Surrept (28 page)

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Authors: Taylor Andrews

Tags: #Women Sleuths, #Mystery & Detective, #Fiction, #Literary

BOOK: Surrept
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The two men nod.

The man reiterates, "Do you understand exactly how this must work?"

"Yes sir. We receive the go-ahead text; we pump the fuel into the tunnel once all of the bus passengers are secured inside, under the guise of awaiting transfer through the tunnel to Canadian territory. We then ignite the fuel, and incinerate the subjects and their evidence. This order will be received by text message only, and has a go or wait content only. Is that all of it, sir?"

The man likes the man who is the shorter of the two.

"Exactly right, very good." The man looks with approval to his man from the harbor at his choice of assassins to carry out this most important task of eliminating those who carried out the recent attacks in the name of Allah.

"I'm counting on your success, for which I will reward you with five hundred thousand each." He pushes a small bag across the table. "A hundred thousand for each of you is in here, and the balance when you exterminate these evil enemies of Allah, who will find great favor in your deeds. When this task is completed and successful, then you will meet with my colleague here at the warehouse down here at the marina, and receive the balance. We will never see each other again. Are we agreed?"

Both the men answer in unison, "Yes sir."

The man closes his eyes for effect and raises his hands. "Give praise to Allah. Thank you, gentlemen. He will show you out."

The men take the bag and leave as the man waits for his colleague to show them out. His colleague returns and sits.

"Do they understand how to operate the pumps and sprinkler system in the tunnel?"

"We trained for an entire day, and they are ready to please you with their blind loyalty, sir."

"Make sure the petrol tanks are full, so that when they make it rain on our subjects, there is nothing left but ash. When the task is completed, eliminate them immediately at the payoff, and feed them to the crabs like the others. Your money and passports are in the bag on the chair next to the door. Do not fail at this. We need continued success in our endeavors."

The man from the harbor gets up, he retrieves the bag on the chair and turns back to his employer. "We will not accept failure as an option, sir. We never have."

"I have trusted in your judgment and talent for twenty-one years, but we are so close that caution and diligence is a must in all of our action. Discipline is necessary for success."

"Rest assured on a successful and lovely day tomorrow sir. Good night."


It is twelve-forty in the morning Denver time. Matt and Dana are putting all of the evidence together in chronological order. Matt has an outline and the validation to prove it when he goes into his meeting with the feds.

Reggie comes into the office and smells the pot Matt smoked earlier. "Smells like I just got beat of some stash up in here. How are you all doing up in here?"

Dana responds with excitement at her find. "Reggie, we got so much evidence off that Mac. Sit down and check this out."

"Now hold up here. That's what's called transference, when someone changes the subject when a question is asked and that subject leads away from the original point to decriminalize themselves."

Matt responds, "I smoked your reefer. Now listen to this. Dana found a file with some real estate information regarding a property in Montana traced to Adriana's family trust. Then she found a transaction history of the sale of that property which is in progress right now, and Adriana is the trustee. So we think that she is probably in Montana. Did she ever say anything to you about Montana to you, or mention the town of Bozeman?"

Reggie sits down and takes his coat off. "No, she never said much at all about her personal life, other than some freaky shit that she liked, but never said anything about cowboy ass Montana."

Matt says, "This gets really wild from here, Dana found a list of all these meat processing plants with these Middle Eastern names next to them, so she checked out the plants and found out that they only process pork in all of them. Therefore, I ran a LexisNexis check on each name and every one of them is either here on a student visa or they are resident aliens and/or their visas have expired, only three of them are citizens of the U.S. However, the other names that she found are all citizens of the U.S. Except for one, and they are all not Middle Eastern. They are mostly Anglo names."

Reggie says, "So we have established that I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer. I don't get the significance here?"

Dana jumps up. "If the plants all process pork, that could mean that they are probably targets or something, because Muslims don't eat pork, and these names next to them are all Middle Eastern and a vast majority of them are Muslim."

Reggie nods.

"So, we think that these Anglo names are employees of these plants, and these names that are all Muslims, the Anglos must be their contacts at each facility that we think are likely targeted for some kind of attack of terrorism, and guess whose computer this all came off of?"

The light goes on and Reggie falls back in his chair. "You all have been busy since I left. So she is not done. There is more to come, and we are the only ones that know about it. Is that what you are saying? That this crazy-ass bitch is going to kill some more because of her religion?"

Matt chimes in, "We don't think it's about religion at all to her. We think it's all about revenge for her father's death caused by an Israeli bombing in Iraq that was backed by the United States. Because a lot of these Muslim names are refugee visa applicants due to their families being lost in conflicts with the U.S. military in Iraq and Afghanistan. More than sixty percent of them have that in common."

Reggie says, "So we march into the federal DA or FBI offices and lay all this on them, and they're going to charge us with accessory or obstructing justice, because we are not on the phone already, right?"

"We have a problem that I just thought of," Matt says. "Reggie is right. We have to put her with the Mac, and now it has Dana's fingerprints and yours all over it, along with hers. Shit, mine are on it, which only validates the truth, so we have to find her and give her to them however we can, along with this evidence and find her car with the broken window, to back up the story. We need to find her and find her fast. We need to go to Bozeman to check this out right away."

Dana is no mood for any more chases. She is exhausted. "I have to get some sleep Matt, or I'm going to crash and burn, or I'll never make it to Montana."

Matt smiles. "You're not going to be driving; you're going to be flying there. You can sleep on the plane." Matt goes over to his computer and pulls up a contact file.

Reggie asks, "What am I going to do? I'm ready for that pillow my damn self."

