Summer in Sorrento (4 page)

Read Summer in Sorrento Online

Authors: Melissa Hill

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Women's Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Romantic Comedy, #Two Hours or More (65-100 Pages), #Contemporary Fiction, #Humor, #Sagas, #Inspirational

BOOK: Summer in Sorrento
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Hal looked very satisfied with himself as a little later he pronounced that the job was done and that they would once again have cool air in Villa Azalea.  Giorgio on the other hand, looked frazzled and weary.  Maia was betting that Hal was
t as big of a help as he thought he was.

Well, tha
s fantastic news
she said as she placed a hand in front of a ven
feeling immediate relief when cold air hit her skin.  She turned to where Lori was sitting at the kitchen table, drinking her requested glass of wine. 

Maia had learned an awful lot about her new guest in the time that it had taken for Hal and Giorgio to do their work.  She had discovered they were indeed the same age, both were childless, and both were of Irish descent, although Lori had lived in the United States her entire life.

              However, there was one major difference between the two of the
where Maia had a happy marriage; it seemed that Lori had spent the last couple years of her relationship with Hal sailing troubled seas.  As she had drank her wine, she was more than happy to divulge the fact that her marriage was
t blissful and that she was using this trip as a last ditch effort to reignite the spar
or else.

              Maia was
t entirely sure wha
or els
meant, but she knew that its connotation did
t bode well for the future if Hal did
t turn into a devoted and attentive husband. 

Anyway, now tha
s fixed,
m sure you are both ready to have some fun

Maia had discovered that the couple did
t fly in to Italy that da
therefore, neither one should be suffering any jetlag from their journey.  If anything, she was well aware that Lori was eager to get out and see the sites.
We have some bikes here that you can borrow if you would lik
those are great for getting around the area.  Or there is a vineyard actually right down the road within walking distance

Maia smiled at the couple hoping she was effectively pulling off the role of hospitality manager and tour director.
What do you think?  I
s a beautiful day, perfectly for exploring

              Lori was nodding eagerly in agreement, but when Maia looked at Hal, she was met with a wide yawn. 

Yeah not right now
he said.
m beat.  I think
m going to go take a nap or something

              And Lor
s face once again fell.  Maia immediately felt sad for the woma
disappointment was clear on her face.

How could her husband not see how uncaring he was being?

              Seeing Lori swallow hard, Maia clasped and unclasped her hands, wondering what to do.  But then Lori spoke.            
Hal, you slept late today.  Why do
t we go out and do something.  Ther
s no use wasting our tim
not that this house is
t lovel
but I thought we were going to find that little trattoria that we visited on our honeymoon?  Why do
t we do that?  Maia said we could borrow the bike
it wo
t be far from here

              But Hal was already shaking his head.
I really need a nap.  Why do
t you go
he said, turning toward the hallway.
Which way is our room?  You brought the bags in, right

              Maia felt herself holding her breath.  If Jim ever pulled something like that, she would have exploded.

              But Lori did
t offer fireworks; instead she took a slug of her wine and turned to look out the window.
Yeah.  I
s that way.  Down the hallway, second door on the left.  Enjoy your nap

Lori looked back at Maia pointedl
she was refusing to meet her husban
s eyes.
I hope you do
t mind if I go take a walk.  I need some air



Camilla joined Maia in the kitchen shortly afterwards. She had contemplated going out and keeping Lori company, but it seemed clear that the woman needed some alone time.

How is everyone getting on
Camilla asked.

Maia shrugged and looked out into the garden, where Lori had found a home with her glass of wine.
I do
t know reall
I feel like this current group might be good for reality TV, truth be told

Camilla joined her at the window and peered out.
Is she out there by herself
Maia nodded.
Well, tha
s not much fun.  Come on.  Le
s get to know her

Maia was about to call out and tell her friend that she suspected Lori might need time to organise her thoughts, but before she knew it Camilla was out the door, calling out an introduction.

Oh bloody hell
Maia cursed quietly.
Well, if you ca
t beat the

She grabbed the open bottle of wine.

Moments later, the trio found themselves in the middle of comfortable conversation.  Whatever melancholy Lori had been feeling obviously started to dissipate once Maia offered her another glass of wine.

So tell me Maia, how did you end up here
Lori inquired.

Clearing her throat, she offered the short version and Lori murmured her condolences when she got to the part about Ji
s passing.

He sounds like he was a great man
she said with a small smile.
Anyone who follows a dream like thi
I really admire you two.  I ca
t imagine ever living anywhere else except Florida

Maia shrugged.
I always thought that about us too.  It was hard for me to wrap my head around leaving the place I had lived for my entire life.  But now, I do
t know if I could ever go back.  This is home now

Lori nodded and sat back in her chair, getting comfortable.
Not a bad place to hang your hat, if I do say so myself

You are from Florida
said Camilla excitedly.
I have always wanted to go there

To visit Disney World I suppose

But Camilla tilted her head.
No no to Miami Beach.  I am not a child after all

Maia laughed.  It was true that she often forgot that Camilla was
t a teenager, but a woman in her mid twenties.
But I mean, maybe I will go to Disney too.  I love the princesses

s a lot of fun things to do in the Sunshine State
offered Lori.
Not that I do many of them anymor

So how did you and Hal get together
Maia asked, hoping to change the subject to a happier topic.

With that question, Lor
s eyes took on a faraway loo
and Maia knew that she had asked the right thing.  It was apparent that she still very much loved her husband, but was living vicariously through her memories.

It was eleven years ago
Lori said.
We did
t date for long or have an extended engagement.  I mean, we were both already in our mid-thirties.  And when you get to be that age, you know when i
s right.  You do
t have to spend years trying to figure it out.  With Hal, from day one, I knew it was right.  He used to be awfully romantic

Apparently, Hal and Lori had met on Miami Beac
and she did a good job of painting the location for Camilla.  But while Camilla wanted to know about the cit
s party scene, Lori was frank that she could
t really offer knowledge about that because while she had been planning to go out with her girlfriends that night, those plans had been deraile
as she had instead went out for a beautiful sunset ride in his boat.

By the end of the night, I just knew.  He was so spontaneous back then.  Nothing would have stopped him from saying
Hey, le
s take the boat down the coast to Key West
why not a trip to the Bahamas this weekend

Even our wedding was a bit spur of the moment.  We flew to Vegas and eloped
Lori smiled with the memory.
We did
t want a big weddin
we wanted to keep it small and spend our money on the honeymoon.  Here. It was perfect

Maia nodded in agreement
Jim and I were the same way.  Small wedding, just our family and close friends.  And then a wonderful extended honeymoon

But Camilla tisked.
Small weddings.  When I get married, I will have a huge wedding. If I tried to do something small, my family would disown me
she grinned.
I want a dress with a thirty foot train. It will fill the aisle of the cathedral

And I have no doubt that the cathedral will be St. Pete
s Basilica
Maia chided and the trio laughed loudly.
Do you want some more wine
she asked Lori.

But before the other woman could answer, Amelia stepped outside. 

Oh dear,
m so sorry Amelia, I hope we did
t disturb you,
m afraid we were being quite loud

Not at all.  It was time for me to get up anywa
I just wanted to get some fresh air

Quickly, Maia introduced her guests to each other and taking a seat, Amelia appeared much more relaxed than she had been earlier that day.

So what brings you here honey
Lori asked.

Remembering the conversation from earlier, Maia quickly tried to figure out how to deflect the topi
it had been apparent that Amelia was
t overly excited to attend her frien
s wedding.

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