Striker: No Prisoners MC Book 1 (14 page)

BOOK: Striker: No Prisoners MC Book 1
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“Wait, let me finish. I gotta lay it all out for you first, I need you to know who I am.” He let go and took a step away from her. It wouldn’t be possible to say what he needed to say while he was touching her, especially if she decided she couldn’t be with him.

“All right, but, Striker, I know who you are.”

“You may think you do, but I need to be sure. This life I live is rough, babe, it’s raw and dangerous at times. And you’ll be meshing into my world; I can’t leave mine for yours. Not trying to be an ass, but that’s just the MC way. It’s who I am, it’s in my bones, and will be until I’m six feet under. I can guarantee I’m not like any preppy DC guy you’ve dated in the past. You need to be good with that, and good with me. I’m not one to hold your hand while we stroll down the street and window shop. I won’t sweetly make love to you like you’re made of glass. I’ve got too much need for you to be gentle. If we do this I’m going to fuck you until you’re screaming, until you can’t walk tomorrow. I like it hard, and fast, and I like to be in control.”

He tried to scare her away, give her one last out because he knew he did not have the strength to walk away from her at this point. She was too decent for his world, but he was a selfish bastard, and if she didn’t want this she would have to be the one to end it, to leave. He wasn’t going anywhere.

Chapter Fourteen

Lila saw right through him. Striker was stepping back to distance himself, trying to scare her away. His words should have done just that; he was right, his world was so far beyond her experience she should run in the opposite direction. Striker had stated his intent. He wanted more than tonight, he wanted her in his bed and in his life. This would be the last straw for her family, they’d disown her for sure, but that was the least of the potential troubles on the horizon.

It may be insanity, but Lila craved him, and instead of driving her away, his promises aroused her. She wanted exactly what he was offering, wanted to explore the intense passion brewing between them. Even if it ended in disaster, at least she’d have the memories of what it felt like to be desired by a man like Striker. His brand of alpha male was something she’d never experienced in her high society conservative life. She’d be a fool to pass it up. “Striker, I want you. I want you more than I’ve wanted anything, ever. I want everything you have to give me any way you want to give it to me.”

The last word barely left her mouth before he slammed his lips on hers in a kiss meant to fry her brain. There was no teasing, no warm up, only intensity. Lila opened her mouth to him and she tangled her tongue with his as her hands slid up into his hair, to keep him exactly where she wanted him. Her nipples hardened, and her panties flooded with need. As promised, he wasn’t gentle. His arms wrapped around her body in a crushing embrace as his mouth kissed her senseless.

Time stood still as Lila moved her hands down his back. The wide expanse of firm muscle shifted beneath her hands and she marveled at the powerful male animal under her fingertips. As suddenly as it began, he ripped his mouth away, and dragged her toward the bathroom.

Without breaking contact, Striker shoved the shower door open, reached in and turned on the spray. As Lila stood there, a flutter of nerves bloomed in her stomach, and she was suddenly very aware of the disparity in their experience levels. “Striker, I haven’t been—”

He stepped closer, and placed a finger over her lips. “I didn’t ask for a resume, Lila. I want you so bad I’ve jerked off more times since you’ve been in my house than I have in the last five years combined. Besides, I told you I like to be in control, so I have no problem running the show.”

He reached for the hem of her shirt, and this time she gladly let him draw it over her head. She had on a simple black bra, nothing overly sexy since she had been at work, but the way his eyes dilated told her he thought differently. “I’ve been dying to see you like this.”

The room warmed and filled with steam, adding to the seductive ambiance. Nerves that had been present seconds ago fled when Striker reassured her of his desire. Lila reached back and unhooked her bra, and extended her arms to let it tumble to the floor.

With a greedy gleam, Striker did a slow perusal of her body until he caught sight of the bruises. His jaw clenched and his face clouded with an emotion she couldn’t read. Striker dipped his head and pressed his lips to the side of Lila’s breast, directly over one of the marks. The kiss was so light, she barely felt the brush of his lips against her fevered skin.

Lila gazed down at the dominant man showering her with gentle care, and her heart stuttered in her chest while her throat thickened. She sifted a hand through the soft strands of his hair, wanting to return some of the tenderness. “Striker,” she whispered. “I’m okay. Really, I am.”

