Sullivan (Leopard's Spots 7) (14 page)

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Authors: Bailey Bradford

BOOK: Sullivan (Leopard's Spots 7)
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He rocked forward one, twice, then pushed in hard, breaching Bobby’s pucker with a mighty thrust.

“Fuck,” Bobby panted, twisting as if he was in pain, “me. Now!” Sully clutched at Bobby’s shoulders, and he shoved in, giving no quarter. Hot and silky inside, Bobby’s inner walls massaged his length, pulling him in deeper. Bobby yelled, and rolled his head from side to side even as he pushed back onto Sully’s cock.

“Take it,” Sully told him, feeling ridiculous and turned on at the same time. “You want it.”

“Fuck yeah, I do. Gimme more!”

Sully did, powering in forcefully until his balls slapped against Bobby’s. Bobby’s howl set every hair on Sully’s body on end. He dragged a hand down, marring Bobby’s skin until he reached Bobby’s ass. There Sully slapped him, the sound bright and eardrum-rattling in the house as his palm landed. Bobby yelped and Sully did it again. He fucked Bobby rough, driving his hips forward and bruising Bobby’s ass with each thrust, each swat.

Bobby fucked back frantically, whimpers and whines falling from his lips as he took Sully’s cock repeatedly. His ass clenched tight around Sully’s cock, teasing his climax to the surface.

Sully reached beneath Bobby and gripped his leaking cock. He pumped that fat length and spread the pre-cum around on it as he pummelled Bobby’s hole.

Bobby’s movements became more everything—faster, harder, desperate. Sully could barely hold onto him. He tightened the hand around Bobby’s dick and leant over him more, covering him as much as he could. Sully used his chest to press down on Bobby’s back, to let him feel Sully’s weight, then he bit, sinking into that same spot that he’d had to mark the first time, then again.

Bobby shouted and went still beneath him, all except for Bobby’s cock, which swelled and pumped a load of hot cum over Sully’s hand. The inner clenching of Bobby’s ass stripped Sully of the last of his control. He yowled as he jammed his cock in Bobby a half-dozen times, then he went rigid as he sprayed spunk into his mate’s body.

“Oh God,” Bobby whimpered, and Sully could only do the same before he collapsed.

He rolled onto his side and brought Bobby with him, careful to keep his cock nestled in the warmth of Bobby’s body.

“Thass gonna kill me one’a these days,” Bobby slurred.

“Ngh,” Sully managed. He curled around Bobby, cuddling with him. Bobby wriggled back, sighing happily.
Not a snuggler, my ass. This man is made to cuddle.

Sully would have to make sure to tell Bobby so—later, once he could think well enough to get his tongue to work.

Chapter Ten

Bobby woke up sore in just about every spot imaginable. There was a furnace sprawled on him, and the floor was uncomfortable as hell. He got his eyes open enough to see Sully flopped on and beside him—the guy was just huge, or took up twice the space he should have. Either way, he seemed to surround Bobby, and somehow, they’d managed to shuck all of their clothes as they slept. Or maybe, Bobby thought with a jolt of ridiculousness, there were little house fairies who looked after them once they’d fucked themselves stupid.

“Up.” Bobby was getting concerned about permanent blood loss to some of his appendages, and his bladder was throbbing along with his well-used ass. Sully could fuck like a machine, one of those ones you could strap a dildo to and line up…

Bobby rolled his eyes at himself and he began to work his way out from beneath Sully.

He had watched way too much porn in his life.

Nah, that ain’t even possible.

“Where’d’ya think you’re going?” Sully grumbled, holding onto his arm. “Stay here.

You’re my pillow.”

“You ass, you been awake the whole time I was trying to get up,” Bobby accused. He popped Sully on the hip and skittered back like a crab as Sully reached for him. “Uh uh, big boy. You’re gonna make a wolf-patty out of me if ya lay on me much longer. You’re heavy.” Sully’s eyes darted wide open and he pushed himself up on one elbow. “You saying I’m fat?”

Bobby snorted and got up. “Stop trying to act offended. You know you ain’t got an ounce of fat on you anywhere. Come on.” He pointed past Sully. “Let’s shower and get something to eat from the fridge, then I’m gonna take that cherry ass of yours and make you my love slave.”

“God, you have
to come up with some better lines than that, dude, or you’ll never get to fuck me.” Sully’s eyes flashed and Bobby decided he was going to take that challenge.

“We’ll see about that, sweet cheeks. With hands like mine, and a dick like this, words are superfluous.” He waggled his eyebrows then pointed at Sully. “And don’t look so surprised. I know lots of big words, and sometimes I can even use them good in sentences.”

