Suzie's SS Spanking Story

Read Suzie's SS Spanking Story Online

Authors: Sam Kinkaid

Tags: #romance, #lesbian, #bdsm, #fascism, #kinky, #occupation, #power play, #humour adult, #naziploitation

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Suzie’s SS
Spanking Story

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Published by
Sam Kinkaid. 2015

Also by Sam

Get Your Freak On Girl!
Spanking The All American Girl
Zombie Whip
A Feminist Spanking Story
Kinky Space Vixen

Sam Kinkaid
asserts his right to be identified as the author of this work

All characters are over


Europe. September 1941.

The Republic of
Kinkaslavia was a small and mountainous nation located in South
Eastern Europe between Greece and Albania. For years its hardy yet
unfortunate people had been hounded and harried by the great
powers, a mere pawn in the great game of nations. Now, however,
this plucky nation was facing its greatest threat to date. The
German armies had swept in at the end of last year and had rapidly
destroyed the courageous conscript army, scattering them into the
wind and ruthless taking control of their cities and industries. A
few brave souls had retreated into the mountains, there to harry
and harass the Wehrmacht as best they could. To the extreme east of
the country, however, lay the city of Loadz. Loadz was not an
especially attractive place. It would not feature too highly on the
travel itinerary of any adventurous western tourist looking to
sample the finest culture of Eastern Europe. It was rather a small
industrial city centred around its coal mining industry. Damp,
dusty and dirty at the best of times the city was also home to the
largest contingent of Novans in the country. The Novans were a dark
haired travelling people who originated from the Russian Steppes.
The east of the city was their territory. They had lived in
battered apartments and grown up amongst the factory fumes because
there was no place else for them to go. It wasn’t much of a home
but it was theirs, and they were determined to defend it at all
costs. It was precisely because of their defiant, hardy nature that
the Novans were, at this point, providing the only real resistance
to the Nazi menace in any city throughout Kinkaslavia. In the
eastern side of the capital city a small group of fighters still
held out in the strategically important industrial sector. The
Nazis, of course, detested the Novan people, had detested them even
before they had invaded Kinkoslavia but now hated them even more
for the beacon of resistance they were providing. They considered
the Novans the lowest of the low from a racial point of view, had
marked them out as sub-humans to be ruthlessly exterminated at all

Lucius Van Hect
was a tall and striking man with light brown hair and blue eyes
that would otherwise have seemed kindly. There was no denying he
was a handsome man but in hate his face was twisted into a grimace.
At thirty-two years old he had grown up a loyal adherent to the
Nazi movement which in turn had done nothing except promote him. In
the two years of war so far he had marked himself out as a problem
solver, was seen as a man with neither scruples nor remorse when it
came to getting a job done. His admirers lauded him from a distance
for he appeared to emanate a sense of danger from every pore. He
was an SS Colonel and it was his task to eliminate the threat posed
by the Novans at any cost.

At this precise
moment in time Colonel Lucius Van Hect was addressing a gathering
of troops from the great chamber of the Grand Palace in the centre
of Loadz. At one point the palace had been the property of the
Imperial Kinkislavian dynasty who had been forced out by the
revolution of 1918. Now it had been taken on for a far more
sinister purpose. The huge portrait of Hitler loomed above Van Hect
as he stood on the rostrum, flanked by two swastikas. Right now he
was in his element. His voice rose, becoming more and more high
pitched the more excited he became. “Our work is not pretty,” he
bellowed. “It is not pleasant but it is essential, like the work of
a rat catcher. The undesirables must be eliminated from our great
Reich once and for all. Only extermination will do!” The chamber
erupted into spontaneous applause. Van Hect lapped it all up. “The
Novan scum think they can avoid their manifest fate by hiding in
the industrial sector,” he continued. “They think their factories
and industry too important to be bombed out. But they reckon
without the fortitude of the Aryan German people! For against our
iron boot they are but a nuisance! The time is soon coming,
soldiers, when we will see fit to deal with this foul menace once
and for all! When we shall go in with the full force and spare not
the women nor the children nor the rebellious scum who think they
can hold our thousand year old Reich to ransom! I say to you again
my Aryan brothers we will not rest until every last Novan is wiped
off the face of the earth! Until their foul stench is eliminated
from the face of Europe, their tribe a mere footnote in history,
marked forever as the lowest of the subhumans!”

