Sup with the Devil (36 page)

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Authors: Barbara Hamilton

BOOK: Sup with the Devil
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“He slept soundly—sleeps still. Katy’s up there now with him.”
“I want to thank you,” said Abigail, holding out her hand to her friend. “More than I can say.”
The silversmith shook his head. “All’s well that ends well. I could have murdered Sam—”
“Yes,” said Abigail. “Sam. All’s well that ends well, as you say . . . But if you would, Mr. Revere, when you’re done with breakfast, would you be good enough to go to the Indian’s Head and tell Sam I want the thinnest of the quarto volumes—the handwritten one with the red cover that contains the astronomy tables and the chemical experiments and the accounts of what flowers bloomed when. Katy and I will be going on to Concord—”
“Nab, I can’t leave Boston now!” cried John. “The King’s ship—”
“I didn’t ask you to come with me. I know what you need to do in Boston—and you, too, Mr. Revere. All’s well that ends well—but the matter isn’t ended. Horace and Weyountah will come with us to have a few words with Reuel Seckar about who it was who handed her vile brother that poisoned frumenty. Is Diomede still in the vicinity, by the way? Or has he been smuggled clear out of Massachusetts?”
“He’s at a place called Phips’s Farm,” said John, his brow furrowed with uneasiness at her words. “Travers—the man who actually carried out the jail deliverance—tried to talk him into flight to New York or Philadelphia, but Diomede says, he will not leave this area until one or another of us has spoken with his master, when he arrives, that Diomede may learn in how much peril he actually stands. He is loathe to utterly separate himself from all chance of seeing his wife and children again—”
“Oh, the foolish, foolish man,” said Abigail sarcastically, and dabbed butter on her bread. “Loathe to brand himself utterly a murderer by breaking jail and fleeing? Now who ever would have supposed a man could be so silly?”
“A man would consider the course a good deal less silly when he has a noose about his neck,” returned John. “There are men in Concord who have said they will take him in and claim him as a servant of theirs—”
“Can he be sent for here?” Abigail glanced at the slowgraying darkness of the window. “To be honest, I could do with another outrider—”
“You could do with half a dozen,” said John bluntly. “Sam has half a score of men at call who can bear you escort—”
“The men Sam would give me as escort,” retorted Abigail, “if the local Sons of Liberty bear any resemblance to those of Boston, would be as dangerous to Katy and myself as Messrs Grimes, Hicks, and the Cornishman. At least they would who haven’t any business in their lives more pressing than hunting pirate treasure, rather than starting to cut their hay or make silver teapots or organize the defense of our liberties or pursue their livings like honest men. Do you think,” she added, when John opened his mouth to protest, “that ruffians like Bruck Travers and smugglers like Ezra Logan whom Sam gets to fetch and carry for him would stick at carrying off treasure if they could? Do you think Sam would stick at it if I spoke of doing a thing with the gold—if there
gold—besides handing it over at once to the Sons of Liberty?
“I trust Horace, John,” she went on more gently. “I trust Weyountah. And I must do this now, soon—ere the King’s ship lands and the Governor acquires more strength, as you know he’ll do, whatever else the King’s Commission decides. And if it isn’t the Governor, but only Black Dog Pugh, do you think
strength will be less if the Crown’s is greater?”
“You sound as if, having found the true culprit in Fairfield’s murder, you intend to go on from Concord to seek this mythical treasure.”
“I do, John,” said Abigail. “I must. Whoever is behind the attempt to kidnap Charley—whether ’tis the Governor or Pugh or someone else we’ve no notion of—do you think his failure will make him shrug his shoulders and give the matter up? If this treasure is not accounted for and
to be accounted for, one way or the other, these men will try again, to force me or Horace or someone else close to us to aid in its discovery. We might not be so lucky next time. Next time you or Sam or any of our friends may be in jail or in hiding, and unable to lend a hand. It must be done now.”
And she knew that—whatever her mother might say of it—this was true.
“Where do you mean to look? Sam has been through the court records, and this Mr. Ryland of yours”—she had told him of her conversation with the young Loyalist—“has seen everything the Governor has in his private collection, and both agree Whitehead had no property in the backcountry.”
