Struck from the Record (30 page)

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Authors: K.A. Linde

Tags: #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: Struck from the Record
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He smirked. “I have faith that it will exceed them.”

The driver pulled up in front of her gallery, and Andrea once again let them in through her back office door.

She took a deep breath with her hand on the door to the studio and looked up at him with eyes full of hope. “Ready?”

“Very.” He could hardly control his excitement as he waited for her to show him around.

She pulled the door open, reached inside, and flicked on the lights. Then, she gasped. Standing in the center of the large gallery room was a painting on an easel, covered with a white cloth.

“What the hell is this?” she asked. “Sorry, Clay. This isn’t…this isn’t how I wanted you to see it. I don’t know who put that there.” She blew out a frustrated breath. “I cannot believe I left people here when I went home to change. When I find out who did this, it’s going to be their head.”

Clay laughed. “Andrea, it’s fine. It’s just one piece of artwork.”

“It’s not just one piece of artwork! I’ve been working on the arrangement for weeks. Everything was in order. Now,

“We can move it. It’s all right,” he reassured her.

She sighed. “Fine. Let’s figure out where it belongs before I have a fit and start throwing things.”

Her heels clicked against the hardwood floor as she raced across the room. He was right behind her with his hands behind his back and a huge grin on his face. She yanked on the sheet, and as it fell away, she gasped even louder than before. Her hands flew to her mouth, and she seemed to be stuck in place.

“Clay…” she murmured.


“You couldn’t have,” she said, staring up at the painting of the woman looking out the rain-splattered window with tears running down her face. The very painting Andrea had been obsessed with for so long and had sold for over half a million dollars—his entire year’s salary.

“Oh, but I could.”

Tears welled in her eyes as they turned to face him. “How?”

“Does it matter how? Just know that I got it back for you.”

“It absolutely matters how. I mean…this painting…this…” She couldn’t seem to speak. “It was highly sought after. I know who I sold it to. I know what he was willing to spend to get it. He
would have sold it back to you.”

He grinned. “Well, that’s obviously not true, is it?”

“How?” she repeated.

So, Clay launched into the story. “It took a hell of a lot of backroom dealings to even freaking figure out who you’d sold it to. I didn’t want to invade your privacy, so I didn’t go through your things. But I eventually found out who you’d sold it to and confronted the couple who had purchased it. They point-blank refused to sell it back to me, no matter my sob story.”

Andrea chuckled. “I bet they did.”

He took a deep breath. This was the part he wasn’t fond of. “So…I went to Asher.”

“You did what?” she stammered.

“Well, he seemed to know the art industry, like you do here. I had to use all my resources. Let me tell you…he wasn’t exactly happy to see me.”

“After what happened at Brady’s wedding, I’d think not.”

“But he ended up helping me.”

“Why the hell would he do that?” she demanded.

Clay scratched his head and looked at his feet. “You, Andrea. He hates me, but he still cares for you enough to help me keep you happy.”

“Oh, Clay, you didn’t have to do that,” she whispered.

“Course I did. Anyway, we tracked down an art dealer who was selling another painting that the couple wanted even more than this one. I put the bid in on it and then went back to the couple and offered a trade.”

“They didn’t…”

“They didn’t want to. They offered to buy the piece from me. I told them what they told me…it wasn’t for sale. I think I ended up charming them though because here’s the painting I wanted, and they have the one they wanted on their fireplace mantel.”

Andrea leveled him with a look that he couldn’t read at first. It was part,
You’re an idiot
, and part,
I’m going to fuck you on the spot
. He was pretty okay with that.

“Well, do you like it?”

She shook her head. “I love it. I cannot believe you right now.”

He wrapped his arms around her waist and brought his lips down on hers, slowly and gently. “You make me crazy, Andrea. All I want is for you to be happy. I would do anything to make you happy.”

“Can’t you see?” she whispered, tears brimming her eyes again. “You make me happy. It’s always been you that makes me happy.”

“Now, don’t mess up your makeup,” he joked, clearing his throat. A lump was growing there, the more choked up she got. “You still have a gallery to open.”

“Thank you. For this. For everything.”

“Thank you for giving us a second chance. I never knew that this was what I wanted all along. But I’m never going to forget it now.”

She kissed him then, ceaselessly, drowning out the rest of his words. They stayed like that—flat-out making out—until someone cleared their throat behind them. Apparently, the staff was here and ready to prepare the gallery to be opened.

When the gallery officially opened an hour later, Clay was at Andrea’s side for the entire thing. He greeted her customers and directed people to the various displays, and overall, he enjoyed her success.

The last art gallery she’d had…was horrible for him. One of his lowest points during their breakup. Now, he was here with her, watching her brilliance close up.

At one point, Asher turned up. He looked anxious about being there, but Clay stuck out his hand. Asher had helped him when he needed it. As long as Asher stayed far away from his girlfriend, then he could move past what had happened. Clay had won after all.

More people he knew filed in. All of their friends and family, who had recently been at their housewarming party. His boss, Ted Cooper, showed up with his wife. And then, just as it was thinning out and it was about time for Andrea to return to the crowd to mingle and wheel and deal…his parents appeared, as if out of thin air.

Andrea smiled brightly. “Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell,” she said formally, “I had no idea you’d be in attendance this evening.”

Clay’s mother went straight up to Andrea and pulled her into a hug. “Andrea, call me Marilyn. We’ve known you since you were a kid.”

Andrea laughed softly. “Of course, Marilyn. You know how I am. It’s so good to see you. Are you here for anything in particular?”

“Just to see my son and his very successful girlfriend,” Marilyn said with a smile. “Isn’t that right, Jeff?” She nudged Clay’s father.

