Sun Signs (13 page)

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Authors: Shelley Hrdlitschka

Tags: #Juvenile Fiction, #General, #JUV000000

BOOK: Sun Signs
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“We are all influenced by the astrological climate — but it is just that — a climate. We each have the power to create our own lives. The stars help us to see realities and possibilities, but in the end, our destiny is what we make of it.”

And here endeth my essay.


Kaleigh Wyse

P.S. My horoscope for this week says I will receive great news by July 1. Now how can I NOT believe that?!

P.P.S. Are you an Aries? Energetic, quick-tempered, extroverted and sometimes aggressive?

From: jselenski
To: cosmicgirl
Subject: Re: Research Project: Conclusion
Dear Kaleigh,

I received your science project and your essay. Do you realize that you actually turned it in a week early? I think this is marvelous considering all you have been through this term. You earned extra marks for your promptness.

Now, your report on astrology is interesting. It answered many of the questions I had. I didn’t find it boring at all. I also think you argued your points in your essay very well. In an earlier conversation, you and I discussed the value of trying to think positively. You have convinced me that the power of suggestion is very strong, and if astrologers can influence people to make positive choices in their lives, more power to them!

Just one question: where can I find these horoscopes by B.A. Stargazer? (LOL — to steal an expression from you!)

I am not an Aries, as I am very patient, which I think we determined some time ago. We must be almost through all the sun signs, aren’t we?

Mr. J. Selenski

P.S. Did I mention I’m awarding you an 89% for your project? Congratulations.

From: cosmicgirl
To: jselenski
Subject: Re: Research Project: Conclusion
Thank you very much!!! (for the 89%) I hope the fact that I have (had????) cancer didn’t have any bearing on your decision.

You know, I used to hate science. I thought it was a stupid subject. Lately, though, I realized that without science there’d have been no drugs to help me fight the cancer. Therefore, SCIENCE ROCKS!

Okay, I’m down to 3 sun signs — Pisces, Sagittarius and Capricorn. Which one are you?!


From: jselenski
To: cosmicgirl
Subject: Re: Research Project: Conclusion

I’ll give you a hint. I was born the same day as my hero, Albert Einstein. How’s that for serendipitous?

Mr. J. Selenski

From: cosmicgirl
To: jselenski
Subject: Re: Research Project: Conclusion
Aha! You’re a Pisces. Supersensitive, sympathetic, compassionate, and reclusive. So true. (And is it because you’re reclusive that you chose to be a distant learner teacher rather than a classroom teacher?)


From: jselenski
To: cosmicgirl
Subject: Re: Research Project: Conclusion

Kaleigh, no more questions!! (But my, you are inquisitive! Is that a Gemini trait?)

Enjoy your spring break, and I look forward to being your supersensitive, compassionate science teacher in the fourth term, when we will be studying metaphysics, one of my favorite topics. You may wish to get ahead on your reading, just for fun.

Mr. J. Selenski

Share Your Discoveries

Forecast For the Week of
March 26 – April 1
by B.A. Stargazer

Gemini (May 22 – June 21)

The past is not an indicator
of what lies ahead. Dream. Be
creative. Sing!

From: cosmicgirl
To: starlight Cc: blondeshavemorefun; 2good4u
Subject: We’re done!
Hi Leo subjects and one other,

Phew! It’s done. The astrology report has been written, turned in and marked. I received an 89%. Not bad for a completely messedup project!

I wrote an essay for Mr. S. telling him what I discovered about horoscopes and astrology over the past 12 weeks. It was mainly about my belief that the cosmos does influence us in many ways, from our character traits to the kinds of energies that are going to affect our day-to-day lives.

What I didn’t tell him was the other stuff I learned on this project, the stuff about role-playing, fantasies (a much better word than lies!), and hiding behind our computers. I have a feeling that these lessons will stay with me way longer than the ones on astrology. We’ve had our good times and our bad, haven’t we, but I really want to thank each of you — even you, Lucas! — for hanging in there for me. You all submitted data — in your own way—and I learned a lot from it, even from the stuff that was make-believe (another great word). I know you all had your reasons for doing what you did, and I want to thank you all for spending “time” with me on this. The truth is, I’m going to miss working on this project. I’ve grown to like you all — a lot! I’ve spent a lot of time mulling over whether or not you can really get to know other people online, and I think I’ve come to a conclusion. I believe (for now, anyway) that a person may be able to conceal certain truths about themselves, but their true nature still comes across in their words, even if they think they’re hiding it. I feel like I know each of you, and now, without this project, I’m afraid we’ll lose contact. I guess we’ll continue being distantstudybuddies for as long as we continue being correspondence students, but it sounds like we’re all planning to be back in “real” school (even you, Lucas?) soon. But even if we do stay in touch, it won’t be the same without swapping day-to-day stories. I guess what I’m trying to say is, I hope to stay close to each of you.

Thanks again.

Sending hugs!

From: cosmicgirl
To: starlight
Subject: ps
Hi Shari,

You have been so right about me not sharing anything with you. I just wasn’t ready until now. I really want 2 b good friends with you, so I’m ready to tell you anything you want. You ask the question, I’ll give you the answer. I’ll let you decide for yourself which answers are fantasy and which are true! LOL

Your friend, Kaleigh

From: starlight
To: cosmicgirl
Subject: Re: ps
Kaleigh, you’re a brat! LOL. But I love you anyway. I also know you’re funny, friendly, caring, wise and lots of other stuff. Oh yeah, and a Gemini. What else does a friend really need 2 know?

