Read Surrender to Me Online

Authors: Shayla Black

Tags: #Romance, #Adult, #Erotica, #Fiction, #Fiction / Romance, #General, #Triangles (Interpersonal relations)

Surrender to Me (39 page)

BOOK: Surrender to Me
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As Hunter reached for the bathroom door, the phone in his pocket rang. A glance at the display made him groan. “This better be fucking good, Andy.”

“Remember who you’re talking to, Raptor.”

Andy Barnes was now his commanding officer, not just a buddy. He’d better suck it up. “Sorry, sir. What’s up?”

“Your leave has been cut short.”

Twice in the same leave?” This was fucking unheard of unless it was a goddamn national emergency. “Is something happening?”

“The Sotillo organization is definitely gathering. The big arms-for-drugs sale that we anticipated earlier this week will go down Saturday night. We need you there.”

Hunter struggled to wrap his head around Andy’s words when he could still hear Kata threatening to call Ben in his head. “How? Víctor is dead. If you read my report, I received intel on my last trip that his brother, Adan, was killed, too. Who the hell would be organizing this?”

“Sotillo had underlings. I guess it’s one of them. Víctor’s death created a vacuum of power. Of course someone will want to step into it. We’re going to send a small four-man team in there—”

“Four men? If they’re going to conduct major business, both parties will come with a frigging army. Four men aren’t going to get the job done.”

“Four men will be able to slip in under the radar undetected and clean house. Too many men and too much equipment means that the potential for detection and fuckups is greater.”

So was the potential for ineffectuality. This mission sounded like pure suicide. “I want it on record that I disagree.”

“Duly noted.” And boy, did Andy sound pissed off. “We’ll need you back at base by fifteen hundred tomorrow.”

With that, Andy hung up. Numbly, Hunter pressed the off button on his phone. Three o’clock tomorrow afternoon, in barely thirty hours. How the fuck was he supposed to save his marriage and ensure that his wife was completely safe before he had to leave?

Hunter didn’t see a way to do both, and any good soldier learned how to prioritize mission objectives when things started going to hell. Between those two, he had no doubt which came first. Mentally, he sifted through his possible tactics. He had only one left.

And it hurt like hell.

Gritting his teeth, he reached for his phone and called Jack, who answered on the first ring.

Hunter didn’t even let the man greet him before diving in. “We’ve got to move tonight. I’ll be out of the country indefinitely tomorrow.”

Jack cursed, sighed bleakly. “Okay, we’ll make it work. Word on the street is that Villarreal is tired of dodging cops and is ready to wring your wife’s pretty neck. I know the connection between him and Silva isn’t obvious . . .”

“But what you’re saying definitely lends credibility to Villarreal’s motive and seems to validate him as the prime suspect.” Goddamn it, Hunter felt the walls closing in around him—the danger to Kata, her distance, his job. He had to get his house in order quickly, and keeping her safe was top priority.

“You know anything about him?” Hunter hated feeling impotent. Usually, he’d be in there digging for answers and making heads roll accordingly. Staying near Kata and protecting her must take precedence.

“I’ve done a little research,” Jack said. “Villarreal likes throwing his cash at flashy strippers. Sexy Sirens’ grand reopening is tonight. I’ll have Deke ask Alyssa to put out the word that he’ll be a VIP if he shows up. Deke and I can grab him and have a ‘friendly’ chat with him until he agrees to leave Kata alone.”

“Good. I’m going to keep Kata busy tonight while you bag this fucker. I’ll be around in the morning to talk to him so we can settle this.”

After agreeing to coordinate later that evening, Hunter made two more phone calls—both necessary evils. Then he threw on the rest of his clothes, brushed his teeth, found Kata’s phone, and gave it to his dad for safekeeping. No way was she calling Ben to come take her away when she was in danger. Preferably not ever.

Rubbing damp palms on his denim-clad thighs, Hunter stood in front of the bathroom door Kata had retreated to and let out a deep breath. It didn’t help; every muscle remained clenched. If there was another fucking way. . . But there wasn’t, and he knew it. This was it.

