Sunset Ridge (14 page)

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Authors: Carol Lynne

Tags: #Contemporary, #MM, #Gay, #Cowboys

BOOK: Sunset Ridge
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Ram reached over and shook Gray awake. “We’ll be down shortly,” he told Jesse.

“Take your time. She just started and Ben’s still here.”

Ram hung up the phone and pressed himself against Gray’s back. “He’s a Champion’s
getting ready to be a daddy. You gonna wake up for it or should I go down without you?”

Gray squirmed around, rubbing his naked ass against Ram’s cock. “I don’t know. I’m kinda enjoying myself at the moment.”

The feel of Gray’s sweet ass had Ram’s cock reacting predictably. Ram reached for the bottle of lube they’d used only hours earlier. “Quickie?”

Gray rolled over to face Ram. “It’s a big day. How about we don’t put a time limit on it.”

Ram coated his cock with lube before sealing his mouth over Gray’s. As their tongues battled for dominance, Ram sought Gray’s hole. Slowly pushing inside, he tore his mouth away from Gray’s. “I love you.”

Gray didn’t need to repeat the words back to Ram. Gray had said them over and over a few hours earlier as they had taken turns fucking each other. “Promise you’ll stay no matter what happens with the foals?” Gray pleaded.

“I’m not going anywhere. I’ve searched for you my entire adult life. I’m just happy I found a man who feels comfortable on the back of a horse.”

With Ram’s cock up his ass, Gray pushed until Ram fell backwards, putting Gray on top. Gray began a slow ride up and down on Ram’s dick. “I love to ride with you.”

Ram chuckled and reached for Gray’s cock. “Enough talk. We’ve got a foal to help bring into this world.”

Gray seemed to take the words as a challenge. He planted his feet on the mattress and rode Ram in jockey position.

“Ahhh fuck that feels good,” Ram moaned. He was the first to explode, shooting his cum deep inside Gray. The second the last spurt of seed left his cock, Ram pulled Gray off and threw him on the bed. He wrapped his lips around Gray’s cock and sucked.

Although Ram enjoyed being fucked now and then, he much preferred to feel the warmth of Gray’s cum sliding down his throat. It didn’t take long for Gray to reward Ram with his prize. Ram let Gray’s seed coat his tongue before swallowing.

When he’d milked Gray’s balls dry, Ram released Gray’s cock and crawled up the bed for a deep kiss. Each thrust of Gray’s tongue threatened to bring Ram’s erection back to life. Shit, Ram doubted he’d ever tire of the man in his arms.

Gray was the first to break the kiss. “We’re going to have to shower before we go to the stable.”

“Then what’re you doing lying around in bed?” Ram asked around a laugh. He slapped Gray playfully on the ass.

After a quick shower, they dressed and headed out of the bedroom. “I’ll make a big carafe of coffee and bring it down,” Gray offered.

“No need. I already have a coffee station set up in the stable. I figured we’d be spending more than a few nights watching tiny miracles come into the world.”

After grabbing their hats and jackets, Ram led the way out of the front door. As they passed the garage, Ram bumped Gray with his hip. “We never did get around to working on the Cobra.”

“We’ve got plenty of time. I’m sure in twenty or thirty years we won’t feel the need to spend every spare moment in bed,” Gray said.

“Bite your tongue. I plan to enjoy being in bed with you well into my nineties.”

“Wow, pretty optimistic.”

“Always.” Ram reached for Gray’s hand. “As a matter of fact, you might consider giving that car to Jesse because I seriously doubt we’ll ever find the time to do anything with it.”

“I think Jesse’s hands are pretty full right now between his work here, riding along to jobs with Ben and keeping that blasted smile on Ben’s face.”

“Yeah, you might be right,” Ram agreed.

“Of course I’m right. I’m the boss.”

“Watch it,” Ram growled as they entered the stable.


Despite the success of their breeding programme over the last four and a half years, Gray was most proud of the family he and Ram had worked hard to build. As he stood on the front porch, Gray watched Jesse work with another teenager who Ram had agreed to hire.

For one reason or another, the Sunset Ridge had become known to other teachers and principals in the county for their success and willingness to help troubled youth. They currently had two boys and a girl working part-time at the ranch, and Ram seemed to love every minute of taking the kids under his wing.

He stepped off the porch and made his way to their newest building where Ram was teaching one of the teenagers how to weld. Nearing the small machine shop, Gray took his sunglasses out of his pocket and put them on.

Ram was going over the newly assembled steel gate, pointing out the areas that needed to be fixed. “Overall I’m impressed,” Ram told the girl.

“He working you too hard?” Gray asked Casey.

Casey turned towards Gray and smiled. “No, not too hard. He’s a perfectionist though.”

Gray nodded his approval. “Do it right the first time.”

Casey looked at Ram. “Do the two of you share a brain?”

“I’m beginning to wonder,” Ram said around a chuckle. “Did you need to talk to me?” he asked Gray.

“If you have time,” Gray answered.

Ram pointed towards the disc sander. “Grab a pair of goggles and sand down those highpoints,” he instructed Casey.

“Sure thing.”

Ram walked across the shop to join Gray. “What’s up?”

