Summer's Desire (10 page)

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Authors: Kathleen Ball

BOOK: Summer's Desire
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“All I know is John said that Luke is a great big

She didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. “I don’t think
I can go back there.”

Caleb reached over and took her small hand in his.
“It’s up to you. My only advice is to listen to what they have to say.

Summer nodded, Caleb taking her hand in his gave her
much needed strength. “It’s just that I feel as though I’ve been kicked around
a lot lately.”

Caleb squeezed her hand. “Darlin’ you have every
reason to hold you head up high. I hear them driving up now.”

Her stomach did flips as apprehension filled her.
Looking out the front window, she saw Colt walk out of the barn to greet the
. “I can’t do this.” She let go of Caleb’s hand and
started to walk toward the bedroom. Caleb blocked her path.

“Summer, don’t run from this. You’ll always wonder
what they had to say to you.”

She lifted her head and locked gazes with Caleb and
was surprised when he hauled her against him for a quick hug. Perhaps it wasn’t
quick enough. The door opened and she heard a gasp. She took a step back and
turned. Holden stood there with his brothers behind him. She saw his
disgruntled expression but that didn’t matter. Matt had accompanied them. She
quickly flew to Matt’s side and helped him into a chair, giving Holden the look
of the devil.

“Matt, you shouldn’t be on your feet.”

He gave her a lopsided grin. “I’m the extra

She crossed her arms in front of her and stared at
Holden. “Insurance?”

Holden’s face turned red. He was just about to speak
when John scooted in front of him.

“You know insurance in case you said no. Matt would
groan in pain and you’d have to come back home.” His face was so earnest that
Summer’s heart softened.

“Is that so? I was under the impression that I was
fired.” She shot Holden a quick look. He looked like he was about to speak
again but John came running toward her, almost knocking her to the ground.

“You have to come back. Please, Summer?” His arms
tightened around her waist.

Holden cleared his throat. “It was a
misunderstanding and we would be obliged if you would come back.”

There was a vague vulnerability in his dark eyes
that made her wonder. His eyebrows rose as though he was waiting for an answer.
Where was the apology? Calling something a misunderstanding was not
acknowledging the wrong that was done to her.

She wavered. “I just need you to pay me for the work
I’ve already done and I’ll be out of everyone’s hair. It’s for the best.” Her
heart squeezed painfully but it was the right thing to do. She couldn’t live
with them anymore.

Holden’s face hardened and John let her go. Matt
looked away as did Mark. Luke stepped forward.

“It was my fault, Summer. I blamed you and it was
Holden who took my money. I didn’t even ask you if you knew anything about it.
I just accused you. I’m sorry.”

The pleading expression on his face melted her. She
wasn’t Luke’s favorite person and it probably was hard for him to apologize.
Damn, she wanted to go with them but was it wise?

“Boys get back into the trucks. Be careful with
Matt. I want to talk to Summer for a moment.” Holden shot Caleb a glance.
“Could you give us a minute?”

She watched as each sullen boy left. Caleb squeezed
her shoulder on his way out. What she didn’t do was look at Holden. He had too
much power over her emotions. The silence between them was so awkward she
finally glanced up at him.

He studied her and sighed. “I know I can’t change
your mind. It must have been horrifying to be accused again and I’m sorrier
than you will ever know. You don’t deserve such treatment by anyone. I’ll just
say this, I need you and the boys need you. Home isn’t the same without you
there. I guess it sounds stupid, we’ve only known you a short time but we’ve
become attached to you.”

She smiled sadly. “You’re right, it was horrifying
and heartbreaking. I think I’m getting too attached your family. I went through
hell yesterday and to tell you the truth I just don’t know how many times I can
keep getting up and dusting myself off.”

Holden closed the distance between them and grabbed
her up into a hug. He kissed her temple and whispered, “I’m sorry.”

Summer bit her lip to keep from crying. She already
soaked one man’s shirt in the last twenty-four hours. She wasn’t planning to do
it again. She could feel him shiver against her. He cared. She nodded against
his chest.

Holden quickly kissed her cheek and let her go. “Get
packed. I’ll let the guys know.” He started for the door but stopped and
turned, staring at her. “Thank you.”

She smiled and watched him fly out the door. She
hoped she was doing the right thing. As if she even had inkling what was right
anymore. It had been a long time since someone had apologized; she had to give
Luke credit for that. Her necklace was still missing but she had a feeling it
would turn up soon.


Chapter Six


She stood at the top of the stairs. Her clothes were
all put away and her nerves were getting the better of her. Reluctantly, she
slowly walked down the stairs. Every eye was upon her, gauging her, and she
wanted to hide. She wasn’t quite sure how to act or how to proceed. The
awkwardness weighed heavily. She gave them all a brief smile and continued to
the kitchen. The coffee was already made, so she poured herself a cup and
decided to make breakfast. It would keep her busy.

“We already ate.” John’s voice directly behind her
startled her.

She turned. “Where are the dirty dishes?”

Everyone snickered and she didn’t know what to
think. Then she noticed everyone but Luke was laughing. He met her gaze for a
brief second then looked at the floor. Her heart opened to him. He really was
just a boy.

She put her coffee down and walked to Luke, who
still studied the floor. “You did the dishes didn’t you?” she asked softly.

Luke finally raised his head and she could see sheen
of tears in his eyes. “It was nothing.”

She wished she could pull him into her arms and hug
him, but he’d never allow that. Instead she smiled. “Thank you.”

He nodded and looked away, apparently uncomfortable
with the whole situation. She knew how he felt. All of his brothers stared

“Hey, don’t you guys have a ranch to run or
something?” She winked at John.

