipped inside me. There he waited—whether for my heart to start beating again or as a part of his game, I didn’t know. But as soon as I’d caught my breath, he pulled out.

I clenched my teeth, screwing my eyes up tightly to block out how much this new game annoyed me. I knew then that the more impatient I became, the slower he’d go.

“Am I making you nervous?” Dylan asked, nipping at my collarbone.

“No, Master.”

“Am I frustrating you?”

No, say no!
“Yes, Master.”

Dylan’s laughter made matters even worse. “Since this is your first time, I’m going to go easy on you. But there’s something you should know.” He pushed into me again, burying himself deep within my walls with one, solid thrust. “I’m always in control. Don’t forget that. Do you understand?”

But you said subs had all the control.
Only if I wanted him to stop. “Yes, Master.”

He withdrew slowly, thrusting in half an inch before pulling out again. The next time he pushed against me, I lifted my hips as high as they’d go, whimpering when he pressed a thumb to my clit.

“You want me to go faster, don’t you?” Dylan’s words were strained.

“Yes, Master.”

“You want me to fuck you, don’t you, Alyssa?”

“Yes, Master.”

“Good girl.” He pushed in a little farther. Withdrew. Drove in again, playing his game until I’d taken in his entire length. “Because that’s exactly what I plan to do.”

Cool relief washed over me as he placed his arm under my back. And as he made tight circles around my clit with his thumb, he thrust inside me, using deep, fluid strokes to brush against my G-spot. A chill ran up and down my spine, the beginnings of yet another orgasm. I held my breath. Closed my eyes.
Hold it at bay just a little while longer.

“You will not come without my permission,” Dylan murmured. “Will you?”

“No, Master.” The automatic response was almost too painful to say.

“Good girl.”

His breathing came out in a series of hard pants, which turned me on even more. He might have been in control, but I was pretty sure he was losing it. The arm he was leaning on shuddered as the other one quickened the pace. My clit throbbed each time he touched me, and I moaned when he pushed down against it.

“Master… Master, I—”

“Not yet.” Dylan’s eyes were fierce, his pace quickening as he rammed into me. “You will not come without me, will you?”

“No, Master, but I…” I wrapped my arms around his neck, tearing at his back with my nails. I didn’t care, and by the looks of it, neither did he. His paced faltered, then started anew. I did it again. Same reaction. “Master, I don’t think I—” My breath caught.

My heart skipped as the world started to fall away.
Don’t let go. He hasn’t given you permission yet.
I opened my mouth to scream, to cry out, but all I managed was a whispered moan, vibrations in my throat. I drew in a deep breath. Held it before releasing it again.

I changed my focus. Anything to forget about what he was doing inside me. On top of me. Against me.


Someone called my name, their voice muffled. I tried to focus on my fingers, biting at his skin. My toes, curled so much they hurt. My back, arched away from the bed.


“What?” The word came out in a growl, and once I opened my eyes, there was no way I could keep it at bay.

Warmth filled my body, and as I closed my eyes again, the world flashed white. Dark specks flew past my vision as Dylan’s final thrusts drove my orgasm even higher. His thumb lifted away from my sensitive clit, but he didn’t stop. Thrusting faster. And when I thought I’d caught my breath and couldn’t go any further, his slow, fluid strokes just about pushed me over the edge.

I wrapped my legs around his waist, locking my ankles behind him as I tried to hold him steady. Dylan reached back with a hand, pushing down on my legs as he thrust once. Twice. Three times, until finally, his body shuddered and he collapsed in a heap beside me.

Once he’d caught his breath, Dylan excused himself to get rid of the condom before returning to bed, tucking the blankets around us. We lay there, unable to speak. It was hard to tell if hours or minutes had passed by the time Dylan moved again, his hand resting on my stomach.

“What did I say about my subs not topping from the bottom?” he asked, then gently kissed me on the lips.

“Sorry, Master.”

“I’m not your Master anymore. Not tonight.”

