Surrender (10 page)

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Authors: Brenda Jackson

BOOK: Surrender
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Netherland inhaled deeply when she saw his military uniforms hanging there. She studied each one, imagining how Ashton looked wearing them. It then occurred to her that she had never seen him wearing his military attire. Was it a deliberate move on his part because he knew of her aversion to military men? She pulled a jacket off the hanger and slipped it on. The jacket carried his scent. At the moment she knew it was the closest thing of his that she had. That thought made her feel warm inside. A brief moment later she returned the jacket to the closet.

Still feeling the chill in the room she walked over to the dresser and pulled open a drawer to retrieve one of Ashton’s T-shirts. She slipped the shirt over her head, liking the way it felt on her, big and loose. She then moved over to the window and looked out, wondering if he would be returning that evening. Tears stung the back of her eyes when she knew she could not fight what she felt for him any longer, no matter how hard she tried, and God knew she had. For three years she had fought anything developing between them and now she had to admit that she
wanted him with a passion. He totally consumed her mind…and her heart. What Syneda, Brenna and Caitlin had said last week at Corinthians’s baby shower was true. To sum it up in a nutshell, if you loved someone, really loved that person, then nothing else mattered, especially what he did for a living or where you lived. Somehow she believed in her heart that things between her and Ashton would work out. She had to believe that they would.

“I love him,” she murmured, wrapping her arms around her middle. “I didn’t want to love him but I do.” She couldn’t fight her feelings anymore, and she could no longer fight him. Each time she thought she had gotten stronger in her affirmation, then something would come along and contravene. Like this trip of his to Washington. She’d had no idea that not seeing him for five days would have this sort of an affect on her.

Thoughts then whirled around in Netherland’s mind. What if Ashton was tired of pursuing her? What if he no longer wanted her? What if his vision had been wrong? There were too many “what ifs,” and she didn’t want to think about them tonight.

Deciding to save Rome from worrying when she didn’t come home, she picked up the phone. When he didn’t answer, she left a short message on the answering machine that simply said, “I won’t be home tonight, Rome. Don’t worry, I’m okay.”

After hanging up the phone she went over to the bed, pushed back the covers and slipped between the
sheets. She fell asleep instantly thinking about dark eyes, warm arms and the sexy smile that belonged to the man she loved.


“I’m sorry, sir,” the airline receptionist was saying. “Your flight has been cancelled until morning due to the severe thunderstorms.”

Ashton nodded, clearly upset. He had been in numerous meetings all week with top military officials and White House advisers regarding the recent uprising near the Jordan borders. Now he was ready to return to Texas. To Netherland.

He had avoided calling her all week hoping his absence would give her a chance to miss him but now he wanted to talk to her, hear her voice. Finding the most quiet spot he could in the busy and overcrowded airport, he pulled out his cell phone to call her. He frowned when he got her answering machine. Deciding not to leave a message, he hung up and glanced at his watch. Chances were she was still at Sisters.

He sighed. If things between the two sovereign nations occupying the land surrounding Jordan’s banks continued, there would be more bloodshed, which meant there was a possibility that he would receive orders to depart on assignment immediately. The last thing he wanted was to leave Netherland with unfinished business between them.

Ashton inhaled deeply. Her time was up.

Chapter 12

etherland gave Rome a half smile when she got home the next morning and found him sitting at her kitchen table drinking coffee and reading the morning’s paper.

“Ashton’s back?” he asked, setting the paper aside.

She shook her head as she joined him at the table. “No. I thought he would have gotten back last night but he didn’t.”

Rome nodded. “That’s understandable.”

Netherland lifted a brow. “Why is it understandable?”

“Because of the thunderstorms.” When Netherland’s features reflected her confusion, Rome said, “Surely you’ve heard about those severe thunder
storms that have rammed the East Coast over the past forty-eight hours?”

Netherland narrowed her eyes at her brother. “Rome, for the past one hundred and twenty hours I’ve been extremely busy getting things ready for tonight. I haven’t had time to keep up with any weather reports.”

“Well, from what I understand, all flights coming out of D.C. were canceled due to the severity of the storms. Chances are Ashton spent the night at some airport.”