“If he was living in an Indian village, he wouldn’t have,” replied Abigail. “And if land were registered in his name, after King Philip’s War I’m very certain some good Protestant congregation made sure that the records were changed, and serve him right for living with the Infidel. I shall see what Katy and Weyountah—and old Beelzebub himself—can tell us of the matter. Charley!” she added, springing to her feet as Katy came down the stair with the boy’s hand in hers.
“You’ve had an adventure, son,” said John, moving over on the bench to make room for the child. “Will you have coffee with us?” Which meant a great deal of milk and the tiniest bit of the bitter black fluid to darken it. “So tell me, lad, did they starve you and keep you in chains?”
Thus encouraged by the lightness in his father’s attitude, Charley poured forth his account of his captivity from the moment that Mr. Scar-Eye had scooped him up in the alley that led from the yard to Queen Street (only Abigail suspected that her son had actually gone out to the street). Other than being tied up and locked in an attic somewhere near the waterfront, it didn’t sound as if Charley had been mistreated, and Abigail marveled a little at John’s handling of what was, essentially, an interrogation:
Where were you taken? What did they do? Could you recognize the place again?
By treating it as an adventure—when Abigail knew, from the redness of John’s ears, that his rage was no less than her own at the men who had kidnapped his son—he drew the fear from the event and disabled nightmares to come. “I knew you’d save me,” Charley said again, hugging his father’s arm and pressing his face to his coat-sleeve.
All’s well that ends well.
Yet aside from the fact that the deaths of the scar-faced Dubber Grimes and his associate prevented learning who had paid them, Abigail felt no pity for them and tried not to be glad that they were dead. She was burningly conscious that “all” had come very close to
“ending well.”
“Do you think you—and Weyountah—will be able to figure out at least where Old Beelzebub’s fortress might have lain from the notes in his commonplace-book?” she asked Katy quietly, when Revere returned to the inn with the volume.
“If someone can read it to me.” The girl turned the pages as—at the other end of the table—Charley negotiated for a ride back to Boston on the crupper of Revere’s mare instead of at his father’s side in Mr. Revere’s dull old chaise. “Lord if I ever saw handwriting to beat this! It seems like the old man took careful note of where he found things and what the woods looked like and whether the dirt was clay or—is that word supposed to be
? That bog he speaks of where he’d gather his cranberries—that sounds like the one over beyond Medway—I don’t know another where you’d get twelve gallons of berries in a day in mid-September. But over here he speaks of walking out to gather witch hazel, which grows on higher ground, and it doesn’t sound as if it’s far. And I do know there’s high ground just north of there.”
Horace and Weyountah arrived shortly after that, driving Sassy in George’s chaise and accompanied by Diomede, who had been mounted—and armed—by the local militia. Two other saddle horses were tethered behind the chaise, from the same source, Abigail assumed, though Sam had had the good sense not to show his face anywhere near her. The prospect of riding back to Boston with Mr. Revere—and of boasting of his adventures to those of his siblings who had not been so fortunate as to be kidnapped by villainous ruffians—had reconciled Charley to his mother not coming back with them. He flung his arms around her neck and kissed her before his father tossed him up onto the back of Revere’s saddle: Abigail smiled a rather crooked smile.
“Take care,” whispered John, and glanced at Diomede as he handed rifles to Weyountah and Horace.
“We should be back tomorrow near sundown,” said Abigail. “With at least some idea of where this treasure lies . . . if anywhere.”
“And if the King’s vengeance comes to Boston whilst you are gone?”
“Get the children to Isaac and Eliza’s,” she said. “And I shall meet you in Concord.”
She kissed him then, and he helped her up into the chaise— and gave a good-natured boost to get Horace onto the obese and mild-mannered nag that one of the local Sons had lent to the expedition. Weyountah, with a rifle on his back and another scabbarded beside his saddle, was very different from the scholarly chemist Abigail had met only a few weeks before: quiet and grim and watchful as he prepared to return to the world on which he’d turned his back. Horace, in his ill-fitting black coat and hand-me-down boots, looked considerably less heroic—he’d coated his face with an aromatic compound designed to keep mosquitoes and gnats at bay.
But when he nudged his borrowed horse over to the other side of the chaise, to exchange words with Katy, Abigail saw suddenly in her nephew’s eyes the way he looked at the girl . . .
