Summer of the Beast (11 page)

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Authors: Trinity Blacio

BOOK: Summer of the Beast
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Andrew jumped up and down and clapped his hands. “Really? I can have a hot dog and pizza?” He ran to him and hugged his leg. “Thank you so much! I can eat good stuff now!”

Frank laughed as Whitnee pulled Andrew out of the room. He turned to Bran who strolled over to him. “I've called the council of wizards and witches. They are preparing now for your challenge and will be there to support you. We might not be able to use our magic on wolves, but we can on vampires. We can also skin a wolf, if need be.”

Bran laughed. “It seems our family aren't the only ones who knew you were coming. We'll be ready. And thank you, Frank, for the condo. After everything has settled, we'll retrieve what we have left from the bunker and move to the condo. It will give you time to settle your new family. You are planning on living here?”

He narrowed his gaze. “For now, yes. Excuse me, our company has arrived.” Frank moved to the kitchen, followed by Dana and Theodore.

Chapter Seven


Whitnee popped the kid's TV dinner into the microwave and turned to smile at Andrew. “So, what do you think of Frank, Dana, Cruse, and Theodore?”

Andrew grinned, his gaze bright. “They're going to be my new daddies. They won't hurt you like my old daddy.”

“Oh baby, no one will hurt us again. You do know you'll have to keep who Frank is a secret, right? We don't want anyone coming after him like those people who killed his daddy.” Whitnee sat down next to him at the counter and brushed his blond hair back.

“I know, and I'll protect him. I won't let them take him away from us.” Andrew pushed his shoulders back and flexed his small arm. “I'll get strong now, and I'll have Aunt Marci teach me to fight now that I'm not sick.”

She laughed and turned to the patio door when it opened. Five large men strolled into the house and surrounded her and Andrew. “Can I help you?” Gently she released her magic, surrounding her and Andrew.

One man stepped forward. He had short black hair and gray eyes. He wore a pair of faded blue jeans and nothing else. “My name is Garth. I believe your mate is expecting us.”

Whitnee grinned and released her magic. “Hello, my name is Whitnee, and this little man here is my son, Andrew.”

Garth bowed to her and held out his hand to Andrew, who shook his hand. “It's great to finally meet the woman who has captured our king's heart. You have our vow to protect and serve you as best we can.”

Frank, Dana, and Theodore moved into the kitchen, followed by her parents. “Garth, it's good to see you, old man.” Frank clasped his hand and slapped him on the back.

“I'm only a few years older than you, so watch it,” Garth replied and Whitnee giggled, turning to the microwave.

“What's so funny?” Garth asked, looking at her, then at Frank.

“Oh, nothing. I was just wondering if you too have to take Viagra like Frank here. I mean, you gentlemen are so old, you have to need something.” Whitnee placed the dinner in front of Andrew and bent to retrieve the ketchup, making sure they all had a nice look at her ass.

Garth burst out laughing. “Oh yeah, she's most definitely your match. She's got a mouth on her and a body to kill for.”

Whitnee jumped and spun around when Frank smacked her ass. “Behave,” he snarled, “and we'll see who's begging tomorrow night.”

“Whitnee, Andrew, where the hell are you?” Marci bellowed from the hallway, and Whitnee ran to meet her.

Marci wrapped her arms around her and picked her up. “If you ever scare me again like that, I swear I'll kick your little ass from here to Mom's house!” she said and held her tight. “I thought I lost you, Whitnee,” she whispered in her ear.

“Put me down, you Amazon. I'm fine, now that I know you and Allie are okay.” She turned and hugged Allie after Marci put her down.

“Who the hell are they?” Marci asked, her gaze red as she focused on Frank's friends.

“Marci, Allie, these are a couple of Frank's friends. And Marci, be nice. They're here to help.” She patted Marci's arm. “You're not the only one, Marci. There are others.” She nodded to Garth and the men that stood behind them. “Come, I'll introduce you to everyone.” Whitnee led Marci and Allie into the kitchen.