Netherland rubbed both hands across her face and took in a deep gulp of air. She had been disappointed upon waking that morning to find out that he hadn’t returned to Texas. Her mind had begun thinking of all sorts of reasons he hadn’t come back but now the thunderstorms explained everything. “So you think he’ll get a flight out sometime today?”

“Yes. I heard on the news this morning that the flights are back to normal now. He should make it in about noon.”

Netherland stood. “Well, I’m going to take a shower and—”

“Can we talk for a few minutes?”

Netherland studied her brother. She had heard the tightness in his voice again. Something was definitely on his mind, and she had a good idea it concerned Jada. “What do you want to talk to me about?”

“Why didn’t you tell me about Jada?”

Netherland eased back into her chair. “Because it was private. You’re my brother, but Jada is my
employee, Rome. I decided if she wanted you to know, then she would tell you. It was not my place to tell you anything. Besides, it would not have changed a thing if you really cared about her. And you do care about her, don’t you?”

Rome met his sister’s gaze. “I’m in love with her, Nettie,” he said simply, truthfully.

Netherland’s surprise reflected in her face.

“You love her? Rome, you just met her a week ago.”

“It doesn’t matter.” He smiled. “I’m my mother’s son. She met and fell in love with Dad in the same night. And if you recall, I met and fell in love with Kimmy in a short period of time. I’m not like you, Nettie. I can recognize love when I see it.”

Netherland folded her arms beneath her breasts, lifted her chin and glared at her brother. “For your information, I can recognize love, too. It just takes me a little longer, that’s all.”

Rome studied his sister. “Meaning?”

Netherland sighed deeply. “Meaning that I admitted to myself last night that I’m in love with Ashton.”

“It’s about time.” He leaned back in his chair. “You do know that if there continue to be problems in Jordan, chances are Ashton will be going over there.”

She stiffened slightly at what Rome had just said. Then suddenly a calm fell on her. She smiled at her brother. “That doesn’t matter. I’ll be here waiting for him to return.”

Rome nodded. “And what if he asks you to move around the globe with him?”

“Then I’ll do it, Rome. Ashton once said that home is where the heart is, and at the time I didn’t understand what he meant. Now I do. It doesn’t matter where I am as long as it’s with him. I love him just that much.”

Rome reached across the table and captured her hand in his. “I’m happy for you, Nettie. He’s a good man who loves you.”

Netherland smiled. “I hope he still does.”

Rome lifted twin dark brows. “Why wouldn’t he?”

She shrugged. “I’ve been rather difficult.”

“But you won’t be anymore?”

Netherland’s smile widened. “No, not anymore. When I see Ashton again he won’t have a reason to doubt ever again just how much I care.”


As Jada walked the short distance from her apartment to Sisters she knew her first investment would be to get a car. The one she had owned with Tony had gotten repossessed, and she was working hard with the credit bureau to get her good credit rating restored.

Jada’s thoughts then shifted to Rome. She still got goose bumps all over her whenever she thought about how he had held her in his arms and how he had kissed her tears away. They had kissed for a full twenty minutes with neither one of them getting enough. Then they had brought their rampant passions under control long enough for him to tell her about the sadness he’d once had in his life. She had sat beside him while he had told her about his
fiancée’s death and how hard he had taken it. And then, surprisingly, she had comforted him, which had led to more kisses. Not too long after that he had reluctantly left before things got too far out of hand.

Jada smiled. Rome had another two weeks to spend in Houston before leaving for Camp Pendleton in California. He had asked if they could spend the remaining time together, getting to know each other better. And he also wanted them to stay in contact after he left. Jada’s smile widened. She definitely didn’t have a problem with that. He was willing to take things slow with her and for that she was grateful.

When Jada stopped at the corner before crossing the street, she suddenly had the strangest feeling that she was being watched. She glanced around, then up and down the street. Other than people who, like her, were walking quickly to their destinations, she didn’t see anyone who seemed interested in her presence.

Shrugging, thinking she must have been mistaken, she crossed the street and continued walking and thinking that today would definitely be a busy day at work.


It was nearly eleven in the morning when Ashton finally returned to his hotel room. He stopped as soon as he entered, immediately picking up Netherland’s scent. His gaze flew to the unmade bed. As a child living on the Cherokee reservation he had been taught to recognize various scents, and he would
know the scent of a woman anywhere. Especially the scent of
woman. Those two nights he had slept holding Netherland in his arms he had inhaled every delicious scent about her.