Your bud,


From: blondeshavemorefun
To: cosmicgirl
Subject: Re: We’re done!
Nice letter, Kaleigh, but I want to be MORE than friends. How does a guy do that online?


From: cosmicgirl
To: blondeshavemorefun
Subject: Re: We’re done!
Hmm. A guy could try phoning the girl in question. (540) 457-9324.


But first I’d better do some checks. Are you a neat freak or a slob? Punctual or late? Is your belly button an inie or an outie? When you eat corn on the cob, do you chew around the cob or up and down the length? And most important of all—and this could really make or break things, Jamie … when you eat your smarties, do you eat the red ones last? :)

From: blondeshavemorefun
To: cosmicgirl
Subject: Re: We’re done!
I believe I have the right to refuse to answer those questions on the grounds that my answers may incriminate me!!

P.S. but yes about the smarties. :)

From: cosmicgirl
To: 2good4u
Subject: one more thing…
I meant what I said, Lucas. You may be the worst juvenile delinquent on the planet, but you’ve got a wicked sense of humor and an intriguing fantasy life. Will you stay in touch? And are you going to change your wayward ways once you’re set free? Maybe go back to school? You are so good at “creating” yourself online. Why don’t you “write” a new you — for real?



From: 2good4u
To: cosmicgirl
Subject: Re: one more thing…
Not a chance.


but I have a real good friend here who’s looking for a hot e-pal. Know any available chicks?

From: cosmicgirl
To: 2good4u
Subject: Re: one more thing…
Yep, but she only writes to hunky actors.


From: 2good4u
To: cosmicgirl
Subject: Re: one more thing…
A perfect match.



From: cosmicgirl
To: B.A. Stargazer
Subject: I’m Back!
I bet you thought you’d never hear from me again! Lol. My last letter to you must have been a bit depressing. Sorry about that. I was going through a hard time — as you know. I felt like I was trying to make my way through a thick, murky fog. I could not see the light. Not even a glimmer. Well, that fog has lifted and I’m back, but just this last time. I thought you might be interested in hearing what became of me.

First of all, as you can see, I’m still alive! :)

When you didn’t reply to my e-letters, I have to admit I was disappointed and a little hurt. You list your address on your webpage, so I assumed you wanted to hear from your fans. Now I realize you have been corresponding with me, just in a different way than I was corresponding with you. Through your Sun Signs column you’ve been giving me great advice, and warnings, but most of all you’ve given me hope when no one else could.

I’ve decided I may not become an astrologer myself (way too complicated figuring out those star charts), but I do know I will always be open to the messages that the universe is sending my way. Thank you for helping me see the possibilities.

Your loyal Gemini friend,

Kaleigh Wyse

March 30

Dear Immortal Twin,

I’ve decided to stay mortal for a while longer. I bet you were beginning to think we’d be swapping places in the very near future, didn’t you! So sorry, but you’ll have to wait a little longer. I don’t know how long, but it won’t be today and hopefully not tomorrow. With any luck it won’t be for another 100 years, give or take a few.

Thanks for being there when I needed you. :) You never supplied me with any answers, but you sure were a good listener!

I’m going to stop writing to you for now. Oh stop pouting! :) I’ll always feel your presence (that IS what I’m feeling, isn’t it?), but for now it would be best for me to write or, even better, to TALK to real people. I never wanted to share my feelings about my cancer with my friends and family, cuz I thought I was burdening them. Because of that, my friends stopped coming to see me. They thought I was shutting them out. They didn’t understand that I was trying to protect them. That almost happened with my distantstudybuddies, and I tried to shut out my parents, too. Mom and Dad never gave up on me, but it must have been hard for them. Now I understand that the people who love me want to listen to my feelings. People do want to help, and in the future, I will ask for it. Maybe. Lol.

Anyway, I felt way better about everything once I told my distantstudybuddies about being sick. It really unburdened me in a way I never thought possible. And I’m going to contact my old friends, tell them how I felt, and ask them to forgive me. Wish me luck!

I’ve been thinking of some of the things I can do now that the chemo and radiation are finished and I feel energized. There are things that I’d never considered doing before I got sick, and things that I put off doing til later. Now I know it’s stupid to wait, and there are so many things I can learn. Where to begin??

I guess I’ll start by going back to school. And then I’m going to join the choir and sing as loudly as they’ll let me. Who cares that I’m tone deaf!

Not me.

Love always,
Your mortal twin

A teacher for a number of years, and now a parent,
Shelley Hrdlitschka
is a reader, writer and vocal proponent of juvenile and teen fiction. Shelley lives in North Vancouver with her family, and presents extensively to children at area schools. Her first book,
Beans on Toast
, a juvenile novel set at summer camp, was soon followed by
, a suspense/adventure novel set in Vancouver.
was a nominee for the South Carolina Junior Book Award and also for the Surrey Book of the Year and was very well-received by teachers, librarians, booksellers and, of course, young readers. The sequel,
Tangled Web,
was published in 2000.

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