Andrew jumped from his stool and ran over to Marci, hugging her. “I was so scared the bad men got you.”

Marci ruffled his hair and picked him up. “Would I leave my little man? I brought you something.” She turned to Allie, who handed Andrew his Bee Bear. “I thought you might want this.”

He hugged it and laid his head down on her shoulder. “Thank you. I missed him.”

“Oh, I also brought your clothes for the club. Didn't know if you would be showing up there or not. I even remembered your boots this time.” Marci laughed as Allie handed her the bag.

Frank stepped up to her and peeked into the bag. “I'll take that. You can wear it tomorrow.” He grabbed the bag and she laughed.

“Marci, Allie, this is Frank Stein.” Whitnee rolled her eyes at her friends and they laughed.

“He is a big one, that is for sure, but he's honorable.” Marci glanced at Cruse, Dana, and Theodore. “And they are?”

She felt the heat rise in her face and neck. “You remember that story Mom used to tell us before we went to bed?”

Marci and Allie nodded, then a moment later they looked at each other, then at Frank. “Really! Wow, amazing, and the guys behind them are…?” Marci asked again.

Whitnee rolled her eyes. “They're Frank's inner pack. My other men, Dana, Theodore, and Cruse.”

“Hot damn, it's about time you get with it.” Marci laughed and Allie rolled her eyes. “I mean, one man's fine, but I always say the more—”

“Hush, we have little ones here.” Whitnee covered her mouth, but Marci licked her hand and she pulled it back. “Eww, stop that! God knows where your mouth has been.” She ducked behind Frank and peeked around him, laughing.

“That was not nice. I can't help it if one man just doesn't satisfy me.” Marci grinned.

Her mother stepped between them and shook her head. “Enough, girls. We have company here. And Dana, don't you think you'd better get the grill going? It's getting late and I don't know about you, but I'm starving.”

Dana chuckled, coming up to her mother and kissing her cheek. “Yes, Mom.”

Her mother swatted his arm and pushed him away. “Get out of here.” She turned to Frank. “I'm sure you have business to discuss with your friends. We'll get the girls settled and get stuff cooking in here. Now, go.”

Whitnee laughed as Frank grumbled, but still had a grin on his face. “Welcome to the family, big guy.” She pinched his ass when he turned to leave.

“Watch it, Whitnee. I don't care who's around, I'll tan your hide.” He snarled and glanced over his shoulder.

“You wouldn't dare.” She squeaked when he grabbed her around her waist and sat her on the counter, stepping between her legs.

“Oh, baby, but I would.” He wrapped her hair around his hand and pulled her head back, taking her mouth in a scorching kiss. “Mine.” Frank smiled and left the room, leaving her stunned.

“Wow, that man can kiss.” She glanced at Allie, who fanned herself, as did Marci.

“Damn, do you think Frank's friends would want to play later?” Marci purred. “I mean, I've never been with one of my kind.”

Eve shook her head. “Will you three stop? Whitnee, why don't you take the girls upstairs and show them the extra bedroom? They can store their things in there for now. You might as well take Andrew up for his bath and get his PJs on since it's so late, and he'll be up late tomorrow.”

Whitnee jumped down off the counter and hugged her mom. “Thanks, Mom, for treating them like family. I don't think they've had that for a long time.”

She smiled and pulled back. “Well, they are family now. After all, I'm giving my daughter into their capable hands. Now, go on. I know you want to talk to your sisters.” Eve strolled over to the fridge and looked at her father. “What are you standing there for? Go help Dana, and don't take all night.” She shook her head and opened the fridge.

“Eve, did you just order me to do something?” Her father's voice deepened and Whitnee picked up Andrew, running for the door.

“Come on, Marci, Allie, you don't want to see what he's going to do next.” Whitnee yelled, running up the stairs with Andrew, who giggled all the way up the stairs. “How's your tummy since you ate the whole dinner?” she asked Andrew, setting him down in the bathroom and helping him strip out of his clothes.