He walked over to the bed. Housekeeping had not been to his room, and Netherland’s presence still lingered.

It appeared that she had come to his hotel room and had slept in his bed. He would have given anything to walk into his hotel room last night to find her there waiting on him.

Ashton pulled his sweater over his head and went to the closet to hang it up. He stopped short. Her scent was just as strong in his closet. Keen, observant eyes scanned every garment before zeroing in on his military jackets—one in particular. He reached out and pulled it off the hanger. He lifted the jacket to his nose before holding it tight against his chest. His jacket had come into contact with Netherland’s body. There was no doubt in his mind that it had. Stunned, he shook his head and wondered what all this meant. When he saw her tonight he definitely was going to find out.

Chapter 13

he jazzy sound of Count Basie poured forth from the small orchestra as Netherland made her way around the room. She was pleased how Sisters had been decorated for this evening’s affair. Even with a cost of three hundred dollars a ticket, the place was packed, and from the looks on everyone’s faces they expected to have a good time and enjoy themselves. The sisters in attendance were decked out in striking evening gowns and glittering jewels, and the brothers looked utterly dashing in their tuxes. She had even encouraged her hostesses to come wearing after-five attire and all of them looked great. Dinner was to be served exactly at eight and once dinner was over, the bidding would begin. Afterward, everyone would
celebrate and join in the dance that was planned from midnight until three. There was no doubt in Netherland’s mind that the auction would be a huge success.

She slid her gaze across the room to the head table. Chicago businessman Nicholas Chenault and his wife Shayla had been the first to arrive with his in-laws, Paul Dunlap and Cassie Foster, and with their friends, Trent and Brenna Jordache. Jake and Diamond Swain Madaris had arrived a few minutes later along with their friends Sterling and Colby Hamilton and Kyle and Kimara Garwood. Also sitting at the table were Justin and Lorren Madaris; Dex and Caitlin Madaris; Trask and Felicia Maxwell; and Clayton and a young woman Netherland knew was the youngest Madaris sibling, twenty-year-old Christy. The young woman was simply gorgeous with her reddish-brown hair and a toasted-almond complexion. Netherland also noted Syneda’s in-laws, Jonathan and Marilyn Madaris, were in attendance, as well as Syneda’s father, Syntel Remington. Netherland glanced down at her list. According to the seating arrangements there would be close to twenty-five people sitting at the head table.

“Nettie, your gown is absolutely gorgeous, and you look totally fabulous in it,” Syneda said, coming from behind. “It’s so sleek, elegant and sophisticated-looking, and you have just the body, height and figure for it.” She grinned. “It will be quite a while before I’ll be able to wear anything that fits that well thanks to my thickening waistline.”

Netherland chuckled. “But you have a very good reason for your thickening waistline.”

Syneda’s smile widened. “That’s true.” She glanced around the room. “Everything looks good, doesn’t it?”

“Yes. You should be proud of yourself. Your hard work paid off.”

Syneda pushed her hair back from her face. “I’m glad. Supporting the Children Home Society means a lot to me.”

“You did a fantastic job at keeping the reporters in line.”

Syneda nodded, thinking of all the local reporters who were in attendance, not to mention those who were camped outside the entrance. “Only because Sterling and Diamond have graciously agreed to interviews and will be posing for pictures after the auction.”

Netherland glanced back over to the head table. “There seems to be a lot of celebrating going on at the head table.”

Syneda chuckled. “Yes, Nicholas and Shayla Chenault announced earlier that Shayla’s biological mother and biological father are getting married next weekend after being apart for nearly twenty-eight years. And then there were the announcements of the pregnancies.”

Netherland lifted a brow. “What pregnancies?”

“You already know that Jake and Diamond are expecting. Well, Uncle Jake’s friend Kyle Garwood and his wife, Kimara, shocked everyone when they
announced they are expecting their seventh child in December. They claim it will be their last. And Caitlin is pregnant again. She’ll be delivering in the middle of January.”

“That’s wonderful. Another grandchild for your in-laws to spoil, right?”

Syneda grinned in agreement. “Right.”

