Swallows and Amazons (10 page)

Read Swallows and Amazons Online

Authors: Arthur Ransome

BOOK: Swallows and Amazons
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Parley, parley, talk with me, I'll talk with you.

). So, are we all friends now?

NANCY. Friends! We don't want to be friends!

CAPTAIN FLINT. I see. Enemies then.

NANCY. Mortal enemies.


TITTY. What would happen if someone found your book? I mean, if someone thought they knew where it might be?

NANCY. That would make that barnacle-sucking policman take his sign down and we could have a hideous war immediately!

CAPTAIN FLINT. Wait, Captain Nancy. Why do you ask that, Able Seaman?

TITTY. Because, you see, when I had to sleep in the lake on
… I was having these strange dreams, and then I saw these pirates rowing by and…

SUSAN. Oh, Titty, don't. Please, don't take any notice, Captain Flint. She often makes up stories and…

TITTY. But I'm not making it up. It might have been a dream, but the two pirates had stolen some treasure and they were saying how heavy it was and how they would have to hide it and then…

PEGGY. But Uncle Jim's book wouldn't be heavy.

NANCY. Heavy-going, maybe.

CAPTAIN FLINT. But it was! By jiminy, it was! It was with my typewriter and all my old diaries and locked up in my big cabin trunk! I'd put a huge padlock on – that's why the thieves took it, you see – they thought there must be something valuable inside.

TITTY. That's it then! They took it to Cormorant Island and hid it there!

SUSAN. Oh, please don't listen to her.

CAPTAIN FLINT. But I think we should listen to her. Which is Cormorant Island, Able Seaman?

TITTY. The small one between here and your boat.

ROGER. Where the harpies live.

FLINT. They left it there, you say?

TITTY. Yes. They said ‘until the fuss has died down'.

CAPTAIN FLINT. Come on then, crews – to the longboats! No time to lose.


JOHN. She does have a very vivid imagination.

CAPTAIN FLINT. Sign of great intelligence, I say. If you're mistaken, Able Seaman, fear not. But it has to be worth a try.

TITTY. Yes. Thank you.

CAPTAIN FLINT. To Cormorant Island!

NANCY. Cormorant Island it is!

and the
rush off
reproachful looks

). Titty.

Then they leave

TITTY. Come on, Roger.

ROGER. Couldn't you have said another island?

TITTY. No. You do believe me, don't you?

ROGER. Yes. But I'm not happy. Not happy at all.

She leads him off

Scene Six

The two boats, with everyone aboard, sail up to Cormorant Island

TITTY. Look, Roger – the harpies are flying away. We've scared them off.

ROGER. Good.

FLINT. Do you think this is where the Pirates landed, Able Seaman?

TITTY. Well… there were a lot of rocks where they landed. They crashed against them.

JOHN. The whole island is full of rocks, Titty.

FLINT. Let's spread out.

NANCY. Be on your guard, everyone! There could be land crabs or alligators or enemies of all kinds!

PEGGY. The treasure may be buried beneath hundreds of dead men's bones!

TITTY. Or the pirates might have set traps and snares! We may all lose our lives finding it!

SUSAN. Do be quiet, Titty. You're making it worse.

CAPTAIN FLINT. Anything, anyone?

PEGGY. A load of smelly old fish bones.

ROGER. Victims of the harpy!

JOHN. I don't think there's anything here.

NANCY. Wait a minute – what's this?

They rush to where she's standing by the water. She holds up a scarf
rather wet and muddy

TITTY. It's one of theirs! The pirates were wearing those! This must be where they came ashore. I must have been moored just over there.

JOHN. You were, come to think of it.

CAPTAIN FLINT. Excellent. An excellent clue.

TITTY. So they pulled the chest this way, across this shingle and then… and then…

PEGGY. Did they dig a hole?

TITTY. I didn't hear much digging.

SUSAN. So where is it, then?

PEGGY. Look! Tracks!

They rush to her

JOHN. They are!