“I hate that some man touched you like this, intending to hurt you.” His words were spoken in the same quiet tone she’d used. “I promise you, he will not get away with it.”

He repeated the kiss over the other two round purple marks on her skin, even though it was more soothing than sexual, Lila’s nipples puckered with need. “Let’s not make this about him right now. I don’t want to think about it anymore.”

“I’ve been dreaming about seeing and tasting your tits for weeks. And they’re beautiful by the way. I’ll do my best to keep my mind on the task at hand for now, and worry about trouble later.”

In a move that stunned her, Striker dropped to his knees at her feet and yanked her pants down. Lila didn’t know what to do with herself so she just stared, mesmerized by the powerful man on the floor in front of her. He shifted his gaze upward and their eyes met as he hooked his fingers in the sides of her silky black bikini panties, and began to draw them down her legs.

When he reached her ankles, he rasped, “Step out.” His voice was strained, almost hoarse.

Lila obeyed immediately, and watched as his gaze left her face to travel down her body. Every inch of skin he looked at tingled as though he’d caressed her with his hands. He rubbed her legs with his strong palms, gliding them from her calves up to her hips. Her skin felt seared by his long fingers where they gripped her flesh. She had to touch him, and the only place she could reach was his head so she slid her fingers through his hair, and scored her nails over his scalp.

Striker’s lids drifted closed, and Lila knew he enjoyed her touch when a gruff sound of pleasure escaped his lips. One hand slowly traveled from her hip across her body to her center and dipped into her. Sensation rocked through her, driving a gasp from her lips, and her hands automatically tightened in his hair. His eyes lifted back to hers as he lightly stroked her. “You’re so wet baby.” He groaned.

Slightly embarrassed to be under his intense, up close and personal scrutiny, she ducked her head.

Without warning, Striker stood, and Lila whimpered at the loss of his touch. “Get in the shower.”

His voice was tense with arousal, and the knowledge that she wasn’t the only one affected served to excite her even more. Lila obeyed, and stepped her shaky legs into the shower.

When the warm spray ran down her body, Lila sighed in contentment, and turned so she faced him. She was sore, but hadn’t wanted to alarm him further by admitting it, and the heat of the shower felt amazing on her abused body.

Lila found his appreciative gaze on her once again. Her nipples were beyond hard and aching as they pointed outward, as though beckoning him. She was so turned on and sensitive that the feel of the water running down her breasts was enough to draw a moan from her.

Striker noticed and a sexy smirk formed on his handsome face. “Everything okay, baby? I bet those pretty nipples would feel even better with my mouth on them. You want that?”

“God, yes.” Lila didn’t trust herself to speak beyond that.

Striker was still clothed, and standing outside the shower, a situation she decided needed to change. She wanted to make him as crazy as he was making her. With a grin of her own, she skimmed her hands up her body toward her breasts, anxious to provide some relief for her straining nipples.

Striker shot a hand into the shower and gripped her wrist with a gentle but unbreakable hold. “Uh uh. Those are mine. Hands at your sides or I’ll make you wait even longer.”

Lila’s body was on fire and she didn’t think she could wait another minute. Never had a lover spoken to her like this. Never had one played with her, and aroused her with words alone. Admittedly, her experience was limited; she’d only slept with two men in the past. She wasn’t sure how much more she could take, but she did as he asked and dropped her hands.

“Good girl.”

Striker shrugged out of his cut, and tossed it on the counter, next to the sink. When he reached down for his T-shirt and pulled it over his head, her eyes widened and her jaw fell open. “Holy shit.”

“Like what you see, baby?”

“Striker, you’re gorgeous.” And he was. His chest was broad and thick around with solid muscle. The words
Take No Prisoners
were tattooed across his broad right pectoral muscle and multiple tattoos decorated his arms. When he’d placed his cut on the counter, she’d noticed his entire back was tattooed as well, but he’d turned around too fast for her to take it in. Lila would love to explore them further, find out what each one symbolized, but it would have to wait. As her eyes continued their journey she took in his abs, which could have been crafted by a sculptor. Every inch of him was hard, toned and masculine, and for the time being, hers to enjoy.

