Sugar and Spice (7 page)

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Authors: Mari Carr

BOOK: Sugar and Spice
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His hand moved lower and her movements ceased. He sensed she was waiting for that first touch and he wondered how close to climaxing she was.

“You must never come without permission,” he said firmly and he tried not to smile when Ginny snorted in response.

“Not this time…please?” she asked, her voice near begging. “I’m so close Ryan, so close.”

“There is such a thing as anticipation,” he said lightly.

“Are you kidding me?” Her voice climbed an entire octave as her question coincided perfectly with the first brush of his finger against her clit. Just a touch and then he moved on, rubbing her stomach, trying to calm her down. “I’ve been anticipating this for a lifetime. Please don’t make me wait.”

He felt the truth behind her words despite the shock he felt at hearing her confession. He dipped his fingers lower into her wet pussy and was rewarded with a loud whimper and a sea of wetness. She wasn’t lying. She was more than ready to take him. And if he was being perfectly honest, he was ready for her. Hell, he was rock-hard and dying to take her.

Positioning the head of his cock at her opening, he glanced down at her face.

“The point of no return.” As he spoke, he pushed inside her an inch or so awaiting her response, her confirmation that she wanted this as badly as he did.

She graced him with an impish grin. “No guts, no glory,” she joked and Ryan chuckled. She was and always would be his best friend, his best girl, the only woman he’d ever laughed with in bed.

Her smile quickly gave way to a moan as he pressed in—slowly but steadily. He was trying to read her body’s response to his cock. She was too damn tight and if he hadn’t known better, he’d have thought she was a virgin.


Sugar and Spice

“Christ, Ginny,” he gasped, pushing in a fraction more before retreating and returning.

“You’re a bit bigger than my past—”

Ryan leaned down and stole the end of her sentence with his lips. He didn’t want to hear about her old lovers. The thought of another man in her bed, in her body, made him see red and those jealous feelings destroyed what little control he had over his body and its response to her. He pulled back until only the head of his cock remained inside before pure, pulsing instinct took over and, in one hard thrust, he seated himself to the hilt.

Ginny screamed at the intense impact and he felt her inner muscles clawing at his painful erection, gripping and milking him hard as she came loudly. He clenched his jaw and attempted to ride out the storm of ecstasy. She may not be willing to hold back, but he fully intended to make this ride last. As she slowly came back to earth, he started his steady rhythm, not too hard, not too soft. He gave her time to recover. He fully intended to feel her heavenly orgasm against his flesh again. Christ, he intended to keep her coming all night long.

“Easy,” he cooed in her ear as she started pushing back, trying to force her own tempo into his solid beat.

“So good,” she panted. “So good…” Soon her words worked their way into the song playing in his own head and Ryan found himself moving in time with her cry. He pushed faster, harder, as her words grew louder. “So good!” she yelled. “Oh my God, so good!”

On and on they moved in unison, his rough thrusts timed perfectly to the rearing of her hips and her words. Her hands joined in, scratching the notes onto his back as he buried his cock deeply, her womb fluttering against his tender flesh.

“Jesus,” he muttered as she began to come again.


Mari Carr

“Harder, Ryan, oh please, harder! So good…” she repeated and this time, he was defenseless against her attack. He fell headlong into his climax, his seed exploding from him in pulses that imitated her words.

“So good,” he said, the words torn from his throat and—dear God—it felt like his heart as well.

So good
, he thought, as the strength in his arms gave way. He fell to her side, gathering her in his embrace and holding her still-trembling body close to his.

So good.


Sugar and Spice

Chapter Six

Ginny stirred when she felt a hand brush against her bare buttocks. For a moment, she struggled to remember where she was. When she recalled, she felt a grin cross her lips. Glancing at the clock on the bedside table, she could see it was only a little past one in the morning. She had been with Ryan less than four hours and yet it seemed as if they’d lived a lifetime in just one evening. She still couldn’t seem to make herself believe they were lying together in a bed, completely naked and recovering from some of the most mind-blowing sex she’d ever experienced.

“Don’t plan on sleeping, wildcat. The night is young.”

