Read Stuff My Stocking: M-M Romance Stories that are Nice and Naughty Online

Authors: Various Authors

Tags: #anthology, #m-m romance

Stuff My Stocking: M-M Romance Stories that are Nice and Naughty (4 page)

BOOK: Stuff My Stocking: M-M Romance Stories that are Nice and Naughty
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“Like what?” My voice cracked like a pubescent boy.

I didn’t have a chance to be embarrassed or clear the frog from my throat because BJ kissed me then.

I moaned into the sinful delight of the man’s warm lips encircling mine. My mouth opened willingly, and his wet tongue slipped inside, flicking over mine and darting out. He pulled back and smiled down at me, his thumb stroking my jawline.

He didn’t ask permission to touch the rest of me. My kiss had already granted him unlimited access. He ran the flat of his hands down my chest, the palms scraping my nipples and sending jolts of need straight to my dick. I shuddered, relishing the way he watched his hands caress me. I was breathing heavily now, gripping the counter with one hand, the other opening and closing into a fist.

A finger hooked in the front of my sweats. There was no denying the hard cock pressing the soft fabric out. He stroked the drawstring, and though my erection seemed to be BJ’s destination, he went no further. He seemed transfixed and I held my breath. Those green eyes looked back up. Without taking his gaze from mine, BJ pulled the sweats down, his fingers brushing my abdomen as he did so.

I could hardly breathe, I was so hard by this point. There was a wet spot on the front of my underwear. When BJ brushed his thumb over it, a violent tremor went the length of my spine, then back to my cock. Reflexively, I reached out to steady myself on his broad shoulder. One hand on the cold granite, the other on his warm muscles. That solidness anchored me as he slowly peeled the sweats below my ass, kneeling as he did so. His fingers slid over the elastic of my underwear next, pulling them out further in front so as not to catch on my erection.

The air felt cool on my wet dick. Men my height and build usually weren’t well endowed. I was just regular sized, but BJ smiled at me like he’d just been given a winning lotto ticket.

“Oh, shit,” I gasped the second those work-worn, calloused hands gripped me.

I’d always had a thing for the blue-collar types. Maybe it was their manliness. The way they smelled of grease and sweat. But at that moment, I was pretty sure my attraction was to the way his rough hands felt on the soft, tender skin of my dick.

He held my base, and began to lick me like I was an ice cream cone, swirling his tongue to catch the pre-cum. I groaned as he slathered my head with saliva, my shaft, too. Soon I was wet enough that his calloused hand could stroke me in time with his licking. He moaned as he tasted me, folding his lips over his teeth and sucking hard.

I felt my body preparing to come, my balls tightening, wanting to release. I forced a deep breath to remain in control. I wanted to savor the sight of my dick going in and out of his sweet mouth, not shoot like a virgin. It was exquisite, the warm, wet feel of him sucking on me. Licking me. BJ’s tongue probed my slit and a flash of heat made a sweat break out on my face.

When I hissed, he pulled back to grin up at me. “You like that?”

I nodded frantically, my mouth hanging open. Wanting desperately to feel his dark hair between my fingers, I pulled his hat off and let it fall to the floor. I cupped the back of his head, encouraging him to take me into his mouth once more. He flicked his tongue over my crown in a circular pattern. Then, he ever so gently bore down with his teeth.

I threw back my head and screamed, bolts of pleasure shooting into my sac, and swirling in my belly. I would burst if he did that again. Part of me wanted to see gobs of white cum spurting all over his gorgeous face, but the other part of me didn’t want this to end.

When I opened my eyes again, I saw Skippy staring at us, his head tilted curiously to the side. Embarrassed a little, I focused back on the man servicing my dick. I caressed the back of his head, and rocked my hips slowly as he sucked me, allowing him to set our pace. I reveled in the feel of his rough hand pumping my shaft, the sight of my dick disappearing into the recesses of his mouth. He reached between my legs and pulled on my balls, first one, then the other. Breathless, I began to thrust a little bit harder.

I was leaking cum steadily now and BJ sucked the little droplets right from the slit. My entire body shook and I wanted to grab my shaft and pump it faster than BJ’s slow and steady movements. Suddenly, as if knowing I was on the brink and wanting to drag it out, he withdrew. He gently kissed my tip and squeezed the base to ease me back down. But he was by no means done torturing me. After he licked the pre-cum from my slit, he drug his teeth down the shaft and back up, to where he nipped at the bottom edge of my head.

An animalistic noise burst from my lips and I seized a handful of his hair. I almost came right there.

“That’s your spot isn’t it?” he said, sucking the area once more.

I buckled over this time, as pleasure raced through my groin. He took the head inside his mouth again, sucking and pumping his fist, focusing all of his attention in the sensitive spot he discovered.

It was too much, too intense. “I’m gonna come!”

