Suspicions (9 page)

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Authors: Sasha Campbell

BOOK: Suspicions
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“Who rushed?”
She laughed. “You. You're breathing all hard and shit.”
Damn. I tried to slow my breathing and she started laughing. Tiffany pulled off and we both waved.“I'm trying to understand as fine as you are why you don't have a man.”
She sighed, adding dramatic effect. “Too much drama.”
I looked her in the eyes. “Not all of us.”
“Maybe not, but I've had quite a few in my lifetime that I realized it ain't worth the drama.”
“Men are just like a barrel of apples. There are always a few bad ones, but if you look through the barrel long enough, you're bound to find one that is close to perfect.”
She gave a playful pout. “Perfect, huh?”
“Close to. Yo . . . nobody's perfect. All we can do is try to be the best that we can. Trust me. There are still a few good men out there.”
“There is?” Candace glanced around the parking lot. “Where they at?” she asked.
“I see you got jokes.”
She gave me a girlish grin, showing off white teeth. “What's your tattoos say?”
I held out my arms so she could see the words that started on the front of my left arm and finished on the right. “Hated by many . . . loved by few.”
“Is that true?”
“What can I say? The world is full of haters. We can count on one hand the number of people that truly love us.”
Candace smiled at the thought. “That's true.”
I shrugged. “This was something I did when I was young and trying to prove that I was no longer a kid.”
“I guess you think you're a man now, huh?” she added with a playful punch to my chest.
I licked my lips shamelessly before answering, “One hundred percent man.”
She laughed and I joined in with her. Candace took a seat on the hood and we sat out in the parking lot, talking long after everyone had climbed in their cars and left. Candace was easy to talk to. She was staring down in my mouth and I was staring directly in her eyes. She was sexy as hell and I was captivated by her looks, her low sultry voice, and her personality. She knew how to have fun and I liked that about her. I listened while she told me about her daughter's deadbeat daddy and how she fell on her head with that one. She talked about a few more jokesters she'd encountered, and I have to admit I understand why the sistah had a wall up. However, I was determined to change her mind.
The manager was locking up the club when Candace finally flicked her wrist and glanced down at her watch. “It was nice talking to you, but I gotta get home.”
“How can I see you again?” We sat there talking all that time and there was no way I was letting her walk out my life. I was feeling her. She was sexy and beautiful. Something about the way she carried herself said she was fire in the bedroom; but more than that, she seemed to have her head together. She was going to college, trying to make something of herself and raising her daughter on her own. I have to say . . . I likes that in her.
She was silent and gave me a look like she wasn't sure if giving me her number was a good idea. No wasn't an option. “Listen, Candace, I know you were feeling me tonight just like I'm feeling you. Let me have your number so I can call you. I'd like to take you to dinner or something.”
“Uh . . . I don't know.”
I didn't want to sound like I was begging, but I had to get her to see what she had right in front of her face. “How about I give you my number and if you're interested, then you holla at yo boy?”
She laughed. “I guess.”
“You guess? Don't try to act like you don't wanna see me again.”
“I didn't say that.”
“Then what? You a virgin like yo girl?”
Candace huffed and laughed at the same time. “Nah, I likes to get mine.” She licked her lips and made my dick throb.
“You do?” I teased coyly.
“Yep. It's just when I get mines, I make sure I'm careful not to get something else that takes a shot in my ass to get rid of.”
I was nodding and laughing at the same time. “True that.”
She pulled out her phone and I rattled off my number. I thought she simply was just going to save it and call me when she got good and ready. Instead, she hit Send and dialed my phone. I looked down and spotted a new number and nodded. The ball was back in my corner.
“Use it,” she said.
“Most definitely.” There was no way in hell I was passing up an opportunity to see her again. I helped Candace into her car, then leaned over into the window, staring down at her. She looked up at me and for the longest time we just stared. “I'll call you,” I finally said.
Candace nodded and before I could kiss her, she pulled off.
“Hooker, quit stalling! I want to know what you think about Chauncey.”
I sipped my margarita and tried to play it as cool as I could, but inside I was ready to burst. “I really like him. We stood in the parking lot talking forever. When I finally left, he called to make sure I made it home safely.”
“That was nice.”
I nodded because I never had a dude do anything like that for me before. Mainly because they were too busy trying to get inside my panties, and when I shot them down they moved on to the next suspect. “We stayed on the phone until almost four in the morning, talking.”
Tiffany leaned back on the couch and smiled. “Damn, girl! I'm glad that the two of you hit it off.”
“So am I. I would have never guessed that we would have had so much in common. After Tyree, I was through with thugs; but I must say with Chauncey I realized you can't judge a man by what's on the outside.”
“Girl, puhleeze! It's what's on the outside that attracted you to him in the first place. Chauncey is fine,” she said, rolling her neck as she spoke.