“I wouldn’t dream of falling asleep.” She turned to face him and was surprised by the stern look that had taken over his handsome face.

“I have to say, as far as subs go, you are probably the most ill-behaved one I’ve ever met. I seem to recall specifically telling you
to come without permission.”

Ginny remembered his command and her immediate refusal. Shit, she would have exploded into a million pieces if she’d tried to hold back that orgasm.

“You’re right,” she agreed quietly, wondering where he planned to take them now.

She’d sensed during their previous lovemaking that they were crossing a line she knew Ryan never crossed. He was a confirmed bachelor who restricted his affairs to this fantasy room he’d created away from his own personal lodgings and he never,
, let things get too heavy or too serious.

She shivered with anticipation when he rose from the bed, arms akimbo, and gave her a deeply masculine, wholly dominating look.

“Ginny, I think it’s time you understood exactly who is in charge here.”

Her stomach began to twitter with apprehension and excitement. Their earlier interlude in the bed had been sweet, but she knew this time Ryan fully intended to 53

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show her that different side of himself he’d alluded to in the Voyeur Room. In all their years of friendship, she would have said she knew every nuance, every deep, dark secret of this man. How could she have been so wrong?

“Are you familiar with any of the furniture in this room? Other than the bed, of course.” He added the last so quickly she knew he must have read the playful reply hovering on her lips.

She sat up and looked around before pointing to the St. Andrew’s cross. “I know that people are tied to that cross.” She turned and gestured to the spanking bench.

“And they’re tied to that too.”

“Do you know why?”

“For punishment?” she asked, her nerves overpowering her desire. What would Ryan do to punish her?

“There are many facets to BDSM, Ginny. Some people subscribe to all aspects, others to only a few.”

“Which are you?”

Ryan grinned at her question. “In the bedroom, I’m the master and I expect you to understand that I will direct our play. I’m a firm believer in the concept of Domination and submission.”

Ginny nodded and asked for clarification. “Only in the bedroom?”

“Only in the bedroom.”

She could handle that. Hell, she loved the idea of handing all the decisions over to him. She had her hands full enough keeping control of her wayward engineers during the day. The idea of committing her body to the hands of a man she trusted was freeing, liberating in a way she couldn’t quite explain, even to herself.

“Is that all?” she asked curiously.

Ryan must have read her enthusiasm. “I also enjoy bondage. Tying a woman up, having her at my mercy.”


Sugar and Spice

Ginny felt the reappearance of her arousal. Shit, she wasn’t used to being wet, turned-on and horny for so long. The feeling was exhausting and exhilarating all at the same time.

“You like the idea of that,” Ryan said, clearly reading her body’s reaction.

Again she nodded, not trusting her voice. She was perilously close to begging him to take her again. She knew the request would be ignored this time. While she was overwhelmed by her continual need, Ryan had obviously regained control of his own sexual impulses and he wouldn’t be led astray again.

“I’m not into the practices that are considered sadomasochistic. I’m not into extreme pain.”

She tried to process his words, to understand and resign herself to the fact that this was Travers, her best friend, her boss, who was talking about tying her up.

“I don’t think I’d like to be whipped,” she admitted, as she recalled the chained women in the Voyeur Room. That thought led to another and she quickly added, “And I wouldn’t like being pierced in any way.”

“I would never dream of marring your perfect body in either of those ways,” he reassured her. “But that doesn’t mean I’d be averse to spanking your ass if I felt your behavior warranted it.”

Ginny felt a fresh onslaught of arousal at his words and she pressed her legs together in an attempt to stem the flow of juices from her pussy.

“Lay back down, Ginny, and put your hands above your head, crossed at the wrists.” She sensed that was all the discussion Ryan intended to have regarding his sexual practices. No doubt anything else she learned tonight would be discovered firsthand.

She followed his command without hesitation. He placed a knee beside her bare hip and reached above her head. Looking up, she noticed him pulling on restraints that were attached to an eyehole on the headboard. She hadn’t noticed them earlier.


Mari Carr

“Have you ever been bound?” he asked.

