Read Surrounded by Temptation Online

Authors: Mandy Harbin

Surrounded by Temptation (12 page)

BOOK: Surrounded by Temptation
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She stayed lost in her thoughts of Rob, life, work, and family as she walked to the den. Josh’s little bombshell that day of Mikaela’s pregnancy hadn’t left her thoughts either. Would Mikaela’s ability to shift have an effect on the fetus? Josh had been afraid of her shifting in that moment because she was pregnant. Was it just a precaution or had he actually known something?

When Ariel opened the door and walked into the den, her eyes grew. She knew people were standing around and she could see Jack in her peripheral vision, but it was Rob her eyes had sought. He and Jack were tied to chairs just like the first day of testing so many weeks ago.

“That’s unnecessary. Please remove the bindings.” She looked at Thomas. She’d intended on a pleasant greeting and not stating orders as soon as she’d walked in, but seeing Rob tied up like an animal made her go into immediate protective mode.

“I just didn’t want there to be any problems.” Thomas walked toward her, taking her hands into his. “I owe you an enormous apology. If I’d taken action, the events of that day would have never transpired. I want you to feel completely comfortable in their presence.”

“You’re not the only one at fault here,” she murmured. “And if you want me to feel comfortable, you’ll release them.”

Thomas gave her a sad nod, then turned to Josh. “Untie them.”

Toby assisted, untying Jack while Josh worked on Rob’s bindings. Once they were free, Ariel walked toward Jack. She needed to check them both out, but she wanted to start with the easier one first. The fact that he was the more aggressive of the two and had tried to rape her wasn’t lost on her when she’d considered him more approachable. She could deal with a little fear. It was the thought of being so close to Rob that she needed a little time to build up her nerves for.

“How are you feeling, Jack? Any more queasiness?” She looked at his skin for signs of discoloration and then looked into his eyes.

“I’m sorry,” he whispered, so softly that she almost didn’t hear him. Jack had always been the hardest of all the Woods men, but at this moment, he looked so bleak that she had to resist the urge to gather him in her arms. At least she could help him deal with what had happened. She had some other news to share, and she hoped that it would absolve Jack of his guilt.

“Me too,” she said back just as softly, then she spoke louder. “You know, after I left here, I had a lot of time to research the chemicals with the medication. Since it was designed to address your aggressive nature, you have to be tapered off of it if you were to ever stop using it. The fact that you were forced to self diagnose your side effects and not take it for a few days caused your previously checked aggression to spike. When I tell you you had no control over how you reacted, please believe that I’m not telling you this just to make you feel better.”

“I said horrible things to you. I called you names. There is no excuse for that.”

Ariel nodded at him. He had been very hateful toward her, but she couldn’t deny the science behind his reaction. “And you apologized. I forgive you. All I can hope is that you’ll find the same forgiveness for me one day. Had I been more careful with you, you would not have had to deal with the chemical imbalance that made you more aggressive than normal.”

He rose suddenly and pulled her into his arms. Rob shot up as soon as Jack did, but when Jack just held her, Rob did nothing. Ariel assumed it was his protective nature to make sure Jack didn’t attack.

Rob needn’t have worried.

“You have nothing to be forgiven for. You did the best you could under very strange circumstances. I should never have questioned your need to study our DNA.”

“And I never should have let the thought of outing your family secret enter my mind. No matter how the news would have rocked the scientific community, I honestly don’t think I could have gone through with it. But it still shames me that I’d ever considered it an option.”

Ariel felt arms on her and turned. Krista pulled her into a hug and stood back. “Tell everyone what you told me on the phone.”

She looked at Rob before glancing at the others in the room. “Because of what happened to Jack, I wanted to see if I could figure out a way to incorporate natural supplements instead of shots. I’ve found that herbs derived from the same plants the chemicals are created from can be ingested in their raw form. I’ve modified the supplement to allow for time release so large quantities during ingestion wouldn’t trigger nausea, vomiting, or the like. Based on my results, you can drink a shake every three days and it will be just as effective as the shots while being less jarring on the body. I’ve brought the ingredients and the recipe.”

Thomas’s eyes sparkled and he clapped his hands together. “That’s wonderful news, Ariel. Just wonderful.”