His speech
finished Van Hect stepped back and basked in the furious adulation
of his soldiers. His knuckles were white from gripping the rostrum
and he was shaking like a leaf, for the hatred had taken hold of
his entire body and had transformed him into a frothing animal.

Lubasanka was a short girl of twenty with smooth dark brown hair
down to her shoulders and an hourglass figure; wide hips, large
breasts and a full ass. Her eyes were keen and richly brown and her
nose was slightly upturned. Her lips naturally smiled and her face
was rounded off almost into a heart shape. From this room on the
top floor of the palace she could just about hear the applause of
the troops and she knew Van Hect was almost finished and would be
coming to see her soon. She got up and examined herself in the
mirror, at her sleek black dress which hugged her body tightly and
showed off her cleavage. She had applied ample eye shadow to
accentuate her deep brown eyes and only a little makeup; for some
reason Van Hect did not like her to hide her Novan heritage too
deeply. She awaited his return with a certain amount of trepidation
but she was looking forward to seeing him nonetheless.

Van Hect had
been out on patrols when he had spotted her, trying to hide from
him in the ruins of her pitiful bombed out apartment. Orders from
on high were that all undesirables were to be shot on sight and Van
Hect had dutifully raised his pistol but there was something about
the girl which had prevented him from making an end of her. Instead
he had taken her hostage, brought her back to his palace and
attempted to interrogate her. A strange bond had formed between
them and she had never left the place since. Or at least not that
he knew about.

