Sundancer (26 page)

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Authors: Shelley Peterson

Tags: #Young Adult, #Contemporary

BOOK: Sundancer
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I like to be scratched under the chin.

Bird had made her decision. She would remain with Sundancer for the rest of the night, and nobody was going to talk her out of it. She had no idea what would happen in the morning, but each time she thought of Sunny leaving she felt a sharp pang in her chest.

Hannah and Paul went into the house to make coffee. They would take turns guarding the barn with Bird while the other napped.

Bird got herself comfortable in a nest of hay and rested against the wall of Sunny's stall, tucked into a soft horse blanket. Sunny was content. After the Elvin incident, he was happy for Bird's comforting presence.

Thank you, Bird girl.

For what?

For using your voice. You got help for me.

I did, didn't I?

That was good.

I surprised myself. I haven't used the telephone since I was six.

Maybe you can talk now. To humans, I mean.

Maybe. It hurts, though.


To answer that question, I'd need all night.

As it happens, that's exactly the amount of time I've got.

Bird paused for a very long time while she gathered her thoughts. Sunny took a sip of water from his bucket and munched some hay. He circled a couple of times, then lay down in the wood shavings beside her.

Go ahead, Bird girl. Tell me your story.

Bird patted his long neck and took a deep breath. She wasn't sure what she was feeling, and she didn't know how to explain. She'd have to feel her way through.

I was six and a half, and I just stopped talking. Period. Overnight. Sometimes not speaking is inconvenient, but it's amazing how well a person can get along. People react in different ways. Some think I'm crazy, or stupid, or willful. It doesn't bother me much, mostly. People don't talk to me, either, but I know what they're thinking. And they don't often say what they mean anyway, so what's the point? The funny thing is, when I do talk, nobody listens.

Sunny continued to crunch on hay.
Okay, but other humans speak. Why not you?

I've been trying to figure that out. I think it started with my mother. Sometimes I wonder if it started with my father. He didn't even want to know I existed! But that can't be it. He didn't know me so I can't take it personally, right? He didn't want to know about any baby, period. If he knew me and rejected me it would be different. That takes me back to my mother. She heard only what she wanted to hear. She saw only what suited her. She liked to paint pretty pictures in her head and make them real. She forced them to happen.

If it wasn't perfect, it scared her?

Exactly. And I wasn't perfect. I wasn't what she wanted from the very beginning. I look like my father, who she doesn't want to remember, and she could never understand my relationship with animals. It made me different from other kids — my friends teased me when I told them I could talk to the dog. I didn't care — it was their loss — but it totally embarrassed her. She wasn't able to force me into her picture. I tried, Sunny. I tried hard to fit in to her world, but I couldn't.

Bird wiped her eyes. She tried to take a deep breath, but it caught in quick gasps.
I smiled and laughed like she wanted me to, but I was faking and she knew it. The clothes she got me to wear made me feel stupid. I hated how she wanted me to be, and how she made me feel.

Bird paused for a moment, remembering.
Mom always had boyfriends. And it was very important to keep the boyfriends happy. Even if they were creepy. Like Bill. I could read his mind and I knew what he was thinking about me. It was disgusting. So I told Mom and she didn't believe me. She said I was making it up. That I was a liar. She was really, really angry. And whenever I tried to explain what our animals were saying, she freaked out. You see, every time I said something important, Sunny, she told me I was lying. We grew further and further apart until we hated being near each other.

Sunny yawned and stretched his neck.
So you hated her.

It's not just that I hated her. I hated me for hating her, and I hated that I cared so much that she hated me! Then one day, it was like I didn't have the energy to speak. It wasn't really a decision or anything. It was just … easier. And it worked in a way, because Bill got mad and then he left. But then Mom hated me even more.
Bird slumped against the stall wall, tears rolling down her cheeks.

Sunny chewed on hay.
That was a long time ago, Bird girl. She doesn't hate you now.

Bird looked at Sundancer. His remark caught her by surprise.
You're right. She doesn't hate me now. She's trying hard to learn to love me. But really, what's more important is that I don't hate her any more. It still hurts, but I understand more now, and I can forgive her.

Sundancer put his nose on her arm.
Understand what, Bird girl?

Understand about my mother. She has a hollowness inside, Sunny, from how she grew up. Same as Hannah, but it shows in different ways. My grandfather is not a nice man, and he wasn't a good father. I never thought about that until lately. I mean, I never thought about why Mom is how she is. What her life was like when she was a kid. I only cared about what she was, how she acted, how she treated me, what she thought of me, and why I mattered so little to her. But mostly I thought about how I hated her.

Hate is fun for a short time, Bird girl, then it gets very wearying.

I know what you mean, Sunny. It's an exhausting emotion. It takes away energy. It took away my ability to speak.