Netherland then noticed the tall, distinguished, good-looking older man who had stood to make a toast. “Your father is a very handsome man, and the two of you favor a lot.”

Syneda smiled knowing that was true. She and her father shared the same sea-green eyes as well as a number of other facial features. When standing next to each other, there was no doubt they were father and daughter. “Thanks, and I think he’s handsome, too. I wished there were a special woman in his life but there isn’t. Even after more than thirty years he can’t let go of my mother’s memory. He loved her very much.”

Netherland sighed. “That’s a lot of love.”

Syneda chuckled. “Yes, but it’s no different than the love I have for Clayton.” She then studied Netherland intently when she said, “And what you have for Ashton.”

Netherland met Syneda’s gaze, no longer denying the truth. “Yes, you’re probably right about that.” She glanced around the room again. “Speaking of Ashton, did he get back from D.C.?”

Syneda lifted a brow. “Yes, he got back a little before noon, although I don’t think he’s arrived here
yet; at least he hadn’t the last time I checked fifteen minutes ago. You haven’t spoken to him?”

Netherland shook her head. “Not since I last saw him last Sunday. But then he really had no reason to contact me. I didn’t give him any encouragement to do so,” she said, frowning thoughtfully. After a few seconds a smile tilted her lips and she said, “But all that will change.”

Syneda smiled. “Sounds like you’ve made some important decisions about him.”

Netherland shared the other woman’s smile. “I have. I love him, Syneda, and I want to spend the rest of my life with him, no matter where that is. And when he has to leave on deployment, I’m prepared to be alone for a little while. I’m alone the majority of the time now anyway.” Her smile widened. “But just think of all the fun we’ll have whenever he returns.” She sighed deeply, thinking about all the passion the two of them would generate after being apart for so long. Her mother had once told her that she had gotten pregnant with each of her five children after her father had returned home after a lengthy deployment.

Netherland had thought about her decision a lot since making it. Being a marine was not only what Ashton did, it was also who he was. And she was proud of the role he played in protecting their country. Spending time with Ashton and the conversations she’d had with him had made her realize just how proud her mother must be of her father and brothers
for serving their country, too. Now, so was she. She had never fully understood, until now.

“I’m going to check on things in the back,” Syneda said. “Ashton probably has arrived by now. The guys were instructed to come in through the kitchen so they wouldn’t be seen. Do you want to go back there with me to see if he’s there?”

Netherland shook her head. What she wanted to say to Ashton could hold till later when they were alone. “No, I’ll stay out here and make sure things are running smoothly.”

Syneda nodded before walking off.


More toasts were made to congratulate Brenna and Trent on their recent marriage as well as Nicholas and Shayla on theirs. Most people at the table already knew Nicholas Chenault as Sterling’s half brother.

Everyone nervously shifted in their seats when Trevor and Corinthians Grant arrived. It looked as though she was going to have her baby any second.

“I’m a week late,” she said to everyone after sensing their nervousness. She ran a hand across her overly large stomach. “But I doubt anything will happen tonight so all of you can relax.”

Everyone’s expressions indicated they were doubtful that nothing would happen that night.

“Her bags are in the car, packed and ready to go, just in case,” Trevor said, grinning. “I tried talking her into staying home tonight but she wouldn’t listen.”

Corinthians smiled. “I couldn’t miss out on seeing who’s the lucky woman who’ll get Ashton tonight. This is history in the making. From what I’ve heard, he’s never let any woman choose him before for anything. Ashton prefers doing his own choosing.”

Trevor started to tell his wife that tonight would be no different, then thought better of it. She would see soon enough. “Are you sure you’re okay?” he asked her in a low, loving voice, leaning his head over close to hers.

She smiled up at him wondering how at one time she thought she couldn’t stand the very ground he walked on. “Yes, sweetheart, I’m fine. It seems that Baby Grant has settled down for the night and isn’t playing marines inside my tummy. Boy or girl, this has been one overactive child.”

Trevor’s smile widened. “Baby Grant takes after its parents. You and I are overactive in a number of things.” His eyes darkened. “One in particular readily comes to mind.”

The look Corinthians gave her husband was one of love and desire. “Yeah, I know just what you’re talking about, and I can’t wait for our baby to be born so I can get back into the swing of things.”

