Succubi Are Forever (7 page)

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Authors: Jill Myles

Tags: #Romance, #Vampires

BOOK: Succubi Are Forever
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And he leaned in and gave me a kiss. “Is this what you wanted, Princess?”

I could feel the hot throb of him against my sex, long and hard and needing. I raised the cradle of my hips, bucking against him. “God yes. Please, Zane. I want you inside me. Right now.”

“I’m not finished biting you,” he said and sank his teeth into my lower lip, silencing me.

“You’ve already bitten me all over,” I said between kisses, my blood mixing in my mouth. It was an erotic taste when one had a vampire for a lover. I didn’t get off on the taste itself, but my body now knew it was a precursor to pleasure, and like one of Pavlov’s dogs, the taste of my own blood made me pant with need.

“I’m not finished,” he said, his voice husky. And before I could protest, he tugged my body against his and rolled in the bed. I was suddenly on top, my hands going to his bare chest, and he was below me.

“That’s more like it,” I said with a smile, leaning in to brush my breasts over his chest and rocking my hips against his cock.

“I want you on my face,” he told me, red eyes gleaming.

A shot of lust pushed through my body. I actually blushed at his request. Not a command—never a command from my vampire. He was always careful to make everything my choice.

“Your face?” I said softly, sitting up.

He gave a short, jerky nod, his fingers reaching out to tease one of my tight, peaked breasts. “Still haven’t bitten you everywhere, have I?”

Lust roared through me. Oh, God. Me, on his face, and he was going to… keep biting? I whimpered. His hands grasped my hips and tugged me forward. I fell toward him, my hands going to the headboard.

“That’s it, Princess,” he murmured. “The headboard. Do you want to put your hands there?”

He was deliberately forming his words, ensuring it wasn’t a command. “All right,” I said softly.

“I want your thighs here, though,” he said, and patted the pillows next to his head.

I whimpered, but moved up his body. His hands went back to my thighs and he guided me forward. I clutched the headboard, digging my knees into the pillows next to Zane’s head. This was really… vulnerable. We’d had all kinds of sex, but he never failed to surprise—and shock me—just a little. I was slick with need, though, at the thought of riding his face. My hips rocked a little as I hovered over him.

His big hands clasped my hips, dragging my body down toward him, and then I felt his tongue slide through the wet folds of my sex.

I moaned, trying to buck my hips. He held me pinned in place, and I felt his tongue slick along my clit, teasing, then he tilted my hips until his tongue thrust at my core.

My fingers dug into the headboard, and I pressed my cheek against it, needing something to hold on to. God. I looked down, watching his hooded red eyes gleam with pleasure as he tilted his mouth, licking at the cradle of my thighs. His gaze flicked up to me—pure satisfaction—and then he rocked me forward, shifting my hips and angling his face in response.

His teeth sank into the slippery, swollen flesh of my sex.

I screamed, clawing the headboard at the intense pleasure. Oh my fucking
. His fangs burned hot, buried in my skin. My hips tried to buck in response, but he still held me in place.

And then his tongue began to thrust deep inside of me.

Spearing me, over and over again, even as his teeth sank deeper into my folds. An orgasm ripped through me, hard and brutal and utterly delicious, and I screamed again, feeling my core clench tight even as he continued to thrust his tongue inside me. I wanted to rock my hips so badly, but he held me still, those fangs clamped on my softest flesh, bringing exquisite agony to my body.

As I came down from the orgasm, I felt his fangs slide out and then he tossed me backward onto the bed. I bounced hard, my breasts jolting at the sudden move. Then he was over me, my legs parted wide, and his cock thrust deep inside me, replacing his tongue. I moaned at the sudden move, at how full I felt. My hands reached for him even as he moved over me, his mouth nuzzling at my throat as he thrust into me again, hard. His teeth sank into my throat at the precise moment that he thrust once more, and I locked into another orgasm, yelling his name even as he pounded into me, his speed unnaturally fast.

Then he was growling against my neck, and his body shuddered against my own as my vampire came in my arms.

“I love you, Jackie,” he murmured, kissing my throat and licking at the bite there.

“Love you too, Zane,” I said with a soft yawn, even as I wrapped my arms around his neck. Another bite meant another rest for me, but I couldn’t muster enough energy to care. I burrowed in against Zane’s skin and slid into his dreams, where he kissed me and held me in his arms, even then.