She heard his
footsteps upon the stairs and imagined they were hurrying just to
see her, imagined his hard cock bulging in his trousers as he
anticipated fucking her. Suzanne smiled, straightened her dress and
took one last glance at herself in the mirror. “You’re looking good
enough to eat sweetie,” she told herself with a smile. The door
unlocked and Van Hect entered, stopped in the doorway when he saw
her. Suzanne smiled again as she felt his eyes exploring every inch
of her perfect body. “Hello Sir,” said Suzanne seductively. “I’ve
missed you.”
“Indeed?” Muttered Van Hect.
“I enjoyed your speech.”
“You weren’t at the speech,” retorted Van Hect contemptuously. “Had
you been there it would have really put the mouse amongst the
vipers.” He laughed without humour.
“I listened to it on the radio.”
“Then you could not have gotten the most out of it,” declared Van
Hect arrogantly. “You had to be there to appreciate its mastery.
But enough of this. We both know why you are here.” Van Hect came
up behind her and wrapped his right hand around her throat, pulling
her close to him and causing her to gasp aloud. His other hand
reached down and pulled up her dress so that her legs were bare. He
pulled aside her white lace panties and his fingers reached across
to explore the wetness between her legs. As he massaged her aching
pussy he pulled his hand tighter around her throat, pulling her
closer still so that her hair rubbed against his cheek. “Do you
like this, you filthy little undesirable whore?” He asked her
breathlessly. “Does this sort of thing get you off? Well does
“Oh master!” Exclaimed Suzanne deliriously. “Like you wouldn’t
believe, master!”
Van Hect reached up and unzipped the back of her dress, causing her
chest to bounce forwards. In a moment his hands were upon her
breasts. She reached behind to undo her bra and once it was
discarded on the floor he seized hold of her breasts, twisting the
nipples so that she cried out. He seized hold of her arm and
dragged her over to the bed then sat down and roughly pulled her
over his lap so her ass was raised before him. Suzanne moaned
softly as Van Hect pulled her panties down to above her knees,
leaving her ass bare. She loved it when he spanked her. “Are you
going to behave like a good bitch whilst I thrash you?” He asked
her roughly.
“Yes master,” replied Suzanne obediently, readying herself for the
onslaught to come.
Von Hect began spanking her hard and fast, alternating from one
cheek to the other. Suzanne began to cry out straight away as the
blows rained down upon her submitted ass and she was forced to
clench her fists and concentrate hard on not struggling. She was
determined to submit to him completely and take whatever she had
coming to her. Her ass reddened up quickly and soon became very
hot. The pain grew and grew and it felt as though it would never
stop. Suzanne was unable to stop herself from kicking out with her
feet. Her cries became constant and she started to weep steadily.
The crying helped with her submission. Soon she was broken and
sobbed freely; her strength left her and she lay meekly over his
lap as the onslaught continued unabated. After a while the spanking
ceased. Suzanne knew Van Hect’s arm must be getting tired and that
he wanted to retain his strength for the next part of her
punishment. He seized a hold of her hair and roughly dragged her
back to face him. “You know what’s going to happen now?” He asked
her roughly.
Suzanne nodded. Her eyes were streaked with tears which had caused
her makeup and eye shadow to run and her hair was screwed up and
trapped between the vice like grip of his fingers. “Yes master,”
she gasped breathlessly.
“You want it?”
“Yes master,” replied Suzanne with vehemence, and in truth she
wanted it more than anything else in the world right now.
“Then ask for it,” growled Van Hect maliciously.
Suzanne looked at him with wide, pleading eyes. “Please may I be
caned hard master?” She begged passionately.
Van Hect lifted her up by the hair once more and threw her aside
before standing up. Suzanne bounced off the bed then leapt up,
seized two pillow and placed them one on top of the other in the
centre of the bed before laying over them so that her ass was
raised up and her legs slightly apart. She took another pillow and
buried her face into it, for she knew the caning was going to hurt
a great deal and she would be made to scream.
“Can you see how wet I am, master?” She whispered as she heard the
swish of the rattan cane above her. “Can you see how my pussy is
glistening in anticipation of…”
She got no further for at that moment there came a loud and sudden
whoosh followed a moment later by the impact of the cane coming
down hard against her ass. Suzanne let fly with a cry of
astonishment and this was followed a moment later by a long and
high pitched gasp as the burning sting took full effect. Van Hect
aimed another stroke at the top of her legs which hurt even more
than the first. Suzanne began to sob with a new vehemence as Van
Hect gave her another stroke and then another after that. Soon her
ass was lined with welts and when the strokes struck the already
tender welts she was made to scream even harder. She buried her
face into the pillow, pounded her face against the mattress of the
bed. After a time the pain blurred her sense. She was not even
aware of when the punishment stopped but rather lay in a heap
sobbing for a long time. Suddenly she felt her wrists seized and
her arms pinioned behind her back. Van Hect tied her tightly so
that the rope cut into her skin then thrust her on to the bed where
she landed face down. She was just about able to pull her knees up
and apart so he could enter her from behind. He pounded her hard
and relentlessly, seeming to thrust deeper and deeper each time.
Suzanne put her head to the side and cried out loudly as he fucked
her, her wrists straining against the bonds that held her tight.
His rutting thrusts pounded her mercilessly against her already
sore ass as he drove deeper and deeper inside her, edging her ever
closer to orgasm. She closed her eyes and strained hard against the
bonds, the breath drawn from her body, immediately afterwards
letting out a high pitched cry, barely audible at first but which
rose in volume until it became a scream. She felt her entire body
give way to a flood of pleasure as her juices gushed against his
hard ejaculating cock. The orgasm was sublime and blurred the
borders of reality, left her gasping and feeling half drowned. Her
vision blurred. The next thing she knew he was withdrawing from
her. She rolled over on to her side and gazed up at him with
grateful adoration, her eyes watering. “Thank you master,” she said
emphatically. “Thank you for fucking me hard like that.”
“Shut up,” ordered Van Hect harshly, seizing hold of her hands and
roughly untying her. Suzanne immediately set about rubbing her
already sore ass before getting up and going over to examine
herself in the mirror. Her ass was criss-crossed with welts which
had started to purple in places and formed a veritable roadmap of
punishment. She wiped her tears with her naked arm and smiled,
knowing that she would be reminded of her punishment every time she
sat down for the next week.

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