Submission Revealed (28 page)

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Authors: Diana Hunter

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #Romance

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ended and Phillip’s uncle asked the question they’d written for him. “Who is this woman and what does she want?”

Sarah answered, her voice clear and sure. “I am Sarah Townsend, wife of Phillip Townsend and I wish to be his forever-slave.”

His uncle turned to Phillip. “You are my nephew, yet an independent man who makes his own decisions. Do you wish to accept Sarah’s offer to become your forever-slave?”

Uncle Irv was extemporizing somewhat but Phillip didn’t mind. The older man had presided over hundreds of collaring ceremonies in his life and certainly knew better than either of them. He’d given Phillip several templates to choose from but had told them this was a ceremony of the heart and the words they wrote needed to be their own.

So he and Sarah had spent the better part of the last two days putting the final touches on the short ceremony that would bind them more strongly than any law could do. He knew his answer and gave it now, his voice strong and commanding.

“I call upon the witnesses present to hear Sarah’s request and to hear my answer. She wishes to be my slave.” Phillip looked down at his wife kneeling before him, her face turned up toward him with a look of self-assured entreaty. She begged but with incredible dignity and sure of his answer. It took all the willpower he had not to reach out and touch her as he gave his answer.

“I accept Sarah as my forever-slave.”

Relief flooded Sarah, even though she had known what his answer would be. When Phillip took the pillow from her hands, she dropped her arms to her sides and waited as his uncle accepted the pillow and Phillip lifted the torc.

“See the physical sign of Sarah’s submission. In a moment I will place it around her neck, never to be removed.” Phillip paused, his voice dropping a bit as he deviated from their written script. “We had originally planned at this point to have the torc welded around Sarah’s neck. But recent events have shown me that might not be such a good idea.

“In the hospital, I saw the bloodstained leather that had been your going-out collar lying on a tray after they had cut it off you. Had it been welded steel, medical care would have been delayed as they waited for a welder to remove it.” Phillip’s voice dropped again and the love he had for Sarah came through every impassioned word.

“I will never put you in harm’s way, my forever-slave. Ever. Do you understand?”

Sarah felt tears of joy welling behind her eyes but blinked them back. She nodded and at his raised eyebrow, found her voice. “I understand, my forever-Master. Thank you.”

Phillip stood straight again, barely realizing he’d bent over in his admission of love. Going back to the script, he proclaimed his intent. “I place this collar around your neck as a sign of your service and submission.”

Sarah bent her head so he could fasten it and Phillip both rejoiced and marveled at her long slender neck bowed before him. His uncle had designed a special lock in the two ends of the torc so it fastened together with a quiet click, leaving almost no seam. He stood and nodded to Uncle Irv, who continued the ceremony.

“You have been collared, slave, and are now the property of your master. You are his to do with as he pleases, when he pleases. You give him all rights over your body. Do you so swear to honor this commitment?”

“I do so swear,” Sarah replied.

Uncle Irv turned to Phillip. “You have collared a slave and she is now your property. She is yours to protect, yours to do with as you wish. You are responsible for her well-being and health. Do you so swear to honor this commitment?”

“I do so swear,” Phillip answered.

“Then in the presence of these witnesses, I acknowledge you both as Master and slave. Go forth to love and prosper.”

With a grin, Phillip held out a hand to Sarah and she placed her hand in his. He pulled her gracefully to her feet and he stood for a moment, loving the look of silver around her slender neck. Then he turned and presented her to their friends. “Everyone? May I present to you, Sarah, my forever-slave.”

The tension broke as Jill squealed and dashed around Will and Phillip to hug her tightly. Everyone laughed and crowded around, congratulating the couple. Sarah’s favorite moment afterward came when Phillip’s uncle boomed out to Paul that he’d love to design a collar for Beth. Paul grinned and seemed to consider it and Beth turned a wonderful shade of pink. Only Sarah heard Beth mutter, “’Cept it would be you who would be wearing it, slave-boy.”

Paul’s grin only got wider.

Phillip and Sarah had worked much of the day to prepare a feast of hors d’oeuvres as a reception for everyone. There were several toasts given and glasses raised. Sarah and Phillip were perfect hosts but as the evening grew late, Phillip turned to Sarah.

“Slave, say goodnight to our guests. Go to the dungeon and prepare to be used.”

Sarah had been in the middle of a conversation with Jill and Anton, explaining to Paul the intricacies involved in a life of submission, when Phillip gave his command. She blushed furiously. She didn’t really want to leave the conversation but she loved the fact that he’d given her her first order as a forever-slave, even if it did embarrass her. Jill and Anton both bowed respectfully to her, something they had never done before. Even Paul seemed to catch on and sketched a little bow of his own as she excused herself from their conversation.

She hugged Beth, who looked confused, bowed to Lady Aleshia and Uncle Irv, who then pulled her into a big hug and welcomed her to the family again. Will stood beside Phillip and Sarah gave them her deepest bow before scampering off to the dungeon. There were still dishes to be done and furniture to rearrange but apparently that was no longer her concern. She hung up her skirt and blouse, rolled down the stockings and took off every piece of clothing, including her corset, before standing there, unsure what to do next.

Chapter Fifteen



Sarah turned on the little light beside the door of the dungeon and glanced around the room for her cuffs. She felt naked without them. Absentmindedly at first, then with purpose, she fingered the new collar around her neck.

It lay flat against her skin, the thin silver band in the back widening to almost an inch in the front where the two sides came together in a graceful vee. There was no further decoration on the simple silver and Sarah’s fingers traced the upper line of the torc where it dove beneath the little hollow of her throat before rising again on the other side.

The door to the dungeon had been shut when she entered and Sarah had shut it behind her. Muted noises from the still-continuing party came through the door. That puzzled her. Weren’t they all going to take the hint that Phillip wanted to use his slave?