“I'm fine, Mom. No tummy ache. Can I have pizza tomorrow?”

Marci and Allie laughed. “He's better, isn't he?” Marci asked, studying Andrew. “He's not sick anymore.”

Whitnee nodded and started to run the water. “He had an attack this afternoon and Frank healed him.” She glanced up at Marci and Allie. “He's going to be okay.”

Marci and Allie hugged her and tears flowed down their faces. “Now I know they're good men. I couldn't be happier for you.”

Andrew jumped into the water. “Mom, can I play with my toys in the tub?”

She nodded and moved into the bedroom across the hall to grab his trucks. “You're going to tell us everything from after you left that club.” Marci came up behind her and she jumped.

Moving back to the bathroom, Whitnee handed Andrew the toys and turned off the water. “The man you picked out happened to be Alfred Grant, aka king of the werewolves.” She sat down on the ground and began washing Andrew with a washcloth.

“When we got to his residence, he pushed me into a room and his true colors came out. He knew I was a witch and wanted to use my powers for the upcoming challenge on the fifth with Frank. But he said the only way he could do that was if I was like him so he could mate with me. Well, I kind of laughed in his face about him being king of the wolves, not a good thing to do. He has a mean left hook.” She shrugged and grabbed the shampoo, giving Andrew a towel to cover his eyes.

“Anyway, he shifted and bit me. He thought I wouldn't be awake or able to move, so he left me alone and that was when I escaped. Frank, Dana, Cruse, and Theodore spotted the four goons tracking me and came to my rescue and, well, the rest you know.” Whitnee stood and smiled at Andrew. “You can play for ten minutes, but then you're going to have to get out and get ready for bed. You have a big day tomorrow with the fireworks with your grandparents and aunts.”

Andrew nodded and continued to play with his trucks as the three women slipped across the hall, leaving the door open. With her new hearing she would be able to tell if Andrew hurt himself.

“So I take it you're now part wolf?” Marci and Allie sat down on the bed while she got Andrew's PJs out.

“The first shift happened in Frank's suite this morning and I'll tell you, it hurt like a bitch. There are good points to being a wolf, though. I can hear better—right now I can hear Andrew whispering to himself in the tub. But I also have all this extra energy. I thought for sure I would want to sleep by now, but nope. It's like a natural high. Everything is crisp and alive.”

“So, tell me, what do you think about Frank's friends? From what Frank has said, your kind has a very strong sexual appetite. Like we didn't know that already, but just imagine what it would be like to be with a male of the same kind.” Whitnee wiggled her eyebrows.

Marci glanced at her nails. “I'll be checking them out, that's for sure. Allie, do you want me to leave any of them for you?” She smiled at Allie.

Allie laughed. “I don't think they would take to kindly to my whip, darling. They're more into dominating those like you and Whitnee.”

Chapter Eight


Frank sat outside by the pool, Garth and his men got settled in the guest house, and Dana cooked the steaks with Bran. Frank laughed when he glanced over to see Dana's pained face. Being alone for more than a hundred years, it would be hard on all of them to have a family again, but they would put up with the little stuff to please Whitnee.

He looked behind him when he heard her laugh as she carried out the potato salad, while her friends carried out plates and other food. Frank glanced at Cruse and nodded. It was time to get their soon-to-be mate ready for tomorrow.

Cruse stood and strolled over to Whitnee, whispering in her ear. She glanced at him, then at Cruse, before following him into the house. When she came back out, Whitnee would be wearing one of the three butt plugs they had gotten for her. He adjusted his cock in his pants. Just the thought of the toy pushing into that nice round ass had him moaning.

“Having problems, big guy?” Marci asked as she approached his chair, grinning.

“What can I do for you, Marci?” Frank swung his legs around and faced her as she sat down on the chair Cruse had been sitting in.

“Are there really more of my kind? Not just the five who are here?”