“Like then, with ‘good’?” Sully asked, grinning and going along with Bobby.

“Damn right. I had me a good education.” Bobby laid his accent on thick and got a cute chuckle from Sully for his effort. “Nah, I just don’t think I need big words to impress people, that takes too much energy. Sometimes one slips out anyways, though.”

“That’s because I have a smart mate,” Sully sang, in a voice that wasn’t nearly as melodic as anyone listening could have wished.

Bobby winced and Sully laughed loud and long. “Aw, come on now, have some sympathy for this poor wolf. I’ve got sensitive ears, and that sounded about like two cats in heat without a male in sight.”

For some reason, Sully seemed to think that was funny. Bobby gave up on getting the man to move on his own. He hooked an arm through one of Sully’s and guided him to the bathroom. “Come on, you goof. You won’t be laughing in a few minutes.” Bobby proved himself to be truthful, soon having Sully all covered in suds and sliding against him.

“I didn’t know a shower could be this much fun,” Sully gritted out, rubbing his slick ass against Bobby’s groin.

Bobby put a hand between them and ran a finger down Sully’s crack, finding the slippery opening of his body. He’d push his finger in if it weren’t for the fact that he personally thought soap burned. Jacking off with it once had given him a rash from hell, and it sure burned his eyes. It couldn’t possibly feel good in anyone’s asshole.

“Come here,” he growled, liking the way Sully shivered every time he used that tone.

“Gonna get you all nice and unsoapy so I can push you against that shower wall and pop this cherry.” Bobby pressed his thumb to Sully’s hole and exerted enough pressure to make sure it was felt.

“Shit.” Sully dragged the word out as he tried to sit on Bobby’s thumb.

“Ah ah ah, sweet cheeks, I don’t want this tender skin irritated from anything but the fucking I’m gonna give you.” He ran his thumb around the clenching ring then waddled forward, forcing Sully under the showerhead. Bobby sluiced the suds off Sully, enjoying the feel of his mate’s hard-muscled body under his hands. He made sure to touch Sully’s hot spots—his nipples and cock, his balls and the indents beneath his hip bones. He raked his nails over the bite mark he’d given Sully, careful not to let his claws come into play just yet.

That kind of pain could be overwhelming unless there was a stronger dose of pleasure to counter it.

Bobby reached around Sully’s chest and twisted his nipples. Sully liked it every bit as rough as Bobby did, which delighted Bobby to no end. He turned Sully and nibbled on each tit, letting Sully hump against his hip while he sucked. Sully grabbed his head and pressed him closer, so Bobby bit harder and drew blood.

“Oh, fucking hell yeah,” Sully rasped, his breath hitching as he rutted faster. “Again.” Bobby would have snorted but his nose was almost flattened against Sully’s chest. He caught the tip between his teeth and rolled it. Sully shouted and shook, and loosened his hold. Bobby moved over to gnaw on the other nipple.

“Oh! Oh!” Sully was close to spurting and Bobby didn’t want him to, not yet. He palmed Sully’s nuts and ringed them where they joined his body. A slight tug and Sully yelped, but his climax no doubt backed down. “Hurts,” Sully said, but he didn’t sound upset at all. In fact he closed his hand around Bobby’s wrist and pulled. Bobby wasn’t stupid. He tugged again on Sully’s balls and was rewarded with a beautiful needy sound from him.

Bobby began to squat, licking his way over ridges of muscles and wet, sweet skin. He marked every spot he could until his mouth ached, the tangy taste of blood coating his mouth.

He delved his tongue into Sully’s belly button, wanting the saltier taste of man he had found there with other lovers. Sully was simply exquisite on his taste buds. Bobby kept the hand on Sully’s balls but used his other to ring the base of Sully’s dick, then he speared the slit with his tongue before slapping it rapidly with the slick muscle.

Bobby’s pulse seemed to pound in his ears as Sully quivered for him. Driving his mate to such heights of need was every bit as good as feeling it himself, maybe even better. Bobby was quickly becoming addicted to pleasing Sully. If he wasn’t careful, he’d be a completely besotted fool in no time. He realised he was once again having an internal bickering match with his instincts—of course he would be a total sop for his mate, that was the way it worked, but Sully would be just as stupid over him in return. Trying to fight that was stupid, because who wouldn’t want that kind of devotion, and, eventually, love?

“Bobby, Bobby, stop,” Sully stuttered, and Bobby wondered how many times Sully had said it before he’d heard.