BJ’s groan vibrated up my dick, and he gripped my ass in both his hands, his fingers dangerously close to my hole. He pulled me forward. I shuddered when my cock head hit the back of his throat. My hold on his hair and shoulder were the only thing that kept me from collapsing from sheer rapture and delight. I felt the roundness of his tonsils rolling over my head as he drew me all the way down his throat, his hands spreading my cheeks open as he did so.

Then, just as fast as he deep-throated me, he pulled back. There was a brush of hot air on my pubes as he stole a quick breath before he pushed my dick back down his throat. His lips made a tight seal and he used the hands on my ass to make me fuck his face. I clung to him, thrusting faster now. He didn’t fight me. Hell, the man didn’t even gag. He just opened his jaw and swallowed me down, keeping his lips tight as he let me search his throat for release. It didn’t take long to find it. With a stab of sheer ecstasy, I felt the cum firing up my shaft, the ache in my balls.

“I’m coming!”

Those words set BJ into a frenzied sucking.

Wave after wave of cum exploded from my body, and my hips were snapping helplessly.

BJ let the cum fill his throat, and when it began to overflow from his lips he pulled back, slurping and sucking as it shot from my dick in a steady white stream.

“Oh, god,” he whimpered in pleasure as it sprayed his lips, and dripped down his chin. “There’s just so much!”

Dizzy and heart racing, I watched my cum make bubbles on his full lips as I emptied myself with a final tremble. The sight of him still fully dressed, and nursing on my dick like it was a bottle, and my cum the sweetest cream he’d ever tasted, was so damn hot ,I actually whimpered. It was the most erotic thing I’d ever seen in my life.

Or so I thought.

BJ reached for his jeans, still licking and cleaning my dick with his tongue. Light headed, I held on to him as he slid the zipper down. While I reveled in post-orgasmic bliss, he freed his engorged, darkened cock. Goddamn, it was so large and beautiful! The plump crown was shiny with pre-cum and his shaft was thick and veiny. He wiped his mouth, then spit cum into his palm. A shudder of desire shot through me as he used my cum to lubricate himself. He took his cock in both fists and began to pump it fast. The wet sounds of BJ masturbating and his eager grunts held me captive.

He looked up at me while he jerked off at my feet, his face contorted in that look of pleasure and agony a man wore when he was close to shooting his load. It only took a few seconds of frantic stroking and a volcanic eruption of white cum burst from his dick, landing on my bare feet.

While he came, BJ never broke eye contact. The first wave was followed by a few smaller spurts, falling onto my toes. It was so warm! He trembled and closed his eyes in bliss, pressing his thumb the length of his shaft to milk the rest of his orgasm loose.

After he caught his breath, BJ stood up and kissed me again. Clinging to my smaller body, as if he might collapse. I could taste the salty, thickness of cum in his mouth, and I lapped at it. I didn’t even spare it a thought that I was wearing the plumber’s cum on my sweats and my feet. All I cared about was the heat of his body, the semi-rigidness of his cock pressed to my abdomen, and the cum dampened fingers coiling through my hair as he kissed me.

“That was fucking awesome,” he breathed.

I chuckled and rocked my hips into him. “Do you offer that service to all your customers?”

BJ gave me that lopsided grin and kissed me once more. “Only the hot blonds who keep flaunting their cute asses at me while I’m trying to work.”

A shiver of delight washed through me at the compliment.

We kissed for a little while longer, me stroking his back and him running his hands through my hair. It was sheer bliss the way he held me. He was so much bigger than I was. I felt safe and sheltered.

“I should probably go so you can get ready for your party,” he whispered, his hot breath tickling the crook of my neck. I wriggled, but neither of us made a move to leave each other’s arms.

Unfortunately, BJ was right. I had a party to get ready for. The guests would be there in less than an hour, and I still had a lot to do. Not that I was regretting the afternoon’s distractions. I sighed with great reluctance and stepped back. BJ kissed my cheek then tucked that pretty cock of his back into his carpenter jeans.

“Um, how much do I owe you?” I asked awkwardly as he retrieved his ball cap from the floor.

BJ looked a bit taken aback. “You don’t have to pay me for that.”

I blushed again, and gestured to the sink. “No, I mean the sink.”

It was BJ’s turn to pinken and the sight of it made my dick stir. “Oh, yeah. Well, I guess I wouldn’t feel right taking your money…not after…” he nodded to my crotch.

I grinned. BJ was absolutely adorable when he was embarrassed. But my smile faded when I realized I hadn’t bothered to pull up my pants and my cock was still hanging out. Blushing, I turned slightly away from him, and righted my clothes. When I turned back around, he seemed amused by my display of modesty.

I was struck with inspiration. “Wanna stay for my party?”

He made a face. “I’m in dirty work clothes.”

“You could go home and change, then come back,” I suggested hopefully.