Frank watched the tall warrior woman look around then at the ground. She ran her hands on her pants. So, the big woman was a submissive even though she acted tough. Frank leaned over and lifted her chin. “Yes, Marci, there are many more. Garth mentioned around ten thousand had reported in to him, last count. So you're not alone. You should talk to Garth and his brothers tonight. They'll answer any questions you have.”

Marci stood and backed up, almost falling over the chair, but Garth was there in a flash, holding her up. “Easy, little mama. We won't bite unless you want us to.”

“Really, and how hard do you bite?”

Whitnee came out onto the porch, her face flushed. She swatted Cruse's hand, but he held it on her ass as she made her way to him.

“You couldn't wait until after supper!” she hissed. “How am I supposed to eat with this stuck up inside me?”

Frank grinned. “Hmm, are you yelling at me?” He pulled her into his body and swatted her ass, making her jump and moan.

Garth laughed and turned his attention back to Marci. “Now, to answer your question, my brothers and I all bite, little one. Just enough pain to make you cream.”

“Oh man.” Marci moaned and grinned at Whitnee, who turned in his arms, smiling at Marci.

“I think you've met your match, my dear friend. Now all we have to do is find someone for Allie.” Whitnee rubbed her hands together and glanced around the backyard, looking for her. “Well, where is she?”

Frank laughed and pointed behind the pool. “I think she found someone all by herself.”

“Well, I hope your man knows what he's getting into, because she wields a mean whip, if, you get my drift.” She laughed when he frowned down at her.

“You mean she's dominant?” Frank glanced once more at the couple, and shook his head. “Then she has the wrong man, because there is no way Gray would let any woman whip his ass. If anything, he'd whip hers.”

Whitnee frowned and watched the couple come up to join them as they all sat around the large table.

Frank placed a large T-bone on her plate and pointed at it. “Eat. You need your strength for tomorrow night and it looks like your friend might be giving up her old ways.” He grinned as Gray swatted her thigh when she said something. Her eyes glazed over and her nipples hardened in her halter top. “Yep, she loves it.”

Marci shook her head and glanced at Allie. “What the hell is up with this? You switching?”

Garth leaned into Marci's shoulder and bit it. “Be nice. It's none of your business what they do.”

She jumped and poked her fork into his chest. “Listen here, buddy, when it comes to my family, it is my business. I might let you and your brothers have fun tonight, but you don't tell me how to protect my sisters.”

Allie reached over and placed her hand onto Marci's arm. “Marci, I'm fine. I've done both and you know it. Right now…” She glanced at Gray and he nodded. “Um, well, I want this.”

Eve chuckled and Bran snorted. “I can't believe I'm sitting here with my three girls and watching all these men touch them. I should have brought the gun,” he grumbled, looking at Gray and Garth.

“Don't Frank, Cruse, Dana, or Theodore get that look too?” Whitnee pouted beside him and he laughed.

“Honey, your father has already warned us in no certain words about what will happen to us if we were to hurt you.” Frank kissed her cheek and slid his hand up the front of her dress. He traced her outer lips and took a bite of steak. “This is good, Dana, as usual. Ow!” Frank glared down at Whitnee. “Did you just poke me with your fork?”

Whitnee smiled all nice and sweet. “Sure did, and I'll do it again if you don't stop.”

“Really?” Frank stood up and grabbed Whitnee, throwing her over his shoulder, not caring who saw her ass. “Excuse me, gentlemen. It's time for that spanking she's been begging for.”

Frank strolled over to the lounge chair and sat down, placing a screaming Whitnee over his knee. “Shut it. Whitnee. You don't want to wake Andrew.” He lifted her dress and smoothed his hand over her ass. “You have been poking me and teasing me all night. Well, now, let's see how well you take to your first spanking so all your friends can hear you.”

He brought down one hand on her cheek and she tried to kick him, but he separated her legs, putting one on the armrest and one on the ground so he had access to her pussy and ass.