“No,” she whispered, unable to take her eyes off his hands as he reached for her wrists and began to secure the cushioned straps around them. The straps were padded and comfortable, while the feeling of helplessness was not. When he was finished, he tugged on the restraints firmly, silently driving home to her the futility of trying to escape.

His eyes were dark with arousal and she fought to resist the growing need between her legs. She desperately wanted him to touch her clit. Again, she pressed her legs together, hoping to relieve some of the pressure building there, but Ryan quickly grabbed her knees, holding her legs open with a strength that caught her unaware.

“I warned you not to come without permission, Ginny. I suggest you obey me.

Don’t do anything I don’t tell you to do.”

“Ryan,” she whispered. “I need…” She was too overwrought to complete the thought.

“I know what you need, wildcat. Now try to relax. I’m going to secure your legs.”

His words sparked a flame inside her and she gave herself to him fully, wanting to know, to feel, to understand where this would all lead.

There were straps attached to the footboard of the bed as well and Ginny wondered how she’d missed all this when they’d first entered the room. Of course, now that she thought about it, the bed had seemed to be the least intimidating piece of furniture.

How foolish of her.

She fought against her rising climax as Ryan ran his hands along the arches of her feet. He’d yet to touch her in any truly sexual way, but she was so aroused by the feeling of the restraints holding her helpless to Ryan’s will that she wasn’t sure she’d be able to hold herself back.

When Ryan finished securing her ankles, he rose from the bed and looked down at her. Ginny fought to catch her breath as the feeling of being bound—naked and 56

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defenseless—seeped into her soul. She knew without a doubt she would hate this feeling if she were with any other man, but with Ryan, somehow it felt right, perfect.

Ryan rested his hand lightly on her stomach, the touch meant to comfort rather than stimulate. “How do you feel?”

“Fine,” she confessed. “Better than fine.”

She heard him laugh at her response and she smiled.

“I’m not going to give you a safe word, Ginny. If you want me to stop, tell me to and I will.”

He knew her better than she knew herself and she didn’t have a doubt he would know if she became truly afraid.

“I’m not going to stop you,” she said.

Ryan bent forward until his mouth rested at the shell of her ear. “Ginny, tonight is as much for you as it is for me. Don’t do anything you aren’t comfortable with just to please me.”

Her heart fluttered at his kind words, but she knew in her heart she was going to love every little bit of experience Ryan exposed her to. She turned her head until her lips found his. She gave him a quick kiss. “I’m not going to stop you,” she repeated.

Her words seemed to sink in and Ryan smiled. “Hold on, hot stuff. I’ve had a hankering to have you at my mercy ever since you were eighteen and gave your virginity to that dipshit Erik.”

Ginny started to laugh but Ryan didn’t give her the chance. Within seconds, his lips latched on to her breast, sucking, biting and teasing her nipple. Each caress, each touch took her breath away. She hadn’t expected the feeling of helplessness to increase her pleasure to this extent, but it did.

He clearly wasn’t lying about having her at his mercy, and apparently that so-called mercy was nonexistent as he continued to torment her breasts. She fought against the 57

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urge to beg him to fuck her and she sensed she would never be able to stop herself from coming if he didn’t ease up.

“Ryan, I can’t stop, I can’t—”

With a pop, Ryan released the nipple he was sucking and leaned forward. He gripped her head in his hands.

“If you come, Ginny, I’ll flip you over on this bed and tie your knees to your elbows with that gorgeous ass of yours sticking up. I’ll beat it, wildcat. I swear to God I will. Do you want that?”

For a brief, crazy moment, Ginny considered screaming, “Yes, please!”

For the first time she fought against the restraints, desperate to ease the sudden throbbing between her legs. His words, his touches were driving her to the edge of pure insanity.

“Ryan,” she gasped. “Help me.”

“Be patient, wildcat.”

“Fuck patient, Ryan! Fuck me!”

Ryan shook his head and seemed to stifle laughter. Ginny narrowed her eyes and decided it was a good thing he’d tied her up because the first thing she was going to do when he released her was kill him.

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