John puffed up his chest. “We sure do.”

She smiled as they all filed out until it was just
her and Matt. Then her smile faded.

“Hard few days,” he commented.

Summer nodded. “You’re not kidding.”

“Holden shouldn’t have borrowed Luke’s money without
telling him. He gave the money to Mindy Sue to buy me magazines.”

Mindy Sue again, it figured. “Well I’m glad it’s all
sorted out and you have something to read. I have laundry to do. I’ll check on
you in a few. Need anything before I go?”

Matt stared at her and shook his head. He could see
right through her, she could tell. Somehow he was wiser than his years

Gathering the dirty laundry didn’t take long. She
wondered if she truly could just act as though nothing had happened, but she
didn’t know of any other way to act. Loneliness settled over once again. She’d
never missed her mom and dad as much as these past few months. It’d been cathartic
to talk to Caleb but it wasn’t the same. She longed for something solid,
something real. Was true love an illusion? She swore she’d never allow any man
hurt her and here she was, feeling as though her heart was bleeding.

She whole heartedly wished for inner peace. It was
too exhausting trying to act as though everything was fine. Nothing was fine.
Would she forever have a cloud of suspicion over her? Why couldn’t they see
that she’d been beaten too? So far they hadn’t been bothered by her nightmares
but it was becoming harder to keep them at bay.

It wore on her, trying to be the strong one. She
wanted Brent caught and she wanted her good name back. Her plastered smiles ate
at her soul. She couldn’t keep smiling, not when her world was falling apart.
Holden would have been her greatest love in another place, in another time, but
not this one.

What would happen when school started in the fall?
Would Mark, Luke and John be made to pay for her perceived mistakes? She’d
wither if that happened. They were great boys and deserved better than that. No
matter how many times she told herself that she was innocent, in the end it
only mattered what others thought.

“Honey, you up there?” Holden yelled.

She wasn’t anyone’s “honey” but there was no sense
in saying so now. She left the laundry basket and stood at the top of the
stairs gazing down at Holden. His beautiful lips curved into a sexy grin and
his chocolate eyes beckoned her. Before she knew it she was standing right in
front of him, on the last step, eye level with him. Her breath caught. He smelled
of horses and sweat but she didn’t care. To her everything about him was sexy.

He peered into her eyes holding her to that spot. He
seemed to like what he saw and it gladdened her heart. It shouldn’t but it did.
There could only be one outcome between them and someone was going to get hurt.
She hoped she could get through it.

He grabbed her hand and tugged her down the last
step. His hard body pressed against hers. He was unlike anyone she’d ever
known. His shoulders were broad and she knew he had the weight of raising his
brothers on them, yet he took her problems on too. He made her feel small and
dainty and protected.

“Come on, I want you to meet Yukon.”

“I’ve already met that darn horse. He didn’t take a
liking to me.”

Holden pulled her along. “You just didn’t have the
right introduction. He’s practically a puppy now.”

She laughed. “Hey, Matt, what do you think?”

Matt chuckled. “As long as you don’t get too close.
Take a ten foot pole so you’ll know how close is close enough.”

She hoped he was kidding. “I really don’t know…”

“Come on woman. You grew up on a ranch.”

She shifted her weight until he stopped. “I am not
getting on that that beast of a horse.”

Holden turned and grabbed her waist. He lifted her
up until she was draped over his shoulder. “No one said you had to ride him. I
just want you to meet him.”

Under extreme protest, Summer was carried to the
corral. The audacity of that man. He slapped her ass when she pounded on his
back. Holden put her down and she gave him her best dirty look.

Holden’s laugh was loud and deep. “You don’t fool me
with that look. Besides you need practice. Luke is much better at mean looks.”

To her dismay, laughter bubbled up inside of her.
There was no way to remove the smile on her face. “What am I going to do with

His eyebrows rose. “Do you want a list or should we
just wing it?” His was voice suggestive.

“I didn’t say it that way.”

Holden winked. “So you say.”

The realization that he was flirting with her hit
her hard. She stared at him, her mouth agape, while he gave her an incredibly
sexy grin. “So, where is Yukon?”

“Yukon who?”

Summer punched him in the arm. His arms were solid
muscle. He didn’t even flinch and it was her best punch.

. Yukon is coming and
I don’t want him to think badly of you.”

Summer glanced at him, shook her head and glanced
toward the barn. Sure enough, Mark was leading Yukon out. The stallion didn’t
seem so dangerous on a lead rope. Still her muscles tightened.

Holden patted her rear. “Relax.”

Talk about keeping her off balance! Scooting away,
she kept her gaze on Yukon. She wasn’t sure that she liked this touchy feely
Holden. What about Mindy Sue? Being suspicious sucked. It was taking the fun
out of her. Holden’s playfulness was a reminder that she hadn’t had real fun in
a very long time.

Once Yukon was in the corral, Holden whistled. The big
bay stallion trotted right over to him. The quarter horse stood bigger than
life. His well-muscled legs were black covered by white markings while his
muzzle, mane and tail, and the tips of his ears were black.

“Up close he’s massive.” Yukon awed her.

Holden nodded. “Don’t worry, honey, I’ll take care
of you.”

She opened her mouth to reply.

“Now be calm. Yukon likes calm.”

Summer stood still, watching Holden talk to Yukon.
Yukon allowed Holden close enough to talk into his ear. She could hardly
believe that this was the same horse she ran in terror from. It was a joy to
watch them. Holden was in his element. There was no wonder at all why he was a
vet. He really was an exceptional man.

“Take a picture it lasts longer.”

Summer turned to see John sticking his tongue out at
her. “What?”

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