“Please, I'll be good,” she pleaded, but he knew she just said that to get free.

“Theodore, come and help me.” Frank smacked her ass again as Theodore ran his fingers over her pussy lips and pushed two inside her.

Whitnee moaned and jumped when he brought his hand down twice more. Theodore moved the butt plug in her ass, pulling it in and out. “She gets so pink so fast and her juices are coating my fingers.” He leaned down and nipped her thigh.

“Damn it, Marci, are you going to help me or…ouch!” She tried to reach her hands behind her, but he caught them and held them in front of her.

Frank heard Marci growl. “Sit down, Marci, unless you want your ass paddled too, and I'll let that man next to you do it,” Bran ordered ignoring him and his daughter. “Your sister must learn her place if she's going to be queen. Her men will be in a constant state of protection around her and if she can't listen to one command, she could endanger her life and her children's. It's best she learns that now, among us.”

Frank smiled and spanked her ass three more times. “Now, Theodore.”

Theodore pushed a third finger into her pussy and pinched her clit while he laid tiny swats on top of the butt plug. Her body tensed up and her nails dug into his hand. She screamed as her orgasm rolled over and over her, but he wouldn't let up and neither did Theodore.

He released her clit and lowered his head, sucking her clit into his mouth when Frank lifted her hips, giving him better access to her pussy.

“Please, no more, Frank.” She cried as another orgasm followed the first. “I'll be good.”

Slowly Frank and Theodore brought her down, rubbing her arms and butt. “Nice and easy, Whitnee.” He gently sat her up, her face flushed as tears ran down her face.

“Let's go finish our supper, then we'll tuck you into bed after we change that plug.” He grinned and she moaned, clutching his shirt when he rose with her in his arms.

“Can't I just go to bed?” she whispered.

“No, you really do need to eat, Whitnee.” He sat her down in her chair and sat down next to her. “Now eat.”

Marci glared at him as she stuffed a piece of steak into her mouth. “You're lucky Dad ordered me to stay put.”

Garth snarled. “Don't talk to our king like that. What's wrong with you?”

“He isn't my king. He's going to be my brother-in-law and I can talk to him any way I want to,” she snapped. “You keep it up and all five of you can go play with yourselves tonight. You don't own me, nor do you control me, unless I say.”

Frank shook his head and knew what was coming next. No one talked to Garth like that, and if he guessed right, Marci was looking at her future mates.

“Excuse me, folks, but I need a word with this beautiful lady.” Garth stood and picked Marci up. Heading towards the pool, he dropped her into it and joined her.

Whitnee laughed and shook her head. “He's in trouble now. You'd better warn your friend. She has a mean left hook.” Whitnee stuffed her face, watching all five men surround Marci in the pool.

Marci shook her head and glanced up at the table. Her eyes were big with fear, and arousal swirled in their depths.

“Not to worry, I do believe Marci just found out she has mates.” Frank laughed and patted Whitnee's back when she swallowed the wrong way.

“What? You're serious?” Whitnee glanced at Allie and they both stared at the pool.

“Sit down, girls, and let Marci work this out.” Bran pointed to their plates his back to the pool area. “We don't waste food.”

Later, Frank carried a tired Whitnee up to her room and slowly lowered her feet to the floor, as he lifted her dress up over her head. “Turn around, Whitnee, and lie on the bed, ass up.”

He stepped back, watching her lower herself to the bed, almost too tired to do anything. “I know you're tired, Whitnee. I promise you can sleep as soon as we put the next bigger plug in.” He ran his hand over her ass and pulled the plug out of her ass, handing it to Cruse, who took it to the bathroom to clean.

Dana handed him the new one, all lubed and ready. Frank squirted some lube into her ass and slowly pushed the larger one in.

Her hands clenched the bed cover and she pushed back onto the plug. “Easy, Whitnee, nice and slow.”

He pushed the last couple of inches inside her and rubbed her pink butt. “Come on, let's get you under the covers.” Frank rearranged her and covered her up, kissing her lips. “Night, sweetie. Theodore will come in later and change the plug.”

