Sun Burnt (8 page)

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Authors: Cat Miller

BOOK: Sun Burnt
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Her pulse was steady and strong. Beau whistled for Zeus who obediently trotted to his side. Beau grabbed his radio to call the ranch and his first aid kit. Kesslyn coughed behind him and took a few gasping breaths. Beau dropped to his knees beside her.

Kesslyn, darli
, do
t move. You were thrown from your horse. We need to make sure you have
t broken anything
She blinked up at him dazedly
Do you understand me, Yankee

Not a yankee
she answered with a pout.

Relief washed over Beau. She was conscious and arguing with him. She would be fine. He had
t lost her.





Kesslyn was so embarrassed after her fall from the horse. It had
t been her fault. The horse was spooked by a snake. Beau and everyone else assured her that things like that happened, but if sh
d been a better rider, she might have been able to keep her seat.

d had the wind knocked out of her and received a few bumps and bruises. All in all, she was very lucky. The mortifying part came when Beau called the ranch to have someone ride out to pick her up in a Jeep. She wanted to ride back with Beau on Zeu
s back, but he would
t hear of it. He fussed over her and refused to let her move until a Jeep driven by one of the other cowboys pulled to a stop near them. He placed her gently in the passenger seat and drove her back to the ranch while the other cowboy rode Zeus back at more leisurely pace.

There was an ambulance waiting for her when they reached the house, and in spite of her insistence that she was fine and did
t need to go, Beau had bullied her into going for a check-up and some X-rays just to be sure she had
t done any real damage.

When her scrapes were cleaned and she was declared fit to be released, Beau was waiting to drive her home. Without a word, he took her hand and guided her out of the clinic to his truck. She liked holding his hand. It made her feel all gooey inside. Like he needed to touch her. He opened the passenger side door and lifted her into the seat.

Beau, I can get in by myself. I did
t break anything
she told him, but he silenced her with a look that said he was not in the mood for an argument.

They rode back to the ranch in silence. Beau seemed to be in deep thought. Kesslyn was busy wondering at his mood and the way he kept peeking over at her with those serious brown eyes. What was he thinking? Was he angry with her?

Once hom
funny how she thought of it as home now- he wordlessly escorted her to her bedroom. She thought he would say goodnight and leave, but he surprised her by following her into the room and closing the door behind him. He stood there watching her with that brooding mask she could
t interpret. He was close. So close that if he were any other man she might feel intimidated by his sheer size, but Kesslyn had no fear of Beau. If he hurt her, it would be when he broke her heart.

Do you know what I thought when I saw you fall from that horse today? Do you know the first thought that struck me when her hooves came back to the earth to trample you
he asked her quietly.

Thank goodness
m finally rid of that annoying yankee
she tried to make light of it.

Beau was
t amused. He grimaced at her bad joke.

I thought
d never get a chance to do this again
Beau cupped Kesslyn's face and kissed her
I ca
t fight this Kesslyn. I do
t know what yo
ve done to me. I never thought
d ever feel this way about anyone. I tried to be a gentleman. I tried to give you space when you seemed to need it. But I ca
t fight the need to kiss you and hold you any longer. I do
t even want to fightit

Kesslyn was stunned. She gaped up at him. There was sincerity in his eyes.

If you do
t want this. If you do
t want to take a chance with me, then I need you to tell me now. I swear
ll leave, and
ll respect your wishes. I
ll kill me, but
ll do it. The next time you see me,
ll just be Beau the foreman

s heart was suddenly pounding in her chest. Taking this step with Beau would mean never going home. Taking this step with Beau could also mean heartache. Was she willing to take the chance? She opened her mouth to answer, but he stopped her.

Wait. Do
t say it. Let me kiss you one more time
He took her mouth more forcefully this time. All of his hopes were wrapped up in that one kiss, and they poured over Kesslyn like summer rain. The kisses ended slowly with him placing several smaller kisses on her lips before he finally gave her a chance to speak.

I want this, too, Beau. I want you
She did
t know what else to say. She was so afraid of the future. Everything was so uncertain, but Beau made her feel safe.

You do
he asked as if he could
t believe sh
d just agreed with him.

I do. I want to give it a try, Beau. You are
t the only one wondering wha
s happened to you.
m feeling the same thing

Beau crushed her to him. He hauled her over to the bed and pulled her into his lap. He was kissing her fiercely. Burning her up with the force of his desire. Kesslyn tugged at his shirt, pulling it from the waistband of his jeans. After everything sh
d been through in the last couple of years and her close call today, she needed to feel something other than sorrow and fear. She needed to like she was living again.

Beau peeled away her top and quickly freed her breasts, cupping one in his big hand and kneading it firmly. He moaned when she left his mouth to nibble a path up his jaw to his neck. Her hands explored his chest and stomach. Hungry and aching to feel him inside her again, Kessly
s fingers went to work on his pants, freeing his needy flesh. She pumped him slowly. Driving him insane.