Yet you speak to animals, Bird girl. No other human that I've ever met can do that.

Some must, Sunny, but don't you see? That's my biggest problem! That's what makes me weird.

Do you wish you couldn't?

No! It's my biggest problem but it's also my greatest skill. I don't know how other people get along without it. If people just tried to communicate with animals, they'd understand more about humans. About how confusing we are … to animals, but to other humans as well. Animals are direct. They're not deceptive or manipulative, and they don't have secrets. I prefer them to people, for the most part.
Bird found that Sunny's question had distracted her. She felt calmer now.

I was messed up by humans, too, just like you.

I know. But we survived, didn't we? We're both survivors. We did what we had to do. I guess for me, that meant being quiet for a while.

Sunny took a bite of hay.
I started hurting people before they hurt me.

I know that, Sunny. But most people still don't understand why you do the things you do.

Some days are bad days and some days are good days.

You have fewer bad days now.

True. It's because you explain things to me, and my troubles go away. Partly. But you had to be willing to let go of your hatreds and fears. You helped me do that, Bird girl.

And you helped me, too, Sunny. More than you know.

Bird thought about the last few weeks — her school troubles, her mother's visit, her grandfather's tricks and schemes. Would she have been able to make it through without Sunny? She doubted it. If she made his troubles go away, then he did the same for her. When she was on his back — or even just near him — she felt strong and capable and loved. She felt like she could do anything — forgive her mother, forgive herself, even talk. She leaned forward and rubbed his ears.

And now, I need to take my own advice.

What are you talking about?

You were willing to let go of your fears, Sunny. Now, I have to let go of mine.

HANNAH HAD NOT SLEPT well. Taking shifts on watch with Paul, the time evaporated into stress-filled thin air.

Stuart showed up at the house for breakfast at eight thirty. Without knocking, he walked right into the kitchen with a cheerful smile. “Good morning, Hannah! Lovely Sunday.”

Hannah sat alone, hunched over the table. She peered at him over her coffee mug through puffy eyes. “Morning Stuart. You almost live here, lately.”

Stuart nodded happily. “Seems I do. Is the beautiful Eva up yet?”

“Yes. She's shaving her legs.”

“Wonderful. Wonderful.” Stuart whistled as he poured himself a coffee. He peeled a banana and crammed a day-old blueberry muffin into his mouth.

“Help yourself to coffee, Stuart. And please, get yourself something to eat.” Hannah didn't bother to conceal the sarcasm in her voice. “Tell me, Stuart. Why exactly are you so happy today?”

Stuart winked at her. “Hannah, all will be revealed. I have a surprise guest. He should be here any minute. Trust me, today will be a very happy day for us all.”

“You're proposing to Eva?”

“Great idea! I think I may. It may be rushing things a bit, but she is the most perfect woman I've ever met. But first, I have a little surprise.”

Hannah steeled herself. “Stuart. I can't imagine that you didn't notice, but I'm in a terrible mood. Sundancer is leaving in half an hour and Bird will be wretched. Surprises are not welcome today.”

“This one will be.”

There was a rap on the door.

“My guest!” Stuart opened the kitchen door with a flourish. Standing there was a sturdy man of about fifty years of age. He had short-cropped greying hair and a friendly smile. He wore jeans, a plaid shirt, and work boots, which he leaned over to remove.

“Don't worry about your boots, the place is a mess,” said Hannah, too tired to rise.

“Hannah, this is my brother-in-law, Mack Jones. Mack, meet Hannah Bradley.”

Hannah took another look at the man. “Mack Jones? Not the Police Chief?” She found herself standing.

Mack nodded. “I'm in my weekend clothes. Stuart explained your little problem and I think I can help.”

“Help? Really? How?”

Stuart put his finger to his lips. “All will be revealed.”

“Stuart, you're driving me crazy!” Hannah snapped.

Eva appeared at the hall door. “Hannah! Don't talk to Stuart that way.”

“Eva, my darling!” said Stuart. “It doesn't bother me one bit. Have you gotten rid of all unwanted hair?”

“Stuart! What's gotten into you? And who is this?”

“Eva, it's time you got to know my family. I'd like you to meet my brother-in-law, Mack Jones. Mack, this is Eva Simms. You might remember her. She's Hannah's sister.”

Mack smiled warmly and put out his hand for Eva to shake. “I certainly do. It's been a while, but you look exactly the same.”

“Thank you, and I'm pleased to meet you,” said Eva, returning his smile. “Again.”

“I asked Mack to come this morning. To meet you, of course, but he may be able to help.”

“Help? How?” asked Eva.

Hannah and Stuart said in unison, “All will be revealed.”

Eva gave them a perplexed look, lifted her eyebrows, then turned to get some coffee.