Whitnee grumbled and rolled over, and he laughed. All four of them walked out of the room and closed the door behind them. Tomorrow.

Frank moved down the stairs and back outside. Garth stood on the patio and turned, smiling at him. “She all tucked in?”

“I believe everything that has happened to her has finally caught up with her. I don't know how she keeps going.” He took a deep breath. “Where is Marci?”

Garth sighed. “She's locked herself in the bathroom in the guest house. It seems she's having a harder time accepting us than your mate.”

“I have a bad feeling it has to do with her past. I haven't found out anything since they just got here, but from what I've seen, her family is very protective of her.”

“I also have the same feeling. That's why we're letting Matthew see if he can get her out. He's the calmest person I know. You still going in straight for the challenge, I still think we just need to take him out tomorrow and get it done with.” Garth mumbled.

“Can't. It has to be a recognized fight or the packs won't follow the new leadership. How many you have coming in tomorrow?” Frank moved to a chair and sat down.

He pulled up a chair next to him. “I've got more than one hundred coming in tomorrow. They'll be staying all around your property so don't be surprised, and warn the others. They'll stay out of the main house.”

“About tomorrow. I don't know if you'll see me much. From what I've been told, now that I've been introduced to my mate and it being my birthday, things will get pretty wild. Dana, Theodore, and Cruse are readying the master room now. We don't know when all of this will hit me. So I'm asking you five to help with Andrew tomorrow. Whitnee will be worried about him and I don't know if I'm going to be able to allow her to leave the room to check on him.”

Garth shook his head. “That bad?”

Frank nodded. “I know Dana, Cruse, and Theodore are worried and so am I, but there is nothing I can do, Garth. I need her.”

His large hand landed on his shoulder. “You won't hurt her, Frank, even with the red haze. Now, you might fuck her till she can't walk, but you won't hurt her.”

* * * *


Whitney stared up at the ceiling. The sun had just come up and she was wide awake with butt plug number three in her ass. Her stomach was in knots, but she knew she could do this. She swung her feet off the bed and sat up. “Might as well take a bath.”

Her mother and father already promised to take care of Andrew for her today and she knew Allie and Marci would help too. Leaning over the tub, she moaned as the plug moved inside her when she turned the water on. Whitnee squirted some bubble bath into the water and stepped in, moaning again as the warm water covered her feet.

She lowered herself into the water and sighed. Today she would become like them. As their wife.

“Whitnee, can we talk?” Marci whispered from the door, her eyes swollen.

“Why don't you hop in with me? It's not like we haven't been in hot tubs together. This tub is big enough for four men, if you get my drift.” She smiled, trying to ease Marci.

Marci closed the bathroom door and locked it, stripping out of her clothes. She grinned and moaned as she stepped in, sinking into the warm water across from her.

“Now, spill. Why were you crying?” Whitnee waited as Marci got up her courage.

“You know they're my mates, don't you?” she whispered.

Whitnee nodded. “Frank guessed it last night. Why are you so afraid? You've always wanted one of your own kind. Well, now you have five. And, might I add, one more than me.” She nudged her with her foot.

She smiled. “I haven't told anyone, including your mom, about what happened to my mom. One night, when I was seven, I was in bed when someone burst through our front door. I heard mom screaming. I ran out into the hallway and peeked around the corner, and saw two gargoyles raping my mom. My mom saw me standing there and she mouthed for me to hide, and I did. When I heard them leave, I sneaked out again. She was dead. They had ripped her throat out, Whitnee.” Tears slipped down her face and she wiped them off.

“I packed my little backpack and left. I found Allie a week later. We both had our demons, but we clicked. When your mom and dad found us, I thought I had put it all behind me, but now I'm scared. I tried last night to be with them, but I kept seeing my mom, and I ran, locking myself in the bathroom. I slept there. As soon as I could, I sneaked up here.”

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