She felt heat bloom her cheeks, so she turned to Mikaela, choosing to continue and not bask in Thomas’s praise. “I would never dream of suggesting tests on you while you’re pregnant or on the baby once born, but I called some medical doctors to verify that just the herbs in small doses will not harm the fetus or baby while breast-feeding. If you choose to do this on your own, then I’ll leave that decision up to you.”

Mikaela walked over and hugged Ariel. “Thanks, girl. That makes me feel better. I can’t tell you how worried I am about my child having to live a life of solitude like Josh and his brothers.” She pulled back and stared at Ariel with watery eyes. “I’d love it if you were to continue researching the effects of the herbs on children.”

“I’d be happy to.” What she didn’t say was that this was something she had already decided to do anyway. Her sister was mated to Toby and she knew it might be an issue one day if they ever decided to have kids.

Rob started toward her and everyone else fell into the background. When he reached her, he stood behind her, rested his hands on her shoulders, and squeezed. “I’d like to have a word with Ariel alone, please,” he announced to everyone, and several seconds later, he faced Thomas. “Yes, Dad, I’m okay.” Ariel figured Thomas had spoken to him silently, but she was so thrilled this man was touching her, she couldn’t be sure she hadn’t just tuned Thomas out.

“Are you okay with this, Ariel?” Krista asked her, and turned to her sister. Ariel nodded, unable to find her voice. Rob squeezed her shoulders again and the gesture felt reassuring to her, not that she needed it. Just Rob touching her was enough to get her to do whatever he wanted.

And that thought brought her up short. She moved away from him as gently as she could. She would agree that she had feelings for him, but she couldn’t be the mate he needed. She missed him like crazy and felt like he was important to her, but she couldn’t lose herself in any relationship. Not again.

“We’ll be outside,” Thomas said, and turned toward the door.

Rob grabbed her hand and tugged. “That won’t be necessary. We’ll be in my cabin.”

The thought of being alone with him did things to her body she wasn’t ready to analyze. Though it didn’t matter at this point.

She had a feeling she’d soon begin to understand just what those things were.

Chapter Twelve


Ariel followed behind Rob, a protest on her lips that died as soon she gazed at his backside. Yeah, there was definite attraction. And she missed him. The least she could hope for was to clear the air with him and maybe pick things up where they’d left off—without the guise of testing.

They walked in silence to his cabin, Rob rubbing soothing circles on the hand that he’d held as they made their short journey across the estate. The cabins weren’t far from the main house. Just far enough to provide the necessary privacy they afforded those who inhabited them.

Once they arrived at Rob’s place, he pushed the door open and motioned for her to walk in. As she walked beside him, she smelled his woodsy scent, could see the traces of sweat on his forehead at his hairline, and lost herself in his beautiful eyes.

“Hi,” he breathed, gazing back at her. Time seemed insignificant, as if all that mattered was they were here together. Then he blinked and looked at the door above her head as he closed them in, shutting out the rest of the world. He stepped away, walking into the kitchenette, and Ariel followed him. “I, too, owe you an apology.” He turned to face her. “I mean, I still think I was in my right to be angry with you, but I should have given you the opportunity to explain. For that, I’m sorry.”

Ariel stepped up to him and gently ran her hand up his arm because she just couldn’t bear the thought of not touching him at this moment. “I’m sorry, too. I was wrong and I should have come clean in the beginning. I hope you can forgive me.” God, she didn’t want to cry. She didn’t want to win him over because he felt sorry for her or had a weak spot for women who cried. But she couldn’t help the emotion that poured out of her. He wrapped his arms around her.

“I’ve missed you so much, angel.”

She trembled, her body responding to the need that only Rob could satisfy…even if that need was just a comforting embrace.

“I’ve missed you too, Robbie.”

He groaned, nuzzling her hair as he breathed her in. “I want you. I need you.”

She reached up and squeezed his arms, trying to find strength to make sure he understood where she was coming from. If she learned one thing from this ordeal it was that she needed to be totally honest with him. She looked up into his eyes and braced herself for what she was about to say.