PEGGY. Something was dragged this way.

NANCY. Something heavy.

ROGER. Follow them!

They do so

PEGGY. This is where they stop.

TITTY. Nothing. I don't understand.

SUSAN. Wait a minute, what's this?

She picks up a torn piece of paper

ALL. What does it say? What does it say?

SUSAN. ‘Aca… pul…' Half of it's missing…

NANCY. ‘Acapul'… It doesn't mean anything.

JOHN. Acapul… co! Acapulco!

CAPTAIN FLINT. Acapulco! It's one of the labels from my trunk! Now we're really onto something!

PEGGY. It must be buried.

ROGER. Perhaps they put a big X over the spot! All look for an X!

NANCY. But if Titty didn't hear much digging…

CAPTAIN FLINT. Nowhere obvious to hide it.

JOHN. Unless… What happens when a big tree falls down?

TITTY. It leaves a big hole! The tree! The tree!

They all rush to the dead tree. Behind it, its roots sprawl up into the air, leaving a big hole at the base

JOHN. Lift all the stones away!

They do so. Suddenly the trunk can be seen

TITTY. It's here!

ROGER. We've found it!

CAPTAIN FLINT. That's it all right! My cabin trunk! I say!

SUSAN. I don't believe it.

NANCY. Hurrah!

ALL. Hurrah! Hurrah!

PEGGY. All help get it out.

They pull it out of the hole. It is a large trunk covered in labels from all
's travels around the world

ROGER. It's got a huge padlock.

takes a key from his pocket and opens it. He lifts out his precious manuscript

CAPTAIN FLINT. Good as new.

JOHN. So you weren't dreaming, Titty. I'm sorry.

SUSAN. So am I. Really sorry. I should have believed you.

TITTY. Apologies accepted.

ROGER. Not very interesting treasure.

CAPTAIN FLINT. Oh, there's treasure and treasure. Able Seaman, all of you, I can never thank you enough. And this changes everything. The crime is solved. And you, who were once the suspects, are the heroes of the hour.

ROGER. Will the policeman take the sign down?

FLINT. Oh, yes, Ship's Boy, I'm sure he will.

PEGGY. And can we attack your boat now?

FLINT. Attack my boat? I tell you what, tomorrow will see the greatest sea-battle of all time. The Battle of Houseboat Bay!

ALL. Hurrah!

NANCY. You do mean a real battle? You will defend yourself to the death?

FLINT. I most certainly shall. I shall be ready to repel boarders and sink both your ships. The scuppers will be red with blood.

ROGER. Crikey.

FLINT. Shall we say, three o'clock?

JOHN. Three o'clock it is.

PEGGY. I hope you've got a good plank.

FLINT. Now, can I borrow the
, Captain Nancy, to get this back to my ship?

SUSAN. But what are you going to do about the real thieves?

NANCY. They should be hanged on Execution Dock!

ROGER. Hanged and drawn and quartered!

FLINT. Do you know… I'm not going to do anything at all. I only wanted my book back, and now, thanks to you, I have it. If the policeman tracks down the culprits, I'm sure he'll have a quiet word with them.

JOHN. They'll be disappointed enough when they come back and find the treasure gone.

TITTY. Let's leave them a note!

FLINT. Good idea.

JOHN. Yes. Who has paper and pen?

ALL. Not me. No.

JOHN. Then we'll carve it – on this.

picks up a flat piece of driftwood, and takes out his penknife

NANCY. It' ll have to be short, then.

SUSAN. What about ‘Ha, ha'? That's bound to annoy them.


FLINT. Very good, Mister Mate. I think that's it.

starts to carve it out

ROGER. And… and then we could put… we could put… ‘You are very nasty, bad pirates…'

Unseen by
a cormorant is coming up behind him

SUSAN. Roger…

ROGER. And we, the Swallows and Amazons, are the terror of these seas, and…

TITTY. Roger…

ROGER. And when we find out who you are we will come to you in the black of night and…

The cormorant nudges him with his beak


He turns. The cormorant screeches


runs. The cormorant chases him. The others laugh

Help! Get away from me! Get away from me!

