Strong (Kindred #1)

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Authors: K.A. Hobbs

BOOK: Strong (Kindred #1)
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Copyright © 2016 KA Hobbs


E-book edition


Cover design © Peter Carruthers

Cover image © ThinkStock


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This is a work of fiction.


Any resemblance to persons either living or deceased is purely coincidental.


Names, places and characters are figments of the author’s imagination, or if real, used in a fictitious sense.


The author recognises all the trademarks and copyrights of any registered products and/ or companies mentioned within this work of fiction.

Table of Contents

Title Page





Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Twenty-Four

Chapter Twenty-Five

Chapter Twenty-Six

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Chapter Twenty-Eight

Chapter Twenty-Nine

Chapter Thirty

Chapter Thirty-One

Chapter Thirty-Two

Chapter Thirty-Three


About Me

Other Books

For Mr Hobbs. Whether I need a hug or a laugh, you’re there. I don’t know what I’d do without you, you make my world a much happier, funnier and sillier place. You’re the reason I can chase my dreams and you’re the inspiration for everything.
are my strength.




ou haven’t phoned in forever, and you keep avoiding my FaceTimes what’s going on with you?” Josie asks.

“I’ve just been busy, what is it you want to tell me?” I ask, trying to move the conversation onto any other topic but this one.

“Nice dodge, I just want to check if you need a hotel room? We’ve block booked a whole lot and now they want final numbers, it makes it cheaper and easier for everyone.”

“Please, I don’t want to have to try and sort that from here.”

I smile.

Josie is getting married, who would have thought it? Little fiery, redheaded Josie, Miss ‘I don’t ever want to get married’ is, in fact, getting married in a week. How did that happen? Well, I guess when you find someone who breaks down those walls and makes you feel things you’ve never felt before, you’ll give them just about anything.

“And you’re not mad I didn’t ask you to be a Bridesmaid?” she asks for what must be the hundredth time.

“No, Jose, we’ve been over this, it’s your wedding, you have who you want, I’m just so happy for you and I can’t wait to come over and see you all.” I smile. I really am looking forward to it.

“Good, because you know I love you, it’s just you know…”

“Stop trying to explain it, I love you too. But I have to go, I’ll be late!”

“Late for bending into all sorts of positions with men in lycra?” she teases.

“They don’t wear lycra, just normal sweats,” I laugh. “I’ll see you in a week okay? I miss you.”

“I miss you too! Hurry up and get here!” she laughs.

“Bye gorgeous, send my love to Megs and the bump.”

“Consider it done.” she blows me a kiss and hangs up.


I sink back into my seat and close my eyes. It seemed like a good idea to keep everything from them, but now I’m a few days from going back home and having to face them, face everyone, it seems like a really, really bad idea. I’m banking on the wedding making Josie so distracted she won’t suspect anything and with Megan about to pop, there is no way she can focus on anything else other than herself, right?

I bloody hope so.

I put my phone in my bag and climb out of the car and lock it before I head into the building.

The sliding doors open as I approach and I’m assaulted with the fear inducing hospital smell, the clinical white decor and a group of people waiting in line to register for whatever clinic they’re here to attend. I walk past them and through another set of doors and make my way down the corridor to the lifts, I press the button and wait for one to arrive. When one does, I climb inside and press for the seventh floor. It sails up surprisingly fast and arrives with an annoyingly cheery ping. I step out and come face to face with the reception desk and Laura, the nurse who works with Dr Ward.

“Morning Carmen, how are you doing?” she smiles kindly.

“About the same, can we get started?”

“Sure, come on in Dr Ward is waiting.”


m I really going to wear this dress? I guess I am because I didn’t pack another dresse so unless I want to wear jeans, it looks like it’s my only option. I sigh and slip off my robe and remove it from the hanger. Deep red and strapless, it’s floor length and has a slit to mid thigh, it isn’t indecent, it’s perfectly acceptable but maybe a little too much for your best friend’s wedding? Josie told me to wear whatever I wanted as long as it wasn’t a wedding dress, this isn’t a wedding dress so I should be okay. I hope. I manage to zip it up and look at myself in the mirror, it’s skin tight and makes the most of my curves, I have to admit, I do look good in this dress.

I head over to the dresser and pick up my jewellery for the day, a simple silver necklace and the diamond studs my parents gave me for my eighteenth birthday. I’ve decided to leave my hair down and in waves and my make up is subtle and perfect. From my overnight bag I pull out a pair of flats to change into in case the heels I am so desperate to wear end up killing my feet, which is highly likely. I spritz on a little perfume before taking one more look at myself. From the outside you would never know I have a weight pulling me down so much it’s choking me, with my smile in place and this dress, I’m the Carmen Josie and Megs know and expect to see, even if I feel as far removed from her as I possibly can be.

It’s one day,

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