Matt dials a number on the phone as he answers him. "You should go with Dana. I don't want her alone. Two sets of eyes see better, and two minds think better."

Reggie knows now that his pillow just got farther from his near future. He knows Matt's concerns are valid for other reasons. "But we can't carry firearms on a plane."

Matt responds as the phone rings in his ear, "You can on a private one. Good morning, I need a plane as soon as possible; I have some clients who need to get to Bozeman, Montana from Denver. Ah, I guess just one way for now. A twin-engine-turbo-prop, or a jet? Well, what is the difference in cost, and flight time in the air? Okay, twin engine is fine. What time can we get a flight, and where do they go to board. Centennial Jet Center, got it. Do you take American Express cards? And can I give it to you now? Great, it is a corporate card; my number is 0978-4412-10094 expiration 09/2017. Go ahead and run it. Confirmation number?" There's a pause as Matt writes it down. "Thank you so much." He hangs up and addresses his clients, "We have a plane at seven-thirty in the morning at the jet center in Centennial. Do you two know where that is?"

Dana speaks with regret that she is not going to get much sleep, "I've had some clients fly in there before."

Matt hands them each a copy. "This is where you go, and this is the confirmation number. Get some rest, I will call you about nine A.M. Do not move before you hear from me; go ahead and get a rental car, but wait for me to call."

Reggie looks at his attorney who responds to his look. "What is it Reggie?"

"I will need my gun and ammo back Mr. C. I'm not going naked."

Matt opens his drawer and hands Reggie his pistol and ammo reluctantly. "Wipe that stuff in front of me, I never saw it Reggie."

"Yeah man I know, your ass is blind."

Chapter Fifteen

Early the next morning just outside of Bozeman, the sun is about to rise as Ahmed says his prayers on a hilltop about forty miles out of town. The ground is cold and his breath shows vapor as he bows in Morning Prayer. He has driven most of the night and slept just a few hours, before he is awakened in the van by the biting cold.

The sun breaks the horizon to the east. He finishes his prayers and looks out over the majestic landscape of Montana. He never knew the United States possessed such beauty and quiet majesty. He returns to the van and drives toward the town of Bozeman.

A Lincoln Town car rushes down the highway as Adriana sleeps in the back as the sun rises. The driver is happy to have such a lucrative fair, and was paid cash in advance with a large gratuity as his bait to arrive as early as possible in Bozeman. The car passes a sign, "
Bozeman 103 miles


In Denver, Reggie is at the Centennial Jet Center before Dana. He is inside drinking something hot as she arrives in a cab outside. He watches her climb out dressed in jeans and a ski jacket with a small bag and her purse and rush inside.

She notices Reggie sitting on a couch and approaches. "Where do we get coffee around here?"

He looks at her with her morning face. "Well good morning to you too, Miss Underwood. The coffee is in the welcome area over there near the little check in counter, and I have already checked in. You need to show them your ID, and give them the confirmation number our law dog gave us"

She drops her bag and heads for the counter. She checks in and hits the counter for coffee and a Danish. She sits down with Reggie.

"So did you get any sleep?" he asks as the pretty blonde tears at the pastry.

She chews on the fresh pastry. "Not much. My dad was waiting for me like an owl and had to grill me first."

He takes a drink as he watches her work the Danish. "You seem to be angry. What's up?"

She looks at her new friend and drinks before she speaks as if to evaluate her words before speaking. "You never told me that you slept with that bitch."

He was not expecting that remark. "I wasn't aware that you needed to know the details of my private life. What am I missing here?"

She finishes off the pastry and takes a big drink of her brew. "You and my father have convinced me that David was probably taken by this chick because she's so good looking that most men would jump her bones in a heartbeat. The thought of David doing that is driving me crazy, and it makes me wonder what the hell I'm even doing here if that's true."

Reggie watches her as she fights back tears. Her glare seems directed at him, "So why are you mad at me?"

She looks out the window on the tarmac as a plane taxis up and her tears fall. "Because you were nice to me, and I immediately trusted you, and you said the same things as my father does. I trust him more than anyone, and you are both probably right. That's why."

"Miss Dana, you are jumping to conclusions. Your father and I are just being honest about the possibility. It's not valid until you look at him and ask him to his face, then you will know, and I think that's the reason you are here. You already answered yesterday, when you said you didn't care because you love him."

She looks at him, thinking how much he is like her dad, saying just the right things at the right time.

A man dressed in pilot's garb interrupts them. "Mr. Haynes, Miss Underwood, I'm Jeff Sutter. I'll be your copilot for your flight this morning, if you're ready to board, we will get underway."

The King Air dual-engine aircraft lifts off heading northwest to Montana.


Matthew is in his office researching precedent and searching for anything that is relevant to help his clients. He grabbed a few hours sleep on the couch at the office. He needs a shower but is determined to put together the best case of his life. He finishes an outline after printing the rewards posted on the FBI web site. He buzzes Joe's extension.

"This is Joe?"

"Hey Joe, you have a few minutes. I need to go over the Haynes, Underwood, and Bloomfield matters. We're about to make our move with the government."

"I'll come down in about fifteen minutes and I'm all ears, Matthew."

Matt puts together a complete file and heads in the copy room so Joe has everything that he does in case this thing goes south on him. He will need Joe's expertise to back his play and take over if necessary.


Outside Buckley Air Force Base in Aurora Colorado, one would never know that suspected enemy combatants are housed deep within the base in bunkers. David Bloomfield awakened to a hot breakfast, and another shower, and finally he was also allowed to shave under supervision.

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