Strings Attached (9 page)

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Authors: Nick Nolan

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“Yeah, that charming Neanderthal you met this morning.”

“So how long ago did you guys break up?”

“Last August,” Reed interrupted. “She keeps changing her mind about being with him, and him about her. They’re the stars in their own little soap opera that no one cares to watch anymore. The whole situation is Snoresville.”

“Reed, sweetie, at least I’ve had at least one steady boyfriend since puberty, which is more than you can say.” Then turning to Jeremy, “In case you didn’t read all the graffiti in the bathrooms, Reed prefers brief relationships with men. Anyway, we want to know more about you. Tell, tell.” She flung her hair to the side while fishing in her purse, then withdrew her cell phone. “Voice mail,” she announced.

“There’s not much to say,” he began. “You already know where I live and where I came from.”

Ellie turned to Reed. “Missy, we have a mystery boy on our hands!”

“Oh, I just
a mystery!” Reed sighed. “Pass me a fork, you cow.”

Ellie complied, throwing three napkins at her. “Have some of these. They’re sanitary

The girls cackled. Reed sucked at her soda straw, then continued: “Don’t even try to pretend there’s not some great story about your being some long-lost relative coming here out of the blue to live with the richest family in Ballena Beach.”

“I’m hardly rich,” Jeremy confessed.

“Oh, right,” Ellie laughed, her eyes drifting to a shirtless figure jogging around the football field, while Reed dug silently into her salad with her plastic fork.

Jeremy took the last bite of his burrito, then scrunched the wrapper into a ball. “So what’s there to know about you two?”

“Well,” Reed drawled, “Miss Ellie and I are just two simple-minded gals who wish to meet the men of our dreams and have
of children.”

“Yay-yes,” Ellie responded, holding her soda cup with her pinkie straight out while making burbling sounds with her straw.

“Hey, girl, isn’t that the former man of your dreams out there on the track?” Reed asked.

The figure bounded closer. “Yep, it’s him. I’d know those chiseled pecs a mile away.”

“Kind of makes ya sick to know that Brynn gets to gnaw on them now instead of you,” said Reed.

“Why, Reed, such language is really not appropriate in front of our luncheon guest. In any case, Brynn doesn’t look like the gnawing type.”

“Yeah, she’s more the type to be gnawed on,” Reed added, “by coyotes.”

Coby had apparently recognized the figures in the stands and decided to pay them a visit. He slowed his pace as he approached, then took the stairs two at a time to their picnic spot.

“Don’t come any closer with your sweaty self,” Ellie screeched. “My bulimia has a hair trigger.”

Coby grinned in spite of the jab, his glistening chest heaving. “What’s goin’ on?” He looked from Ellie to Reed, ignoring Jeremy.

“We were just planning our costumes for Ellie’s Halloween party this weekend, weren’t we?” stated Reed.

“Why, yes,” confirmed her friend. “And we were wondering if you were coming with that pretty girlfriend of yours, Brie. To the party, that is.”

“Brynn is her name,” he corrected. “Brie, for your information, is cheese.”

“Cheese that smells like urine, to be exact,” said Ellie.

Coby sneered. “Anyway, I’m not sure if we’ll make it there, we’ve got so many other parties to go to Saturday night.”

“I know that all of our friends will be at my party, so you must be referring to Brie’s friends’ parties. Reed, were you aware that Brie had any friends?”

“You mean that are out of jail?” She cocked an eyebrow.

The girls hooted.

“Don’t be such a bitch, Ellie. It ain’t pretty,” Coby said, wiping a drip of sweat off the tip of his nose.

I see that Brie has been teaching you some of her hillbilly slang, Coby. Your Junior League mother must
her influence on you.” She snapped her half-eaten salad closed and placed it next to her on the bench.

“Why is it that the two of you broke up months ago but are still acting like an old married couple? Huh, Jeremy?” Reed asked.

Jeremy had been staring into the distance during their hostile exchange, made all the more uncomfortable by Coby’s naked torso only inches from his face. “I better stay out of this,” he mumbled.

“Good man,” Coby bellowed, coach-style.

The girls rolled their eyes.

“Jeremy’s coming to the party,” said Reed.

Jeremy turned to Ellie, who smiled and bulged her eyes.

He understood. “Can’t wait.”

“I can,” said Coby. “Anyways, I gotta finish my laps.”

“Then run along,” Ellie ordered. “We’re just leaving anyway.”

The four slowly descended the bleachers, Ellie and Reed yammering about their costumes, the mute boys trailing.

“What’s your next class, Jeremy?” asked Reed, as they reached the bottom of the stairs.

“Biology, with Ms. Lessner in Room A-22.”

“Our friend Carlo is in that class,” said Ellie. “He’s nice. You guys might get along.”

“That is, if you’re a fag,” laughed Coby.

“Since when did you graduate to full-fledged redneck?” asked Ellie.

“I think he’s channeling Brie,” observed Reed.

“Brynn,” he corrected.

“Whatever. The bell’s gonna ring. We’re off to CAD, which reminds me, Jeremy, what’s your e-mail so I can send you the directions to the party?”