Paul Daniels entered the kitchen and went right to the coffee pot. He'd driven to Guelph for the DNA results, and then checked on the situation at the barn. “Hi, Stuart, hello Mack,” he said as he passed by.

“Hi, Paul. How's it going?”

“Fine, with the help of a cup of fresh coffee. What brings you to Saddle Creek this fine Sunday morning, Mack?”

“My brother-in-law,” Mack answered.

Paul poured his coffee, then slowly turned to face Mack and Stuart. “Good idea, Stuart. Why didn't I think of it?”

“Think of what?” asked Eva.

“What are you going to do?” Paul asked Mack.

“All will be revealed,” chimed Eva, Hannah, and Stuart. They burst out laughing. Now it was Paul who looked confused.

“Don't worry, Paul. We're all in the dark except Stuart and Mack.” Hannah gave him a reassuring smile.

“Where's Bird?” asked Eva.

Paul answered, “In the barn. She's asleep beside Sunny. Don't wake her, she's been up most of the night.”

“Poor girl,” said Mack. “This must be very tough on her.”

The rumbling sound of a big diesel engine interrupted their conversation. They all knew what it meant.

“It's here.” Stuart was the one who said it aloud.

Up the driveway rolled the biggest equine transport truck that any of them had seen. It was pure white, with enormous red and white Canadian flags emblazoned on the sides. The jolly driver waved as he hauled it past the house toward the barn.

“Where is he going to turn it around?” Hannah murmured aloud.

Eva gasped, “It's bigger than a moving truck!”

“It's a recreational vehicle for horses,” said Stuart. “A barn on wheels!”

“How many horses does it carry?” wondered Paul.

Hannah answered, “Enough to clean out my barn.”

“Let's go,” said Mack, opening the kitchen door. He held it for Hannah and Eva.

Out they went to face whatever must be faced. Only Stuart seemed confident. “Good morning!” he called to the driver.

“Good morning!” the driver answered with enthusiasm. “Great day for a drive. The weather's perfect from here to Utah. Little weather there, but the system might have moved by the time we pass through. Nothing we can't handle with a truck this size. I'm Andy, by the way.”

Paul introduced himself and everyone else, then said, “We have to wait for the owners, Andy. They've got the travelling papers.”

“Good, good.”

“Can I get you a coffee?” asked Hannah.

“No, no. I'm in good shape, thanks.”

A black Cadillac stopped beside the transport. Out stepped Elvin and Kenneth. Both men looked stern and businesslike. Kenneth, dressed formally in a suit and tie, handed a brown manilla envelope to Andy.

“Papers are in order. Stamped this morning by my vet. Let's get Sundancer aboard.” Kenneth sniffed impatiently.

Andy smiled broadly. “Sure, sure. I'm ready when you are.”

Elvin turned to Hannah. “Did you sign over Sundancer's passport?”

“I've got it in the tack room. I'll get it now.”

Stuart Gilmore smiled at Kenneth as Hannah made her way to the barn. “Mr. Bradley, I'd like you to meet my brother-in-law, Mack Jones. Mack, this is Mr. Kenneth Bradley.”

Kenneth's face dropped. “Mack! I didn't see you.” He immediately became very charming. “It's been a long time, and I've never seen you in civilian clothes.”

“No problem, Kenneth.” Mack turned to Elvin. “Elvin Wainright, is it? Remember me? It's been a while since I've seen you, as well. Things good?”

Elvin's eyes darted from face to face. “Nobody said anything about bringing in the police.”

“Oh, don't worry. This has nothing to do with your assaulting Bird last night.” Stuart consoled him. “He's my brother-in-law. I invited him over to meet Eva and have a cup of coffee.”

Elvin was about to say something but thought better of it and clamped his mouth shut. Wet patches appeared on his blue cotton shirt.

In the barn, Hannah got Sunny's passport from her tack room and went over to his stall. She looked over the door. Bird was curled up in a ball in the far corner of the stall, asleep in a nest of hay. Sunny stood right beside her, between Bird and the door. Exactly like mares do with their newborn foals, to protect them from the world. He lifted his head and looked at Hannah squarely.

Bird's eyes opened. “Hannah,” she said clearly.

“Bird, you're awake. They've come.”

“I kn … ow.” Bird stretched and yawned. “I heard the truck. It sou … nds huge.” She rose to her feet and brushed herself off. She put her arms around Sunny's neck and stood quietly with him.

I don't want you to go.

I'll escape, Bird girl. I'll run back.

California is a long, long way away.

Your mother came here from there. I can, too.

She flew in an airplane.

Like a bird?

Yes, Sunny. Like a big bird.

Like you, Bird girl. You can fly.

No, Sunny.

Yes, you can. I heard you talk right now to Hannah. If you can talk to humans, you can fly. Nobody can stop you now.