SUSAN. Roger, calm down.

ROGER. Help!

He runs into the sea. The cormorant comes after him
starts to swim. The cormorant loses interest

JOHN. Roger? You're swimming!

ROGER. I am? I am!

He is so excited, he forgets to swim for a second, and starts to sink, but then immediately rights himself


ALL. Hurrah! Well done, Roger!

Scene Seven

The following afternoon. The Battle of Houseboat Bay

is standing on the deck of his houseboat. He is wearing a sun helmet, and has a red handkerchief tied around his middle. His parrot is on his shoulder

The houseboat is flying a green flag with a picture of a large walrus on it

scans the surrounding waters

CAPTAIN FLINT. Come on – show yourselves! I know you're out there! Come on, you pestilent sea dogs, come and do your worst! If you had the pluck of a weevil in a biscuit you'd show yourselves!

Suddenly, the
and the
with their crews aboard, emerge from the haze, singing. They advance on the houseboat

Aha! That's more like it! Prepare to swim with the fishes! Them that die'll be the lucky ones!

The boats draw near
suddenly blows a loud whistle repeatedly, and the attack begins

ALL. Hurrah! War! Attack!

They begin to hurl their arrows at the houseboat

FLINT. Ha! I have an answer for that!

He immediately fires his cannon at them

Take that, you swabs!

TITTY. And you take that, you old codfish!

begin to hurl pine cones at
Most of them fall short, but a few reach him, and he pretends to be caught in their explosions

FLINT. Ah! Ah!

throws twigs

ROGER. And that! And that!

JOHN. Slacken away your mainsheet, Amazon! Come alongside!

NANCY. Aye, aye.

CAPTAIN FLINT. I'm still standing! I've got you now!

ROGER. He's going for the cannon again!

throws firecrackers

PEGGY. See how you like these!

CAPTAIN FLINT. Ah! Ah! Dastardly! Devilish!

JOHN. Prepare to board!

NANCY. Aye, aye!

The boats are now alongside

CAPTAIN FLINT. Marauders, Polly! Prepare to repel! Prepare to repel!

POLLY. Pretty Polly!

JOHN. Cutlasses at the ready! Attack!

pour onto the houseboat
grabs two cushions and begins to whirl them round his head –


They charge at him, and he bashes them over the head
spots his stockpile of cushions

PEGGY. Here! Here!

She throws them out and they all attack back

NANCY. At him, all hands!

TITTY. Take that and that and that!

is disarmed


JOHN. Get his legs!


He is brought crashing to the deck

ALL. Hurrah! Got him!

CAPTAIN FLINT. Help, Polly, help! Reinforcements required! Peck their eyes out! Feed them to the piranhas!

TITTY. Here, Polly, you come to me…

She holds out her arm. Polly comes willingly and squawks

POLLY. Pretty Polly!

The others cheer

CAPTAIN FLINT. Treacherous bird!

NANCY. Yield!


NANCY. Yield!

CAPTAIN FLINT. Not while my flag still flies! Walruses! Walruses for ever!

run off and take down the green flag

SUSAN. Your flag is struck – we've won!

sits up and sees that the flag is gone

CAPTAIN FLINT. Why, so it is.

He lies down again

JOHN. Surrender!

CAPTAIN FLINT. I surrender. I surrender.

NANCY. Bind the prisoner!

PEGGY. Bind him! Bind him!

They set about binding his arms behind his back

At this moment, a rowing boat appears
and Fat Vicky are aboard, and
is rowing

SUSAN. It's Mother!

TITTY. You mean, Queen Isabella! Oh, look!

is wearing a flowing veil and coronet of flowers
has been forced to wear a tea cosy on his head, by way of an Elizabethan hat

They all look

NANCY. Thunder and lightning!

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