Stronger with You (With You Trilogy) (2 page)

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Breathing a sigh of relief, Alex came back to sit on the futon.

“Sorry, Alex,” I frowned. “I’ve told you a million times though, you don’t have to call him sir when we’re at home, especially not now we’re not at school anymore.” I’d hoped that would lighten his mood but it seemed to have somewhat the opposite effect.

“I wasn’t faking the asthma,” he grumbled sulkily.

“I know,” I smiled sympathetically and leaned over to give his knee a gentle squeeze.

“Must have been weird living with your teacher,” Jason said, wrapping his arms round my waist once more as I leant back into him.

“Matt’s pretty good at keeping the two things separate,” I shrugged. “At school I was just another student, at home I was just his best friend’s annoying little sister,” I sighed.

It was true, Jason didn’t need to know that Matt had gone out of his way to make P.E. lessons impossibly difficult for me. They had trouble getting on as it was.

“He was way harder on you than he was on the rest of us,” Alex chimed in, destroying my plan to keep those details to myself.

I shrugged it off, feigning indifference. I didn’t want to get into it right now. Matt had only ever been hard on me because he wanted me to push myself, even if I didn’t appreciate it at the time.

Ian popped his head in to tell Alex that he could stay for dinner, which made me squeal with excitement and earned me a disapproving look from Ian. It was worth it though; I hadn’t seen Alex for so long and he had so much to tell me about his adventures across the pond.

Ian cooked, which was good news because he was the biggest culinary talent in the family. He made falafel – from scratch – for Alex and me, and some chicken and beef, flavoured with about a million different herbs and spices, for everyone else. This was served with whole-wheat wraps, salad and a homemade yoghurt and cucumber dressing.

“This is so good!” Alex made appreciative moans as he devoured his wrap. “I want the recipe!”

“There is no recipe,” Ian shrugged, in surprisingly good humour.
Maybe a small part of him has actually missed having Alex hanging around all the time
. I laughed inwardly at that thought. I doubted he’d even missed me whilst I was at uni.

“How can there
be a recipe?” Alex said in his usual overdramatic tone, which made me grin but normally had Ian grinding his teeth.

Ian just shrugged and I stepped in to rescue him from the barrage of questions I knew was bound to come from Alex’ inquisitive mind.

“Ian just mixes stuff together until it smells good, then he’s done,” I grinned.

“How did you learn to cook like that?” Jason asked.

“Cooking for them,” Ian nodded his head to my brothers and me.

I knew he wasn’t being entirely honest. Ian’s cooking had gotten considerably better after he’d joined the military. He often came back from one of his mysterious disappearances with a tan and a sudden talent for mixing exotic flavours, but I understood that he didn’t want to talk about it.

“A man that can cook, your brother just got a little hotter!” Alex teased me, just loud enough for my brothers to hear.

Jason choked on his food; I think he was preparing for a show down. Ian just grinned at Alex and shot him a wink. I scowled at Alex, he knew that I didn’t like him hitting on my brothers – it was creepy. He gave me his adorable pout and I found myself forgiving him almost immediately.

No matter how much hassle my brothers gave Alex about the two of us being close friends, they never gave him any jip for being gay. I loved that about them and knew how much it meant to Alex. Even Jake, who hated Alex with a passion, had once smashed a guy’s face in at school when he overheard him calling Alex a faggot. Our Dad had impressed the importance of treating everyone as equals onto my eldest brothers and they made damn sure the same values were hammered into the rest of us.

“Aren’t there a few of you missing?” Alex asked Rick as we did the dishes together.

“Karl and Elise are on holiday,” Rick explained.

“To celebrate their anniversary,” I added.

“And Jake’s not been back home much,” Rick continued.

I winced with guilt. I knew Jake had gone home early because I was here. He was still avoiding me at all costs. It hurt really badly to have somebody I loved hate me so strongly. Jason kept telling me that it wasn’t my fault but that didn’t stop me from feeling guilty. Jake and I may not have had the best relationship, but I still missed him. The others avoided the issue, so I tried not to bring it up around them.

“How long are you home for, Jellybaby?” Alex asked as he followed me down the stairs to the den.

