Submissive Beauty (3 page)

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Authors: Eliza Gayle

Tags: #romance

BOOK: Submissive Beauty
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“You aren’t really serious?”

“Of course, I am. I wouldn’t joke about something this important. I already talked to him about you last week, and he seemed interested. I had planned to introduce you to him last night.”

Gabby’s stomach cramped painfully. This could not be happening. The one saving grace for her last night was knowing they were complete strangers and would likely never see each other again. She reached for the chair and sat down with a hard thud.

“Gabby, what’s wrong? You’re pale.” Her friend reached out and felt her forehead. “And clammy. Are you sick?”

Only sick of embarrassment. “No, I’m fine. Not enough sleep is all.”

“Well then, back to bed for you, young lady. You can sleep a few more hours and still have plenty of time to get whatever you need done.”

“No, Angel. I’ll be fine.”

“Then at least let me fix you something to eat. That should help.” She hopped from the chair and headed to the fridge for supplies. “Finish up that juice, and I’ll get you some more. And then you can finish telling me about last night.”

Gabby didn’t think she could eat. Her stomach felt like a heavy weight had settled in. “Angel, what did you mean you talked to Thomas about me? What did you say?”

“Oh don’t worry, hon, I didn’t tell him that much. Jeff and I have known him a long time so I kind of know what he likes. Trust me, you are just what he’s looking for.”

“I got the impression last night that he already had a sub.” She spoke quietly and evenly, trying to sound as if it didn’t matter. Because it really didn’t.

“Nope, it’s been at least a year or more since he’s had a regular sub. He comes to the parties and plays here and there, but so far, he hasn’t connected with anyone. It’s as if he’s waiting for something…or someone…” Angel’s voice drifted off in an odd wistful tone that confused Gabby.

“I find that hard to believe.” Her sarcasm caused Angel to swivel and look at her.

“Did something happen you haven’t told me about?”

Gabby cast her eyes downward. “What? Why would you think that?”

Angel walked over and sat down at the table again. “Oh yeah, you’re definitely holding out on me. ‘ Fess up. What happened?”

“Nothing. I told you I watched his demonstration and found it fascinating.”

“The demonstration or him?”

“Both I guess.” She squirmed in her seat, continuing to avoid Angel’s too inquisitive gaze.

“Did he talk to you?” Gabby groaned. Her friend was far too perceptive.

“Yes, for a few minutes after the demonstration right before I left.”

“Well, damn.” Now, Angel sounded disappointed.

“Why? What’s wrong?”

Angel returned to the stove and flipped the sizzling omelet onto a plate and grabbed the bread from the toaster.

“It’s nothing.”

“Now, who’s holding out? Come on, spill it.” Her friend set the plate in front of her and handed her a fork.

“Only if you eat your breakfast.” Leave it to her friend to coerce her with a bribe.

“Fine.” She scooped some of the egg onto her fork and shoveled it into her mouth.

“Thomas is an incredible Master and a very good man.”


“No but. I’m serious. He and Jeff have been friends for a very long time, and I’ve gotten to know him well over the years.”

Oh God, please don’t let her tell me she’d played with him, Gabby wasn’t sure she could handle that right now. She didn’t want to jump to that conclusion so she exhaled a slow breath and waited for Angel to tell her the rest. “Go on.”

“I know what you’re thinking, and you couldn’t be more wrong. I don’t play with him.” She paused. “He has a hard time finding serious subs who are willing to serve to his fetish.”

Oh no, this did not sound good. If it had Angel hesitating, she couldn’t imagine she’d be able to handle it at all. “Jeez, Angel, just tell me what it is.”

“He has a thing for setting up scenes that will throw a sub way off balance. He digs to finds their weaknesses then challenges them with what he calls risqué type scenes.”

Gabby drew her brows together not understanding. “I don’t get what you’re trying to say.”

“He gets inside a girl’s head, picks out what her fears are and starts chipping away at those with scenes designed to face them. It’s both intense and exhilarating, but it’s not for everyone. He could explain it much better than I can.”

“Is he a cruel Master?”

“No, not at all, but sometimes, he comes across that way. It really is hard to understand without seeing or experiencing it. One thing I do know is that he is a great Dom, and when he claims the right sub, she will be lucky to be owned by him.”

Gabby ate a few more bites of her food, trying to process what Angel was getting across. One thing didn’t make sense. “Why did you seem disappointed that I’d already talked to him?”

“Another one of his quirks is his first meetings. He’s a little unorthodox with a new girl he’s interested in. I guess you could say he likes to perform a test of sorts so he can find out if she’ll be receptive to his kind of training.”

“What kind of test?” This conversation was getting stranger by the second.

“One designed to see how obedient you are as well as set the tone for the whole relationship.”

“I take it you don’t mean going out for dinner or coffee to chat then.”

Angel laughed and grabbed the used dishes from the table then carried them to the sink. “Not hardly. When he’s ready to get together with a girl for the first time you can bet it will be a situation that will make you squirm.”

“Like what?”

“That’s all I can say. It would be wrong for me to divulge Master Thomas’s activities, and if I thought corner time for hours last night was a rough punishment…. If Jeff found me discussing another Dom like this, I’m certain my ass would hurt for a week.”

Gabby nodded. “Yeah, you’re probably right about that. You’re one lucky woman, you know that?”

“You will be too, Gabby. You just have to get out there and look, unless of course you met him last night.” She winked and headed to the door.

“Where are you going? Leaving already?”

“Yes, Jeff has plans for me at lunch, and I have to go and get ready. Punishing me gets him very worked up and the next day is always well worth every second of discipline.”