“Mine isn’t set up yet.”

“Well, Reed and I are coming down with colds tomorrow so we can get stuff ready, but you can get the directions from Carlo. He’s been over to my house a zillion times.”

“Maybe you two can be each other’s dates,” said Coby. “You could go as Ballena Beach Ken and Barbie.”

“And I lie awake at night and wonder why we ever broke up, having so much in common. It must be comforting to finally date someone of your own social class.”

“If you had any class, maybe you could do the same.” Coby then jogged away as the threesome descended the ramp by the gymnasium.

“So what does this Carlo look like?” Jeremy asked, trying to sound indifferent.

“Very cute with black hair, dark skin. A little on the short side, with a big smile and very pretty eyes,” said Reed.

“You didn’t mention his bubble butt,” added Ellie. “For once.”

“You’ll know Carlo when you see him, Jeremy. He’ll make sure of that.”

“Does he have a sister named Carmen?” he asked.

“Yeah, he does,” answered Reed. “How did you know?”

“She cut my hair yesterday.”

“Oh.” They nodded.

“So is he really gay?” he asked, sounding politely disgusted.

“Why don’t you ask him when you see him,” said Ellie. “He’s very
Now you’d better be there Saturday night, and bring someone if you want. But no costume, no admittance.”



An attractive, petite woman who looked more like a Beverly Hills trophy wife than a schoolteacher met him at the door to his next class. She was beautifully dressed in white and navy, and not one blonde hair was out of place.

Did everyone in Ballena Beach just step off a yacht?

“Happy to have you, Jeremy. I’m Ms. Lessner.” She smiled cordially, holding out her hand. Jeremy shook it. “Please find a seat, anywhere you like.”

The class had not yet filled up, so Jeremy walked to the back and stood awkwardly as all but two of the desks were claimed by noisy students returning from lunch. He looked around and noticed that the boy in the front left corner was the same one who’d peeked at him in Geometry.

He fit the picture the girls had painted.

Ms. Lessner stood from behind her desk, and the room hushed. “We’ll be having the test on biomes tomorrow afternoon. I’ll be assigning one to each of you randomly. You’ll be required to state the regions, including latitude, in which yours may be found, an extensive list of the flora and fauna, the temperature range and average rainfall for each season, and any other distinguishing features. The test will be a combination of fill-in and essay. Today will be review, so I suggest you use your notes and quiz each other. Are there any questions?”

The class erupted into a sea of raised hands and note-scribbling while Jeremy leaned back in his chair; after all, no teacher would make a brand-new student take a test on his second day. He began planning what he might dress as for the party. A baseball player? A hippie? A vampire? Pinocchio?

“Mr. Tyler, I don’t see you writing anything down. Is there something wrong?” She had crept up behind him.

“You mean I have to take the test?”

“Of course.”

“But I…”

She cut him off. “Is there anyone in the class who might be willing to share their notes with our new student?”

No hand went up.

“Then I’ll pick someone.” She gave the room a quick scan. “Carlo, would you be willing?”

“I hear he’s always willing,” someone stage-whispered. Those around him giggled.

Carlo ignored the comment and nodded at Ms. Lessner.

“Thank you, Mr. Martinez. Your cooperation is noted.”

The boy turned and grinned at him. Jeremy nodded back.

The class continued reviewing until the bell rang. Jeremy stood up, giddy that he’d made it through his first day. He pulled his book bag over his shoulder and then looked around for Carlo, who was already outside waiting. Jeremy went to him.

“Hey, I’m Carlo.”

“Thanks for lending me your notes.” They shook hands. He tried not to smile or look too friendly; he didn’t want to give the wrong impression.

“Well, here’s the thing,” Carlo began. “I can’t really lend them to you because I need to study them tonight, and I could Xerox them, but the machine in the library’s been down for a week.”

“Oh, man. What can I do?”

“I could scan them and e-mail them to you when I get home.”

“I’m not online yet; I just moved here a couple days ago.”

“Then I guess you could study over at my place.”

“I don’t have my license. Jesus, I’m sorry to be such a pain.”

“Then I’ll come by your place…if it’s OK.”

Jeremy couldn’t think of why it wouldn’t be OK. “Sure.”

“Here. Write your address and phone on this…” he handed Jeremy a paper from his pocket “…and take mine.” His information was already scribbled on the paper. “I’ll come by about seven. We can either stay at your house or go out for coffee. There’s a great little place down near Trancas.”

A first date? No thanks.

“We’ve got lots of room at my house,” Jeremy said. “And thanks for your help.”

“Hey, it helps me to study with someone too. So I’ll see you at seven?”

“Yeah, see ya.”

Jeremy smiled down at his new shoes thinking Carlo seemed friendly and honest, like someone he could talk to and be himself around. So what if some of the others made jokes about him? After all, if Ellie and Reed were friends with him, he couldn’t be a total geek.

He turned and jogged toward his Spanish class, which would start any second. And he thought,
I’ve got so much to tell Arthur.

