Surreal (Divine Trilogy #3) (30 page)

BOOK: Surreal (Divine Trilogy #3)
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Jayden’s instructions from the courier when they arrived the next afternoon had included a plane ticket. Jillian came up to look after Matthew for the weekend so Erin could fly to Vancouver to spend their two-year collaring anniversary at the Wickaninnish Inn. According to the brochure, the inn was a hotel on the ocean that boasted amazing storm watching opportunities since the sea came right up to the picture windows. The place sounded amazing, and she couldn’t wait to get there. What was a week? Nothing.


It wasn’t until Erin turned the shower off that she noticed the change from when she’d arrived an hour before. That amazing roar of the waves outside their room remained. However, now the symphony had grown—the distinct rumble of thunder chased the crashing water. The sound was hypnotic, and a tired grin tugged at her mouth.

Erin toweled off and worked a comb through her fiery tresses. After switching off the bathroom light, she stepped into their suite, hoping she’d be able to sleep. Jayden was due to join her in the morning, and after not having seen him for weeks, her excitement levels were through the roof. Her appointment with Holly had gone well, though she’d had some mild cramping in the days following the procedure. At least she felt as good as could be expected now, given the circumstances.

Crawling naked into bed, Dr. Ellison’s words flitted through her mind.
“Please have a seat, Erin. We’ll get to your exam and stitches momentarily. First, I’ve got the results of your lab work here. We need to talk.”

Despite her excitement, the surrounding ambiance soon lulled her into a fitful slumber. She didn’t resist, happy to escape some of the hours before she could see and touch her man again.


While Jayden didn’t like to flaunt his wealth, there were times when he appreciated being able to pull a few strings simply because of what he had accomplished with his life. Erin wasn’t expecting him for another ten hours, but he’d wrapped things up and had managed to catch an earlier flight out of China. Arriving at the Inn in the pre-dawn hours, he’d collected a room key. Now he found himself standing just outside the door, debating over whether he should enter and wake her up, or go elsewhere until he was
to show up.

With a shake of his head, he slid the card into the lock. Two years ago, he never would’ve hesitated. Beyond that door was what he would’ve considered his property, to be fucked and used to his satisfaction, then cared for and returned to her pretty box until he needed her again. Now, though . . . Jayden was adamant in his belief that even if he and Erin were never capable of being physically intimate again, he would still live out the rest of his life as the happiest man on the planet.

The moment the door swung open with a soft
, he could smell her. The fruity scent of her bath products lingered in the air, and he knew he’d find her clean and fresh in the luxurious bed. Jayden slipped into the room, his heart catching in his throat when he spotted her on the bed. The fluffy white bedding might’ve hidden her if it hadn’t been for the halo of scarlet around her head. How he wanted to close the distance and scoop Erin up in his arms, but instead he pivoted and crossed to the bathroom after setting his bag down.

Jayden refused to touch her with half a day’s travel grime on him. Peeling out of his clothes, he hopped into the shower for a quick rinse. He gave himself a brisk toweling off, then he stepped back into the main suite, his erection pointing the way. The man had been away from his lover too long, and now had every intention of ravaging her. He would be lying if he denied wanting to take her hard over the nearest flat surface. They could slow down and be gentle with each other afterward. First, there were carnal desires that needed to be worked out of their systems.

“Hi, baby.”

Her sleep-tinged whisper pulled him up short, his head snapping up even as a smile burst forth, hurting his cheeks. There she was, his jewel, beautiful and radiant when she rose to a sitting position and the sheet slinked down, baring her torso. Frozen in his spot, Jayden took her in, soaked in the rosy creaminess of her skin while letting his eyes rake over her frame. His brow furrowed in confusion when he noticed extra fullness in her breasts. Then he looked closer, thinking back to their Skype session and remembering how he’d thought she had looked rounder then. He had written it off as a distortion of the camera. Seeing her now, in the flesh, he could still see the . . . extra. Jayden sighed in resignation.