In a frenzy of kisses and roaming hands, they undressed each other. Beau laid her back on the big bed and climbed over her, making a home for himself between her legs. His hot sex was nestled against her bare pussy.

Their mouths clashed. For a while, they lay there discovering each other. Savoring being together in an actual bed with plenty of time. Their mutual desire was rising like the sun over the ocean. When the anticipation grew to an unbearable high, Kesslyn pleaded with Beau to give her what she needed.

Please, Beau, I need you inside me. Please

Beau slid the head of his cock over her clit a few times. Teasing her. Making her squirm before he guided the head of that magnificent beast to the center of her need and pressed forward, slow and steady, making her writhe. Kesslyn watched beads of sweat pop out on Bea
s brow. He was taking it slowly. Pumping his hips in a steady, easy rhythm. Holding back. He was driving her crazy.

Beau, please, baby
Her head thrashed on the pillow
Harder. Faster. Fuck me

He groaned
Kesslyn, you were thrown today

He gave her three hard pumps of his hips, and she knew he wanted to let loose as much she wanted him to, but he settled back into his steady pace. Fucking her slow and easy. He was afraid of hurting her.

Just do this my way.
ll take care of you. I promise
He kissed her with the same edge of desperation she was feeling.

That was
t what Kesslyn wanted to hear. She felt fine. A few bumps and bruises were
t that big of deal. She pushed at his chest. Beau backed off quickly with a look of concern on his handsome face.

Did I hurt you? Kesslyn,
m so sorry. I knew it was too soon. What the hell is wrong with me
he berated himself
s just that you make me crazy and . .

Shut up.
m just fine
she cut him off.

Kesslyn shoved him over onto the bed and crawled on top of his big body. Straddling his hips, she lifted up and seated herself atop him. Burying him deep, where she needed him most. Keeping eye contact, she began to pump her hips. Their smooth, warm flesh gliding together as she rode him with abandon drove her higher and higher.

Oh fuck. So good. Kesslyn, yes
Beau held her hips and guided her movements.

His thickness filled her completely. She would
t hold back. They were so completely joined, and she never wanted it to end, but Beau pulled her forward for a deep kiss. The change in position brought her clit in contact with his shaft with every thrust, sending hot sensation to every nerve. She would
t last much longer that way. Her hips pumped faster. Beau began thrusting upward to meet her and Kesslyn felt herself begin to fall.

Oh god, Beau,
m gonna come. I ca
t hold it back

Thank fuck
He hissed and rolled her beneath him. He fucked her then. Giving her the pounding she needed. Kesslyn screamed her release to the rafters.


Sometime later, Kesslyn laid peacefully in Bea
s arms. No one in her experience had ever come close a man like Beau Knox. Nobody. Sh
d never felt desire so overwhelming, as volcanic as the attraction that burned between them. The urge to press herself against that wide muscled chest was irresistible. Saying no when he asked her to take a chance with him had been impossible. She was
t even afraid of the future anymore. Beau did that for her. She was safe with him.




Beau could
t get enough. H
d woken Kesslyn twice during the night to take her again. He held her close and moved inside her, never breaking eye contact. Her eyes rounded. Ripples of pleasure flowed from Kesslyn and into Beau. Her muscles clinched around his cock, and Beau shouted as he came with her.

He watched her climax under him, and something in Beau snapped. Emotions flooded his chest and threatened to drown him. She made him feel tender and warm, possessive and protective. He was shaken by Kesslyn. The woman was like a battering ram to the solid shell around his cynical heart. Her lips were so softon his skin as she kissed her way across his chest. Her body so perfect under his hands. No, he did
t think he was ever going to get enough.


The next evening Beau and Zeus were galloping across the pasture nearest the big house when he caught sight of Kesslyn sitting relaxed on Butterscotc
s back. She was brave, h
d give her that. He did
t think another woman would be riding an animal that had thrown her and bolted the day before. Beau was
t pleased to see her out riding so soon. She had some nasty bruises and a few scrapes that needed time to heal.

She had
t seen him yet. He slowed Zeus to a trot and took her in from a distance. Tendrils of rich auburn hair fluttered out in the breeze as Kesslyn surveyed the pastures around them and the cattle in the distance. Beau could imagine her looking out over this vista everyday while taking stock of her domain. He was surprised to realize how very much he wanted that to happen. Not only for the welfare of the town, but for Kesslyn, because she seemed lost and in need of an anchor. This land could be her anchor, her new home. Beau also wanted it for him, because h
d come to the conclusion at some point during the small hours of the morning that he needed Kesslyn.

He wanted more than the chance h
d asked her for.  Beau wanted to love her. He already did if he were being honest with himself. Now he completely understood Deaco
s need to tie himself to Rissa in such a damn hurry. It was like a primal need to claim the female wh
d claimed you without even trying. He did
t want to move too fast and make Kesslyn bolt back to her life in the city so far away from him, but there was no doubt in his mind that h
d drag her fine ass down the aisle if she gave him half a chance. Even though he knew she could do better than a small town cowboy. He would be her cowboy, and h
d make damn sure she never regretted choosing him.

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