“Yes, he is.” It had been a couple of days since we met and I looked forward to his calls. I felt like Miasha acted when I took her to Toys “R” Us. It was crazy and new and I know I was just caught up in the moment, but somehow I felt that things were different this time. Not once had Chauncey talked about getting him some. We talked about work, our dreams, and for once a man listened.
“You better keep him if you want him because there are dozens of them hoochies at the salon who would do anything to be you right about now,” Tiffany warned, then shook her head.“Chauncey has already made a name for himself. His calendar is booked weeks in advance.”
I jealously listened to her piece of advice. I don't know why, but I already felt like he was mine and definitely didn't want anyone else getting her claws in him.
“I can see why. He is definitely something to look at, especially with those long pretty locks, and the way he handled my feet with his gentle hands, guuurrrrl, I was about to come in my panties.”
“You nasty,” she giggled.
I was laughing and trying to keep a straight face at the same time. “I'm serious! It's the way he looks at me with those sexy eyes of his while he licks them juicy lips. Tiffany, girl, I am truly feeling his ass!” And I was certain he was feeling me, too.
Sex was going to be hard to resist with a man that damn handsome, especially when his voice over the phone had the power to make the space between my thighs moist. All day I'd been dying to call and hear his voice, but I wanted him to do the chasing, no matter how tempted I was.
“I'm happy for you. When y'all getting together again?”
I shrugged my shoulders like it was no big deal. “He asked, but I told him I'd think about it.”
Tiffany looked at me like I had lost my mind.” What? Think about it? What is there to think about?”
How quickly Tiffany forgets. “I'm going out with Deon tonight, remember?”
She sucked her teeth and rolled her eyes in my direction. “You better than me, because after he stood me up once, I would have called it a wrap.”
Tiffany talks a lot of shit for someone who doesn't know shit about relationships. “He had to work.”
“And he didn't find that out until he had you waiting one . . . two hours? Yeah . . . right,” she said between sips.
“He apologized for that. He was delivering a baby and it took longer than he imagined. What was he going to do, tell her to quit pushing long enough for him to call me?”
Tiffany started laughing and I joined in. “I guess you do have a point, but I thought you just said you were really feeling Chauncey?”
“I am and that's why I wanna take it slow with him. I refuse to set myself up for another failure. I just can't deal with that. If it's meant to be, it will be. In the meantime, I'll see what ol' boy is talking about. There's nothing wrong with having options.”
I spent so much time getting to know Chauncey and so far I liked him. I liked him so much that I decided to take things slow with him. In the past, there were several times I found myself so caught up in the sex, I couldn't see how wrong the dude was until I found myself wondering how the hell I ended up with another fool. Nevertheless, it wasn't gonna be easy; not as fine as Chauncey was. But I was determined to hold out until I was certain that everything I was feeling about him was real. Tiffany smiled, but I could tell something was heavy on her mind.
“What's with the long face? In a month you'll be getting married to the man of your dreams.”
“My wedding can't get here fast enough.”
I could tell by the tone of her voice something was bothering her. “What's wrong?”
Instead of telling me, Tiffany stared at the wall behind my head and had this faraway look in her big brown eyes. If I hadn't known better, I would have sworn she was trying not to cry. “Kimbel is tired of me telling him no. A week and a half ago, things got a little out of hand and he stormed out the house and didn't come back until three in the morning.”
“What do you mean by ‘out of hand'?” I replied, digging for answers. I ain't ashamed to admit it, but inquiring minds wanted to know.
Our eyes met for a brief second; then she turned away and blushed. “We ended up on the couch with him going down on me.”
My mouth hung open. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. My girl had finally had her coochie ate out. “Hold up. You lying?”
Tiffany sadly pushed her shoulder-length hair away from her face. “No, I'm not. I couldn't have stopped that man if I had wanted to. I don't understand it, but my body wanted something that my brain just couldn't control.”
“Hell naw! You liked it, didn't you?” She tried to play it off, but I knew her ass too well. “Tif . . . don't even try to lie to me!”
She was looking at the wall again.“Okay . . . I'm not going to lie. Damn! It was unbelievable. I . . . I have never felt like that before in my life.”
She rambled on about what happened and how far she let him go, and I sat there shaking my head, taking it all in. My girl had finally had her first orgasm. Hell naw!
“For the first time in my life I understand why some women can't go without sex. I could have Kimbel licking my kitty every night. Uhhh . . . of course I'm talking about after we're married.”
That was guilt talking. She liked the feel of his tongue and needed to stop trying to front. I don't know why my girl is always trying to act like the Virgin Mary or some doggone body.
“If he was licking on your stuff, then why did he get mad?”
“Uhhhh . . .” Tiffany paused and took a long breath. I waited for her to continue, but I could tell by the way she was playing with her drink she was uncomfortable. “I . . . uh . . .”—she looked around as if someone might hear our conversation—“he got mad because I . . . I wouldn't do him.”