Someone banged at the front door of the motel room. “You guys gonna sleep in there all goddamn day?”

I roused from my slumber, pushing my tangled hair out of my face. I peered blearily at my surroundings. Zane was lying in bed next to me, naked, his body curled around my own. I glanced over at the window. Sure enough, a line of sunlight gleamed under the curtain. Daytime. That meant Zane was going to sleep for a while.

The banging at the door came again. “Helloooooo,” Remy called. “I know you’re in there.”

I got out of bed, dragging the sheet with me and wrapping it around my body. Zane had ripped my clothes off me earlier. It had been sexy at the moment, but now I looked at the pieces of my dress in dismay. I didn’t exactly have a spare.

I opened the front door and Remy and Sophie stared back at me, both of them with eyes blazing bright blue in their faces.

Oops. Here I was, slaking my Itch with my master and they were still in need. “Good morning,” I said brightly.

Remy glanced up and down at me in the sheet. “Damn, girl. You are a kinky fuck.”

I glanced down. The sheet was spattered with blood, my skin covered with dried red lines. Awkward. “Oh. I tripped and fell.”

“On his fangs? Over and over?” Remy said dryly, shoving her way inside the motel room, a notebook tucked under one arm. Sophie followed, her bronze face impassive despite the blue of her eyes.

Remy glanced around the room and shrieked at the sight of Zane, totally naked and sleeping in the bed. “Oh gross. Cover that shit up, Jackie. Like I want to see a vampire naked.”

I rushed over to cover him with a blanket—I didn’t want Remy seeing him naked either. Especially not when she and Sophie were in need. Remy I trusted. Sophie, I didn’t know. As soon as he was covered, I turned around. “What are you guys doing here?”

Sophie picked up a piece of fabric off one of the tacky motel chairs and quirked an eyebrow at me. It was a remnant of Zane’s underwear, now shredded. Blushing, I snatched it out of her hand and wadded it up, tossing it in the garbage.

“We brought food,” Remy said, holding up a box of doughnuts and a jug of orange juice. She set it on the table and then sat down next to it, opening up her notebook again. “Sit. Eat.”

“We also brought a change of clothing,” Sophie added in an easy voice.

“Oh good,” I said, sliding into the seat across from Remy, sheet wrapped around my body. I grabbed a doughnut and took an enormous bite out of it. “My clothing had an accident.”

“Is that what you call it?” Remy said dryly. “Don’t get too excited. Your change of clothing is my old dress.”

I groaned. She’d been falling out of that dress. “Gee, thanks.”

“You’re welcome,” she said cheerfully.

“We should move on soon if we are to evade Phryne and the others,” Sophie said, her tone all business.

I sat at the table and crammed more doughnut into my mouth. God, I was starving. “How would Phryne possibly know where we are?” I looked uneasily at Sophie. I didn’t know her. What if she’d sold us out?

But the warrior woman simply shrugged and pulled out a dagger, beginning to polish it. I wasn’t sure if that was supposed to be a threat or just something she did when she was bored. It was impossible to tell with Sophie. “Ashara is a tracker. She knows a few tricks from days long past.”

A tracker. Great. Just what we needed. I remembered Luc and his magic, and Dee and her voodoo powers. Damn it. I needed to learn some magic myself if everyone else was bringing it to the playing field. Totally unfair advantage.

I grabbed another doughnut and eyed Sophie. “Why are you helping us?”

Her too-blue eyes lit on my face, almost caressing, and I squirmed uncomfortably in my sheet. Was she into women? If that was the case, then why hadn’t she and Remy hooked up to take care of the Itch? I knew Remy swung both ways. She had a preference for men, but she also didn’t really care who she was sleeping with as long as she was getting something out of it, be it cash or pleasure. Or both.

At least, that was how she was prior to Ethan. Ethan’s innocence and possessiveness made Remy rein in her natural ways to please him, though I knew it wasn’t easy for her.

“She’s cool, Jackie,” Remy added quickly, not looking up from her notebook as she scribbled. “I know Sophie from back in the day. You can trust her.”

I didn’t take my gaze off Sophie’s perfect face. “You were with Phryne, though. And they tried to kill my master.”