Unless Phillip wanted them all to use his slave. The thought gave her shivers and made her pussy spasm. He’d put her on display twice, though he’d only shared her once before, and she’d loved his use of her both times. Did he intend to share her again tonight? On the very night she’d sworn her obedience to him?

Several small pillows lay scattered in the corner behind the door. Phillip used them on occasion when he wanted her body cushioned against something particularly hard. She took two now and put them on the floor before the door, kneeling in position. When he entered, she wanted to be ready, whether he was alone or with all the others.

The noise in the other room quieted down but Sarah didn’t hear the front door. That meant they were all still there, just quietly talking now. It was hard, not being out at the party. She enjoyed the company of all those present and loved to see how Beth and Paul fit in with everyone else. Being treated as a sex slave in front of them all was embarrassing.

And exciting. She couldn’t deny that the warmth that spread across her cheeks when he had given the order was indicative of the warmth that spread through her pussy.

A noise just outside the door captured her attention. She put her hands behind her head and waited for the door to open.

It wasn’t Phillip, however, who entered. Will came in first, followed by Uncle Irv and Anton. Paul came in next, looking a little sheepish but like a kid in a toy store. Phillip followed and closed the door behind him and stood before her. She was surrounded by men.


Feeling a little nervous and self-conscious, Sarah stood, dropping her hands to her side and putting her feet together, unsure how much of herself to reveal to these men.

“Hold out your wrists.”

Without hesitation, she did so. Paul and Anton stepped closer to her, each with one of her cuffs in his hands. In unison, they wrapped her wrists and locked on the little gold locks she loved so much.

“Spread your legs.”

Sarah knew what was coming now. She didn’t hesitate, even though she knew her cheeks warmed. Uncle Irv and Will fastened her ankle cuffs and locked them home before standing beside her, their hands trailing up along her legs, Will’s hand resting on her ass, Uncle Irv’s on her waist. Anton and Paul stepped in again and Sarah felt almost intoxicated by the presence of so many men, all touching her, feeling every inch of her skin. Hands roamed and she could feel their cocks pressing against her skin, only the fabric of their pants keeping them from touching her.

A hand reached into her hair and pulled her head back, not forcefully but relentlessly, bending her backward. Phillip stood behind her and he turned her face toward his, claiming her mouth with his kiss.

He sucked her tongue into his mouth, his own dancing around her. She gave herself to him, wanting his touch to join the caresses of the others. His fingers traced the outline of her collar and she melted into the arms of the men who held her when he whispered into her ear.

“Slave, you will wear the cum of each of these men before the night is finished.”

She would do him proud, of that she was confident. Her body, however, was not hers to command as the men lifted her, carrying her to the table, turning her over and laying her down face first, her body nothing more than a tool for them to use. There was no need for her to express her arousal, the musky scent filled the room.

Someone pulled her arms up and fastened them down, another spread her legs and locked them into place. Still another gathered her hair, brushing it all to one side so her face was clear. Each ministration, lovingly performed, fed the wanton inside her.

And then the hands were gone. She felt them all withdraw, still surrounding her spread on the table but knew they had moved a respectful distance away. From somewhere down by her feet, Phillip’s voice gave her instructions.

“Slave, you expressed a further interest in the cane. I have decided to give you that present as a gift for this occasion. Do you accept my gift?”

Did she accept it? Absolutely! A chance to prove her submission in front of all these witnesses? She didn’t want to blow this chance. Or have Phillip lose face. Her voice a bit muffled by the leather top, she gave her acceptance. “Yes, Master. Please let me give to you my submission as a gift in return.”

“I accept the gift of your submission.”

Phillip stepped back and nodded to his uncle, who already held the cane in his hands. Feeling a bit as if they were acting out some sort of ceremony, Phillip bowed to his uncle before moving to the side where he could see Sarah’s face. A look of surprise briefly furrowed her brows but she said nothing, only clenched her fists in readiness.

But that would not do. She couldn’t be tense—her body needed to relax. Anton and Paul stood up by her hands and he instructed each one to hold her hand, to stroke her arms and shoulders. Only when he saw her muscles relax under their touches did he nod to his uncle again.

Once, twice, three times Uncle Irv laid the cane gently on her ass cheeks, taking careful aim. Even though Phillip was ready for it, the smack of the cane on his beloved’s skin still made him jump. A bright red streak appeared across her cheeks. Sarah didn’t even make a sound. Phillip watched as her body relaxed its involuntary tightening. The men on either side continued to rub her shoulders and arms, helping her to a deeper state of submission.

Phillip’s cock stirred. In a different man, seeing another man’s hands on his wife would provoke a storm of jealous rage. Phillip found her willingness to submit to him even to the point of being shared, to be a tremendous aphrodisiac. He watched as his uncle delivered a second blow and his cock grew harder still.

Paul’s face had taken on a pained look, Phillip noted as Sarah’s body recovered. He glanced over to Will, giving him an eyebrow to suggest he relieve the newbie. While Paul might not yet realize it, he had the makings of an excellent submissive male.

Right now, however, the man’s cock strained at his pants so hard Phillip was sure the seam was about to burst. Tall as himself, Phillip suspected Paul was similarly endowed and empathized with his pain. Will stepped over to Paul, taking Sarah’s hand and gave him a short command. Paul nodded gratefully, pulling down his zipper and letting his cock loose.

Phillip would have whistled, except the sound would have broken the mood he had worked so hard to craft. Paul’s cock stood out at a total of ten inches, thick as a woman’s wrist and ready to burst. Phillip nodded his permission and Paul rubbed his hand along his cock, taking only a few seconds before his cum spurted forth and covered Sarah’s lower back.


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