I drove my fingers through his hair. “You told me you don’t like subs topping from the bottom, but in my defence, you did say subs are the ones with all of the control.”

“Is that so?” He kissed me and closed his eyes. “I thought that just had to do with colours.”

I smiled and shook my head. “Nope.”

“Well, your feeble attempts didn’t stop me, did they?”

“Who says I wanted you to stop?”

He tried to look hurt. “Fuck you.”


“We’ll see.” He shoved a hand under his pillow.


“I might be persuaded to play with you tonight if you’re good.”

I blinked. “But we just—”

He covered my mouth with his, prising my lips open with his tongue. And when he circled my clit with his fingertips, I sucked in a breath.

“I’m not done with you yet.” He slipped two fingers inside me, growling when my pussy squeezed around them. “Far from it.”

Bring it on.

Chapter Seven




By the end of the night, Dylan had made me orgasm more times than I could count. Of course, in my defence, what he considered orgasms were waves of ecstasy layered on top of each other, and I wasn’t entirely sure if those were counted as one or more.

Reaching a hand over to his side of the bed, I groaned when all my fingertips met were more blankets. Blood throbbed in my ears, and suddenly, the sun streaming in through the windows was too bright. I couldn’t stand to open my eyes. I rolled over and buried my head under the covers, breathing in my relief when the throbbing stopped.

I didn’t remember drinking, but my headache insisted I had. How long had I slept? It must’ve been the early hours of the morning when we’d both fallen asleep, too sore to move. And now, with the bed to myself, I couldn’t tell if it was still morning or the middle of the afternoon. I hadn’t paid attention to what side of the house Dylan’s room was on, or which direction it faced.

All I knew was that it was way too sunny outside for my liking, and if it hadn’t been for my bladder, I would’ve stayed in bed all day. Stretching my back, I winced at the ache in my hips and abdomen. Last night had happened. There was no mistaking that. But where was Dylan?

Squinting, I crawled out of bed, my eyes fixed on the ground. My vision floated over to a nearby wastebasket, which held quite a few condoms along with their wrappers and tissues inside.
No way in hell those are all from us.

I drifted over to the bathroom, surprised to find my clothing from last night folded and ready to be worn. I clicked my tongue, pulling on my bra and panties before giving my blouse and skirt a good sniff. I smiled. It wasn’t like I had anything else to wear anyway, but force of habit was something I couldn’t ignore.
Especially after last night.

No, not last night. This morning. It had to have been after midnight once we’d started. My mind tried to retrace my steps, but it only got as far as Dylan’s dungeon when I thought better of it.
Some things aren’t worth remembering.

Light footsteps padded into Dylan’s room, too soft to belong to my Master, but just right to fit Marnie. She poked her head into the bathroom just as I was buttoning my blouse.

Her cheeks darkened, and she broke eye contact. “Sorry.”

I finished zipping up my skirt and gave myself a once-over in the mirror. My hair needed a good washing, and given the dark circles under my eyes, I’d barely slept. “Fuck, I look like hell.” I glanced over at Marnie, whose hair appeared to be a lot better than mine.

“Good night?” Marnie’s eyes wrinkled at the corners when she smiled, her hands clasped in front of her.

“Something like that.” I trailed off and stared at the tiled floor. “Thank you for helping last night.”

“No need to apologise. Master told me what happened with…” Now it was her turn to trail off. So, Dylan had told her about Anthony and his collar. I supposed it would’ve happened eventually, but I still wished he had spoken to me about it first. “I don’t know all the details, only that Master wants to help in whatever way he can.”

I released a breath I hadn’t known I’d been holding.
Thank God for that, then.
I didn’t feel like explaining Anthony—or myself—if I could help it.

“There’s a brush under the sink.” Marnie nodded to the small cabinet.

I crouched in front of it, sighing around my relief when I not only found a brush, but toothpaste, new toothbrushes and other toiletries as well. “Dylan’s prepared, isn’t he?”

