Strings Attached (47 page)

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Authors: Mandy Baggot

BOOK: Strings Attached
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‘I know. But this is the only way I can deal with things. No more pretence George. I’m his father, we’re married, let’s deal with it. Let’s tell everyone, let’s start living our lives, instead of letting other people live them for us,’ Quinn said, taking hold of her hands.

‘It’s not going to be that simple for everyone. Other people are going to take longer to adjust to the situation, like Adam. All this has been sprung on him, as well as us,’ George told him.

‘I know, but my way of adjusting is getting on with it,’ Quinn said, kissing her on the mouth.

George held onto him, enjoying the taste of him, loving being in his arms again.

‘We’re going to be OK, you, me and Adam,’ Quinn said, holding her and brushing her hair with his hands.

‘I hope so, because that’s what I want more than anything,’ George replied with a sigh.

‘Me too. I’m yours remember. Always have been apparently, but more importantly, always will be,’ Quinn said, holding her hand to his heart.

George smiled and entwined her hand with his. She had been waiting her whole life to feel like this again.

‘By the way, there’s way too much garlic in that sauce,’ Quinn told her, dipping his finger into another plate.

‘Hey! Enough! That’s the sort of thing Adam does,’ George announced, slapping his hand away.

‘So we’re alike huh?’

‘Maybe I should have seen it before. T
he musical talent, the non-
stop eating, the good looks, the charm
’ George reeled off.

‘Shit, he has all that
youth? I’m not sure I’m going to like that sort of competition,’ Quinn replied.

‘You will be a good father you know,’ George spoke.

‘I think I’m going to need a lot of help,’ Quinn admitted.

‘Look no further,’ George replied, smiling at him.











12 months later – Los Angeles


‘Oi Adam! You need to put more sun cream on!’ Marisa screamed across the pool, sitting up on her sun lounger and dropping
Star Life
magazine on the floor.

‘Marisa! How many times have I got to tell you? You don’t shout like that, it sounds common,’ Geraint, Marisa’s father spoke, taking off his sunglasses and looking at his daughter disapprovingly.

‘Mother, why did we have to bring him? Couldn’t we have left him at home with a kitchen full of microwave meals and the Special Brew?’ Marisa questioned, scowling.

‘Marisa, don’t be so rude to your father. He’s going to take you shopping later,’ Helen told her.

‘Am I?’ Geraint asked, looking at Helen, bemused.

‘Are you?! Oh Dad, thank you. I’ve seen like this amazing outfit in a boutique in town and there’s like shoes to match,’ Marisa began, moving her lounger closer to her father’s.

‘Adam, Marisa’s right you know. It is time you put more cream on,’ George said, looking at her watch.

‘Christ are you serious? You’re timing it?
’ Adam exclaimed, getting up from his lounger.

‘Not down to the minute but...
’ George began.

‘Just put it on Ad, keep the ladies happy,’ Quinn replied, sitting up and reaching for his drink.

‘Pass it here then,’ Adam said, reaching out for the bottle.

‘I say Quinn, do you really think Tiger Woods might be at the course tomorrow when we play?’ Brian asked, looking over from his position under the parasol.

‘It’s a definite possibility. One of my driver
s says he’s there every Tuesday
without fail,’ Quinn answered.

‘I don’t know why you’re getting so excited Brian. He isn’t exactly going to ask you to caddy for him is he?’ Heather spoke harshly.

‘I should hope not Heather. Brian’s going to have his own caddy tomorrow,’ Quinn informed.

George smiled at her mother’s po-faced expression and leant over on her side to look at Quinn.

‘I can’t believe my whole family are here and I’m Mrs Blake,’ George whispered to him, toying with the ring on her finger.

‘I can’t believe you made me wait a year,’ Quinn answered, taking off his sunglasses to look at her.

‘It wasn’t my fault Finger Food went global, that was your fault. Well, Michael’s really I guess. His PR, and the fact I was labelled as the girl who stole Quinn Blake from the fifth sexiest actress in the
Star Life
poll,’ George replied.

‘Can you give me a warning if you’re going to snog. I don’t want to be anywhere in the vicinity,’ Adam announced.

‘Adam! I’d rather you didn’t use that word,’ Heather called.

‘Kiss, pucker up, lock lips, neck, cop off
’ Adam continued.

‘Hey, have some respect,’ Quinn ordered him.

Heather adjusted her sunhat and reached for her mineral water.

‘Why not get Marisa in the pool. Quick, go - and close your eyes,’ Quinn said as he leant forward and kissed George.

‘God! I don’t care how in love you are. Your parents snogging in front of you just isn’t right,’ Adam announced, throwing the sun cream back down and walking over to Marisa.

George watched Adam trying to entice Marisa into the water. He tickled her, made her scream and then took hold of her hand and gently kissed it.

‘He called me dad the other day you know. It was a slip of the tongue and he corrected himself afterwards, but he still said it,’ Quinn informed her.

‘I don’t want him to call me mum, especially with my mother here. Plus it makes me feel old and I do not want to feel old, not when I’ve only just got married. OK, well technically for the second time, but who’s counting?’ George asked.

‘Not me. So how does it feel this time around? Was it better getting married on the beach or better in Scotland in the rain?’ Quinn enquired.

‘Do I have to be honest?’


‘On the beach. How about you?’

‘I’m just glad I can remember this one,’ Quinn told her, laughing.

‘And I’m never going to let you forget it. The only way this ring is being removed is by surgical procedure,’ George informed.

‘Please! I’ve had enough of those!’ Quinn exclaimed.

‘I just meant I’m never letting you go. I’m yours,’ George said, taking hold of his hand and putting it to her chest.

‘Yes you are,’ Quinn said and he leaned across his lounger and kissed her again.

God! Like pass a bucket! They’re at it again! Get a room already! It’s sick,’ Marisa yelled at the kissing couple.

‘So how she used th
e word there - was that a good “

or a bad


?’ Helen wanted to know.


‘Good, most definitely good,’ George replied, holding Quinn’s gaze.



I would like to thank the following people for their help during the creation of Strings Attached:-


Sharon Goodwin
and Louise Graham


Both of you have provided me with so much
support, not just frantically t
weeting and
weeting my book news, but reviewing the manuscript, giving me advice on writing competition entries, making me laugh and picking my chin off the floor on bad days! Thank you so much xxx!


Jane Dixon-Smith – for the fantastic cover design I immediately fell in love with!


Andrew Riley – for again doing the final proofread of the manuscript!
You found the gremlins!


All the authors and Associate Readers at – particularly my lovely Team
Baggot members Rea Sinfield,
Lindsay Gentles
and Sue Fortin -
for supporting my work, and for promoting and befriending me. I love being part of our gang!


Jane Holland (formerly Embrace Books) - for giving me probably the best quote ever to use on the cover! Thank you!


Mr Big – for being my soundboard when I’m thinking out loud and firing questions at you! I know you believe in George and Quinn’s story and I know you believe in me too! Love you xxx.


My girls – Amber and Ruby - for being the b
est daughters in the world!
Love you lots xxx.



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