Her mouth curved in the barest hint of a smile. “It is in my best interests to keep your master alive.”

I narrowed my eyes at her. “And why is that?”

“Hey, Jackie!” Remy said in a too-loud voice, digging in one of the bags at her side. “You said you like bear claws, right?”

I took the one she tossed at me, licking my fingers to clean them. “Quit distracting me with food.”

“You just need to leave Sophie alone,” Remy said cheerfully. “She helped us. Don’t be such a stick in the mud. For now, we need to get in the car and head toward Ethan. And we’ve got to find Sophie here a date.”

“I am quite fine on my own,” Sophie said calmly. “The Itch can be controlled, for now, with discipline.” Her eyes skimmed the mess of our motel room. “And I am very disciplined.”

Whoop dee doo,
I thought, but said nothing. Instead, I grabbed the orange juice and swigged it straight from the jug. Then I took another bite of bear claw. “Remy, what are you writing down?”

She held up a finger, scratching away with the pen, then paused, staring down at the page. “Would you capitalize ‘cock-gobbler’? It’s not really a title.”

Sophie snorted.

I leaned over the table. “What on
are you writing?”

“My memoir. Duh, Jackie. Pay attention.” She tapped the pen on her chin, thinking. “I can’t decide what to call it. I need something catchy that rolls off the tongue. Like,
A Virgin’s No- Holds-Barred Back-Door Entry into the World of Porn

I held up a finger. “Number one, you weren’t a virgin when you started in porn. And number two?

“Yeah, but it’s a proven fact that the word ‘virgin’ sells books. And this shit’s not going to be totally autobiographical anyways. I can’t mention the succubus thing. Just the sex and the cameras.” She shrugged and began to write again.

I watched her write for a moment more, then shook my head, trying to focus back on the topic. “I’m sorry, where did we say we were going?”

“Wherever,” Remy said cheerfully. “Except not home, because that’s where Phryne will be looking for us next. She stole your page, so she knows we’re after something, and her curiosity is going to make her follow us to the ends of the earth until she finds out what we’re seeking. She’s a huge pain in the ass.”

Sounded like it. “So how do we get rid of an immortal tail?”

Sophie gave me a hard look. “We go someplace that they cannot read us.”

Remy snapped her fingers. “The monastery! There are so many immortal signatures there that they won’t be able to track us. Plus, no succubus in her right mind would head straight to a house full of Serim.”

“Uh, so why are
doing it, then?”

Remy grinned. “Because we’re not in our right minds?”


“Come on. What woman hasn’t had to wrap her lips around something unsavory and sell it to the crowd?”—
Memoirs of a Flesh Peddler,
by Remy Summore





With the three of us working to carry Zane’s limp form, we loaded him in the back of the rented SUV. I guess we weren’t too worried about Phryne tailing us based on financial records, because we stopped at three drive-thru restaurants before leaving Pennsylvania. Remy drove the vehicle, and Sophie sat next to her in the front passenger seat. Her long legs were crossed on the seat and as I glanced up at her, she laid the backs of her palms on her knees, her eyes closing. Meditation? Yoga? She seemed oblivious to the country music that Remy had found and was currently singing at the top of her lungs.

I sat in the backseat, stuffed into Remy’s too-tight black formal dress, Zane’s head cradled in my lap. I stroked his hair as we drove. It was stupid to miss someone who was asleep half the day, and considering that we spent every day together, well, you’d think I’d get used to it.

But that just wasn’t the case. I lived every day for sunset, and Zane’s eyes cracking open, the satisfied look he’d give me as he gazed upon me. I was the first thing he saw when he awoke every day, and the last thing he saw when he went to sleep.

All in all, immortality? Not so bad with him by my side. It might even be fun to live a jillion years and never age, as long as I spent that jillion with Zane. I liked the thought of that.

We crossed several states as we drove, Remy speeding all the way. Ethan was visiting a monastery somewhere on the shores of Lake Erie, so that was where we were headed. As we crossed the miles, Remy began to bounce in her seat, her hands gripping the steering wheel.

“You okay?” I asked her at one point.

“Don’t talk to me unless you want to reach up here and give me a handjob,” she snarled.

I shut my mouth. Okay. Touchy. I glanced over at Sophie. Her gaze was on Zane’s unconscious face, though it darted away when I caught her, and she went back to meditating.

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