Her eyes locked on his hand as he moved to the zipper of his pants. He tortured her, lowering the zipper one tooth at a time until he had enough room to slide his pants and boxers to the floor.

Captivated, Lila watched his impressive cock spring from its confines. It rose proudly from his body as though seeking her out. More cream eased from her body at the thought of how good it would feel when he finally pressed inside her. Lila was so wet she was grateful for the shower; otherwise, she would have been embarrassed by her body’s blatant expression of need.

She held her breath as Striker joined her in the shower. He didn’t waste any time getting his hands on her body. The feel of them, work-roughened and firm, as they glided over flesh made Lila tremble. She wrapped her smaller fingers around his biceps, or at least as far around as she could grasp, needing something solid to hold on to. Lila felt the hard length of his erection trapped against her stomach, and she pulled him even closer.

Striker slid his hands around to close over her breasts. Her nipples pressed into his palms and she groaned. The sensation was wonderful, but she needed more, needed something greater to ease the burning need. He nudged her until her back made contact with the tile wall. The contrast between the warm hands and water on her, and the cool tile hitting back made her jump.

“Easy, baby,” he whispered as he bent his head so his mouth lingered an inch from hers. “Tell me what you need. You want my mouth on these pretty tits?”

“Please, Striker.” Her voice was thick with longing.

“Please what, Lila? Tell me what you want, say the words, baby. I’ll give you everything you ask for.” As he spoke he continued to caress and squeeze her breasts. It felt amazing, but he was right, she needed his mouth.

She’d never participated in any kind of dirty talk, never asked a man for what she wanted, but she found herself excited by the concept. “I want your mouth on me Striker.”

“Where? Here?” he asked as he nipped at her ear.

“No, well yes, I like that but, I need your mouth on my nipples.” It became difficult to keep her eyes open, so she let the lids drift closed.

Half his mouth quirked up in a grin. “Sounds like a good place to start. Then maybe I’ll move on down to your soft belly.” His fingers moved to the area he spoke of and shivers raced across her skin. “Then finally I’ll get a taste of your pussy. I’ve been dreaming about tasting you for weeks, Lila.”

“Oh, God.” Dirty talk did it for her, as it turned out, and she was grateful for the wall supporting her back.

She hadn’t opened her eyes yet so she couldn’t see what was coming, wasn’t prepared when his mouth latched onto her nipple and he sucked her with strong pulls.

“Striker,” she cried loudly. Her fingers dove into his hair to hold him to her.

As he licked a path to the other breast, his fingers replaced his mouth so neither was neglected. Lila’s back arched and her body strained toward him; she couldn’t get close enough.

Each tug of his fiery mouth and pluck of his fingers sent a lightning shot of pleasure from her nipples to her clit. His mouth journeyed down her body and she moaned, letting her head fall back against the wall. Her fists clenched in his hair and tugged at the strands, and he let out a low groan, telling her he enjoyed her rough treatment of him.

She felt him kiss, nip, and lick a path down her stomach, and pleasure overwhelmed all her senses. Her breasts still tingled from his attention, her stomach quivered with each bite and suck, her pussy clenched in anticipation of what she knew was to come, while warm water flowed over her whole body. It was almost too much. Her brain couldn’t keep up with the onslaught of sensation well enough to process everything.

“Striker,” she pleaded. “It’s—”

“Shhh, I know baby,” he answered as though he could read her mind, sense her churning emotions. “Turn that smart brain off, and just feel what I’m doing to you. I promise you’ll love it all.”

She managed to huff out a laugh at the understatement. “I already do.”

He sunk to his knees once again, and wrapped a hand around one of her thighs. “Lift for me beautiful.”

She did as he asked. He spread her wide and hooked her thigh over his shoulder. Fingers splayed, her hands hit the shower wall in an attempt to stay grounded. She stared down at him in awe of the erotic scene she was a part of. Her leg was draped over him and his hand was on the wall, which afforded her an excellent view of the muscles in his shoulder at work. With his head slightly bent, he stared at her center, and she had a perfect snapshot of his back and ass. She couldn’t wait until it was her turn to explore his hard body.

BOOK: Striker: No Prisoners MC Book 1
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