“That’s right,” he said. “Congratulations, darling.” He gave Andrea a peck on the cheek and a big politician’s smile. “We’re both proud of you.”

His father reached out his hand, and Clay shook it. He was slightly flabbergasted that his father was here. He knew that they were on the invite list for the opening, but they hadn’t said whether or not they would be coming. His parents spent most of the summer in Chapel Hill and away from D.C. if they could at all help it.

“I was glad to hear that you two had finally moved in together,” his father said. “None of that separate housing situation.”

“It was about time,” Andrea said, jumping in.

She knew that he had never really gotten along with his father.

“That’s right,” Clay said. He wrapped an arm around Andrea’s shoulders. “It was about time. Should have done it a long time ago.”

“Well, we’re just so happy for the both of you. After Brady and Liz’s wedding, we hoped you two would settle down next,” Marilyn said.

Clay coughed, and Andrea’s cheeks heated.

“Don’t get ahead of yourself now,” Andrea said with a laugh.

“We’re just happy to be together again,” Clay told him. “Take things as life throws them at us.”

“That’s the way to do it. You’re only young once,” Jeff said. “I always knew you were the smartest of all my children.”

Clay nearly staggered backward.


His father had never said anything like that to him before. He’d never even hinted that he thought Clay even deserved to stand in Brady’s shadow.

Attorney general was as good as it would get for Clay. But no recognition until he was there. Top of his class at Yale. Top of his class at Yale Law. Supreme Court clerking. Best law job in the nation…and still nothing.

Now, all of a sudden, because he seemed to be settling down with Andrea…he was enough.

“Thanks, Dad,” he said with genuine surprise.

Andrea squeezed his arm. She knew what this meant to him.

“Can’t get to where you are today without brains and a tough work ethic,” his father continued. “It’s the Maxwell way. You’re doing great, son. Both of you.”

He smiled at them, and then Marilyn ushered him away to check out the rest of the gallery. Clay was left reeling.

“Are you okay?” Andrea asked.

“I just…I never expected his approval,” he admitted.

“You never needed it. You have always been amazing, just the way you are. You walked out of Brady’s shadow. Maybe it’s time to let go of the things that your father said to you when you were just a kid.” She brushed her fingers across his cheek. “You were just a kid.”

He nodded. “You’re right. It’s…it’s time to let them go. Focus on what’s important. What’s right in front of me. And that’s my successful girlfriend.”

She giggled. “This isn’t about me.”

“Oh, Andrea”—he swept his hand out to the incredible gallery opening—“this is
about you. Just as it should be.”

Chapter 29


“Are you sure you’re ready?” Gigi asked.

She was anxiously biting her nails. It was a habit he had been noticing more and more over the last couple of weeks.

He grabbed her hands and forced them still. “Stop biting your nails. You’re making

“Sorry. I just want everything to be right for you.”

“It’ll be fine. I mean…” He ran a hand back through his hair. “I think it will be fine. Just have everyone there at the right time, and it will all go as planned.”

She beamed. “Excellent. I can do that.” Then, she launched herself at him and squeezed him tight. “Oh my God, I’m so excited for you.”

Clay gingerly patted her shoulder, laughing all the while. “You’re so excitable.”

“Not every day this sort of thing happens,” she said, releasing him. “I mean…once in a lifetime, really.”

“Let’s hope.”

“And she really has no idea? I mean, you told her that we were all going out to celebrate Chris moving to town. Big party and all. She hasn’t suspected a thing?”

Clay grinned. “Not a thing. Though…I suppose that’s my fault.”

His face fell. Tonight was the big night. He was getting all of his friends together. He’d made sure they had the room reserved at Andrea’s favorite restaurant. He was going to take her on a moonlit stroll, the whole shebang. And then he was going to pop the question. He could do it.

But, of course…Andrea never would suspect it. Because he had made it so damn clear to her over the years that he never, ever wanted to get married. That wasn’t his future. In fact, the mere thought of marriage had made his throat swell up, his hands sweat, and a sudden fever come on. Marriage had felt like a trap. One woman forever. He’d shuddered at the very thought. And Andrea, of all people, knew that. She’d always known that.

No…there was no way she would see tonight coming. Not at all.

“It’s not your fault. You’ve changed,” Gigi said at once. “And, anyway, her not knowing is a good thing. Every girl wants to be surprised by a proposal! You’re doing the right thing. She’ll never guess!”

“Right. The right thing,” he muttered.

“Oh my God, do
get all freaked out on me now! You have the ring. You have the setup. You have all your friends in place and even a freaking photographer to capture every moment. Clay, all you have to do is ask her.”


She put her hand on his arm. “And she’s going to say yes.”

“Well, we’ll see tonight, won’t we?”

“Yes, we will. Eep! I’m so excited that I get to see it all happen!” she nearly shrieked. “Okay. Go home. Get your girl. I’ll see you at the restaurant, and I will have everything in place! Don’t worry about a thing.”

“Got it. I’ll see you soon.”

Clay fingered the box in his pocket, opening and closing it obsessively as he walked out to his waiting Porsche. He couldn’t believe how much he was freaking out. His stomach was in knots over this. He didn’t think she’d say no.
She wouldn’t say no. Would she?

God, stupid insecurities.

He drove back to their place without really even realizing where he was going. But, suddenly, he was parking and walking up the steps. He needed to get his thoughts in order if he was going to get through the next couple of hours without her suspecting anything was up with him. He wanted this to be a total surprise.

Clay unlocked the door and slipped inside. “Andrea?”

“In here,” she murmured from another room.

He followed the faint sound of her voice and found her curled up on the back patio with a book open in her lap.

“Hey, babe.” He kissed her cheek, pulled off his suit jacket, and started loosening his tie.

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