His heart pounded as he pushed into the room. The fragrant, humid air wrapped around him. Everything smelled like her: spicy amber, sweet lilies. Beyond arousing. Like always, he turned hard and aching in an instant.

God, he loved this woman.

Seeing him, she gasped and scrambled for her towel on the basin. He grabbed the damp terry cloth first, loving the hell out of her in nothing but a lacy, baby blue thong. Her smooth olive skin and lush breasts with those tight, rosy brown nipples tempted him like nothing ever had. The dark ropes of her wet hair dripped down her back, framing her freshly scrubbed face. He couldn’t wait to get back inside her, hold her again. Yesterday, she’d been dealing with too much, so he’d backed off, hadn’t pressed his way into the snug, silken clasp of her pussy.

Tonight, all bets were off.

Realizing that he wasn’t going to give her the towel and that he blocked the path to her clothes, Kata faced him squarely, chin raised. “What now? I’ve told you how I feel and what needs to happen. If you’re here to stop me from leaving, you can’t.”

Ah, that stubborn streak of hers that intrigued him so much. Normally, he’d argue until he wore Kata down or seduce her until she gave in with a well-sated cry. This situation was far from normal. Until dawn, his most important role was to keep her safe. Nothing mattered more. Hunter had only one way left to do that . . . and give her what she wanted.

It was going to tear his fucking heart out.

He had no illusions; he’d never be the same. He’d be every inch the miserable bastard his father had been for the last fifteen lonely years, that Logan was now. Hunter had always sworn he’d do whatever it took to hang on to the one woman meant for him.

Goddamn it, in a handful of hours he’d have no choice but to let her go.

Hunter crossed his arms over his chest, restraining the urge to embrace Kata, stroke her tempting flesh—and never stop. “First, if you go home, you’re not only putting yourself in danger, but your family, too. You might not know everything about this asshole threatening you, but he knows you. Why wouldn’t he come after those you love?”

Kata’s stubborn chin rose, but she nodded. Though she didn’t want to, she saw his point. Now he had to put all his cards on the table, even though he had the losing hand.

“I have a proposition, honey: Today, I’ll do whatever it takes to neutralize the threat against you. Tomorrow, you’ll be free in every way.” He clenched his fists. “I’ll sign the fucking divorce papers.”

As soon as he choked out the words, Hunter wished he could take them back. For him, she was it—had been since the moment he laid eyes on her. He wished he could make her understand, but unless she came to love him in return, accept his needs and her own, they were doomed.

Surprise flashed across her face, along with something else—regret, maybe . . . or was that his own wishful thinking?

She smoothed out her expression. “T-thank you for finally being reasonable.”

Reasonable? In five seconds, she wouldn’t think so. “I’ll do that,
you spend tonight with me.”

Chapter Eighteen

was going to sign the papers?
Kata swallowed as conflicting emotions rushed her. She expected relief. After all, the emotional rollercoaster ride she’d been on the past few days was ending. Instead, dismay crashed through her. After tonight, she’d probably never see Hunter again. She blinked back blindsiding tears that burned like acid. Her heart felt as though it were bleeding out of her chest.

Was she crazy? She’d demanded this divorce. The minute Hunter relented, some twisted part of her wanted to stay with him?

God, she’d fallen in love with him.

Kata closed her eyes. Fine freaking time to realize it.

“Did you hear me?” He leaned against the doorframe, his gaze hot on her body.

He was cocky, challenging. Damn it, it didn’t seem like his heart was breaking. He loved her so much that he was throwing in the towel after a mere four days? After he got another piece of ass and stole another bit of her soul, of course. Then he’d let her go.

Or maybe he’d finally realized they were a losing bet.

“Yes.” She cleared her suddenly tight throat. “Spend tonight with you, and you’ll sign the papers.”