BJ cocked his head to the side, and for one terrified second I was afraid he would say no. Maybe he’d gotten what he wanted, and he never cared if he saw me again. Just the thought of never seeing this man again depressed me more than I expected.

Then he grinned, and it was like liquid sunshine filling me. “Sure, I’d like that.”

“Great. You don’t have to dress up,” I told him. “It’s casual, just so you know.”


I led him to the door then, and he kissed me long, and slow. I trembled into the kiss, my lips following his when he pulled back.

He smiled at my eagerness. “I’ll see ya in a little bit, Sam.”

“Thank you, BJ.”

He gave me that lopsided grin one more time and paused on the front porch steps. “Are you thanking me for fixing your sink or taking care of that leaking pipe?”

I grinned so wide I swore my face might crack. “Both.”


Copyright ©2010 Deanna Wadsworth

Also from Deanna Wadsworth:

Red Riding Hood

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow

Secret Santa

(available from Decadent Publishing and Amazon)

[email protected]



Dear Santa,

At this time of year, our minds turn to the men serving in our military. They're protecting our freedom - far away from their friends and family, surrounded by other, muscular, sweaty men in close quarters. I would love it if you could give two of these brave heroes a dirty, hot holiday they'll never forget.


{PHOTO INSERT: A naked man is standing with his back to army style lockers.  Another man with fatigues down around his ankles stands facing him. They are engaged in a full body embrace.}


 “Digger?” Neal whispered into the darkness inside the temporary supply depot. With one hand, he tried to find a light switch.

This was a new spot for them. Mostly because this little building was newly erected a few days ago. Usually, they were a little farther from the bustle of the base, but maybe the late hour — or early since it was after midnight — would be to their advantage. They’d have to be quiet, though.

“Yeah,” came an already husky voice from somewhere deeper in this semi-darkness.

“Where the hell are you?” And there didn’t seem to be a light switch.

“Come find me, Moose,” he said with a definite tease to his voice. Then he giggled. Dig’d never admit to making any such sound, but the man giggled like a little girl sometimes.

“Don’t call me that, Dig.”

Neal stepped inside and secured the door, fumbling the lock only once. He’d caught sight of the rows of metal shelves and the plain, gray lockers inside this metal box from the light over the door outside, but now it was black as hell. Reaching out, he found a shelf and felt his way to the alley between two sets, guessing it’d take him back toward Dig.

“Everybody calls you Moose, so why not me? It’s the perfect name for a giant like you.”

He heard the click of a bottle opening and then the squelch of its contents coming out. Christ, was Dig in here beating off without him? He was ready to bust out of his shorts, so the man had better have plans for doing something about that, regardless of his head start.

“It’s not what you call me, so cut it out. And what are you doing in here?”

“Getting hard for you.”

That matter-of-fact answer sent a shot of lust right down his spine. Neal gasped and damn if he couldn’t smell Dig now. The ever-present scent of the dusty desert of this country clung to everything, but under it was the raw, musky aroma of a sweaty and seriously aroused man.

“Yeah?” he asked, picking up his blind pace toward everything he wanted. He only had an hour to get it and every second was going to count.

“Oh yeah.” That was definitely the sound of a slick fist sliding on a cock now. “Soon as you get back here, I’m going to give you everything I’ve got.”

“You suck at dirty talk, Dig,” he said and smiled, reaching out. He was pretty sure he was right in front of him.

“That’s not all I suck.”

A pair of hands somehow managed to latch onto his belt so accurately that it came undone in a flash and then his pants fell right down to the tops of his boots.

“Hi,” Neal said, knowing it was inane even as he said it.

“Hi,” Dig said, a smirk in his voice. His fingers now went after the buttons down Neal’s shirt. “What’s a nice boy like you doing in a place like this?”

“Hoping to get himself fucked for Christmas.” He found smooth, bare shoulders and followed them up until he could hold Dig’s face in his hands.

“Have you been good?” Dig said, undoing the last button and sliding his hands up beneath the undershirt. Neal sighed as those long fingers explored his belly.

“Real good.” He leaned in until he found Dig’s lips.

Agile fingers stroked up to his chest, pushing the material away as they kissed. Neal loved Dig’s kisses because they always started so gentle. He hadn’t spent a lot of time kissing guys — not over here in this godforsaken sandbox anyway — but those he had always seemed to go for the tongue-battling kisses. Like it was something to fight through so you could get to the good stuff.

Kissing Dig was the good stuff and Neal never wanted to kiss anyone else.

Neal’s shirts came off while they tasted each other, breaking apart only once. He let go of Dig so he could shove his shorts down, then leaned into him and moaned. Hot, hard body to hot, hard body. Perfection.

“Love the way you feel,” Dig said between gasped breaths. His hands roamed all over Neal’s back, then down to grip his ass cheeks. Hard. “So meaty.”