Indecision warred in his mind. He could let it go, or he could start their reunion with a punishment. It was now apparent to him that, yet again, she had not been eating properly, except this time instead of not eating enough, it would appear she had taken the lazy route and grazed on easy-to-grab prepared foods. She likely had slacked off on her exercise routine, too. With her slight stature, it didn’t take much for a change in her weight to show.

With purpose, the Dom took control and strode across the room, stopping when he reached the foot of the bed. Erin had begun to crawl toward him before he’d moved, but now she held perfectly still, like she sensed his displeasure. That didn’t surprise him. Being the excellent submissive that she was, Catherine was adept at reading his emotions.

Could he let her infractions slide this time?
No, he couldn’t. They’d worked too hard in the last three years to get where they were. He could be ‘just’ Jayden later, able to tell her that she was beautiful to him no matter what. However, as her Master, Jayden had to correct her for the unhealthy eating. Her well-being had to be his top priority, even if it crushed her feelings.

“Get out of the bed, Catherine.” The order was harsh. He didn’t want to start this way, dammit.

Catherine kept her eyes down while she stood up, but he could tell she was chewing her lip, nervous. Without the protection of the bedding, her new curves were even more apparent while she stood there.

. Best to just get this over and behind them. The painful tightness of his hard-on was gone when he stepped closer to her. “Would you care to explain your negligence, Catherine? Did you completely disregard my rules for proper eating in my absence? Have you allowed yourself to plump up so much you can’t even fit in your clothes?” Waving his hand at her naked body, he barked the words at her, rude and hateful, and at once felt sick.

Jayden braced his resolve, expecting to hear her whimper or sniffle, or even beg his forgiveness. He was not prepared for her to start giggling.
She fucking giggled

What the hell?
Had she been hitting the mini-bottles while she waited for him to get there?
Anger started to replace the guilt that clenched his heart at having to be so harsh upon their reuniting.

With a confident boldness that quite frankly made his cock hard again, she raised her eyes to his. Jayden was taken aback by the elation he saw in them, liquid emeralds sparkling with amusement.


“Aye?” Her gaze now roamed his torso, searing his skin where it landed.

Where the hell was her submission? Why was she toying with him like this?

Confusion kept Jayden fixed to his spot when her hand came up to his face. Soft fingers brushed the hair from his forehead before trailing down his cheek, over his chin, and then down his chest. Jayden’s skin was hot where she’d touched it, and he didn’t stop her when she gripped his cock. He didn’t want to stop her. He gasped at the feel of her tiny fingers closing around it.

She dropped to her knees and began stroking him, taking all control away from Jayden while he thickened and lengthened in her hand. Some part of his brain was telling him to put a stop to this immediately, but then her mouth closed over the head of his cock and he didn’t care anymore. He wrapped his hand in her silken tresses and guided his cock into her mouth.

Erin swallowed around the head when it bumped the back of her throat. No more was said for the next several minutes while he took his time pumping in and out of her mouth. Seeing her on her knees with her lips around his length while her tits bounced as she bobbed up and down on him was all it took.

“Going to…” was all he got out before Erin took him all the way down again, burying her nose in his pubes, and began swallowing while he emptied down her throat. She pulled off, licking and cleaning him the whole way. Jayden collapsed to his knees in front of her.

“I’ve missed you.” She giggled again.

“Come here, Erin.” Jayden gathered her in his arms and hugged her to his chest. “I’ve missed you, too, sweet girl. Thank you. That was magnificent.” He kissed the top of her head. “Can you answer my question now? I want to get that out of the way so we can just enjoy our vacation.” He pulled away from her, his hands on her shoulders while he looked down at her, serious once more.

Erin’s answering smile was nothing short of glorious. “Well, I haven’t changed anything. I’ve followed my allowed diet and exercise program.”

“Then how? I mean, you look beautiful, Erin. Honest, sweet girl. But if we are going to have any chance of getting you knocked up, you can’t be too careful with your health right now.”

She tapped her finger against her chin seemingly lost in thought. “I guess you could say there might have been an abundance of a certain . . . protein, responsible for the new weight . . .” she trailed off with a sly grin.