Chapter Thirteen

“I hear you’re going to be taking over my beloved Rover,” Arthur grumbled as they sped down the highway toward home.

“Mine, all mine,” the boy gloated, running his hands over the walnut dashboard and ebony leather seats. He reached over and turned the radio up, then shoved his hands up and out of the open sunroof. “Wheeeee!”

“I’m glad to see you enjoying yourself at my expense,” the man shouted, snapping off the radio. “Now I’m going to have to run errands for your family in my dreadful Taurus.”

“I’m happy you’re glad.”

“Don’t get sassy with me, young man. Someone still needs to teach you how to drive this behemoth, and I don’t really see your aunt or uncle doing it anytime soon. Or your mother, for that matter.”

“Ouch. OK, I’ll stop. It’s just that this has been the best day, Arthur. I mean, I was dreading everything, and everything turned out OK.”

“That’s great. I’m happy for you. Later on I want you to tell me all about it.” He hesitated. “But in the meantime, I need to talk to you about something before we get home.”

“Oh God, what?”

“Your mother called today. I overheard your aunt on the phone with her.”

Fear stabbed his belly. “So what were they talking about?”

“I can’t say…obviously she wanted to keep the conversation private. But I did hear the words ‘attorneys’ and ‘restraining order’ mentioned.”

“Shit! Just when I start to get something good happening, she comes along and fucks it up! I should’ve known better than to think things would change.”

“Jeremy, don’t get ahead of yourself,” said Arthur. “You have no idea what’s going on, so you should ask your aunt. Tell her I told you she called and you want to know what’s happening. You’ve got a right to know. Things are going on right now that’ll affect the rest of your life.”

“No way, Arthur.” He shook his head. “I don’t want to know. What’s gonna happen will happen anyway. I’m only seventeen, so I don’t have any control over my life. I’m just going to enjoy this for as long as I can—even if it’s only until next week.”

“Are you sure you don’t want to know?” he asked, glancing his way. “Maybe it’s not what you think.”

“Yeah, I’m sure,” he replied, folding his arms across his chest. He figured she’d checked herself out of rehab and wanted him back home; it was likely that she’d forgotten that they didn’t have a place to live anymore. Or she was threatening to live here in Ballena Beach, which would explain the talk of “restraining orders.” Either way, she was back in the picture, and the thought made him want to open the door and hurl himself out of the moving car. He turned to the window so Arthur wouldn’t see the tear burn down his cheek. “Nothing’s ever going to change for me.”

“Well, it’s your decision. Just know that I’m here to help in any way that I can.” He smiled, placed a hand on his shoulder, and squeezed. “You’ve got to have faith that everything will turn out for the best. And believe me, you can trust your aunt to do what’s right for you.”

“I don’t trust

“I can’t say that I blame you,” he said as they crept to the stoplight at the Porto Marina bridge and stopped. Arthur looked at him squarely. “But there are a couple of trustworthy people around here who really do care about what happens to you. Not everyone is as unreliable as your mother has been, at least in the past.”

He ignored the encouragement. “What’m I gonna do if she makes me go with her?”

“For one thing, you’re assuming things about their conversation. But even if you had to leave, you would just make the best of it until you turn eighteen, then you’ll come back to Ballena Beach if it’s what you still want.”

The light turned green, and they lurched forward.

“But I can’t do that.”

“Why not?”

“I know it sounds crazy, Arthur, but if she’s out of rehab, then she’s going to need my help, especially if…I mean
she has another relapse. I can’t just leave her all alone. She’s my mother. She’ll die without me.”

Arthur nodded. “Then you need to do all the living and growing and laughing you can in the meantime. Speaking of which, why don’t you tell me about your day? Did you make any new friends?”

“Well, kind of. This one girl’s named Ellie and the other’s named Reed. They’re nice. I like them. In fact, they’re having a Halloween party this weekend and invited me.”

“Good! You need to get out. Did you meet anyone else?”

“Yeah, this asshole guy named Coby and this nice guy named Carlo. I’m going to study tonight with him.”

“You’re going to study with the ‘asshole’?”

“No, with Carlo.”

“Of course. And what’s he like, this Carlo?”

“He’s nice, I guess.”

“How descriptive. And how were your teachers?”

“Fine, I guess. Arthur, can I tell you about all this later? I just don’t feel like talking right now, if it’s OK.”

“I understand.”

“Oh! I almost forgot.” He pulled his wrinkled schedule out of his pants pocket. “I have swim team tryouts first thing in the morning, and I have to be there by seven. Could you take me?”

“I guess. With your swimming, I suppose it’ll be a good thing for you to have your own car after all. Plan on going with me to the DMV tomorrow after school to get your learner’s permit.”

“You mean you’ll start teaching me to drive?” he asked, beaming.

“Yes, Jeremy. I’ll teach you.” He considered what a tragedy it was that this boy’s father wasn’t here to guide him along the road to manhood, a road Jeremy had apparently grown accustomed to maneuvering with his mother’s hands over his eyes. “I’ll help you with everything I possibly can.”

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