Neal chuckled even as he pressed his dick into Dig’s stomach. Dig’s own dick rubbed up into his balls and teased at his crack. He moaned again and latched onto Dig’s neck. He couldn’t suck too much, so he mostly kissed and licked at the muscles and tendons he found, kind of liking the fact he had to see with his mouth.

Dig reached back and cupped his hand so his dick could rub into Neal’s ass with every thrust of their hips. He was such a damn tease.

“I’m ready for you,” Neal whispered near Dig’s ear. He was already panting. “You gotta fuck me, Digger.”

“I got to?” he said on a breathy laugh.

“Pleasepleaseplease,” he breathed into his ear and felt Dig shiver.

Dig groaned, the sound rough and kind of growly, as he took Neal’s hands and planted them on the metal of the wall. A moment later, he was walking back around behind Neal and giving his ass a swat.

“Bend. Stick this big ass out for me.”

“It ain’t that big,” Neal muttered even as he bent and stuck.

Dig let loose one of those giggles again. “Meaty.”

“Oh shut up. You’re just jealous because all you’ve got is back and legs. Ow! Quit smacking me!”

“Quit insulting the man you want to fuck you then.”

Neal smiled. “I figure you’ve got no ass because all that flesh got diverted into making that super fine, nine-incher of a cock the Good Lord gave you instead.”

He heard a snort and the tearing of a wrapper. Damn, that sound alone made his whole body giddy with anticipation.

Just before that sound of a bottle popping open, Neal heard Dig say, “Praise The Lord and pass the lube.”

He chuckled at that, then gasped when cool slick met his waiting hole. Dig pushed in a finger and it went right in deep.

“Well, well, you are ready. You got a dildo I don’t know about?”

More fingers went in as if to test him, and Neal backed up on them with a moan.

“No. I was damn near fisting myself before I came looking for you.”

“Goddamn,” he said and took his fingers back. “That would’ve been something to see.”

Neal leaned his head on his forearm against the wall as he felt that big ol’ dick start pressing into him. “Next time maybe.”

“Oh yeah.”

Dig always went slow at first. Thank God. He hadn’t been kidding about the baby’s leg the man had between his thighs. Neal wasn’t sure if Dig really was nine inches, but he probably wasn’t far off. He felt every inch as that thing slid inside him. And slid and slid until a big set of furry balls nestled up against his cheeks and Dig sighed.

As Neal took deep breaths and willed himself to relax, Dig leaned against his back, and gave him the chance to adjust to that holy-God invasion of cock. What would Dig say this time? He always had something to say.

“Well, would you look at that. There’s a private on my private.”

Neal laughed into his forearm and damn if that didn’t loosen him up head-to-toe. Dig snickered then hummed as he withdrew and came on back in.

“You’re such a dork,” Neal said, arching into another thrust.

“You — aw yeah — love it.”

“Do. Really fucking do.”

Neither one of them could say much then. Neal couldn’t do more than try not to bang into the wall when Dig really took off, those lean hips smacking into his ass. Dig babbled like Dig always did, nonsense and grunts spilling out of him. Neal liked the pounding, but it was the—

“Oh fuck yeah!” he couldn’t help hollering when Dig pressed up tight and just ground into him. That was what he really loved. Stretched, filled and rubbed just right, it had him sweating and moaning and aching to come.

Then Dig wrapped his fist around Neal’s cock and started pulling. A loud whine left him before he could bite it back and he found himself clawing at the wall like a cat. Damn. He was a total slut for this man’s cock up his ass and his fist tugging him right over the edge.

With a grunt instead of a scream since he had his mouth clapped behind his hands, Neal came hard, hearing burst after burst of cum hitting the metal wall. Dig just held onto Neal’s quaking cock while his hips went back to a fast, graceless pounding. Then Dig came with a groan muffled by Neal’s shoulder.

They panted like that for a while, then Dig took a step back and Neal sighed with his leaving. He heard the snap of latex before a little smack of the condom landing on the concrete floor. He made a note to make sure they found it before they left.

A quiet click off to his left had him looking over. Dig had a flashlight face down on a shelf. It was just enough light to see by as Dig moved back in between Neal and the wall. Neal took a moment to smile at him and admire the flushed face, bright blue eyes, and satisfied grin of the soldier he loved before he wrapped his arms around Dig and got an equally tight hug in return.

“Merry Christmas, Nealy-baby.”

He gave him a kiss on his ear for finally getting to hear the name only Dig called him. It really didn’t matter where they spent the holidays so long as they were together.

“Merry Christmas, Virgil. Ow! What? It’s your—”

The rest was muffled by a kiss.


Copyright ©2010 Missy Welsh

Also from Missy Welsh:

My Summer Of Wes

Take The Shot

BOOK: Stuff My Stocking: M-M Romance Stories that are Nice and Naughty
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