Stronger Than Ever (My Best Friend) (5 page)

BOOK: Stronger Than Ever (My Best Friend)
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“Jason,” she said slowly, “please leave. Don’t look at me.”

e stared
at her with a hurt expression on his face. “Kay

away from him, feeling ashamed.



Jason didn’t know what to do. The idea that he would leave was ridiculous. But how could he comfort her? He had no idea.

His mom got up and walked over to him. “Jason, wait outside.”

He didn’t move, just stared at Kay, asking her with his eyes to change her mind, but she wouldn’t even look in his direction.

The nurse returned to the room. “Sir, she is still in shock. Please wait outside.” She escorted him to the door.

When he left the room Jason broke down. Moments later, with barely a coherent thought, he punched the wall. “I’m going fucking kill whoever did this.”

He could still see the handprints on her neck, the bruises on her arms. He could only imagine where else.

He remembered the last time Tommy had beat her. He hadn’t been there for her then and he wasn’t there for her now.

A police officer approached her room. Jason stepped into his path. “What happened?

The police officer turned. “Who are you?”

“I’m Jason Anderson, Kay’s husband.”

The officer took him aside. “Sir, your wife was attacked.”

“Obviously. Where did it happen?”

“Sir, you will have to ask your wife. I can’t give you any more information.”

“Look, at least…did he rape her?” Jason shoved his left hand in his pocket.

“No, sir, there’s no evidence of that. Seems like he didn’t have time. We’ll try everything we can to find him.” The policeman patted Jason’s shoulder before turning to enter the room.

“You better make sure I don’t get my hands on him, because I’ll kill him,” Jason said, rubbing his hands together.

The officer paused and turned back. “I’m going to act like I didn’t hear that. I have to finish getting your wife’s statement. Excuse me.”

As the man went in, Jason’s mom came out of the room and hugged him. “Son, she just needs some time. She feels like she let you down.”

“Why would she think that?” he asked, running his fingers through his hair.

“Because she feels like she asked for it, the way she was dressed. I tried to explain to her that she didn’t.”

“She was dressed the way she was because of me.
om, if I find out who attack her before they do, he’ll regret ever touching her.” Jason said with anger

“Jay, please let the police handle this. She doesn’t need you to get yourself put in jail. She's going to need you to help her get through this. It may not be a rape, but that doesn’t change the fact that he violated her. She called me because she needed a mom, someone who would understand and feel what she’s feeling, but she needs you even if she doesn’t see it now.”

Jason shifted from foot to foot.

The officer stepped out of her room and left, his mom went back in to comfort Kay. After a while his mom came back out.

“She’s asleep now. I held her until she fell asleep. Jason, be gentle and patient with her. She needs you now more than ever.”

He hugged his mother and entered his wife’s room. He walked up to her bed and whispered. “I love you, Kay.” He leaned down
kissed her forehea
d, and
sat down
his fingers with hers. He couldn’t believe someone would do this to her, and whoever had done it would pay.

A few minutes later, she
screaming. “NO! Don’t touch me! Please don’t hurt me!”

He stood up and hugged her. “Kay, it’s me.”

She pulled away from him. “No….” After a moment, she realized it was Jason and jumped into his arms. “I’m so sorry. I should’ve gone home to change instead of stopping at the gas station.”

“Baby, you didn’t do anything wrong.” He pulled back to look into her eyes.

“Jason, I thought he was going to kill me,” she said, with tears rolling down her cheeks.

“Baby, he didn’t, but he is going to pay for what he did to you. I will kill him with my bare hand
I’ve told you before no one hurts’ you and gets away with it.”

promise me that you’ll let the police handle this, please.
Promise me

he placed her hands under his chin.

He stared at her and could tell she knew he was lying. “I’ll let the police handle it.” He took her hand and kissed it. “Can you tell me what happened?”

She stopped staring at him, lowered her head. “When I went to the gas station to fill up, I noticed this weird guy looking at me. First I thought it was because I was wearing a coat, but he had a strange look on his face.”
She paused
to get her words together. “I felt something was wrong so I turned to leave.
” She began to take a deep breath before continuing
. “When I was about to get into my car, someone else grabbed me and told me not to scream. He pulled out a gun,
pushed me to the back
e punched me
a couple of times
, when I f
and then
touching me.” She turned and continued crying.

“Kay, look at me. Nothing you tell me will change how I feel about you.”

“He placed his gun in the back of his pants and grabbed my neck. I could hardly breathe. He looked at me and said, ‘
Bitch, you’re going to pay
.’” He tried to kiss me, but I bit him. I kept moving and fighting him off. He hit me a couple
times. That’s when he tore my coat open.”

Jason’s breathing got heavy. He balled his left hand into a fist, but tried to control his anger.

“Jason,” she said, crying uncontrollably. “He

Jason stopped her from speaking. “Kay, you don’t have to continue.”