Bobby had been lost in the taste and feel of Sully’s cock, in the way Sully’s body responded to him. He sucked up to the tip and looked up at Sully, blinking against the shower spray flicking at his eyes.

Sully wiped at Bobby’s brow and thumbed his cheek before running his fingers around the tight seal Bobby gave him. Bobby sucked, just to see the way Sully’s mouth parted, to hear the rasp of his breath, then he pulled off and tipped his head inquisitively. “Problem?” More pounding, and Bobby finally got it. That wasn’t his pulse or heartbeat or libido, someone was damn near tearing his front door off, they were banging so hard on it. “Shit!

Can you turn the shower off?”


Bobby got up while Sully took care of the water. They got out and Bobby tossed Sully a towel, wishing he had the time to dry that gorgeous body off. Sully had such a sweet-looking ass, high and round, all muscle… Bobby loved muscled asses, soft asses, lean, barely-there asses. He wasn’t the kind of guy who discriminated against them, because he’d learned male beauty came in many different shapes and sizes—but damned if he didn’t think Sully’s butt was the epitome of perfection. And he’d been so close to getting it wrapped around his length…

“Bobby, open the door!”

Sully glared at that, but Bobby knew the voice well and worry slammed into him, because Paava wouldn’t be here in the middle of the night, pounding on the door and yelling, if it weren’t an emergency.

“Paava,” he offered by way of explanation. It didn’t seem to help.

Sully scowled and he jerked the towel tight around his hips. “Yeah, and why does he think it’s okay to show up—”

Bobby cut him off before he could get on a rant. “Because something’s wrong either at the club or the pack.”

“Oh.” Sully nodded, more to himself, Bobby thought. “Yeah, sorry. Go on, I’ll be there after I get dressed.”

Bobby took that to mean Sully was fine with him running out in a towel, so he did. He reached his front door just in time to see it rattling on the hinges as Paava beat on it some more.

“Hold on a damned minute!” Bobby yelled. He didn’t remember locking the door, but one of them must have done it when they’d stumbled through in their lusty haze. Bobby had the door open a couple of seconds later and immediately was hit by the scent of smoke.

“No,” he ground out as he looked at Paava. “No way!”

“Yes way,” Paava snapped before averting his gaze. “Someone torched it, Bobby. I don’t even know if there’ll be anything left of the club…” Bobby was stunned, his fingertips and toes going numb, but everything else in him turned cold, almost painfully so. “What? But…” He didn’t know what else to say, his brain wouldn’t engage and his throat was too tight to even get a squeak past it.

Paava edged forward, reaching for him. “I tried to call you, but you didn’t answer. I—” Just before he touched Bobby, Paava jerked his hand back.

“What?” Sully asked from somewhere behind him.

Bobby jolted like he’d stuck his tongue in a socket. He twisted around and stared at Sully, clad now in sweats and nothing else. “It’s burning,” he blurted, “Paava says it’s gonna be gone.” The reality of it hit him then and Bobby cursed, turning back to Paava. “What the fuck happened? How did you find out?”

Bobby was aware of Sully walking over to stand beside him, and was grateful for the strong arm Sully placed on his shoulders.

Paava looked behind himself then back at Bobby and Sully. “Can I at least come in? I could use some water.”

Bobby moved back, Sully accompanying him. Paava reeked of fire, and Bobby could see the soot smeared in his hair and on his skin and clothes. What had Paava been doing at the club? A quick check of the clock on the wall and Bobby felt an uncomfortable twinge of suspicion. “It’s after five in the morning. The club closed at two. What happened?”

“I’ll get him some cold water,” Sully murmured, and Bobby immediately missed the warmth of his mate.

He led Paava further inside and gestured to the living room. “Have a seat.”

“I’ll explain everything, just, could you maybe get some towels or a blanket you wouldn’t mind me ruining, first?” Paava plucked at his shirt. “I’d hate to get this shit all over your furniture.”

“Yeah, I’d hate that too.” Bobby liked his white leather couch set. He left Paava only long enough to get a thick, ratty blanket from the hall closet, then he returned and spread it over the loveseat. “There ya go.” Sully came in and handed Paava a glass of ice water.

“Thank you,” Paava said, tilting a curious glance at Sully. “What are you doing here?” Sully grinned. “I’m his.” He pointed at Bobby.

Paava looked at each of them then smiled, looking too happy for the emotion to be faked. Something inside Bobby eased upon seeing that. He’d feared Paava had maybe harboured a crush or— Bobby had to turn away for a moment. He’d even suspected Paava of starting the fire, and that was just stupid. Paava was his friend, not a psychotic stalker.

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