“We’re heading back tomorrow, I have exams starting Monday.”

“Aw, okay,” he pouted. “I was hoping to have some company. I’m going to be bored out of my skull hanging out with my mum until September.”

“Sorry,” I frowned. “But you’re welcome to come and visit me in Leeds whenever you want, you know that right?”

“You can crash with us,” Jason offered from behind us.

I blinked up at him and he smirked back with that hint of mischief in his eyes. He’d been pushing for me to move in with him. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to live with Jason, I spent most of my time at his anyway, but it felt too soon. I loved the man whole-heartedly but he featured heavily in all aspects of my life and I felt like I still had a little bit of growing left to do.

“Jason, I still haven’t decided,” I frowned at him.

“I know, baby,” he said softly. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to pressure you.” He pressed a gentle kiss to the top of my head as we reached the bottom of the stairs and I leaned back into him and took a second to enjoy the feel of him against me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I wiggled against him contentedly. I may have accidentally rubbed my backside against his crotch, which earned me a growl that was sexy as hell and a warning squeeze on my hip.

“You’ll pay for that later,” he whispered in my ear.

I turned around and kissed him on the lips as I murmured a half-hearted apology. Jason’s version of “paying for it” usually involved mind-blowing orgasms, and lots of them. My simple kiss turned into something a little more meaningful as Jason pulled me into him.

Danny quickly dragged me away from Jason with a warning glare. I rolled my eyes in response and squealed as he pinched the back of my arm.

I gritted my teeth, trying to make sure I didn’t retaliate. The arm pinches were really starting to grate on me. When I glanced to my left, I caught Jason glaring at Danny. I knew he was only holding back because I begged him not to get into fights with my brothers. He hated it when they did things like that.

“So… Jason,” Alex grinned at me wickedly as we sat whispering in the far corner of the sofa.

The others, Jason included, were all watching some car racing film which didn’t seem to capture Alex’ interest at all. Not that that surprised me.

“Jason,” I nodded, feeling the grin break out on my face.

“He’s hunky,” Alex whispered with a giggle. “You seem so happy with him, like you’ve come out of your shell a bit. I’m really happy for you, Jellybaby.” He gave me a genuine smile and pulled me into a hug, which I returned gratefully. Alex knew better than anyone how shy and reserved I could be. I was trying not to let myself get swept aside as much though, trying to stand up for myself more often, with Jason’s encouragement. That was my New Year’s resolution.


Chapter 2

Saturday, 5th January 2013

When Jason and I finally went to bed, I was exhausted. We’d gotten up early to go for a run with Ian and Craig and now I was looking forward to curling up in bed with Jason.

“I’m glad you finally met Alex,” I smiled at him as I stripped off and hopped into bed.

“He’s nice,” Jason nodded, shuffling into bed beside me. “I oughta take you over my knee for pulling that stunt, though.”

I didn’t need any light in the room to feel his burning glare. I could hear it in his low, husky voice.

“You wouldn’t,” I said, my voice uncertain, but my muscles already clenching delightfully in anticipation.

“You know I never step down from a challenge, baby,” he chuckled, slipping his hands around me and pulling me against him. “Spanking might not be a good idea with your brothers around. I’m sure I can think of something though.” His lips met mine and his tongue thrust inside my mouth, caressing mine and allowing me to luxuriate in his exquisite taste.

I groaned into his mouth as he deepened the kiss and I felt his rock-hard cock pushing against me. My body responded to Jason’s as it always did – without any control on my part. I pushed back against him, enjoying the pulses of pleasure as I ground myself on his thick erection.

Jason pulled away from my mouth and my lips followed him hungrily, trailing kisses down his neck and over his chest. He rolled onto his back and I didn’t hesitate to climb on top of him so I could continue enjoying his skin against my lips as I greedily explored his upper body.

“Sit up,” Jason ordered, his eyes burning with fiery lust.

I pouted at the loss of contact, but the edge in his voice told me he was planning something fun. I sat back on Jason’s legs, waiting impatiently for him to make his next move.