Gabby held up her hand to stop her friend. “Don’t tell me. I don’t think I could take it.”

Angel laughed and walked outside. “Don’t worry so much today. We’ll reschedule our get together for another one of the group meetings, and this time, I’ll pick you up so you don’t have to go alone.”

Gabby groaned. After last night, she was in no hurry for a repeat. “Maybe.”

“Just because the thing with Master Thomas didn’t work out like I’d hoped doesn’t mean I’m giving up on helping you. I’ve got plenty of ideas up my sleeve.”

Gabby rolled her eyes.

Angel walked down the sidewalk and hopped into her car. Gabby watched her friend drive off and wondered more about what Angel had not said. She’d chosen her words about Thomas carefully, yet Gabby had heard the conviction in Angel’s voice about what a good man he was.

Oh well, water under the bridge. It didn’t matter anymore. Her behavior at the club hadn’t been appropriate, and she’d never see him again.





Chapter Three



Gabby soaked in the warm sunshine while sitting in her favorite Adirondack chair in her garden, reading a book. It had been two days since her foray into the local BDSM social scene. She still flamed with embarrassment when she remembered the details, and she’d thought of little else since that night.

Even concentrating on her work had been a challenge, although she’d managed to muddle through the rest of the workweek. Now, it was Saturday, and after working in her yard all morning, she’d showered and curled up out here with every intention of escaping into some fiction. Except, ever since the demonstration, something had shifted inside her and she couldn’t seem to turn off the need brewing inside. She’d even dressed differently this afternoon with a simple halter-top, no bra and the shortest skirt she’d found in her closet. Oh yeah, and no panties.

Gabby laid the book aside and spread her legs. She didn’t have to worry about anyone seeing her bare pussy since her garden was protected by a privacy fence and sat back away from the house. It was truly her refuge from the world.

Warmth spread from her toes to her thighs and into the folds of her sex until her clit began to throbbed from a combination of heat and need. She wanted to touch herself to the point it drove her crazy, but the voice in her head—Thomas’s voice—wouldn’t let her. Told her she had to wait. Her hands grazed her inner thighs from her knees to her hips until her body shook with desire, but still, she couldn’t get the picture of him out of her head or stop his voice from admonishing her to behave.

She ached to know what he would do to her if he were here. Would he touch her or make her touch herself in front of him? She’d never done that in front of someone else. The thought frightened her as much as it turned her on. The farther her mind slipped into the fantasy the less she cared about anyone seeing or watching anything she did to the point she wished someone could see her.

She grew wetter by the instant and moisture trickled through her folds. For a quick second, she traced the path with one finger and gasped from the pleasure. She was so wet and horny she contemplated going inside to retrieve her vibrator. It wouldn’t take long.

But she hated that thought.

She wanted to spend long hours at the mercy of a Dom, not a battery operated boyfriend. Not just any Dom, though. She wanted someone she connected with beyond the play. Someone looking to take complete control. Gabby sighed. She was looking for the impossible and damn well knew it.

Here like this, she could still hear her ex-husband Scott’s last words in her head as clear as the day he’d said them.

“Are you really leaving me to become a slut?”
Gabby winced at the memory of Scott’s nasty question. In the past, she’d tried every which way to explain to him how she felt and why, but time and time again, he’d called her need to submit to a dominant either stupid or sick.

Relax, Gabrielle
. Thomas’s voice was in her head again. He and Angel were right, she needed to relax and do what felt right. Her ex was gone, and no one was here to make her feel incomplete or worthless. She deserved every second of pleasure she found.

Gabby relaxed the tense muscles in her neck and let out a long, slow breath. If she longed to serve a Master, so what? She needed to get past society’s hang-ups and let herself live the way she needed to. Gabby allowed her thighs to fall wider. She let go of the hang-ups holding her back while she massaged her way toward her hungry pussy.

In her mind’s eye, she still saw the girl on stage while Thomas worked her over with the violet wand. Every time the girl jumped or Thomas issued an order, her own clit pulsed and throbbed. Gabby gave her nub a quick touch, and her body arched into the exquisite pleasure that simple move gave her. God, what wouldn’t she give for Thomas to be standing in front of her watching…directing her?

She dragged the tips of two fingers from her clit to her anus creating a stab of lust that clenched low in her belly. A soft sigh escaped her mouth as she relaxed further, allowing herself to enjoy her own touch, not to mention the illicit thought of being outside, wishing someone saw her. She wanted
to see her.

At an excruciatingly slow pace, she eased a finger through her slit, grabbing onto the chair for support. Her head swam with the sizzling lust of the night at the club, the atmosphere, the girl on the table, the buzzing of the wand in the deathly quiet room and the man she still craved.

She pushed another finger alongside the first, and her muscles squeezed, sending a sweet current of sensation along very sensitive tissue and nerve ending. If she angled her fingers just right, she might hit her hot spot that would send her over the edge. Gabby shifted her arm and hand until…

“Oh yes.” Her breath hitched. She moved her fingers in and out. The need to come for him again overwhelmed her. After only a few strokes, her release hovered precariously—

A shrill noise sounded next to her chair nearly, sending her flying into the grass.

“God damn phone.” She couldn’t stop now. She was so close.

The phone rang again. “Damn it.” She had to answer it. She’d been expecting Angel to call all day, and she didn’t want to miss her.

Take the call and keep going
. The voice in her head urged her to obey.
No one has to know.
Could she hide from her best friend the fact she was lying outside half naked with her hand buried in her pussy?

Gabby grabbed the phone with a shaky hand. She’d managed to go this far outside her comfort zone, why not keep going?

“Hello,” she answered, doing the best she could to calm her voice but knowing she still sounded breathless.


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