His jewel was trying to tell him something, but his travel-weary brain wasn’t catching it and he shook his head. This was the strangest conversation he’d had in a while.

Her eyes darted over his face, willing him to figure out what she was trying to say. At last, she grabbed his hands and placed them on her stomach, then leaned in to share a soft kiss with him. The words she whispered against his lips would forever alter their life—for the better.

“Happy Anniversary, Daddy.”

Jayden blinked several times, his mouth hanging open. Her words played on repeat.
Had he heard that right?

“Daddy?” He choked out. “Erin, are you? Are we . . . shit!”
When had he lost the ability to form a complete sentence?

Erin’s hand cradled his face. “Shh, baby, take a deep breath.” She laughed, and the sound was soft and comforting. “I know it’s shocking, and that we weren’t expecting it this soon. According to Dr. Ellison, I’m about two and half months along right now. A pregnancy screening was part of the routine lab work before we could start the course of treatment she recommended. We found out when I went in last week. It’s been killing me not to say anything, but I really wanted to be able to tell you in person.” She kissed him again, a brush of her lips on his.

“We’re having a baby?” Jayden asked, still trying to wrap his head around it. While he knew they were ready to try, he’d been so sure it would take some time, and that it would be months before they maybe got the news that she’d conceived.

She smiled and nodded. “Looks like that silly Irish rock made a difference after all.”

“We’re having a baby!” Jayden whooped and threw his head back, laughing before picking her up off her feet and twirling her around.

“Whoa, easy there, tiger.” She squealed. “Spinning, rapid movement . . . not good for my nausea.” Her color paled a little.

“Oh, shit . . . I mean shoot. Sorry,
A rúnsearc
,” he stammered and set her back down with care. Wow. They’d been pregnant for nearly three months already, a month of which he’d been gone. No matter what, he would not be missing another minute of this adventure. “How are you feeling? Did we go too far with the scene last week? If I’d known, I never—” Jayden began rambling, panic hitting him over the intensity of their Skype session.

“Jayden, stop.” Her fingers touched his lips to shush him. “I’ve had a little bit of morning sickness this week, but not too bad. Our play last week didn’t hurt anything. Dr. Ellison does want to meet with both of us when we get back so she can go over what we can and can’t do, though. I think we made the right choice choosing a doctor from the club who understands and is aware of our Lifestyle. Oh, and I’ve already had my first craving!” she said happily.

He couldn’t control the grin on his face. “Oh, yeah? What is my baby momma craving?” He waggled his eyebrows at her.

She rolled her eyes and smacked his arm. “Don’t you ever call me that again, Jayden. I am not your baby momma. I’m your wife, and in about six months, will be the mother of your child,” she scolded. “And my craving, Mr. Pervert, has been peanut butter. I can’t seem to get enough of the stuff!”

Lunging for her, Jayden took her back to the bed, tickling her as they went. His heart was soaring at the sound of her laughter and the knowledge that he held not just his wife at that moment, but his child, too.

“Happy Anniversary, sweet girl,” Jayden murmured against her mouth, then captured her lips in a searing kiss. He would make sure they both knew how much he loved them by showering them with attention and pampering them every chance he got.


“Are you sure you guys don’t want to know?” Dr. Ellison asked for the second time while moving the paddle over Erin’s huge belly at their weekly appointment. Seven months had elapsed since their honeymoon. So many changes in such a short amount of time. Matthew was taking his first steps and cutting teeth. Meanwhile, Erin’s body had swollen up like a balloon as it stretched to accommodate her growing angels.

She loved that Holly kept the gel in a warmer. The first couple of times, it’d been so cold the mommy-to-be had been a shivering mess. Catching Jayden’s eye, Erin smiled, and they answered together: “We’re sure.”

He gave Erin’s hand a light squeeze, encouraging her to stay focused on him instead of their babies on the screen by her head. “Matthew would probably appreciate it if at least one of them is a boy, though. Come to think of it, I might, too. Otherwise, we men are going to be outnumbered.”