Bird's heart swelled with love for this animal. His confidence in her was overwhelming.

I feel empty inside that I must leave. Hollow.

You must behave there, Sunny, or they will hurt you to try and fix you.

I know. Come down and take me back home. Soon — I can't behave for long.

I'll save all my money. I'll buy you back and bring you home.

I know you will, Bird girl.

Hannah stood beside the stall. Her niece's cheeks were wet with tears. The gelding's head was cradled in her arms and his ears flopped forward.

If her father could see this — really see it and understand it — Hannah thought, then he would never send Sundancer away. Not for any amount of money. Hannah knew, however, from a lifetime of experience, that Kenneth's heart was two sizes too small. Like the Grinch who stole Christmas.

She shook her head sadly and left Sunny and Bird alone. Outside again, Hannah heard Mack Jones ask, “Kenneth, which horse are you selling?”

“Oh, a real trouble-maker. We've had problems with him since the day he was born.”

“Really? Well then, it's good to get rid of him. What's his name?”

“Ah, well.” Kenneth shot a glance at Elvin. “Sundancer. Bird's done well with him. Won the Grand Classic Event yesterday.”

“Wow. Big time.” Mack nodded.

“At the Haverford Fair.” Kenneth nodded, too.

“What's Sundancer's parentage? Is he one of yours?”

“Yes. California Dreamin' out of Princess Narnia.”

“Well bred. Interesting that he's going to California. He's not just California Dreamin'.”

Everybody laughed at Mack's joke, nobody louder than Kenneth. “You had another horse of that breeding, didn't you.” Mack stated this rather than asked. “By the name of Prince Redwood.” Kenneth nodded. He gave Elvin a warning look as he clenched and unclenched his fists.

Mack continued. “I checked into it. I spoke directly to Henry Irving. Irving Insurance paid out a quarter of a million when he was destroyed last month. Lot of dough.”

Paul and Hannah exchanged astonished glances. This was news to them. Hannah's stomach knotted up. Stuart smiled happily.

Again Kenneth nodded. “Where is this going, Mack?” he asked, as jovially as he could. “Irving insures a lot of horses. Some worth far more than that.”

“He was telling me,” Mack scratched his head and took his time. “He was telling me that they never requested an independent veterinarian's evaluation. Never even examined the body. Odd.”

“That's Irving's problem,” snapped Kenneth, then quickly regained his composure. “The body was taken by the dead stock removers and incinerated. All authorized by Irving. If you want an inquest, it's too late.”

Mack's eyebrows lifted. “Not really. I've come to check Sundancer's papers. Before he's out of our jurisdiction.”

“This is highly irregular.” Kenneth brushed the sweat from his forehead. “I don't need to comply.”

“If everything is proper you should have no problem.”

Kenneth considered his options. “Go ahead, look at the papers. They're in order. I don't know what you expect to find.”

The driver handed the manilla envelope to Mack. Mack opened it and removed the travelling papers signed and stamped by a veterinarian, which described the horse and his markings, and included proof of a Coggins test and inoculations. This was all in order. In a different envelope were the registration papers.

Mack read aloud. “Sundancer, male, date of birth May 29th, 1998. Sire, California Dreamin'; Dam, Princess Narnia.”

“There. You see?” said Kenneth brusquely.

Mack pulled another document from his pocket. “I just happen to have the death certificate for Prince Redwood in my pocket. Let me see. Date of birth May 29th, 1998. Two horses born on the same day, with the same dam?”

“Simple. She had twins. Now let's get the horse out of the barn and get him on the road. It's a long drive.”

Mack smiled humourlessly. “There's no need to rush anything. I have a few questions. The registration document for Sundancer is dated last week.” He held up the breeding papers. “Now, why would that be? Unless you had the name changed from Prince Redwood to Sundancer?”

“We lost the original, and had it reissued.”

“Of course. Happens all the time.”

“Yes, it does!” Kenneth had no patience left. “I've had enough of this. If you have a reason to detain Sundancer, get a warrant. I'll call my lawyer.” He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out his cellphone.

It was time. “Perhaps that would be a good idea,” said Paul Daniels. “Because Sundancer's DNA matches Prince Redwood's. He's not a twin, he's the same horse. Dr. Samuels was the attending vet, and he confirmed last night that it was a normal, single birth.”

“You might find this interesting, too.” Paul continued to speak, casually brushing some dust off his sleeve. “This horse's DNA is not a match with the declared sire's. Prince Redwood — or Sundancer, if you wish — was not sired by California Dreamin'.”

Kenneth Bradley was dumbfounded. “That's not possible. Not possible.” He turned to Elvin. “How is this possible?”

Elvin blushed a crimson red.

“'There is no way that California Dreamin' could be Sundancer's sire.” Paul produced his DNA report and handed it to Mack Jones.

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