And there are heroes and heroes
, she thought.
And one doesn’t have to wear a crimson coat or join the Sons of Liberty to be one. Only have a willing heart.
And for herself, like the heroines of ancient Rome she’d read about in Livy and Tacitus, it was up to her to defend her family as well as she might while her husband dealt with the greater threat to the State. She did not, however, feel tremendously Roman as she touched Sassy’s flank with the end of the whip, and the innyard fell behind them as they set off into the morning’s brightness.
hey passed over the bridge at the village of Lexington midmorning and a little over an hour later crossed the narrow wooden span over the Concord at the town that shared the river’s name. Like Cambridge, Concord had the peaceful air of well-being so often to be found in New England villages: sturdy houses of brick or clapboard surrounding a Common where cows grazed on the rather shaggy grass; wide house-lots and tidy fences of stone and hedge surrounding the fields of the nearby farms. The farmer to whom Diomede had been sent for concealment—a colonel in the local patriot militia—directed Abigail on to Genesis Seckar’s farm, deep in the woods at the end of a rutted track: “Though if you’re hungry for a little nuncheon, m’am, I’ll get my good wife to bring out some bread and milk for you, for you’ll get nothing from him, not if you was starving.”

If a son shall ask for bread of you, shall you give him a stone
?” Abigail quoted the Gospel, and Colonel Barrett made a mouth of mock dismay.
“Now, m’am, that’s doing the man injustice! He’d never part with a stone that could be put to work in a fence!”
“If it’s all the same with you, m’am, sir,” said Diomede, with a little half bow and a glance at Barrett, “and not wishing to treat your house as an inn—but I should feel a bit better to go on with Mrs. Adams here, and Mrs. Fairfield, to their destination to make sure all goes well. I’ll keep well out of sight if any tries to stay us, and won’t come next or nigh your place, if I think any would be after me—”
“Oh, Lord, man, don’t worry over that!” The colonel laughed. “Every man in the militia’s heard you’ll be staying here—on the run from the Tories, I think Mr. Adams said? Bad cess to ’em! And those who aren’t in the militia can come speak to me if they’ve a problem with it.” He grinned. “And there’s enough of us here in the town that there won’t be a problem. Come and go as you please, man.” He slapped Diomede’s arm. “And stay as long as you wish! And if you’re any hand with a musket, you’ll find you’ll be welcome in my company.”
“Er—thank you, sir.” The valet looked slightly disconcerted at the idea of joining the patriot militia so soon after riding in his master’s company with the Loyal Volunteers, but—wisely, Abigail thought—held his peace.
“Tell me truthfully,” said Abigail, once they were on the road again toward the Seckar farm. “You’re the only man, among all those who’re saying what you ought to do, who actually knows old Mr. Charles Fairfield: what are the chances that he’ll listen to testimony that says your master was murdered by someone else? When I’ve spoken with Mistress Seckar, I hope to be able to put a name on the true killer—but will Mr. Fairfield listen? Out of all of this, what would
“What I’d
, of course,” replied the slave slowly, “is for Mr. Charles to be so struck by your proofs that he’ll take me home to where I can be with my Maggie again, and our girls . . . But to tell you the truth, Mrs. Adams, even if he said he agreed, I’d be afraid to go. Because once we’d get home, sure as grass grows in the spring, there’d be some among his friends who’d start in saying how I’d actually done it—and them not knowing a thing about it, only that they’ve been afraid all their lives that they’d die at the hands of one of their own slaves. And then I
flee. Yet I know if I just run off, when he gets back to Albemarle County, Mr. Charles will sell my Maggie and our girls, and I’d never find them, not if I searched a hundred years.”
“He won’t,” said Katy firmly. “Because when he gets here, I’m going to start proceedings—that is,” she added, “if Mr. Adams is agreeable—to be recognized as George’s wife with interest in you and Maggie and your daughters . . . And he can’t very well sell them if there’s a lawsuit going on.”
Diomede grinned, a little wanly. “That’s kind of you, m’am,” he said. “And a good thought, for no man wants to buy a slave that might get him brought to law. Yet I think, to stand a chance of winning that suit, you’re going to need all the pirate treasure we can find and more.”

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