He raised himself up so that we were facing and took my breast in his mouth, sucking gently on my nipple which hardened almost painfully in his mouth. I groaned as he teased me with his teeth and my back arched towards him

“Shh,” he admonished as he moved his attentions to my other breast, bringing his hands up to join his very talented tongue in its delightful exploration of my chest.

I clamped my mouth shut, very aware that quite a few of my brothers were home. I felt Jason remove one hand and search blindly in my bedside table for a condom. We were still going through them at an alarming rate and I’d promised to get on the pill as soon as we got back to Leeds.

“On all fours, baby,” Jason breathed, his lips against my neck, his breath tickling my oversensitive skin.

I obeyed gladly, the need to feel him inside me already overwhelming. Once I was in the requested position, Jason ran his fingers down my spine, causing my skin to erupt into pleasant goosebumps.

His fingers continued down, over my ass to between my thighs, where they began teasing me, rubbing slow circles against my clit. I tensed, forcing myself to remain still because I knew he’d drag this out if I didn’t and I was so desperate to have him inside of me.

Jason used his other hand to guide my legs further apart before pushing down gently on my shoulders so that my head rested against the mattress and my rear end was left rather exposed in mid-air. I gasped as I felt his tongue travelling the length of my slit, tracing the folds that craved his touch. I whimpered slightly as he sucked on my clit, fighting to remain still through the powerful tingling he elicited. It was intense, almost too intense, but Jason knew my body better than I did and the moment it became too much, he released my enflamed bud and returned to the delightful, long, slow licks.

The instant he withdrew his tongue, my hips bucked back, missing the contact. I heard Jason chuckle and knew he was going to make me pay for it.

“Sorry,” I moaned, my breathing ragged.

“When will you learn to be still, my little squirrel?” Came the husky response that almost had me wiggling my ass in his direction in a desperate plea for more.

“I was trying, I promise,” I pouted, attempting to make out his face in the dark.

“I know, baby,” he mollified, planting a gentle kiss on each ass cheek.

I felt his fingers on me once more. He pushed inside of me and began rotating them, massaging my inner walls. I barely held back a groan of frustration when he withdrew them before I reached my climax.

His fingers returned, this time in triplet, and forced their way back into me. My muscles protested at the tightness but that quickly gave way to pleasure when he began pulsing them in and out of me, bringing me ever closer to the brink.

“Please don’t stop,” I begged as I felt myself nearing my limit. I knew Jason was probably going to stop as punishment for not keeping still, but I hoped he’d take pity on me.

“Why shouldn’t I stop, Jamie?” He asked, slowing his fingers down just enough that the knot of pressure inside me couldn’t burst and give me the release my body craved.

“Please, Jason,” I groaned. “Please let me come.”

“I’ll think about it,” he teased, withdrawing his fingers entirely.

I bit down onto the sheet and buried my face to drown out my cry of frustration.
Why is he doing this?
He was never usually this cruel. He usually made a game of it, making me beg to get my release, or refusing to let me come until I’d proved I could hold still, but in the end he always lets me come. He’d been teasing me for what felt like an age but I still hadn’t had my release and I was starting to get frustrated to the point where it wasn’t fun anymore.

My complaints were quickly quashed as I heard Jason tearing the condom packet open. I groaned against the mattress as I felt him rub his tip up and down my moist slit teasingly before he pushed himself part way inside me. Jason stilled and I was grateful. No matter how many times we had sex, my body never seemed to acclimatise to his sheer size.

He traced my spine with his fingers before resting his hands on my hips and holding them firmly as he withdrew only to thrust back into me again. I moaned at the exquisite feeling of fullness, enjoying the powerful ripples of pleasure as he withdrew once more. Only his tip remained inside me before he thrust into me again. This time he entered me fully, sinking inside me to the very hilt, letting me feel every delightful inch of him as he stretched me beyond belief.

He began with long, slow, movements.
Too slow
. He withdrew to the tip before pushing himself back into me in controlled thrusts, massaging the magic point inside me that made wonderful things happen.

“That feel good, Jamie?” He whispered.

I nodded, unsure that I could conquer the mammoth task of speaking whilst he continued stroking that spot.

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