“Oh, hell naw!” I started laughing. I know I shouldn't have, but I couldn't help it. I pictured him standing there with his dick in his hand, begging her to give him some head, and Tiffany looking like a kid who was scared of the dark. “I don't mean to laugh at you, but this is some funny shit. No offense, Tiffany, but I see why Kimbel was mad.” I was laughing again, but I stopped when I noticed the embarrassed look on her face. Tiffany was so naïve. “Girl, you got that man all excited. You got yours, but you didn't let him get his. That's why he was mad. I'm surprised he didn't just take the coochie.”
“Take it?” She looked like she was ready to slap me. “Candace, puhleeze. Kimbel would never do that. Instead, he left.”
She brought her glass to her lips; then she had that stupid faraway look in her eyes again. After a while, her eyes pooled with tears and I felt bad for her.
“I'm afraid he's running out of patience with me. Ever since that night he's been distant and withdrawn, and we barely speak to each other.”
“If he truly loves you, he'll respect your wishes and wait.” I was getting mad now. Just like a man to try and pressure a female into giving him some. I thought Kimbel was different. I guess I was wrong. “He waited this long, hell . . . what's a few more weeks?”
“I know. That's what I was thinking, but ever since that night he's been acting funny. I mean really weird, like he doesn't want me around. Since it is
house, I decided to stay at Mama's the other night just to see if he said anything. The bastard didn't even call looking for me. That shit hurt.”
I sat back on the couch, stunned. “Damn, girl. That's bad.”
“I know.” She looked like she was on the verge of tears. “Anyway, the girls were talking in the salon last week about men having needs and if I wasn't taking care of him, I better believe that someone else was. When Kimbel stormed out the house the first thing that came to my mind was that he went to see someone who was willing to give him what I wouldn't.”
I wouldn't put it past a man, but that wasn't what she needed to hear. “You can't be thinking like that. If he loves you, he'll wait.”
“Yeah, but we're talking about a
. Come on, Candace. You know they think . . . with their dicks.” She gave me a serious look.
I crossed my arms in front of me and shook my head. “Yes, but you have to stay true to yourself. You said you were holding on to your virginity for your husband, then that's what you do. Hell, I wish I had waited for the right man. Nothing worse than giving a man some and hating his ass later.” Speaking of men . . . I hadn't heard from Tyree in almost a week.
“I don't know. I love him so much. I'm willing to do whatever it takes to keep my man.”
“Does that mean you're thinking about giving him some?”
Tiffany looked around as if someone might hear our conversation. “Yes, and then I pray about it and remind myself to stay strong and wait.”
“Then do that. I wish I had your strength. If I could do things over, I might have done things differently. Don't get me wrong; I love Miasha and I wouldn't trade her for the world, but it would have been nice to have gotten married first before I had a baby.” I stared at her cocoa brown face and hated that she looked so sad. “You've waited this long, I think you can wait four more weeks. Kimbel's just frustrated, but he'll be fine. Trust me.” I was trying to encourage her to be strong, but Tiffany didn't look convinced.
“I hope so. I'm just not sure anymore. I love that man and part of me feels that it's all right to go ahead and do it since I am planning to spend the rest of my life with him, anyway.”
“Tiffany, don't say that too loud. Your mother might be listening.”
I swore she flinched. “Yeah, that's the problem, every time I think about going ahead with it, I hear her voice in my head screaming at me to wait.”
I would never say it to Tiffany, but her mother was a fruitcake. “Tiffany, you are a grown-ass woman with grown-up needs and desires. We all have weak moments. Don't let nobody dictate your life for you. Stay true to you; but if you can't, then do what you feel like you gotta do.”
She smiled. “Thanks, Candace. I knew you would know what to do.”
“Nah, 'cause a chick like me would have been riding that dick a long time ago.”
Tiffany laughed and I gave her a hug. “Everything is gonna work itself out. Four more weeks and you can freak yo man all you want!”
After she left, I showered and dressed in this slamming blue jean halter jumpsuit that hugged my childbearing hips and showcased my breasts. I was looking too cute. That med student didn't stand a chance. Shortly after seven, the door bell rang and I looked at the clock. He was right on time. I looked through the peephole, wanting a glance at him up close and personal, and what I saw caused the pulse at my temple to pound. Damn! I swung the door open and had straight attitude. “What do you want?”
“Is that any way to greet your baby's daddy?” Tyree didn't even wait for an invitation. He walked in and headed straight to my kitchen and took a beer out the refrigerator.
“Excuse me . . . but this is my house.”
“I'm thirsty.” He popped the tab and gulped down half the can in one swig. I had bought those beers just in case my date wanted to come in later for a nightcap.
“What do you want?” I asked, looking impatiently at my watch. Deon was due any minute now.
“I came to see my daughter.”
“She's at Mama's.”
I guess Tyree finally noticed what I was wearing, because his eyes traveled all the way down to my stiletto heels back up to my chest. The hungry look actually made me feel naked. “Damn, baby, you wearing the hell outta that outfit! Where you think you going dressed like that?”

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