“I want you too, Robbie, but you have to know that I still don’t know if love exists.” When he frowned and opened his mouth, she covered it gently with the tips of her fingers. “Shhh, please let me finish. I feel like I’ve fallen for the illusion once before, and my protective side won’t allow me to do it again.” She let her fingers trace his lips, relearning the luscious feel of them once again. “But I-I’d be lying if I told you I felt nothing for you. Because I do feel something. I just don’t know what it is.”

“You can believe it’s not love if you want, but I know differently, angel. I know this because I already know I’m in love with you.”

She gasped, trying to step away from him, but Rob grabbed her wrist, halting her retreat. She shook her head. “No, don’t do this. Don’t ruin it before it starts.”

He pulled her back to his chest and gently rubbed her back. “It’s okay, angel. I’m not going to rush you. I don’t have to have a declaration of love or demand that you mate with me before you’re ready. I just don’t want to lose you. I’ll wait for you. As long as it takes for you to be ready.”

She pulled back, shocked. “You could be waiting forever, Robbie.”

His lips quirked into the sexiest smile she’d ever seen. “I doubt it. But that’s a risk I’m not only willing but eager to take.” He leaned down, his wet lips burning a path up her neck to her ear. “But that doesn’t mean I’m not going to go easy on you. I plan on exerting my dominance over you every time I fuck that sweet pussy of yours.”

Ariel moaned. She didn’t know if she believed he’d wait for her to feel the same as he did for her, but at this moment, she couldn’t deny her body desired him and her soul needed him. She tilted her head, seeking, and he gave her what she wanted. His mouth crushed to hers, releasing a groan that she swallowed and returned in equal force.

Rob bent and lifted her into his arms—his sexy, tanned, hard as steel arms—and carried her to the bed at the other side of the room, not once releasing her from the drugging kiss until he eased her onto the bed before him.

“You are so beautiful. God’s gift to me, my angel.” Rob removed her clothing, taking his time to kiss and lick every inch he uncovered while he continued to murmur praises as he worshiped her body with his hands and mouth.

“Rob,” she breathed. She was already shaking with need before he’d started this wonderful torture, but now she ached for more from him.


“Please…” She dragged the word out as she undulated beneath him, trying to make contact.

He eased up and then slowly removed his shirt and jeans, followed by his boxer briefs—at a maddeningly slow pace. Once he was in his gloriously naked form, he moved to her again, kissing the hollow behind her ear, tracing his fingers along her collarbone, making her break out in goose bumps.

Ariel grabbed his head, her fingers unable to find purchase in his hair. God, he felt so good. She needed him to stop or she could come just like this. She needed him to focus on her breasts and her clit. The weeks away from him had left her too impatient.

“I want you to make me come.”

He chuckled against her neck as he moved south—thank God in heaven—but he stopped short of latching onto her nipple.

She groaned. “You’re killing me. Please touch me.”

Because if he didn’t touch her soon like she needed, she wouldn’t be able to stop herself from pushing him onto his back and climbing onto him like a wanton woman.

that idea had merit.

* * * *

Rob couldn’t take it anymore. His need for Ariel was so raw. He’d wanted to go slow, coax her to her orgasms like he loved, but he couldn’t deny his mate. Not when she begged and his lion demanded he tend to the one person in this world who mattered most. He growled as he swooped down and sucked her nipple and half of her breast into his mouth. Sweet Jesus, she tasted like honey. Her body arched off the bed, trying to get closer as she pushed his head down even harder. His little waif was stronger than she appeared. She always found the strength to get what she wanted…not that he had the desire to deny her.

When she started rocking her hips against him, he shoved his leg between hers. He had to let go of her breast so he could grit his teeth at the hot, wet feel of her pussy on him. She was drenched, ready for him.

He had to taste more of her. He kissed and nipped at her skin as he sank lower. When he reached her sweet spot, he pushed her legs open and inhaled, moaning as he licked her gently—gently because if he ate her like he wanted, she’d be screaming with one orgasm after another and be too sore to take him. As much as he liked the thought, no way was he not fucking her tonight. He was going to be balls deep in her well into the morning. He had no doubt. So he took his time, licking her pussy, tasting her essence as she spilled onto his tongue and finger fucked her when she started getting a little restless.

BOOK: Surrounded by Temptation
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