Erin smacked his arm, and he kissed her in retaliation.

Holly gave a soft laugh while she slid the paddle around, stopping to click and record measurements. She soon finished, and Jayden took up the task of cleaning the goo off Erin’s stomach.

“Well, kids, everything looks good. Great, in fact,” she said, giving Erin a smile. “The babies, while still small, are a respectable size for seven months in. I’d still like to see you get to that thirty-eight week mark, but if you go into labor at this point, I’m sure they’ll be fine. Just to be sure, though, we’re going to hook you up to the monitors for a stress test today. All you need to do, Erin, is relax, close your eyes, and rest for the next twenty minutes,” the doctor instructed and went about wrapping the straps that would hold the sensors in place around Erin. “Comfy, dear?”

She nodded.

“Okay then. Jayden, you had some questions for me? We can go into my office while your wife takes a little nap.” Dr. Ellison patted Erin’s leg, and Jayden leaned down to place the gentlest of kisses upon the patient’s lips. She hummed at her husband’s contact.

“I’ll be in the next room if you need me, sweet girl.” He gave her one more peck for good measure.

She nodded and whispered, “Aye, Master,” and a longing stabbed her when his eyes darkened.
Jesus, she was beyond horny.

They left, and Erin shook her head with a sigh. Jayden had been nothing but kind, loving, and supportive while her pregnancy had progressed—a perfect gentleman. But she missed her Master.
God, how she missed Him.

For the safety of the twins and Erin, Dr. Ellison had advised the couple refrain from all things sexual. Even a small orgasm had the potential to send Erin into early labor in her high risk state, so all activity had ceased once they returned from Vancouver. The last few months had been trying, to say the least.

Erin couldn’t deny it had been difficult—the ultimate test in orgasm control—in particular when Jayden would slip from their bed in the middle of the night to take care of his urges in the bathroom. She understood, though. He was a man.

A very sexual man . . . with needs that she couldn’t tend to right then because of her ‘condition.’

Though the sounds coming from the bathroom had disappointed Erin because she felt it should be her providing Him release, they’d excited her too. The steady rhythmic
, which always ended with a grunt or hiss when Jayden spilled his seed, never failed to leave her flushed and damp between her thighs.

Over the months, she’d offered the service of her mouth every chance she got. A pained look always crossed his face when he would decline, explaining that he knew what servicing Him did to her. He didn’t think it fair to get her to worked up into such a state when they could do nothing about it.

With a mischievous smile, Erin rested back into the mattress. Her spirits were high, knowing that her Master was in the next room trying to get permission for them to play from Dr. Ellison, and dare she think it, the prospect made her pussy wet.


The moment his naughty girl whispered the endearment against his lips, his cock had sprung to life. He knew Catherine wanted to play as much as he did, but her health and the health of their children came first.

Twins. With two babies and Matthew, they were going to have
kids running around. Who would’ve thought? It was a concept that had taken him some time to accept. What shocked him more, was that he was looking forward to having a full house. That first ultrasound appointment had been quite the shocker, and Erin had gloated all the more because of it. She wasn’t letting him live down his initial tantrum over her weight gain. Jillian, not surprisingly, had been downright ecstatic when they’d told her the twin gene had surfaced again.

Once again, his wife had amazed him with her dedication over the last months. Erin had been so much stronger than him, not a single orgasm erupting from her body since their anniversary weekend so long ago.

Jayden, on the other hand, had been nothing but a weak male who’d resorted to hiding in the bathroom at night while she slept and he stroked. His releases were mere shadows of what he experienced with his jewel, his wife, but they were better than what she was getting—nothing.

Following along behind Dr. Ellison, Jayden was anxious to have this talk and get the all clear to play again. At the very least, he wanted to be able to take his wife in his arms and stroke her until she doused his hand with her fluids.
Fuck, I sound crass. Like playtime is the most important thing
. It wasn’t; ever observant, Jayden knew Erin’s mind and heart. The Dom understood that her need to submit was part of who she was the same as his need to dominate shaped who he was.