Trevor gave his wife a sexy grin. “Neither can I, sweetheart. Neither can I.”


Netherland and Rainey were standing at the door greeting the guests when Rainey leaned in close and whispered, “Ashton’s here. I saw him a few minutes
ago, and boy, does he look good. You’ll be a fool to let Angela walk away with him tonight.”

Netherland chuckled. “She won’t.”

Rainey raised a dark brow. After she studied Netherland for a few moments, a smile tilted the corners of her lips. “It’s about time you come to your senses. I thought I was going to—”

“Excuse me. I’m to join the Chenault and Jordache party.”

The deep, husky voice cut into Rainey’s words, and she turned around, blinking once. Then twice.
Standing before them was what had to be at least six-foot-four inches of solid muscle. His dark eyes were sharp, assessing, and after a few seconds it occurred to Rainey that he’d been checking her out in her evening gown as she’d been checking him out in his tux. She cleared her throat. “Your name, sir?”

“Howard Reeves. And yours?”

Rainey blinked a third time before answering. “I’m Rainey Gilford, head hostess of Sisters, and this is Netherland Brooms, the owner.”

Howard Reeves presented his hand to both women in a warm handshake. “Nice meeting the both of you.”

Rainey let out a deep breath before lowering her head to look at the list in her hand, a hand still tingling from his touch. “The Chenaults and Jordaches are sitting at the head table, Mr. Reeves. If you would follow me I’ll gladly escort you over.”

“You lead and I’ll definitely follow, Miss Gilford. And I do hope that it is

Rainey smiled up at the man. “Yes, it is.” She glanced down at his hand and didn’t see a wedding band there. She then met his gaze once more. “And I assume that you’re single, too.”

“Yes, that’s right.”

Netherland couldn’t contain her chuckle as she watched Rainey walk away with Howard Reeves following behind. She couldn’t quite decide who appeared to be more taken with whom—Rainey with Howard Reeves or Howard Reeves with Rainey.

A few minutes later Rainey returned. She was all smiles.

“If I were to cut all the lights out in here I’d bet any amount of money that you’d glow in the dark,” Netherland whispered to her friend.

“I wouldn’t doubt it. That man is something else. Wow!”

Netherland shook her head. “I take it he turns you on.”

“And then some. I’d like to get to know that brother up close and personal.”

Netherland lifted a brow. “Are you still planning to bid on Alex Maxwell tonight?”

Rainey smiled as she glanced over to the head table. Howard Reeves looked her way and their gazes locked. The rest of the room became a blur all around her. Her smile widened and when it did, one corner of Howard Reeves’s mouth tilted likewise as his sharp, assessing eyes held her spellbound while he flirted with her using nothing more than his smile and his eyes in the process.
Rainey returned the soundless flirtation, letting him know she reciprocated his interest.

“Rainey? Rainey?” Netherland finally nudged her elbow into Rainey’s ribs to get her attention. “Rainey?”

Rainey reluctantly broke eye contact with Howard Reeves. “What?”

“I asked if you’re still planning to bid on Alex Maxwell tonight.”

Rainey looked back over at the head table. Howard Reeves was still looking at her, and something electrical seemed to cross the room and pass between them. She reluctantly broke eye contact with him again to respond to Netherland’s question. She smiled sweetly at her friend and asked, “Alex who?”


Promptly at eight, dinner was served. Excitement in the room began building an hour or so later when everyone’s meal had been cleared away. It was time for the auction to begin.

Syneda went up on stage. Standing at the podium, she thanked everyone for coming and supporting the Children Home Society with their contributions. She then introduced the mistress and master of ceremonies for tonight’s affair. Before Sterling and Diamond could make it to the stage, the audience became even more energized, and a furor of excitement surged through the room when the two movie stars were given a standing ovation. Their movie,
Black Butterfly,
was predicted to be the summer’s blockbuster hit and was scheduled to be released at the theaters in a few months.

Sterling and Diamond spent a few minutes dazzling the audience before turning things over to the man who had agreed to serve as the night’s auctioneer—three-time Heisman Trophy winner and the recipient of five Super Bowl rings; a man known worldwide as the greatest running back in the history of the NFL, legendary football great Trask “The Max” Maxwell. Trask, too, got a standing ovation.

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