“He almost raped me.” He pulled her into a tight hug. She whispered. “He grabbed my arms, pinn
me against the wall. He…hit my ribs and forcefully remov
my underwear.” She took a deep breath. “He was seconds from raping me when the gas attendant came running with a bat. She hit him on his back and he dropped to the ground. By the time the cops came, he’d already lef
he’d jumped into the car with the other guy.”

He looked down at her. “
ou got attacked because of me. If I hadn’t sent you those damn flowers, you wouldn’t have been there.”

She cupped his face. “This is not your fault, it could have happened anytime.”

“I feel like I’m never there when you need me the most. First Tommy now this.”

“Don’t think like that. You’ve always been my hero, you can’t be with me twenty-four-seven. I’m okay. What doesn’t break us makes us stronger.”

The doctor knocked on the door and walked in. “How are you feeling, Mrs. Anderson?”

“Much better now that my husband is here.” She forced a smile.

“You have a small concussion, and a bruised rib. Are you still feeling pressure in your abdomen?” he asked.

“Yes, but it doesn’t hurt as much. It might have been when he slammed me against wall.” She looked at him, curious.

“Have you been to see your personal physician lately?” the doctor asked.


He walked closer. “Well, I have some news for the two of you.”

“What’s wrong?” Jason asked, concerned.

“Other than the concussion, bruises, and the pain…you’re just pregnant.”

“What? I’m pregnant?” Her face showed the shock for a moment before she broke into a wide grin. She hugged Jason. “We’re having a baby.”

He hugged her back but didn’t say anything. She turned to the doctor. “Is the baby okay? He hit me hard in the stomach a couple of times.”

“Your baby is fine. You protected him or her without even knowing.”

“I was on birth control…will that hurt the baby?”

“No, it won’t hurt your baby. But you need to make an appointment with your OB/GYN, to really make sure everything is okay. You will be able to
go home
soon.” He smiled and shook Jason’s hand before leaving the room.

Jason turned to Kay and sandwiched her palm between his.

“What’s wrong? You’re not happy about this?” She gently rubbed her stomach. “Earlier today you were talking about having a baby.”

“Of course I’m happy were having a baby. I just wish we would’ve found out at a different time.”

“Baby, it’s the best time. I needed something good so I can forget the bad things. This is a blessing for me to find out like this. God does things in his own time. Who are we to question him?”

e hugged her. “Baby you’re everything to me.”

She whispered. “We’re having a baby.”




As they made their way home, Jason never once let go of Kay’s hand
, hoping she could feel safe
knowing he was there.
“Kay, I’m so sorry I wasn’t there to protect you.”
A tear escaped his eye.

She wiped it away. “Jason, don’t apologize. It wasn’t your fault that he attacked me
I was just at the wrong place. God was looking out for me, and our baby.” She gasped. “He’s a coward.” She turned and looked out the window.

He grabbed the steering wheel with force. “Yes, he’s a fucking coward.”
I’m going to make sure he pays
, he thought.

“I want to forget this day ever happened.”




Jason helped Kay over the threshold. He could tell it hurt her to walk.

“I need to take a shower.” She slowly walked to their bedroom.

He watched her as she walked to the bedroom, he knew she was emotionally and physically hurt, but he also knew she needed some time alone. He went into the kitchen to grab some water. He stopped, and punched the wall. “Fuck, fuck, why Kay? I’m going to kill him.” He picked up the phone and called Patrick Barnett, a private investigator the firm used from time to time, to get information for a case. Mr. Barnett answered and he filled him in on what had happened to Kay. He repeated everything Kay had told him, from the two men’s descriptions to the color and make of the car. “If you find out anything, I want you to call me day or night.” He hung up and finished drinking his water.

He entered their bedroom. The bathroom door was open, and he could hear the shower. He stepped closer to the door and heard her crying.
She’s hurt and there’s nothing I could do
, he thought. He went into the bathroom, opened the door to the shower. “Let me help you wash away the bad memories.” He grabbed the
and stroked it over her body. “I’m here now. You’re safe with me.”

He stepped out
grabbed the towel off the rack, and turned off the shower. He wrapped her in the towel and grabbed her in his arm
s, and
sat on the toilet with her
rocking her back and forth.

“I love you. I’m here now.” He said the words over and over again, willing her to hear them, to believe them. He carried her over to their bed.

He laid her down, got her nightshirt, and dressed her. She cupped his face caressing his chin with her thumb.

“My rock,” she sighed.

He lay behind her and held her until she fell asleep.




They both stared at her.
How can I help her get through this
? Jason wondered. Kay struggl
in her sleep, swinging her hands, and screaming. “No! Why are you doing this to me? Stop, stop….”

She was having a bad dream, bad enough to scare
“Mommy, Mommy” she yelled.

Jason tried to wake he
her up into his arms. “Sweetie, it’s just a dream.” She
began to
open her eyes and realized where she was
, seeing her baby.

She pulled away slowly from Jason’s embrace. “Good morning baby, Mommy just had a bad dream, it’s over now.” She leaned over and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

touched the bruise on her mom’s neck. “I here mommy, I love you.”

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