“Colson just called. Sir Winsalot won his first race. He said the other owners are going crazy, crying foul.”

Ram took off the red bandana he’d had wrapped around his head. “They claim he cheated?”

“Yeah, by buying up the foals sired by He’s a Champion. Andrew wants to cut a deal with us that we won’t sell He’s a Champion’s sperm to any other breeder.”

“What’s he offering?” Ram asked.

“Enough. Although I told him I’d need Dream Maker as soon as he retires to clinch the deal.”

“Did he agree?”

“Of course he did as long as we sell to him exclusively.” When word first spread around the Thoroughbred community of Gray’s involvement with Ram, they’d had several buyers back out. Luckily for them, Andrew Carlson only cared about the horses. He’d told Gray he didn’t care if Gray dressed in short skirts and high heels as long as Sunset Ridge was able to produce top notch Thoroughbreds.

“Now all we have to do is make sure He’s a Champion stays healthy and keeps producing.”

Gray led Ram behind a welding screen. Once they were out of Casey’s line of sight, he pulled Ram into his arms. “This is a good thing. Don’t worry so much.”

Ram kissed Gray’s forehead. “My life is so perfect right now that I’m always worried the bottom will drop out.”

“Weren’t you the one who told me you’d work at the grocery store if it meant we could be together?”

“Yeah, that was me. But I really, really don’t want to bag groceries.”

Gray kissed Ram. It still amazed him how perfectly suited they were for each other. “Fine. If it comes to that, I’ll bag the groceries and you can run the register.”

“I love how you take care of me,” Ram said, giving Gray another kiss. “I’d better get back to Casey before she sands the pipe in two.”

“Don’t forget to work on the schedule for this weekend. We need to be out of here by nine on Friday morning.”

“I won’t forget. I’m just as excited as you are to watch Raleigh walk across that stage.”

“Ram? It’s all cleaned up. Should I fix my mistakes now?” Casey asked.

“Not without supervision. I’ll be there in a second,” Ram returned.

“I’ll let you go. I just wanted to tell you the good news about Sir Winsalot.” Gray started towards the door.

“Hey, Gray,” Ram called after him.

Gray stopped and turned around.

“I’ll bag the groceries,” Ram told Gray.

Gray nodded. “I know.”

* * * *

Ram wiped the tears of laughter from his eyes as he watched Jesse, Ben, Gray and Raleigh’s boyfriend play football. “You know Gray’s gonna break something, don’t ya?”

“At least Michael can set the bone,” Raleigh returned.

Ram elbowed Raleigh playfully in the ribs. “You done good, kid.”

With love in her eyes, Raleigh leaned against Ram. “Can I tell you a secret?”


“Michael’s going to ask Uncle Gray for my hand tonight after graduation.”

“I figured it was about time since the two of you’ve been living together for the last year.”

Raleigh gasped. “How did you know?”

“Gray told me.”

“Oh my God.” Raleigh buried her face in her hands. “How did he find out?”

“Gray watches the bank accounts like a hawk. He knew as soon as you stopped paying rent at that apartment house you were living in.”

“So why didn’t he say anything? Is he mad?” Raleigh asked.

“I think it bothered him that you didn’t tell him, but he understands that your life is your own to live. Doesn’t hurt that he genuinely likes your doctor. Of course I think he might like Michael even more if he got on at a hospital in Little Rock.”

Raleigh squeezed Ram’s hand. “Maybe someday once I start popping out babies.”

Ram tried to picture Gray with a baby. “Gray’ll spoil the kids rotten.”

“Yeah, but you’ll be there to set them straight again.” Raleigh kissed Ram’s cheek. “I’ll always love you for that.”

“And I love being proved right.”

“Hey, are you guys gonna cheer for us or not?” Gray yelled.

“Nope. Never did enjoy wearing a skirt,” Ram hollered back.

* * * *

Gray couldn’t have been prouder as he watched Raleigh cross the stage to accept her diploma. She stood in a long line with the others but Gray only had eyes for his girl. “She’s going to be a great social worker.”

“Yep,” Ram agreed.

Gray took his eyes away from Raleigh long enough to glance at Ram. “That’s it? Yep?”

Ram’s attention was drawn to someone in the crowd. Gray tried to figure out who had captured Ram’s interest so intensely.

“Oh, shit,” Gray said, spotting Rebecca. He didn’t say it, but the sight of his sister caused him nothing but pain. Was it wrong to feel betrayed by his niece? Gray was so caught up in his thoughts he missed the end of the graduation ceremony.

“Come on. Let’s go congratulate your girl,” Ram said, pulling Gray to his feet.

“She’s not mine. She’s Rebecca’s. Seeing her here has served to remind me of that.”

“Bullshit.” Ram led Gray to an area away from the departing crowd. “You can’t lay this on Raleigh. Sure she invited her mother, but that doesn’t mean she’s forgiven her. If I know anything about Raleigh it’s that her big grey eyes are wide open where Rebecca is concerned. What the hell do you think prompted her to pursue a degree in social work? She knows not every kid has an uncle like the one she has.”

Although Gray and Ram had a mutual rule of no public displays of affection, he couldn’t help leaning against the man he loved. “What would I do without you?”

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