He was also pretty sure she’d caught on to his nocturnal escapades. Always so conscientious, the knowledge that he was seeking release without her had to be making Erin mental. Jayden wouldn’t put it past her to have started questioning her own worthiness to Him. More than once, he’d tried to reassure his jewel and help her to see he wasn’t, in
way, disappointed with her. Yet he still worried it hadn’t been enough.

Jayden’s always-present concern over the issue settled the bulge between his legs while he took a seat in the chair across from Dr. Ellison’s desk.

“I got your message yesterday, so I kept your questions in mind while doing Erin’s assessment. As of right now, I can give you the okay for some
playing. My final answer won’t come until after her stress test is complete, however.”

He let out the breath he’d been holding. “Thank you. Thank you so much, Holly. You must think I’m a horndog,” Jayden professed with exasperation. It was how he viewed himself of late.

“Not at all, Jayden.” She laughed. “Remember, I’ve watched you two interact in and out of the Lifestyle. I understand that Erin is a submissive and your life partner. Besides the physical limitations I placed on you guys, she’s also had the mental limitation of not being able to escape to her happy place. That place that can only be found by a submissive when they submit to their Master . . . or Mistress.”

He was pretty sure Holly added the last to remind him she also held the dominant position in her playtime.

“I get that you guys need this time together before the babies arrive, that’s all I’m saying. Do you have any more questions for me?” she prodded.

Jayden took a moment to gather his thoughts. “I’m nervous, Holly. About pushing her too far. About hurting the babies. If anything were to happen to any of them because I allowed us to play a sexual game, I . . . I wouldn’t recover from that,” he choked on the final words.

“Jayden, look at me,” she demanded in what had to be her Domme voice, because he didn’t hesitate to react and his head popped up. “You are an excellent Dom, and you know how to read her body, what physical signs to watch for. There is no doubt in my mind that the woman in the other room,” she pointed at the door that led to Erin, “wants to come. A lot. But I guarantee you that what she wants more is to get into her submissive headspace and please

“But her needs are more important than mine,” he tried to protest, and Holly began chuckling.

“You two are a right pair.” She came around her desk and leaned against it. “First, as your doctor, I will not give you carte blanche permission to string her up and whip her orgasms from her. I
giving you permission to play in a sensual, controlled scene that is mindful of any deep vaginal penetration. That would be unwise with her cervix.”

Jayden wished he’d brought something to take notes.

“Now, as a sister in the Lifestyle, I suggest you think along the lines of teasing, shallow-depth toys, and the knowledge that every part of her is extra sensitive right now. Not just the normal erogenous zones, but her scalp and skin are so sensitive that a simple breath brushing over her will make her flush. Erin’s breasts will also be different from the last time you did anything like this.”

He felt like he was in some alternate world while having this conversation. “But—”

“No buts, Jayden. They’ll be larger, her nipples and areola will be darker, and if you haven’t removed those piercings yet, you should go ahead and do that. Her milk will be coming in when those babies get here, and neither she nor the infants will enjoy the metal being in the way.”

A grown man pouting in public was never a good thing.

Laughing, Holly offered her help. “Tell you what. I have an assignment for you when you get home tonight. I want you to plan out a scene based on sensations and demanding your own pleasure. Plan it out down to the last detail, from how you’ll let her know you’ll be playing, all the way through to what you plan to do for her aftercare at the end. Full detail, Jayden.” She looked at her calendar. “I have an opening in three days, at ten a.m. on Thursday, March thirteenth. I’m putting you in that time slot. Come see me with your written plan, and we’ll go over it together. If any part of it gives me concerns, we’ll work it out.”

A weight lifted from Jayden’s shoulders. “That would be fantastic. Three days. Ten o’clock. Got it!”

“Okay, before I have to see the thing that knocked that girl up trying to escape from your pants, let’s get back in there and check on Erin,” Holly joked then lead the way back.

His jewel was snoring softly, a smile teasing her lips while their babies’ heartbeats beeped through the monitors.

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