Marnie bobbed her head when I looked up at her, her shoulders relaxing just a little bit. “He keeps them for his subs and any of the Doms who tend to drop by when they’re in town. According to him, it’s the small things you need to look out for.”

After pulling my hair up, I placed the items back in the cabinet and made my way into the bedroom. “Where is Dylan anyway?” I called over my shoulder, walking up to one of the windows and opening the blinds.

“Work.” Marnie busied herself by making the bed, and I had to wonder if she’d noticed all of the condoms inside the trashcan. “He should be home soon. Had some paperwork he needed to fill out.”

“On a Saturday?” I didn’t take my eyes off the window, staring out at what appeared to be their backyard. A small vegetable garden hugged the rear of the house. Beyond that were a set of chicken hutches, but I couldn’t see any of the birds. Just another way for Marnie to keep herself busy. “What kind of employee works on a Saturday?” I knew I'd done it in the past, but I was self-employed and made my own hours.

“Master does sometimes, but only when it’s important.” Marnie came over to join me, resting her palms on the windowsill. “One of his clients needed some paperwork drawn up before Monday. He doesn’t like it, especially when he’s breaking in a new sub, but it pays the bills.” She shrugged, dismissing his absence altogether.

“And has he broken me in yet?” I stared at her reflection in the window. Her eyes flickered before she looked away. “What is it?”

“Master asked me not to discuss it without his permission.”

I turned to face her. “Does my being here make you uncomfortable?”

“No.” She didn’t move, keeping her eyes on the window. “At least, not in the way you’d expect. Master has given me a home, a task—a livelihood. He keeps me busy, and when he’s alone, I do the same for him. I don’t mind any of the others he brings in, but you’re different.”

“How do you mean?”

“You’re going to stay with us, aren’t you?” Her voice was flat, the edges dripping with disappointment.

I shook my head. “I don’t think I’m ready to do the twenty-four-seven relationship thing with another Dom. Not yet, at least. I…”
I need my space.
I needed an escape, and going home was the best thing I could think of.

Marnie squeezed one of my hands before dropping hers to her side. “I understand. Master won’t pressure you, but I know he wants you to stay.”

“He said that?”

“Not exactly, no. But he’s never acted the way he acts around you. Cautious. Protective.”

I furrowed my brow. “And he doesn’t feel that way towards you?”

“Oh, no, he does. Master’s very protective of his slave. But his subs…they’ve never lasted long.”

I bit at my bottom lip. “So I’ve gathered. He mentioned something about another sub.” I chewed on my next words carefully, but Marnie spoke before I could continue.

“Karla.” Marnie’s grip on the windowsill tightened. “She came before I did, and left shortly after I arrived.” Her words broke as she brushed at her nose, sniffling. “She was a wonderful sub to him. Loyal. Devoted. Obedient.”

I eyed Marnie’s rigid posture and took one of her hands in mine. Carefully, so as to not overstep my boundaries, I led her over to the bed, where we both sat down. I was wondering what was coming next and Marnie, more than likely, was trying to decide how much she was allowed—how much she was willing—to share.

“One night, Master took her to one of the local dungeons. He was setting up at one of the stations and was just about ready to flog her when she pulled him aside. She…” Marnie fingered the simple leather band around her neck. “She removed her collar, returned it to him and went over to another Dom.” Marnie shook her head, as if to rid herself of the horrible image. “That wasn’t the worst of it. After letting her new Master collar her, she led him over to the station Master—Dylan—had been preparing. They…”

I squeezed her hand tightly as her words coiled around my throat. “I didn’t know,” I half apologised to her, knowing as well as anyone else how important a collar was to a Dom and his subs. Some even compared it to a wedding ring. The collar Dylan had given me was a simple precaution. It didn’t mean more than his protection over me when compared to the one locked around Marnie’s neck. Her collar probably meant more than I could possibly comprehend. “So that’s why he only trains subs, then.”

Marnie nodded, reaching over to the bedside table to grab a tissue. “I was there when Master fell apart. Masters aren’t supposed to lose control like that, and I don’t want to see him like that ever again. I…”

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