Even saying those words felt like a hot knife carving a jagged hole in her chest. But Hunter wasn’t going to change. His dominance disturbed her. That his parents had split up over his father’s controlling nature didn’t bode well. Spending the day with Caleb had proven that leopard wasn’t going to change his spots. And Logan seemed made from the same mold, if the demanding, growled phone calls she’d overheard with his BDSM bunnies were any indication. Perhaps she was too sensitive, but she’d rather roll over and die than let any man have the kind of dominion over her that Gordon held over Mamá.

She and Hunter had shared the best sex of her life. Kata always knew that she’d fall for someone who had a core of honor, straight-up honesty, a decisive bent. Dominance aside, Hunter was everything she could want in a man. It made sense that she had feelings for him. But she’d never be the kind of woman he needed. And she’d ultimately make him miserable.

She had to find the strength to let go before they hurt one another any more.

Hunter speared her with a haunting blue stare. “And?”

“I’ll do it.” Her voice was scratchy, thin. “What about the killer?”

“I have a plan. Jack and Deke are helping. By morning, everything should be over.”

In that, she trusted him completely. Leaping into a marriage with Hunter might be as scary as jumping off a cliff, but she knew that he’d
let anything or anyone hurt her. And whatever else had happened between them, she probably owed him her life. “Thank you. I don’t know how you accomplished it, but I’m very grateful.”

“I’ll explain once it’s all settled.”

That rankled a bit, but Kata nodded. That was Hunter’s way. She couldn’t change him, but she wanted to touch him, cup his cheek, plant a soft kiss on his mouth. It was too much like something a woman in love would do, so she did nothing. “Thanks.”

“You’re welcome. Be ready at five, suitcase packed. The Colonel and Logan have agreed to stay with your mother. I’ll get Dad to back off. But you can be assured that she’s in good hands. Tomorrow, you’re both free.” He paused, glanced down at her lacy blue underwear. “But tonight . . . no panties.”

With that, he turned and left, closing the door behind him with a quiet click.

Kata stared at the solid oak portal between them. That was it? No kiss, no embrace? She’d certainly wanted it—even though tonight was good-bye.

A fresh wave of desolation overcame her, leaving her bereft in its wake. Hunter seemed all but done with her.

Kata frowned at her reflection in the lightly steamed mirror, then closed her eyes against the crush of emotion weighing on her. Everything inside her resisted ending this. How had Hunter ingrained himself in her heart so quickly that she suddenly wasn’t sure how she’d live without him?

Kata shook her head. She’d lived without the man for twenty-five years. She’d find a way to manage for the rest of her life. First, she had to focus on making it through tonight. Because Hunter would strip her bare, all the way down to her soul, expose everything she was inside, then take it all. She feared she’d never be the same again.

HUNTER drove across town in silence. Kata wanted to ask where they were going, but his tight-lipped silence didn’t encourage conversation. Wherever they were headed, she knew he would keep her safe.

Kata had no such assurance where her heart was concerned.

Finally, they pulled up in front of a big house as dusk began to fall. Just outside of town, on an isolated lane, the sprawling brick house with its black shutters and large windows beckoned from a long stone walkway bracketed by pairs of towering oak trees, their lofty branches reaching up and over the quaint walk. Flowers abounded in pots here and there. An air of old money and wealthy decadence lingered.

As she exited the truck, Hunter came around and held her door. She noticed another truck, a black one, already against the curb in front of them.

“Is someone else here?”

He closed and locked the truck behind her. “Come with me.”

“Who lives here?”

“The owner won’t be here tonight. No more questions.”

He definitely had his Dom face on. The hard edge to his voice and the distance he put between them now tore at her. Fighting it would only hurt more in the long run, but she ached to throw her arms around him, press her lips to his, and ask him to share himself with her.

The way he’d been trying to coax her from the beginning. She winced at the thought.

He took her by the elbow, led her up the stone walkway, reached for the doorknob. And she couldn’t stand the thought that their last night together would be impersonal. As much as he’d pushed and shoved his way into her life, her psyche, and even her heart, the Hunter who stood at her side now was so remote she wanted to scream.

BOOK: Surrender to Me
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